The beacon of youth

Chapter 33 The Enemy's Cavalry Regiment

Li Yong went over and looked, and it was exactly as Zhang Jinsong said. This is a road that has been washed away by rain for many years. In the dry season, it is no problem to walk by people and cars. In the rainy season, it is a river bed. Regular detours.

This is a good place. The most important point in fighting cavalry is not to let them charge up. The advantage of cavalry is speed, which is very difficult to deal with. If infantry confronts cavalry in the Great Plains, the result can only be slaughtered.

Immediately ordered the troops to set up ambush positions on both sides. The specific deployment was: the instructor Wang Chengde on the south side led the team, with Li Jiangguo's first platoon, Ma Quanyou's second platoon, Ma Changsheng's third platoon and two squads of the machine gun platoon in charge.

On the north side, Li Yong led the team. Ning Jinshan's fourth platoon, Wang Huhu's fifth platoon, Zhang Jinsong's reconnaissance platoon and two squads of the machine gun platoon were in charge. Li Yong and Wang Chengde each led five of the ten members of the police squad. Li Yong's order to the artillery platoon was: because the ammunition is limited, if you encounter a firepower point that the enemy is resolutely resisting, you should clear the enemy at a fixed point. If the battle goes well, there is no need to waste ammunition.

Instructor Wang Chengde quietly said to Li Yuming, Sanniu and Xiaocheng: "We must protect the company commander's safety and not allow him to charge up. We can do without anyone. It's the same without me, Wang Chengde, but we can't live without the company commander. As long as our company commander is here, the spy company will have greater development in the future. The company commander is the soul and backbone of our company.

The three of Li Yuming nodded and assured the instructor: "Please don't worry, the instructor. Even if you risk your life, the company commander must be safe. As long as we are still alive, we must protect the company commander."

Wang Chengde nodded: "That's the way to do it, you guys remember, I, Wang Chengde, will also block bullets for the company commander if necessary. For an instructor like me, there are things in our army, and the company commander who is the same as our company commander will come Now I only have one." After speaking, he led the troops to the other side of the mountain ridge.

Besides, the enemy cavalry who rushed out were like dogs in mourning, beating their horses and running back, and they ran for dozens of miles in one breath. These boys knew that the ambushing them were infantry, so they couldn't catch up, so they panted Putting my heart in my stomach, I let the horse slow down and trot and continue to walk back. After walking for more than 50 miles, I finally returned to my base camp.

This is the station of a Kuomintang cavalry regiment, and the regiment leader looked at the soldiers who ran back and cursed angrily: "You bunch of wretches, just run back here? More than 100 people from the Eight Routes will kill you all? How can I support you?" What’s the use? You’re cavalry, a company of cavalry can’t beat a company of infantry, so you’re not ashamed to say it? Just take a piss and drown yourself, save me Fermi.”

Then he called the correspondent again: "Let the fourth battalion get ready, leave in 10 minutes, and kill the eight teams of that company. These eight teams can't run very far."

Hearing that his regiment leader was going to send a battalion back to take revenge, the cavalrymen who escaped were a little anxious, and one of them said: "Regiment commander, the ones who ambushed us are not like the ordinary Eight Route Army, although there are not many people, there are only more than 100 people. But they are all automatic weapons, not a single rifle, and everyone wears helmets, our regiment has been in this **Longdong area for more than half a year, and I haven’t seen the Eight Route Army who all wear steel helmets.”

Hearing the explanations of the soldiers who fled back, the head of the regiment was also a bit guilty: more than 100 people in the eight routes are all automatic weapons?Still wearing helmets?It seems that this is really not an ordinary Eighth Route. This Eighth Route is poor and dregs. Since when did such troops exist?It's really strange, it seems that if you can't be reckless, you have to be careful.

I have a cavalry battalion of more than 300 people. Even if I can win this company, the loss will not be small. If I can’t do it, I will suffer a loss. Automatic weapons, and then a company full of automatic weapons is prestige. Thinking of this, the regiment leader shouted: "Correspondent, blow the horn, the whole regiment gathers, the guard company stays to watch the house, and the rest are ready to go."

Li Yong thought that the enemy would retaliate, but he did not expect the enemy to dispatch a cavalry regiment. What he exposed was only two platoons of more than 100 people. The enemy should send one battalion. He did not expect that the enemy would dispatch a whole regiment. If Li Yong knew The enemy's whole regiment is dispatched, and whether to fight this battle or not has to be considered separately.

Li Yong asked the soldiers who dug the fortifications to take time to rest, eat some dry food and drink some water, and prepare for a big battle. He told the soldiers one by one that this time the enemy will not come from a company, but at least a battalion. We must prepare for a tough battle. Prepare.

Instructor Wang Chengde told the soldiers lying in the fortifications: "Disguise people and guns, and tie up your shoes tightly." Li Yong bent over and ran back and forth, telling the soldiers: "Be careful, don't block the muzzle of the guns with soil, prepare the grenades, and hold your breath." , Do not shoot without an order."

The battlefield was very tense. Some soldiers lay down under the fortifications to smoke, and some huddled their bodies, closed their eyes and rested with their guns in their hands. They could not make a sound, but it could be seen that they were very nervous and did not fall asleep.

At around [-]:[-] in the afternoon, the observation post reported the enemy's arrival. Li Yong thought it was true. Today, I will show you what firepower is. It doesn't take much time to hear a muffled thunder-like sound coming from a distance. The sound is getting louder and louder. , A soldier reported: "Company commander, the enemy is coming, but it doesn't look like one battalion, there should be three battalions. Judging by the way the cavalry ran, there might be thousands of them."

Li Yong felt his head buzzing. He was still thinking wrong. The enemy came not with a battalion but with a whole cavalry regiment. Will this battle still be fought?Can the battle be won by relying on the fighting power of the special agent company?I have set up a net, but the fish in this net is too big, if I lose the battle, I will be chased by the enemy's cavalry, it will be broken, and there is no way to run away with two legs in front of four legs.

If the battle is fought to that extent, I am afraid that these hundreds of people will be enough to fight, and there will be no place to run. When will the infantry outrun the cavalry?

Not only was Li Yong a little confused, but the soldiers were even more so. It was the first time he was beating an enemy, and even everyone was still watching the excitement, and it was very relaxed, because he would definitely win, and there was no psychological burden.

Now they have a cavalry regiment, what should we do?Can you still beat it?Although everyone didn't speak, they all looked at Li Yong. At this time, it depends on the quality of the commander. Anyone can be an official in peacetime, third uncle, sixth uncle, and sister-in-law. Anyone with a bottle can be an official.

The author once participated in a dinner party, and there was a young man among them. This kid basically didn’t eat much during the meal. His eyes were all on the leader of the table. He noticed every time the head of the meal took food. Then turn the table and turn the next dish under the head's mouth. He only did this one thing during the whole meal. At that time, the author thought this was too f*ckingly low, but this is the kind of person Recently, I heard that I have become an official. If such a person is allowed to command at this time, it will kill people.

There is a saying from our ancestors that governing the country is governed by the officials first, and if the officials are not clear, the country will never have peace.When Kangxi was young, he worked hard to govern, killing and worshiping, cutting down three times, accepting Taiwan, and pacifying Geerdan. After more than 700 years of Yongzheng rule, when Emperor Qianlong took over, there were more than 20 million taels of silver in the treasury. The inventory was abundant and the world was peaceful.It is precisely because of Emperor Yongzheng's connection between the past and the future that there have been more than 8000 years of Kangxi and Qianlong prosperity.

It’s a bit too much to digress, let’s go back to this chapter, Li Yong’s mind is tensely thinking and calculating, the enemy doesn’t know the situation of our army, the enemy knows us, and under the sudden firepower of our army, he will lose three One-half of the combat effectiveness, the enemy's terrain is not as good as our army, and then reduce the combat effectiveness by half. In the end, the enemy's equipment is far inferior to our army, and then reduce the combat effectiveness by half. The spy company has nearly 400 people participating in the battle. With the advantages of the above points It should be possible to win this battle, even if it cannot be wiped out, it is no problem to defeat it.

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