Chapter 335

When Li Yong and Wang Chengde went to the field army headquarters for a meeting, they accidentally ran into a person, a capable female soldier named Li Zhen.Collection~Top*Point*Book City Book Friends Reorganize~Provide~Provide

It was only when Boss Peng introduced me that she was the director of the Political Department of the Field Army. This is a real veteran in the People’s Liberation Army. She is an old Red Army soldier from the beginning. She is a veteran soldier who was killed in the hail of bullets. No wonder she called Commander Wang Zhen. Because of 'Wang Beard', Boss Peng was a little dissatisfied when he came in and shouted for a report. What kind of report is there for such a person?

Li Zhen, a native of Liuyang, Hunan Province, joined the Communist Party in 1926 and joined the Party in 1927 (joined the Party in 27 years, amazing). In the same year, he participated in the Dongxiang Autumn Harvest Riot. Participated in the Long March, served as the director of the Political Department of the 12th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and the director of the Political Department of the Northwest Field Army.

This Li Zhen is very famous in the history of the People's Liberation Army. She is not the so-called civilian general who is now a general who sings and dances. (Can be a general by singing and dancing? This general is a bit too worthless ) is a real military commander, the first-line commander who leads the soldiers to fight.

At that time, he served as the military minister of the Liuyang County Party Committee, the military minister in charge of operations, and one of the main military leaders of the autumn harvest riot in Liuyang, Hunan.

A girl from a young age could lead peasants in a county to an armed riot. What kind of person must this be? Later, Li Zhen joined the Sixth Red Army and was the head of the Organization Department and Propaganda of the Sixth Red Army. The Deputy Minister of the Organization Department (the predecessor of the Red Second Front Army was the Red Second and Sixth Army Corps), an old subordinate of Marshal He Long, and Ziyi, the main leader of the Red Second Front Army.

The deputy head of the organization department of the front army, this qualification is quite powerful, what does the organization department do?It is specially in charge of cadres, that is to say, many cadres in the entire Red Second Front Army, later the 12 Division, and the Northwest Field Army formed by them as the main team were promoted by Li Zhen.

General Li Zhen and Wang Zhen are commanders and real fellows. They are both from Liuyang, Hunan. joined the guerrillas in 27).

General Li Zhen is an old man of the Sixth Red Army, and most of the family members of the Sixth Red Army are in the current Second Column of the Northwest Field Army. Therefore, it can be said that the Second Column is also General Li Zhen's natal family. Li Yong and Wang Chengde can be said to be The above is General Li Zhen's natal family.

As we said before, seniority is very important in the army. Being a soldier for a year is a big deal, let alone a veteran who joined the party in 27 years, so Li Zhencai naturally called Peng Dehuai, the commander of the Northwest Field Army, the boss, who was in charge of the second column. Commander Wang Zhen is called Wang Huzi.

Hearing that these are the two brigade commanders and political commissars of the Second Column, Li Zhen was also very happy, and pulled them along to ask questions. Boss Peng smiled and said, "Seeing that your natal family is here, I'll make you happy."

Li Yong and Wang Chengde didn't dare to be negligent. They got up together to salute General Li Zhen, stood at attention, and shouted "Good day!" There is such a leader, but Li Yong is different. Are you excited to see such a very famous general in later generations?

Who is General Li Zhen?Leading the peasants into riots is extremely thoughtful. They have been fighting for more than [-] years in a row, and they also specialize in managing cadres. Who have you never seen?People's eyes are very poisonous. Seeing Li Yong's agitated eyes, he can guess something: "What's wrong? Did Brigadier Li Yong know me before?"

"The famous General Li Zhen, how can I not know?" Li Yong blurted out without paying attention.

After Li Yong finished speaking, Boss Peng was taken aback for a moment, this kid really dares to say it.

The conferring of ranks in our army was carried out in 55. It is not surprising that Li Zhen was called a general in 48.

"Hahaha," Li Zhen laughed and said, "Who says I'm a general? Why are you so famous? Nonsense, I'm not as famous as your Commander Wang. When did you ever hear of someone like me? Suspected of flattering."

General Li Zhen was born in 19, and in 8 he was already a middle-aged man in his 48s. Looking at Li Yong and Wang Chengde, two people in their twenties, they seem to be looking at the younger generation.

When General Li Zhen said this, Li Yong scratched his head and didn't know how to go on. He had indeed heard of it a long time ago, but he couldn't say that he heard it decades later? ?That's why people should be arrested as a monster, at least Boss Peng and others will think that he is mentally abnormal.

"Okay, don't be embarrassed, it's not a bad thing to flatter. After the meeting, let's go back to our second column and learn from your Commander Wang." General Li Zhen used the name we The second column made Li Yong and Wang Chengde very kind, and this is the real old man who walked out of the house.

General Li Zhen has been a soldier all her life and has experienced hundreds of battles. She is an old bone in the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Based on her qualifications and merits, the rank of major general is actually too low. It's still high, but General Li Zhen has never complained about this matter. In her words: "Sesame and mung beans are big things." This is the character of the old Communist Party members at that time.

After the People's Liberation Army regained Yan'an, the whole area was full of joy and laughter. After training, the soldiers went to the fields to help the fellow villagers with farm work. Of course, the veterans who took the lead in the field work were former soldiers. This is an old tradition of the Eighth Route Army.

It has been almost a year and a half since we withdrew from Yan'an, and many veterans never came back (less than half of the more than 2 veterans have returned). They are now level commanders, but they are still the same as before, those who should carry water, and those who should carry dung for the villagers, many of them are battalion-level commanders.

The folks in Yan'an didn't regard them as officials or non-officials (there was no big difference between officers and soldiers in the old Eighth Route Army). They worked, ate and chatted with these veterans who were still alive. This situation made the new liberation come The soldiers were very touched. They finally understood why the common people turned to the Eighth Route Army so much, and why they didn’t tell the whereabouts of the People’s Liberation Army when they were caught and beaten by the Kuomintang army. Victory?There is an old saying that the will of God cannot be violated, what is the will of God, the will of the people is the will of God.

From the KMT-CPC war to the second half of 48, the balance of power has changed significantly. In about two years of fighting, the People's Liberation Army has completely wiped out 94 brigades of the KMT's regular army. There are 152 important cities, the area of ​​the liberated areas has reached 164 million square kilometers, the population has increased to 235 million, the total number of Kuomintang troops has dropped to 6000 million, and the total strength of the PLA has increased to 365 million. This is just a simple number In contrast, the combat effectiveness and cohesion of the People's Liberation Army are even more unmatched by the Kuomintang Army.

Yan'an was full of laughter, but those who laughed were crying. At this time, Xi'an, which was still under the control of the Kuomintang, was full of bitter wind and rain. After the three senior generals Liu Kan, Yan Ming, and Xu Bao were killed in battle one after another, Hu Zongnan opened a fire for the three of them. The grand memorial meeting greatly praised the three dead men as role models for senior military officers.

To Hu Zongnan's surprise and surprise, his principal Chiang Kai-shek also came to Xi'an, participated in the memorial meeting hosted by him, and personally went up to the Cuihua Mountain where the three were buried, bowed to the three dead generals, and said that they He is the hero of the party and the country, and the hero of the Communist Party.

But everyone knows that Chiang Kai-shek and Hu Zongnan's style is for the living to see. If you die, you are dead.

At that time, some students in Xi'an wrote a couplet to describe the situation at the scene, or it was ironic. The first couplet was: Liu Kan Kan 1uan, Nei Luan died before he was surveyed.The second couplet is: Xu Bao Bao Baoji, Baoji died if he failed to protect his life.The horizontal batch is: strict discipline.

Chiang Kai-shek spoke to these senior generals who were still alive in Xi'an: "We can still pay homage to them here today. If you don't fight hard, I'm afraid there will be no one to bury after we die, let alone any sacrifice."

Xi'an, the Kuomintang Northwest Appeasement Office. At this time, Chiang Kai-shek changed his face at the memorial meeting and swears at the two students standing in front of him. One of these two students is the chief executive of the Northwest, General Hu Zongnan , and the other is He Wending, the commander of the reorganized No.17 Division who just ran back from Yan'an.

"Fear of death, shameless, useless, you have three divisions in your hands, plus the local security regiment, I'm afraid there are more than 4 people, how many people can the Communist Army have? They can only have 10 at best, 10 or so Let me tell you more, how long did you guard? You lost Yan’an in less than two days. Where is your army? Where have all your soldiers gone? Where are your artillery and tanks? What are you doing back here? Huangpu [-] The graduates of the first year can't even beat a group of mud tui, so what use are you for?"

Chiang Kai-shek scolded He Wending and Hu Zongnan, and the two of them were sweating coldly in the summer, but the two students who were familiar with Chiang Kai-shek's temper also knew that they had passed this test again.

These students from Whampoa know that it is not terrible to be scolded by the principal, but the fear is that if the principal does not scold, it is really bad. It shows that Chiang Kai-shek has been completely disappointed in you, and he will never use you again in the future. It's over.

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