Li Yong immediately ordered the troops to deploy in a battle formation, dug fortifications on both sides of the Dachuan Road, which used to run east and west, and then hid themselves to see if the situation could lead to a battle.

Li Yong has no other solution for the time being. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you fight a hundred battles. The situation of the spy company is that I know the situation but the enemy's situation is unknown. Since the enemy's situation is unknown, I can only wait and see. Although this is a stupid method, it is better than nothing. , It's time for a blind cat to encounter a dead mouse. Li Yong still remembers a sentence said by a certain big shot very clearly: It doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white, the cat that can catch mice is a good cat.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde asked the soldiers to wait patiently. The secret service company is in the dark and the enemy is in the open, so there is a chance.

Near noon, the mobile post of the reconnaissance platoon came back to report that about one company or so of enemy cavalry was approaching. Li Yong thought that if the sky is really cloudy, someone will send an umbrella, if he wants to sleep, someone will send a pillow, and when I want to fight, someone will come to his door. This is the first time that the secret service company has fought independently, and all problems must be done by ourselves. Whether we can do it or not is the time to compete.

Li Yong thought that the strength of the spy company could not be fully exposed. A company with more than 100 enemies and two platoons would be enough. He immediately ordered Li Jiangguo's first platoon, Ma Quanyou's second platoon, and Wei Gang's machine gun platoon to be drawn. Come over and prepare to ambush the enemy.

He called Wei Gang over again and explained: "After the battle begins, if the existing enemy resists, and the first and second platoons cannot solve it for the time being, your platoon will use heavy machine guns to suppress the enemy. If the battle between the first and second platoons progresses If it goes well, there is no need to fire."

The reason why Li Yong thinks this way is mainly because of the issue of bullets. It is not easy to replenish the shells and heavy machine guns of the secret service company, so save as much as possible. The ammunition of the secret service company is no problem, and the ammunition they got back from Panlong Town is enough for them to squander for a while Yes, the key is that there is no means of transportation, and the amount you can carry by yourself is still limited.

Ten minutes after the soldiers entered the battle position, there was a sound of horseshoes from a distance, and the sound gradually became louder. After another 2 minutes, a group of enemy cavalry turned around from the east corner of the Sichuan Road. The horses were trotting, and the enemy cavalry on the horses were carrying rifles, wearing hats crookedly, and some were still holding cigarettes in their mouths. They looked very relaxed, and it seemed that this was the comfortable life of the enemy cavalry. Yes, I have never been hit by our army, and I am not at all wary on the march.

This is the army of the Northwest Kuomintang. Judging from the clothing and style, it is different from the Central Army of the Kuomintang. Not only is the discipline lax, but the weapons are not good. In the same place, after all, they are cavalry, and some of them wear sabers.

Li Yong silently observed the distance between this group of enemies and his position. The trotting speed of war horses was much faster than that of people walking, 200 meters, 100 meters, 50 meters, and now even 50 meters.

After the group of enemies all entered the ambush circle and were only more than 30 meters away from the spy company's position, Li Yong shouted: "Fight!" Then he fired a burst of fire at the enemy's leading officer with the Tom-style submachine gun in his hand. When the submachine gun was at its most powerful, the large-caliber Tom submachine gun bullets smashed the enemy officer's chest to pieces, and the enemy officer fell off the horse with the sound of the gunfire.

As soon as Li Yong's gun was fired, the firepower of the first and second platoons exploded suddenly. Sixteen Czech light machine guns and 84 submachine guns fired fiercely at a short distance of more than 6 meters. The powerful firepower hit the unprepared enemy cavalry Caught off guard, most of them were killed immediately before they even took off their guns. The horses neighed and ran around carrying the enemy's corpses. The horses and people were beaten like sieves by the intensive firepower, and the battle ended after five or six minutes. Only a few enemies rushed out and ran away with the speed of the horses.

The battle that was about to end left the soldiers in the other platoon stunned. Not to mention the excitement, even the soldiers in the first and second platoons who participated in the battle didn't expect it to end so quickly, how could it be over?

Especially those old soldiers, who have been soldiers for many years and have fought many battles, but they have never fought such a battle. A whole company of enemy cavalry was reimbursed within a few minutes before they could react. The boys in the platoon and the second platoon didn't even touch a hair of their own. It looked like they weren't seriously injured or even slightly injured.

Wei Gang, the leader of the machine gun platoon, muttered: "It's too fast. We're done before we fire a single shot. What's the use of us going there? The heavy machine guns are just for display."

Li Jiangguo and Ma Quanyou were very experienced, and immediately ordered the soldiers to rush to clean the battlefield. After a while, Li Jiangguo and Ma Quanyou came to report. They were finished before we had finished our addiction. They patted the submachine gun on the chest again. A few, most of the horses were killed, and only a dozen or so were alive and uninjured."

The enemy soldiers were all killed except for a few seriously injured. The firepower of the special agent company was too fierce. On average, each enemy was hit by several bullets. The weapons were only seized a few submachine guns and two shell guns, and the rest were all Old-fashioned rifles, with an average of only fifty bullets per rifle, it seems that the enemies in the Northwest are poor enough, but it is very good that every enemy cavalry has a saber.

Li Yong thought nervously: The Majia cavalry in the northwest have a very serious revenge mentality. The enemy who has suffered this loss will definitely not let it go, and will definitely find our army to take revenge.

A good commander must be good at using the characteristics of the enemy to attack the enemy. Thinking of this, he immediately shouted: "Li Yuming, your squad tied all the captured weapons to the horses, Zhang Jinsong, your platoon searched forward along the Sichuan Road, pay attention to observe Look for the terrain and features on both sides to find a suitable ambush location."

Then he turned back to the instructor Wang Chengde and said: "Rush out a few enemy cavalry. Our company only exposed two platoons. According to normal thinking, the enemy will think that we are an infantry company ambushing them. The enemy will definitely come back for revenge. I want to use it The enemy's psychology once again set up an ambush to destroy the enemy's follow-up troops.

Wang Chengde said: "Dayong, you are the company commander, so you can command with confidence and boldly, and I will follow your orders in military operations."

With Wang Chengde's affirmation, Li Yong ordered the troops to follow the reconnaissance platoon to search forward. After walking about 2000 meters, Zhang Jinsong came back and reported: "There is a curve 300 meters ahead, and the horses can't run. It should be a good ambush." place."

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