Chapter 307

The Northwest Field Army who returned to the old base in the Malan area basically recovered their physical strength after resting for a few days, and the troops who recovered their physical strength began normal training again. Individual skills are practiced everywhere.

Li Yong, the head of the regiment, wakes up in the morning to train with weights like everyone else. When running, he tells the soldiers not to take training seriously because there are too many cars in our regiment. Cars are not omnipotent, and sometimes we have to rely on our own two One leg, our People's Liberation Army is fighting the world with a pair of iron feet, and the good tradition cannot be lost.

After several major battles, the soldiers all felt the importance of daily training. Everyone knows that a small detail in training can save your life or kill you at a critical moment, so they are very conscious when training. Enthusiasm is high, and everything is back to the previous time.

Captain Li Yong sometimes feels like he is dreaming. A few days ago he was fighting the enemy with the soldiers to the death, but now it is no different from peacetime. The previous big battles became unreal in a trance. a feeling of.

On the fourth day and fifth day after the main force came back to rest, Xu Guangda's third column also arrived in the Malan area, but they hadn't seen it for more than half a month. It feels like I haven't seen each other for more than ten or twenty years, and many old comrades who are familiar with each other will never see each other again.

These old comrades-in-arms who have not been seen have been buried in various ravines on the battlefield, fused with the barren hills, vegetation and soil, and returned to the embrace of nature.

This past month seems to condense a person's whole life together, and then release it all at once like a movie. The soldiers are fine, but Li Yong, a character who has traveled through, feels a little unbearable and is in a trance .

A few days later, good news came that the new liberation fighters (captives captured during the Yichuan Battle) who had been trained in the Yulin area had completed their training and were coming to join the main force.

Commander Wang told Li Yong loudly on the phone that our Second Column can add more than 1 new soldiers this time, and your independent regiment alone has more than 3000 soldiers, which is more than other main brigades. Even more tense, the preparations are meticulous and cumbersome.

The Independence Regiment captured more than 500 prisoners in the last battle, plus this time more than 1000, and more than 3000 new liberation fighters are equivalent to another Independence Regiment. The huge pressure, clothing, food, houses, weapons, etc. made the battalion commander Sun Quanhou of the supply camp complain that there was not enough manpower.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde asked Li Yuming's guards to send out a platoon to help Lao Sun and the others with their work, and promised Lao Sun that as long as there were new soldiers arriving, they would definitely give them a few more.

This morning, a brigade of new liberation fighters from Yulin arrived. More than 3000 people were spotted by the reconnaissance battalion's mobile post in the distance. Li Yong and Wang Chengde led the commanders at all levels in the regiment. Go out and meet.

When the boiling crowd came close, Li Yong was pleasantly surprised to find that there were still many wounded who had just been discharged from the hospital among the newly liberated soldiers. These wounded were all injured during the Yichuan Battle. The commander of the team also played the role of these wounded, mixed these wounded veterans and new liberation fighters together, and let these veterans serve as squad leaders for supplementary troops. With these veterans, thousands of The people's brigade is very organized.

Many of the hundreds of wounded who recovered from their injuries and returned to the team were old soldiers from the earliest days of the independent regiment, and they had a good relationship with the regiment leader Li Yong. They were also the middle force that Li Yong prepared for the future expansion of the army.

At this time, Li Yong didn't have the pretensions of the regiment leader any more, and handed over all the matters of welcoming the new soldiers to Wang Chengde, the political commissar, Fang Xin, the chief of staff, and others, while he went into the crowd and looked at the wounds one by one. Returning veterans.

These veterans returning to the team first saluted Li Yong and then laughed and joked with their regiment leader. Li Yong kept shaking hands and hugging these veterans, and from time to time gave each other a fist or a fist. Take a kick and see if their reactions and bodies are fully recovered.

Li Yong's actions are taken for granted by the old soldiers, but those newly liberated captive soldiers are a little bit big-eyed and small-eyed. Is this our regiment leader?Is there still such a joke between the chief and the subordinate?

The new soldiers who brought the captives walked along the way for many days. Of course, these old soldiers knew what they were thinking. One old soldier opened his eyes and said: "Look at your stupid virtue, the one who just walked over is our regiment leader, Don’t look at the young age, but the ability is great. What do you look at? We are the People’s Liberation Army, not your former Kuomintang, and there are not so many stinky rules for cadres and soldiers in our People’s Liberation Army.”

The next day, the independent regiment temporarily stopped training for a day. Li Yong, Wang Chengde, Chief of Staff Fang Xin, and the battalion commanders and instructors of each battalion were in a mess. These thousands of people were not a small number. Going to the camps is also a very troublesome thing.

The entire independent regiment was like a boiling pot. Squad leaders, platoon leaders, and battalion commanders kept bringing people to their units. The new soldiers were classified and cataloged. The health team went, and the rest went to the combat camp.

It's been a whole morning of chaos, and when it's almost noon, there is finally some clues. The new soldiers have basically been assigned, and this time I can see the preciousness of the old soldiers. Two old soldiers, one is the squad leader and the other is the deputy squad leader. You can bring out an infantry squad of 20 people, and such an infantry squad can form combat effectiveness in ten or eight days.

When all the staff were arranged, Fang Xin, the careful chief of staff, reported various statistics. Looking at the numbers reported by Fang Xin, although he said he was psychologically prepared, Wang Chengde, the political commissar, gritted his teeth and was very nervous. The steady Wang Chengde couldn't help sucking air into his mouth at this moment.

Seeing Wang Chengde's strange appearance, Li Yong, Li Yuming and Li Jia, the communication platoon leader, were all very surprised. The political commissar is an old veteran with many years of battlefield experience, so he wouldn't be so surprised when he saw a statistical report.

Wang Chengde didn't say anything, but just handed the report to the head of the group, Li Yong. Because it was not confidential, Li Yuming and Li Jia also poked their heads over Li Yong's shoulders curiously.

After reading the report, Li Yuming and Li Jia had the same expressions as Wang Chengde, their mouths could not be closed. After a while, Li Yuming scratched his head and said, "My God, good guy, head, This is a bit too much, can we still call it a regiment?"

Only Li Yong, like a normal person, muttered after reading the report: "It's still a little less, it's still a little less, more would be better."

Li Yuming couldn't help it anymore: "Regimental Commander, isn't that enough with more than 7000 people? Our independent regiment is almost catching up with other troops by one brigade."

"Well, it's still not enough. It would be even better if there were 2000 more people."

What Li Yong said made several people in the regiment headquarters completely speechless. A regiment-level combat force has a total strength of more than 7000 people, but the head of the regiment said that there are not enough personnel, and more people would be better. Why did the independent regiment come out? Such a monster leader.

Li Jia, a girl who usually doesn't make much noise but is very scheming, also murmured in a low voice: "Hey, it's not so frightening."

Political commissar Wang Chengde coughed involuntarily: "Dayong, I have been in the army for so many years, and I have fought many battles, but I have never seen a regiment-level army with more than 7000 people, whether it is a regiment of the Kuomintang or that of the little devils back then. A field regiment can only have three to four thousand people at most, and this is still a strengthened figure, how many people do you think our regiment should have enough?"

Li Yong smiled: "No matter what, it must exceed 8000 people. Only after [-] people can we fully exert the strength of our regiment."

Wang Chengde and several people in the regiment headquarters looked at each other, and they were a little confused about the meaning of the regiment leader Li Yong. A regiment-level combat force with more than 8000 people?is it possible?Can the superior agree?Won't you say we're fooling around?

In fact, these people don't know Li Yong's psychology. More than 7000 people seem to be a lot, but that's only because the independent group is still a group. If the designation is changed to a brigade, it will not be too many. I want to set up a brigade-level combat force in the Northwest Field Army that cancels the company and regiment organization and is composed of squads, platoons, and battalions. The group number is just an excess.

No matter what these people think, according to Li Yong's request, all work must be carried out as usual. The chief political commissar is also a cook, and everyone has to carry out weight-bearing physical training.

The brigade of more than 7000 people feels a bit mighty. The independent regiment running while shouting slogans is very eye-catching. The commanders of the brother troops don’t know what to say when they see the scale of the independent regiment. They are surprised , Some are funny, some say all kinds of strange things, and more are because the commander of the king is too partial, and he created a monster-like army.

The first battalion was running at the front of the team. The battalion commander Li Jiangguo was tall and shy, leading the soldiers to shout slogans from time to time during the run.

After the first battalion was supplemented, the strength of the whole battalion exceeded 700 people. This made the battalion commander Li Jiangguo very confident. Both are battalion commanders, but the combat effectiveness of one of our battalions can at least surpass two battalions of other troops.


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