The beacon of youth

Chapter 285: Fake Artillery in the Battle of Xifu

Chapter 285: Fake Artillery in the Battle of Xifu

After a lot of asking for instructions and fighting, with the help of Brigadier Chen Haihan, the independent regiment finally returned to the second column of its old army. Commander Wang Zhen was very happy to tell them that they were still the reserve team of the column and they would not need it for the time being. They are independent groups. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

After coming out of the column headquarters, while walking towards his regiment headquarters, Li Yong couldn't stop thinking about it. Even the commander, the old chief who has fought for many years, said that the enemy's artillery fire and planes are annoying, so it must be very difficult. Deal with it, otherwise with the commander's temper, he wouldn't talk like this. What kind of battle has Commander Wang, who has experienced many battles, not seen before?

It took less than half an hour for Li Yong, Wang Chengde, and Li Yuming to return to the regiment command post that the independent regiment had just completed.

Like the column headquarters, the so-called regiment command post was a larger anti-bomb hole, which was just dug by Li Yuming's guard company. There was no other way but to dig more holes to avoid being bombed.

Lying on the small bed made by the soldiers in the bomb defense cave, Li Yong's head was still turning. Seeing that he was a little distracted, Wang Chengde knew that Li Yong was thinking about something, so he quietly retreated. He also told the guards at the door not to disturb the regiment leader.

The independent regiment hurried back to fight, but this time it was still a reserve team. Not only did it not fight, but even the column headquarters was ahead of the command post of this regiment, and the leaders were all in front. Thousands of people stayed behind and slept, what is this?

Therefore, if you want to fight a war, you have to find a way to make the commander feel profitable. At present, the biggest headache for the main force of the column is the enemy's artillery fire and aircraft. Well, we should think of ways to do this.

After thinking about it, Li Yong couldn't lie down anymore, so he got up and asked someone to call over Sun Quanhou, the battalion commander of the supply battalion, Zhang Jinsong, the battalion commander of the reconnaissance battalion, and Xiao Cheng, the company commander of the engineering company.

Not long after, the two battalion commanders and a company commander arrived. After several people arrived, Li Yong directly asked them if there was a stretch of woods nearby. Their troops tried to cut down some trees, but Li Yong didn't explain why they cut down the trees, and a few people didn't ask.

As for letting these troops go to work, Li Yong also has considerations. The infantry battalions and other combat battalions need to reserve more energy. The order of the column may come down at any time. It will not delay the mission of the independent regiment.

Li Yong told a few people not to patronize the work, but to pay more attention to the enemy's planes, so that the soldiers should be dispatched in small units, preferably in one squad. Casualties can also be afforded.

The loess land in the Northwest is very suitable for digging holes. In order to prevent artillery and air defense, the soldiers dug a lot of large caves, hiding personnel and equipment in the caves as much as possible, and covering those that could not be hidden temporarily with grass and leaves.

Other battalions and companies are nothing. Isn’t it too easy to dig a hole where people can hide?

But Gao Xiang's artillery battalion soldiers were exhausted by this action. It was very difficult to hide dozens of artillery pieces and towed cars. At first, the soldiers thought that such a big guy could be blocked with branches or something. Cars and artillery are hidden in caves too big of a project.

But Gao Xiang didn't think so. He told the soldiers that the cannons in his battalion were the treasures of the whole regiment. They were the most important and the heaviest firepower in the regiment. Thousands of people in the regiment paid for their lives and must be protected. As for being tired, our battalion is sweating in the last few battles, while the other battalions and companies are bleeding.

The soldiers in the artillery battalion knew very well that there were basically no casualties in the battalion in the last few battles. Other battalions and companies were not so lucky. Although the casualties were not large, there were wounded and sacrificed in every battle. It's nothing compared to being a little tired.

The artillery battalion soldiers who figured it out worked in shifts in squads and almost didn't sleep all night, and finally got dozens of artillery pieces and cars into the cave before dawn.

After doing all this, no matter whether it is the battalion commander, the instructor or the soldiers, they all lay on the ground and never wanted to get up again. Tired, really tired, so tired, but although very tired, my heart was relaxed, no matter what , Airplanes cannot drill into caves to blow up cannons.

Battalion Commander Gao Xiang was drenched in sweat, took a few sips from the water bottle handed over by the guard, and then told the soldiers not to disturb him if there was nothing important to do. The guy fell asleep on the ground after speaking.

They were very tired, and the other troops were not idle. Soldiers from the reconnaissance battalion, the supply battalion, and the engineering company cut down a lot of trees overnight. The trees were cut back, and everyone stared blankly. What do you want these logs for?

Li Yong told the soldiers of the two battalions and one company to find a way to make these trees look like cannons, just like the cannons of Gao Xiang's battalion, the sooner the better, it is best to do it overnight.

Since the head of the regiment has an order, let's do it, not to mention the soldiers, even Zhang Jinsong, Sun Quanhou and Xiao Cheng are confused.

Fortunately, the soldiers at that time were all farmers, and they were good at work at home. They knew a little bit of craftsmanship. In addition, some of the soldiers in Xiaocheng's engineering company were carpenters, and they made the cut trees into It is not difficult to look like a cannon, what is difficult is what to do after it is done?

When it was almost dawn, Sun Quanhou and others came to report to Li Yong that the cannons made of wood were all finished, and the regiment leader was asked to check.

When Li Yong went to the place under the leadership of a few people to have a look, didn't he? He had built dozens of cannons, all of which were vivid, but there was a little difference. The cannons made of wood were the same as Although the real cannons of Gao Xiang's battalion are similar in appearance and size, the camouflage colors are still somewhat different.

Li Yong pointed to the fake cannon and told Sun Quanhou, don’t think these guys are fake, but they must be made to look like real ones, and the color should not be bad. As for how to color the cannon, it’s up to you, you can do whatever you want , but it must be done well, most of our regiment's family property is in the luggage, so Lao Sun has to worry about it.

After finishing the instructions, Li Yong turned around and left, leaving Sun Quanhou, Zhang Jinsong and Xiaocheng sitting there worrying.

I don't blame a few people for worrying, let alone them, Li Yong has nothing to do now, but this guy is the head of the regiment, can the head of the regiment give orders, so the orders given by the head of the regiment Li must be done well. , He doesn't care how to fix it.

To say that the troops of the Eighth Route Army have a solution, just because a few people can’t figure out how to recruit them does not mean that everyone has no solution. Zhang Jinsong and Sun Quanhou called the soldiers together and held a Zhuge Liang meeting. After everyone’s collective discussion, they really came up with several Plan to come.

The soldiers said that since the head of the regiment wanted to make the wooden cannons look like real ones, it must be to deceive people. Just use charcoal ash and mud to smear the wood on the wood. It is no different from a real cannon when it looks black and flickering from a distance. , and then cover it with branches and grass indiscriminately. From a distance, you can't tell the real from the camouflaged artillery group.

After finishing all this, the soldiers called Li Yong over again for him to check. This time, Commander Li was really convinced. Even he, the commander, who was tens of meters away, couldn't figure out whether it was true or not.

Seeing that the leader was very satisfied, Zhang Jinsong came over with a shy face and asked: "Head, are you trying to fool someone by letting us make these things? But I think your trick is meaningless, and the enemy can't see these wooden cannons." , what is the use of putting it here?"

Zhang Jinsong had just finished speaking, and before Li Yong could express anything, Xiao Cheng who was on the side was unwilling, and Xiao Cheng muttered: "Battle Commander, don't keep trying to discourage me, we have been tired for a long night to make these things. The wooden cannons come, if they are useless, wouldn’t it be a waste of effort? Put them here so the enemy can’t see them, so let’s push these things to the front later, won’t it be enough?”

Zhang Jinsong nodded Xiao Cheng's head and shouted: "You recruit, what do you know, what do you mean by pushing these things forward, so that they will work? The enemy soldiers won't charge when they see the fake cannons?"

Xiao Cheng was brought out by Zhang Jinsong when he first joined the army, so Zhang Jinsong always called Xiao Cheng a recruit. , the troops are constantly marching and fighting, and after more than a year, they are definitely veterans. After becoming a company commander, there are more than 100 people under his command. Zhang Jinsong is useless in front of him, in Zhang Jinsong's eyes, Xiao Cheng has nothing to say, that is, he is a recruit.

No matter how the two argued, Li Yong said to Xiao Cheng very habitually: "Stop talking nonsense, go and call everyone to the regiment headquarters for a meeting."

Xiao Cheng has been Li Yong's bodyguard for a long time, and Li Yong is also very used to asking him to convey something. Even after Xiao Cheng became the company commander, Li Yong would sometimes call him and San Niu to do something.

Xiaocheng is no longer a company commander at this time, and immediately entered the role of a security guard, running to inform the cadres at all levels of the independent regiment to come to the meeting.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of the engineering company said everything, and some of them muttered: "Look, our company commander is no longer the company commander, and he went back to work as a guard for the regiment commander."

Regardless of how the soldiers talked about it, it didn't take long for the commanders at all levels of the independent regiment to come to the regiment command post for a meeting.

Zhang Jinsong and Sun Quanhou led the soldiers to toss for a whole night, and the cadres and soldiers of the other battalions also knew something, but no one knew what was going on. It was a few people who usually like to bluff, and at this time they even leaned over to ask.

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