The beacon of youth

Chapter 329 Recovering Yan'an's Great Military Principles

Zhang Jinsong's reconnaissance battalion caught the tank unit of the [-]th Division of the Kuomintang, which made Li Yong, the head of the regiment, very excited. It has been almost a year and a half since he came to the Great Northwest Battlefield. There are many good things, but this is the first time for tanks. This is a good treasure. Using it well can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the independent regiment.Vertex Fiction hand-made novel[''] free text update!

The captured Kuomintang tank soldiers also looked at this officer surrounded by PLA soldiers curiously. Is he just a young man in his 20s? What can he understand?Our tanks are purely American.

When the soldiers called this young officer commander, the captured Kuomintang soldiers were a little surprised, thinking that it would be good to be a company commander at such a young age, but they didn't expect that he was the commander of the People's Liberation Army. Now that Xiao is an official, it can be called a group seat on the KMT side.

Li Yong walked around the tank several times. Although this old-fashioned tank is incomparable to the [-]G currently in service in the army, it is still a tank, an armored weapon, and the king of land warfare.

Look at the cannons, machine guns, and supporting pulleys that are obviously different from Soviet tanks on the side (the biggest difference in appearance between the early models of Soviet tanks and American tanks is that Soviet tanks have large-diameter road wheels without supporting pulleys, while American tanks It is a small road wheel, and there is a small supporting pulley on top of the road wheel) Li Yong knew it well: "This is made in the United States, m3a3 Stuart."

The m3a3 Stuart is a light tank produced by the United States during World War II. The combat weight is a little more than twelve tons. It is equipped with a men37mm tank gun and three 7.62mm machine guns. The crew is four people. Although it performed very well in the European battlefield, However, it is the real main force on the Asian battlefield. The advantage is that it is lighter in weight and is more suitable for the mountainous terrain in Asia. The disadvantage is that the caliber of the tank gun is relatively small, and its anti-tank and hunting capabilities are limited.

In Li Yong's memory, this tank was once equipped with a large number of Kuomintang's expeditionary forces, because it is very suitable for mountain warfare. It has repeatedly made military exploits in the battle against Japan. Later, it was captured by our army on the Huaihai battlefield and became the People's Liberation Army. Unexpectedly, it appeared on the battlefield in the Northwest, and I don't know where He Wending, the commander of the [-]th Division, got it from, or if there was an error in his memory.

Li Yong looked at the words uttered by the tank, which confused Li Jiangguo and the soldiers. He didn't understand this, but he didn't understand it. Everyone finally understood that it was made in the United States. tank.

If Li Jiangguo and the others didn't understand, it doesn't mean that they didn't understand. One of the captured Kuomintang tank soldiers' eyes lit up all of a sudden. The uniform of the Kuomintang captain on this kid meant that he was the commander of the tank unit. .

When Li Yong walked over to see the captured captives, the guy cautiously asked tentatively, "Your officer also knows this kind of tank?"

Li Yong looked at the captain's uniform on this guy: "Is there anything you don't know, even if you don't know, you can read it. The inscription on the front of the tank is very clear."

The inscription Li Yong mentioned was written on the front armor of the tank (the English inscription on the front armor of the Stuart tank of the Kuomintang Expeditionary Army has never been cancelled, two lines are large, four lines are small, a total of six lines), But what everyone can't understand is that the text on the tank armor is in English. Not to mention the captured soldiers of the Kuomintang, even the soldiers of the independent regiment are a little confused. Why, the regiment leader even knows foreign characters?

The Kuomintang prisoner stared wide-eyed, and asked in disbelief, "Sir, do you understand English?"

Li Yong: "I know a little bit, but I'm not very skilled."

Li Jiangguo, Li Yuming, He Cuihua, and political commissar Wang Chengde who were following behind Li Yong were shocked again. Zhang Jinsong scratched his head and asked, "Boss, when did you learn to read foreign characters? Is it the bastards of the KMT?"

Li Yong ignored Zhang Jinsong's question, but continued to say to the Kuomintang prisoner, "What is your job?"

The captured officer immediately stood at attention and replied: "Report sir, the tank company commander of the No. 17 division captain of the ** reorganization."

In the regular army of the Kuomintang, most of the officers are graduates from military academies, especially in arms such as tanks and artillery. Almost all officers are from students, and this type of student-born fighters is the most urgent need for the PLA at this stage. Yes, for example, now, if these captives are not used, the captured tanks are no different from Fei Tie.

Li Yong: "You are a scholar. You know how to get help when you are right, and how much help you get if you are wrong. There are some things that I don't need to talk about carefully. It is of no use to follow the Kuomintang. We need a talent like you to do a great cause with our People's Liberation Army."

Shen Yin, an officer of the Kuomintang, said nothing, but Li Yong said with a smile: "Think about it carefully, and reply to me tomorrow, but there is still a task that needs your help."

Li Yong pointed to the tank and said: "Stop the car first, the engine is always running like this, it will consume fuel, and we don't have much fuel."

The officer patted his head, and directed a few soldiers to go up and stop the tank's engine.

When Li Yong came back, he told Zhang Jinsong as he walked, that the captured Kuomintang tank soldiers could not let them go for a walk, even if they wanted to go home. Although our PLA is disciplined and doesn’t want to be a soldier to go home and pay travel expenses, but these Human beings are not counted, they must be educated, and they must be forced to follow.

Li Yong's words made Li Jia, the communication platoon leader next to him, turn his head several times in a row. Wasn't the tactic the platoon leader used to deal with him back then?

After returning to the regiment headquarters, when everyone arrived and counted the seized weapons and ammunition, everyone was shocked again. In the tone of an old Eighth Route Army soldier, it was rich again, not counting all kinds of weapons and ammunition. There are nearly 2000 captives alone. Everyone looks at Li Yong and doesn't know what to say. The total strength of the independent regiment exceeded 7000 before the war. If these 2000 people are brought in, it will be more than 9000. , I have never heard of a regiment with more than 9000 people when I grow up so big, how can I report to the superior?

Li Yong said calmly: "What are you staring at? What to do is the superior's business. What do we do with our free time? We can report what we want, and we can do what we like. We are only responsible for fighting the battle." That's fine."

While everyone was talking, another person hurriedly walked in from outside the door. The person threw his hat on the table, took a sip of water from his water glass, and said after his breath cleared, "I tell you, our health team also Not idle, we picked up a Kuomintang field hospital, and we brought back all the equipment and medicines.” No need to ask, the person who spoke was Hu Xiaolian, the captain of the health team.

Hu Xiaolian's report made everyone happier, only Wang Chengde, the political commissar, grinned differently from others, hey, what can I say, the men, women and children of the independent group have become accustomed to grabbing things, even Hu Xiaolian, the hygienic The team has started, and it feels a bit too much.

The field army regained Yan'an, and Boss Peng in the headquarters said excitedly: "Hurry up, report to the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao that after a night of fierce fighting, our Northwest Field Army regained Yan'an at ten o'clock this morning, annihilating three enemy divisions and the local security regiment." A total of more than [-] people."

The current Party Central Committee has long since moved out of northern Shaanxi to a small place called Xibaipo in Hebei, but no matter what, the recovery of Yan'an is a big deal, not to say how many Kuomintang troops were annihilated, but the political influence huge.

The recapture of Yan'an by the Northwest Field Army showed that the key offensive launched by the Kuomintang military group after the so-called all-out offensive went bankrupt also failed. Chiang Kai-shek's threat to solve China's problems within three to six years became a joke, and the Communists made huge gains. political success.

Xibaipo is located at the foot of the Taihang Mountains and in front of Baipo Ridge on the north bank of the Hutuo River. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and is shaded by trees. There is a small village named Xibaipo with 200 or 1 families in front of the slope. It is only [-] kilometers away from Shijiazhuang. Duoli Road belongs to the old liberated area of ​​Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei. The land reform has been carried out, and most of the farmers have been allocated land. The enthusiasm of the people for production and joining the army is high. Compared with most of the areas in the country that are still in turmoil, this area has some peace. scene.

Hearing that the Northwest Field Army had regained Yan'an, Chairman Mao gave a long report on "Current Form and Our Tasks" in addition to being happy, and put forward ten military principles in the report.

First fight the scattered and isolated enemies, and then the concentrated and powerful ones.

Second, take small cities, medium-sized cities and vast villages first, and then take large cities.

The third goal is to annihilate the enemy's vital forces, and not to protect or capture cities and places as the main goal.

Fourth, concentrate the absolutely superior forces in each battle, surround them on all sides, and strive to wipe them out, so as not to let them slip through the net.

Fifth, do not fight unprepared battles, and do not fight unsure battles.

Liuyang fights bravely, not afraid of sacrifice, not afraid of fatigue, and has the style of continuous fighting.

Seven strives to annihilate the enemy in motion.

Eighth, on the issue of siege, all enemy strongholds and cities that are weakly defended should be resolutely captured; all enemy strongholds and cities that have a moderate level of defense but circumstances allow them to be seized; all enemy strongholds and cities that are well-defended Then wait for the conditions to be ripe, and then seize it.

[-] Supplement yourself by capturing all the weapons and most of the enemy's personnel. The main sources of our military and material resources are at the front.

Ten is good at taking advantage of the gap between the two battles to rest and train the troops.

These ten military principles are summed up by the People's Liberation Army in the course of decades of fighting, and they are bought back with blood and sweat.

The Kuomintang Chiang Kai-shek Group also promulgated the "Four Rules of Combat and Six Essentials" on July [-] of the same year.

The four rules are: active attack, quick action, attention to the composition of the fire net and night action.

Six key items: search, alert, reconnaissance, cover, liaison, and observation.

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