Chapter O8

The total strength of the independent regiment, which has added a large number of new liberation fighters, has exceeded 7000. This is the first time in the entire Northwest Field Army. Such a regiment-level combat force has caused a sensation in the entire field army.

The Northwest Field Army was the unit with the worst equipment and the fewest personnel in the PLA during the War of Liberation. At the beginning, some regiments did not even have 1000 people. A regiment with 800 people is considered a regiment. If it can have 2000 people, it is a great regiment. Now, the scale and organization of the Independence Regiment is simply unimaginable, so the cadres and soldiers of the brother troops sometimes look at the members of the Independence Regiment as if they were monsters.

No matter what others think, and no matter what others think, the talents of the independent regiment don't care what they do, they are all awesome, especially those veterans who have fought a few battles, they have a good impression of the independent regiment. They have a strong sense of belonging, they regard the army as their own home, and some soldiers justify each other in private, don't look at our independent group, what's wrong with the group?The personnel are not much less than a brigade of other troops.

In the words of Li Jiangguo, Zhang Jinsong and others, are you jealous?If you are jealous, go grab it too. If you think the weapon is not good, can you snatch it from the enemy's hand? No one is stopping it.

Each battalion-level combat unit of the reorganized independent regiment has more than 700 people, especially the supply battalion, which has almost 800 people, which is the unit with the largest number of personnel in the entire independent regiment.

When assigning personnel, some people think that putting a large number of soldiers in the supply unit will reduce the combat effectiveness of the troops. Are there too many personnel in the supply battalion?

Li Yong does not think so. The higher the degree of mechanization of the troops, the greater the density of firepower, and the higher the requirements for logistics. The reason is also very simple. For example, an old-fashioned [-] rifle with a hundred bullets It's enough for the soldiers to fight a big battle, but it's not the same when they replace the company's Tommy submachine gun and Czech light machine gun. One hundred bullets will be used up in less than an hour, which is still economical. , if the battle is at its most intense, a hundred bullets may be ejected within a short period of time. In this way, in order to improve the combat effectiveness and firepower density of the troops, the logistics battalion in charge of logistics support is particularly important.

Modern warfare is all about logistics, without sufficient logistical support, everything is empty talk (this is exchanged for the experience and lessons of soldiers on the Korean battlefield, and because the Korean War made the first logistics minister of the new country, The famous General Hong Xuezhi, I will not mention it for the time being).

After more than ten days of integration, the work of the Independent Regiment has gradually been on the right track. The new fighters and the old fighters are working together bit by bit. Although there are more than 7000 people in the Independent Regiment, it looks like a giant at first glance. , but it will take a period of training to form the combat effectiveness that Li Yong wants to achieve.

It is a good thing that there are many new fighters, but it is also a bad thing from another perspective. Why?Because there are too many, the independent regiment is a bit strenuous to eat, and it feels like indigestion. The entire independent regiment is full of new fighters. Although their weapons and equipment are similar to those of the old fighters, there is still room for them to be as effective as the old fighters. Quite a long way to go.

Li Yong told the commanders at all levels at the party committee of the regiment that although these new soldiers wear the same clothes as us and carry the same weapons as the old soldiers, there is no difference at first glance, but they must be the same as us from the bottom of their hearts. It's not easy. Weapons are one aspect of fighting. The main thing is to rely on the personnel to fight consciously and actively. Such an army is an invincible army with extremely powerful combat effectiveness. Therefore, at this stage, in addition to the necessary military In addition to skill training, the most important thing is to educate new soldiers in terms of ideology, so that they can integrate into the big family of the people's army as soon as possible.

Political commissar Wang Chengde agrees with Li Yong’s point of view. On this point, Wang Chengde’s understanding is no less than Li Yong’s. This old political worker from the Eighth Route Army is very clear about the relationship between ideological education and the combat effectiveness of the troops. The People’s Army has relied on being strong since the day it was born. The political and ideological work is invincible and has repeatedly defeated powerful enemies.

However, doing political and ideological work is a job that requires patience and meticulousness. Li Yong, head of the Li Datuan, does not have such patience. He pushed the work to the political commissar Wang Chengde and a group of battalion commanders and instructors. He gave a few ideas. After that, I slipped away.

Seeing Li Yong who was determined to run away, Wang Chengde, who knew him well, had no tricks at all. He communicated with Li Yong privately and said, don't be greedy for leisure, you guys also have a political job. Secretary of the party committee, you are the deputy secretary, you can't get away even if you can't do well in our regiment work.

Li Yong just smiled and said: "Understood, Comrade Political Commissar, but you, the big brother, know best what I can do. If you have nothing to do, I can't help it. It's still the same sentence. If there are problems that cannot be solved, you can do it Go find someone capable."

Who is capable?Commissar Yu Qiuli of the [-]th Brigade of the first column, anyway, the entire field army is resting together now, not far from each other, and the independent regiment's car is still very convenient, so if you have any problems, go to Political Commissar Yu.

Li Yong is not out of ideas. We have said before that among the senior commanders of the PLA, political commissar Yu Qiuli is one of the top and most powerful figures. He is included in many of the PLA's political work outlines. Regardless of Li Yong's time travel, he is no match for Yu Qiuli's political commissar in political work, and he may not even be able to match Wang Chengde. This is one of the reasons why he let go.

Li Yong's current mentality is that the training of the troops is handed over to Fang Xin, the chief of staff, and Wang Chengde, the political commissar, is the political commissar. You have to relax, take care of everything and don't get tired and confused, Zhuge Liang is amazing, he must do everything by himself, what is the result? Exhausted in the 50s.

Where are you going?Needless to say?Go find Hu Xiaolian, I haven't had a good communication with this little daughter-in-law for so many days, and Li Datuan is almost out of control. It doesn't matter if you don't know the taste before, but once you taste the sweetness, it is not easy to think about it.

Hu Xiaolian is a good little daughter-in-law. Someone asked, where is a good place?The answer is, everything is good, from the head to the feet, from the chest to the buttocks, there is no place that is bad, what should be big is big, what should be small is small, what should be like that is like that, what is that like?Figure it out for yourself.

This time, the health team also added a lot of new soldiers. According to the professional division of labor, the independent regiment gave all the captured military doctors and health soldiers to the health team. Hu Xiaolian has more than 150 soldiers under his command, which can be regarded as a small-scale field hospital. posture.

The health team is not like before, except for the captain, there are dozens of female nurses. Li Yong once told these battalion commanders and trainers that if you want to find a wife, you should go to the health team more often. Go, get in touch with others more, don't know if these guys have been there recently?Did you succeed?

In the independent regiment, there is no standard that you must be a cadre above the regiment to find a wife. If that is the case, only Li Yong and Wang Chengde in the entire regiment can have sex, and the others will have to watch. This is not Li. Yong Li’s style, Li Datuan believes that as long as both parties are willing, anyone can have a partner, cadres and soldiers are the same (the standard for cadres above the regiment to be allowed to fall in love and date has been very loose in the later period of the Liberation War, otherwise Li Yong dare not tell his soldiers so clearly).

Although the health team has dozens of female soldiers, Hu Xiaolian, Li Jia, and He Cuihua still live together. After such a long time, the few people have become quite affectionate, and they will be honorable when the war is raging. On the battlefield, the feelings between comrades-in-arms cannot be carefully measured. Not only men, but also women can cultivate the friendship of brotherhood.

During this period, the women had to tell each other to be careful when they got together every night. Among the women, He Cuihua was the girl with the greatest risk factor.

Hu Xiaolian is the captain of the health team, and Li Jia is the communications platoon leader of the regiment headquarters. As long as the independent regiment is not wiped out, the two of them will basically die, except for accidents. Only He Cuihua is the battalion-level commander of the combat troops. As a member, she has the highest position. According to modern terms, his casualty coefficient is also the largest.

When the battle was most intense, Hu Xiaolian, the older sister, would tell He Cuihua every day that you are the commander, and you have hundreds of soldiers under you, so you should take the lead in the charge if you don't want to do anything.

He Cuihua just agreed graciously, but she didn't take it seriously in her heart. When it comes to war, eight Hu Xiaolians and Li Jia are not as good as one He Cuihua. How can you win.

He Cuihua sometimes hugged Hu Xiaolian and whispered: "Sister Xiaolian, I am 20 years older, and I know what it's like to be a woman. It's not a waste of time. Look at the soldiers who died. They don't know It is glorious to be a woman, and they are the most wronged."

Hu Xiaolian was dumbfounded by He Cuihua, this girl was too courageous, she dared to say anything, but after thinking about it carefully, it really made sense.

That night, Li Yong left the regiment headquarters and walked out for a stroll. When he went out, he told Li Yuming not to follow, and he went to find his sister-in-law Xiaolian.

Li Yuming was an old soldier from the earliest days of the Independent Regiment, a soldier from the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, and he followed Li Yong when he was still a spy company in the old regiment. He was very clear about Li Yong and Hu Xiaolian, and Li Yong didn't want to hide it. He, he, Xiao Cheng, and Sanniu sometimes called Hu Xiaolian sister, and sometimes she simply called her sister-in-law. Li Yong and Hu Xiaolian didn't agree or object to these names, even if they acquiesced.

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