The beacon of youth

Chapter 286 The Preset Position of the Battle of Xifu

Chapter 286 The Preset Position of the Battle of Xifu

Before the meeting started, Li Jiangguo, the first battalion commander, leaned his head over and asked mysteriously, "Commander, did you, Lao Sun, Zhang Jinsong and the others make something good last night? What secret weapon?"

Li Yong said a little funny: "That's right, it's the secret weapon, everyone come out, let's take a look at the secret weapon created by Lao Sun and Zhang Jinsong. (Apex novel hand-made novel)"

The commanders at all levels of the independent regiment followed Zhang Jinsong, who was running at the front, out with a little doubtful eyes. What secret weapon is coming out?Is that possible?No matter how capable the leader is, he is not a god.

The mountain road was twisted and crooked, and it took nearly 10 to [-] minutes to come to the vicinity of the fake artillery that had been fixed. When they were tens of meters away from the artillery, these people were a little shocked.

The fake cannon that is simply covered with branches and grass looks no different from the real one. This is the benefit of covering. It should give people a feeling that they want to hide but have not yet concealed. The so-called half-covered That's what it means, so that the fake looks more like the real one.

Gao Xiang was the first to speak, and this guy yelled and bluffed: "My God, can you make so many cannons in one night? Commander, don't you know some spells to turn beans into soldiers? If there are these two things, what kind of prisoners are we going to capture, what kind of warehouses are we going to grab? Don’t you have everything by chanting the mantra?"

Gao Xiang's bluff made everyone laugh. The people who came to the meeting were all rolled out of the battlefield and climbed out of the dead. No one believes in ghosts and gods. It is pure nonsense to say who can spell, but Laughter to laugh, do not understand or do not understand.

Looking at the surprised expressions on everyone's faces, Zhang Jinsong and Xiao Cheng couldn't be more proud. Even Sun Quanhou, an honest man, had a smile on his lips. Seeing the complacent expressions of these guys, Hu Xiaolian and He Cuihua followed behind the old Sun. Keep asking them what they did last night.

Lao Sun is the biggest fighter in the independent regiment, and also a very experienced veteran. He is more than ten years older than He Cuihua. He usually looks like a child. At this time, Lao Sun touched her breasts with his hand. Head, mouth said unhurriedly: "I said girl, you have to change your temper, don't do anything, you will be on fire, and you have to find your in-laws tomorrow, right? You can't do this all the time, just stay and go , I will understand then."

The old grandson's call made Hu Xiaolian, who was walking with him, burst out laughing. This old grandson is really good enough. He Cuihua originally wanted to ask what they did yesterday, but she unexpectedly elicited such a remark.

Don't look at what He Cuihua usually does, there is no one in the independent group who has not been provoked by him from top to bottom, even the head of the group, Li Yong, has lost his temper with this girl, but there is really nothing to do in front of the old grandson. After being taught a lesson, he had no choice but to listen obediently.

Careful Hu Xiaolian discovered another problem today. He Cuihua, who is not afraid of anything, has people she can't deal with. In front of Lao Sun's slow temper, this girl has no temper at all. Order tofu, one thing down one thing," a bit interesting.

Li Yong didn't say a word, and led everyone to continue walking until they got close. They didn't know what was going on until they put their hands on the cannon.

It was Gao Xiang, the battalion commander of the artillery battalion, who was the first to yell: "Oh, what, I was scared to death. I thought the cannons of our battalion were moved here by the head of the battalion. They are all fake."

Ma Quanyou, the commander of the second battalion, didn't speak all the time, and at this time, Gao Xiang was amused: "Look at you silly boy, even if our regiment commander knows magic, he has to go to the enemy to cast it. What's the point of moving your cannons?" use?"

Ma Changsheng with a loud voice fumbled around with his big hands, and kept praising: "Well, it's well done, just like the real thing."

More than 20 people kept turning around these fake cannons. The political commissar Wang Chengde was a little dizzy, so he had to shout: "Okay, everyone stop first, and listen to our regiment leader explain what to do with these things." .”

If you don't say that you are still a political commissar, you have too many thoughts. Wang Chengde calmed everyone down with a word. That's right, the group leader and everyone couldn't be here to watch the excitement.

"Comrades," Li Yong said in a rare and serious tone: "Our field army used the fourth column to fight the enemy for four days and four nights in Qishan, and now our second column has fought for more than two days. It caused a lot of damage to the enemy, but our casualties were not small. When the political commissar and I reported to the headquarters, the commander told us that the enemy's infantry was nothing, and our second column didn't take them seriously. The most difficult thing to deal with is the enemy's planes and cannons, especially the enemy's planes. We basically have no way to deal with them. Many anti-cannon holes were blown down, and the soldiers were suffocated inside without digging them out. Sometimes a None of the soldiers from the squad came out."

When Li Yong said this, everyone was silent. These old soldiers were used to seeing life and death on the battlefield, but they still had an uncontrollable anger at the massacre of their own troops by planes. It's hard for people.

Li Yong continued: "Let's not talk about planes, the enemy's cannons are beyond our reach. The dozens of cannons in our regiment were seized with the acquiescence of the comrades in the fraternal army. Take a look at other cannons." It would be nice to have a mountain artillery company equipped with seven or eight small cannons, because there is no way to suppress the enemy's artillery fire, and with such equipment and the enemy's hard top, it will suffer."

He Cuihua, who couldn't help it, interjected at this moment: "Then what should we do? We can't just watch our comrades get bombed and do nothing?"

Li Yong: "He Cuihua's question is good. How can we do nothing? We are combat troops, not ordinary people. No matter how powerful the enemy is, we must do something to reduce the burden on the main force as much as possible."

Wang Chengde, the political commissar, looked at the people around him: "Leader, if you have any plans, just tell us, we will all listen to you, and fight the enemy hard."

Li Yong: "My plan is this. Since the commander asked us to serve as a reserve team, it is definitely not possible to pull the whole regiment up, but the forces we can use are Gao Xiang's artillery battalion and Wei Gang's anti-aircraft machine gun battalion. , we will use our brains more from these two battalions.

Gao Xiang's artillery battalion must all move to cooperate with our army's frontal troops. Your battalion has two tasks. First, to suppress the enemy's attacking artillery fire on our army's positions and attack the enemy's artillery positions.

Second, we must also attack the enemy infantry on the front line of our army, let the Kuomintang soldiers know that our PLA also has artillery, and destroy their arrogance.

There are two aspects that threaten your battalion. One is the enemy's heavy artillery group. As long as your artillery is fired, the enemy will be aware of our existence, and the Kuomintang artillery group will retaliate against us. Now, our artillery does not have the capital to fight the enemy desperately, so we have to fire one shot to change the place like the infantry. Each firing position can fire at most two rapid fires, and then drag the artillery away immediately.

The second threat is the planes in the enemy's sky. Once the enemy's air force finds our artillery positions, the consequences will be disastrous. The wealth we have managed to accumulate is probably enough. "

When Li Yong said this, he was silent for a while, wanting to organize his thoughts before continuing. Wei Gang, the battalion commander of the Machine Gun Battalion, took Li Yong's words and said:

"It's scary for the artillery to encounter an airplane, but we have dozens of anti-aircraft machine guns, so we can somewhat compete with the enemy. The regimental commander and political commissar, on behalf of our entire battalion, I will express my determination to the regiment party committee. It is not so easy to blow up our cannons even if they are all fired.”

Gao Xiang was very moved by Wei Gang's words, and this guy patted Wei Gang on the shoulder: "Old Wei, our artillery battalion is very grateful, and then it will all be up to you, but don't let the enemy's planes fly in front of you." Eggs are laying on top of our heads."

While the two were talking, Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, asked Li Yong in a low voice, "Commander, how about the casualties of our second regiment?"

Wang Chengde, who was standing next to Li Yong, took it over and replied: "I also asked when the regiment commander and I went to the headquarters to report. The commander said that the casualty results of the day had not been reported yet, but our old 2nd regiment had the whole column at the front. The tip of the knife, the casualties must not be small."

As soon as the political commissar Wang Chengde finished speaking, the scene fell silent again. The old soldiers from the Second Regiment felt very sad when they heard that their old troops suffered heavy casualties. There were not many old people in the Second Regiment. There is nothing left of the Second Regiment's family fortune.

Seeing everyone's depressed mood, Li Yongmeng shouted: "Comrades, don't be sad, as long as the military spirit of our PLA is still there, it is nothing special. No matter how many casualties there are, our old 2nd regiment is a Tiejun who can't beat you, get your spirits up and listen to me about the next task."

"The dozens of fake cannons that Lao Sun and the others made overnight are reserved for dealing with enemy planes. What we need to do is to set up a fake artillery position, and use this fake artillery position to attract enemy planes to bomb, so that The plane used up the ammunition it carried on the fake cannon, and then we used the anti-aircraft machine gun firepower of the machine gun battalion to catch him off guard, and the enemy's plane is not omnipotent, so I don't believe it can't be beaten down."

"Wei Gang, the infantry battalion has pulled out all the heavy machine gun platoons, a total of five heavy machine gun platoons, and your anti-aircraft machine guns are all handed over to you. The specific ambush positions are set up by your battalion. Get ready. The political commissar and I are going back. Report our plan to the commander, Gao Xiang’s artillery battalion must be ready for battle, choose a few more launch positions, and report as soon as you are ready, and then we will come here and prepare.”

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