The beacon of youth

Chapter 330 Recovering Yan'an's Independent Journey

Chapter 33o Recovering Yan'an's Independent Journey

In the second half of [-], the Kuomintang and the Communist Party fought inextricably on the battlefield, and the war fell into a temporary stalemate. Although the Kuomintang still had an advantage in overall strength on the Northwest battlefield, it

The balance of victory on other battlefields across the country has gradually tilted in favor of the Japanese.Xiao ^ Said ^ Ad-free~

After the recovery of Yan'an, the Communist Party and the Kuomintang successively announced ten major military principles and operational rules. As soon as the Kuomintang's so-called operational rules came out, they were nagged back by comrades engaged in underground work.

Li Yong is already a regiment-level cadre in the army, so he had the opportunity to read this report. After comparing the two reports, Li Yong pondered. Students are not qualified enough, and anyone with a little military quality can see that Chairman Mao's ten military principles are classics, while Chiang Kai-shek's operational rules can only be regarded as pediatrics.

But these are big things, not what commanders at Li Yong's level should care about. The most important thing for the independent regiment right now is to strengthen its own strength.

A large number of soldiers, weapons, and food were returned, but how to get them to voluntarily join the ranks of the People's Liberation Army is a big problem.

The best way to solve these problems is the political and ideological weapon of our army. The so-called strategy of attacking the army and attacking the heart is the main thing. There is no fighting ability.

It depends on the ability of political commissar Wang Chengde and other political workers, but Li Yong is not too worried, because our army's ideological weapons have no record of failure, and Wang Rende and others also have rich experience in reforming prisoners. In response to what Chairman Mao proposed in the Ten Military Principles, the source of our military's manpower and material resources is mainly on the front line.

Hu Zongnan's Northwest Military Group of the Kuomintang has carried out a key attack on Yan'an for more than a year.

The Northwest Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army has grown from the initial 2 people to the current number of more than [-]. The weapons have also changed from the small Miga rifles at the beginning to the current tanks and cannons. The strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and these improvements It is all thanks to the Kuomintang, because the soldiers and weapons and ammunition of the field army are basically captured and captured from the Kuomintang.

Weapons, ammunition, and food are no longer a problem. The troops have never been hungry since the Baoji was taken down, and Yan'an, like Baoji, is a field base with a large amount of supplies and ammunition reserves.

This made all the cadres and soldiers of the field army feel very happy. We are worthy of calling Chiang Kai-shek the captain of the transportation team. He is really right. Look at how rich he is. He is a real landlord with food, drink and clothes. , Use, what you want, what you have, it is really enough to meet the supply.

After more than a year of arduous fighting, the Northwest Field Army finally returned to the holy place in their minds, the home they knew.

The soldiers are happy, what is the bloody sacrifice for more than a year?Just so that one day we can call back and regain Yan'an City, where our Chairman Mao and the Party Central Committee lived, and whoever wants to take advantage of us will be beaten to death.

After the war, there was a short rest period. The opportunity to rest and recuperate is precious. No one knows when the next battle will happen. The independent regiment uses all available time to try to digest the fruits of its victory.

Troop training, troop training and troop training, the independent regiment continued to carry out various military training, and started complaining and three-check activities while training. Facts have also proved that these activities are very effective, especially for those newly recruited liberation fighters who have further enhanced their sense of belonging and identification with the PLA troops.

More than 2000 prisoners were captured, and after a period of training, they were undoubtedly added to the independent regiment, which brought the total strength of the independent regiment to an unprecedented 9000 people, more than 9000 people, which made many cadres and soldiers I feel that the team I am in is a bit weird.

It is reasonable to say that the increase in the number of troops is a good thing. Does the combat effectiveness increase with more personnel? It is very simple, but the independent regiment, including political commissar Wang Chengde and others, are a little uneasy. Why?Because the number of personnel has increased too much, the number has exceeded the limit of people's psychological tolerance.

There is food, clothes, and weapons and ammunition are not a problem, but there are too many people, what will the superiors think if they engage in this way?Although Commander Wang and his superiors have something to say, they can let the independent regiment try to display a set of models, but it is very likely that Commander Wang did not expect that the independent regiment will be so big. Will it be beneficial to do so?

In a simple small courtyard in Yan'an City, the main senior commanders above the column of the Northwest Field Army are here. The army has won another big victory after capturing Baoji. Of course, a meeting must be held to summarize. I am in a good mood, without the anxiety and tension before attacking Baoji.

At the end of the meeting, a field army commander asked: "Wang Huzi, your independent regiment has made great achievements in this battle again. How do you want to reward them this time?"

Seeing the mention of the Independence Regiment, Commander Wang thought for a while, and then said: "Mr. Peng, I really need to ask you for instructions. I don't know how to do it right now."

When Commander Wang said this, the leaders at all levels looked over curiously. Who is Wang Zhen?What's wrong with a famously fearless character, even he is a little bit scratching his head?This Wang Beard can't even solve the problems in his own army

Everyone's eyes focused together, and Boss Peng also asked curiously: "Oh, is there still a headache for you Wang Huzi? I remember that your small regiment leader is called Li Yong, and he is a very good commander. What's the problem? Did he mess something up?"

Commander Wang chuckled: "Mr. Peng, they didn't make a fuss, and they fought very well, but there is one thing you have to think about. My independent regiment now has a total strength of more than 9000 people, which is much stronger than mine. There are too many people in a main brigade, and even I don’t know how big they will be in the future, what do you think should be done about this?”

As soon as Commander Wang's voice fell to the ground, the venue was buzzing. Although they were all senior commanders of the field army, and they had experienced and seen a lot, what Commander Wang said still shocked them. Out of breath, everyone looks at each other, a group of more than 9000 people?This is really a problem, but Wang Huzi is a bit of a headache, well, it's really not good.

During the War of Liberation, the formations below the columns of the major field armies were division-level troops. Each column had three to four main divisions, and each division had more than 1 people. The most powerful Northeast Field Army's main divisions had all It was over 3000 people.

The Northwest Field Army is the field army with the fewest number of troops among the major field armies. It is so small that the establishment under the columns can only be called brigades. Some columns do not even have three brigades. At the beginning, there were only two brigades. The brigade has only 4000, 9000 or **,[-] people, and this is the number after the development. When the troops were first formed, each brigade had only [-] to [-] people, so these commanders heard Commander Wang say that the total strength of the independent regiment reached I was surprised when there were [-] people.

He lowered his head and thought for a while, Boss Peng didn't show surprise like others, and said in his unhurried tone: "What's wrong with nong, is it a good thing for the troops to develop? As a regiment-level force, their personnel It is a bit too much, and it is also a problem in management, but it is not difficult to solve. Is it enough to give them a brigade number? I suggest calling it the Second Column Independent Brigade. Isn’t that very good? If you have any comments, please let me know Come out, we can discuss it again."

As soon as Boss Peng said this, the bosses felt different again. Why?As the commanders of the main column of the Northwest Field Army, each of them has three main combat brigades under their command, but the brigades are also different. The column with troops as the backbone not only has a little more people than other columns, but also has better combat effectiveness and the quality of officers and soldiers. Once Boss Peng gives another brigade the designation, there will be four brigades. In this way, the combat effectiveness of the second column will increase. There is a big improvement. In the words of ordinary people, it will be more powerful than other columns.

"Hahahahaha, ok, thank you, commanders (several commanders of the field army headquarters) for your concern, our independent regiment will be called the independent brigade from now on, and I, Wang Beard, have four brigades of combat troops, you guys Don't worry, if there is a problem in the future, he will send me a message as soon as possible, either by phone or telegram, and I, Wang Beard, will definitely rush over to provide reinforcements as soon as possible."

The column leaders who came to the meeting shouted loudly: "You Wang Huzi really can climb up smoothly. Mr. Peng just made a suggestion, and it hasn't been finalized yet. No, we have to think about it."

That's what I said, but these elders all understand that the matter has been settled. Since Boss Peng said to give a brigade number, what can be changed?

Li Yong also did not expect that within a year and a half since he came to the Great Northwest, the army would grow from a contiguous army with only more than 20 people to a brigade with more than 9000 people. Although it was in the war years, this The speed is also faster.

For the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, where the decisive battle is imminent, the Northwest battlefield has always been a rib-like existence. From the military, political, economic, geographical and other perspectives, this is an area that must maintain considerable control.

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