The beacon of youth

Chapter 336 Fighting the 36th Division Again

Chapter 336 Fighting the 36th Division Again

After attending the memorial meeting in Xi'an, Chiang Kai-shek scolded Hu Zongnan and He Wending who had just escaped from Yan'an, but the scolding returned, and in the end he had to cheer them friends whole~reason~provide

No matter how incompetent these two people are, they are still my students, and I am even more worried about using others. The principal said to the students earnestly: "Don't be discouraged, you will fight the battle. Take confidence and courage to deal with them."

Hu Zongnan, who has been repeatedly defeated, used all means to supplement the troops. With the support of the principal, he still has 11 reorganized divisions, 3 brigades, and more than 25 troops, plus Qinghai, Ningxia and Gansu. The Kuomintang local troops, in the entire Northwest, the Kuomintang can control more than 40 troops, which is several times that of the Northwest Field Army led by the Communists.

In August, Hu Zongnan, who had been supplemented, was encouraged by Chairman Jiang to counterattack the Northwest Field Army, hoping to reverse the passive situation after the loss of Yan'an in one fell swoop.

Boss Peng led the Northwest Field Army not to confront the enemy head-on (head-to-head confrontation was never advocated by the People's Liberation Army), but to use the tactic of fighting and retreating, maintaining close contact with Hu Zongnan, and gradually testing Hu Zongnan's true intentions.

Hu Zongnan had to listen to the briefing and read the report every day in his own executive office in Xi'an to understand the progress of the war, and then command the troops to launch an attack.

A commander at the campaign level, competing with someone like Boss Peng from thousands of miles away is no different from courting death. I don’t know how his principal fell in love with him and handed over hundreds of thousands of troops to such a person to command .

Front-line fighters are difficult to capture, but his front-line commanders can't even mobilize a battalion without his orders. What use is such a fool other than ruining his own troops?In the Kuomintang, someone once commented that Hu Zongnan was a great talent, an idiot, and at best he could be a regiment leader.

Under the attack of the Kuomintang army, Baishui, Chengcheng, Heyang and other places were successively occupied. Hu Zongnan was overjoyed when he got the news, and ordered the troops to sweep the Guanzhong sub-region of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region like the little devil back then. , Prepare to trap the Northwest Field Army to death in Huanglong Mountain.

Chiang Kai-shek, who has been paying attention to the battle situation in northern Shaanxi, also constantly encouraged Hu Zongnan to speed up the end of the Northern Shaanxi War and wipe out the Northwest Field Army in one go, so that his three 10,000+ troops could be sent to the Central Plains battlefield to fight the Central Plains decisive battle with the People's Liberation Army.

The Northwest Field Army could not bear it, and did not have large-scale contact with the Kuomintang army. Instead, it was looking for fighters in constant movement, looking for opportunities to give the enemy a fatal blow.

Among the troops attacked by the Kuomintang army to the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, there is a unit that is quite different and special. This unit is the New 36th Division.

Why is it called the new 36th Division? Because the reorganized 36th Division of the Kuomintang was completely wiped out by the Northwest Field Army in the Shajiadian Battle described above. In that battle, only the division commander Zhong Song and a few cronies escaped. The teacher and a few cronies were left, but Hu Zongnan was reluctant to bear the designation of the 36th Division and ordered Zhong Song to reorganize the 36th Division.

The army has been formed, but it is different from the previous 36th Division in many ways. The previous 36th Division is an old army with combat experience, and its personnel has reached an unprecedented 3 people. The new 36th Division is much worse. The personnel of the three brigades of the division has shrunk a lot compared to the past. Each brigade has only 5000 people, and the whole division has only more than 5000 people, including a considerable number of non-combatants.

Objectively speaking, Zhong Song is still a general who is good at fighting. In the first battle of Yulin, it was precisely because of Zhong Song’s support that the Northwest Field Army suffered heavy losses. It is because he has seen this point and thinks that he is still useful and can work hard for himself.

Of course, Zhong Song also wanted to prove his ability, and worked very hard in the action, hoping to wash away the shame of the Shajiadian Battle through this battle, and prove to Hu Zongnan and Chiang Kai-shek that he is a commander who can fight.

The 36th Division worked very hard from the very beginning of the attack, and the troops attacked and deployed very quickly, causing some trouble to the Northwest Field Army during several small-scale contacts.

However, since this guy had suffered a lot in the battle with the Northwest Field Army, he was very cautious in every battle, for fear of being fooled again and suffering a loss.

Near the Yichuan Highway, in the Shibao area, the temporary headquarters of the Northwest Field Army, Commander Peng Dehuai is assigning tasks to several senior commanders:

"The 36th Division of Zhong Song is very active in combat and poses a great threat to us. After research and decision, we are going to bring in the 36th Division in the next operation and create an opportunity to eliminate it."

Speaking of this, Boss Peng glanced at the several commanders around him: "The enemy has more troops than us, and they adopt the tactics of flat push and encirclement, so it is wrong to want to capture the 36th Division from the enemy's pile and eat them up." Easy, Yesi plans to use the first, third, fourth, and sixth columns to contain and attract the enemy, and hand over the task of destroying the main force of the 36th Division to the second column, Commander Wang, do you have any opinions and opinions?"

Among the several commanders around Boss Peng, there was Wang Zhen, the commander of the second column. At this time, Commander Wang didn't have the usual smile, but said to Boss Peng with a serious face: "Please, all the leaders of the wild divisions, please come back!" Don't worry, our Second Column will definitely complete the task and eliminate the 36th Division."

Boss Peng: "The invincible Zhongsong is entrusted to you again. The reason I entrusted you with the task is because you have four brigades in your hand. You are more sure of completing the mission than other columns. You are familiar with Zhongsong, and Zhongsong is also I know you well, but he is afraid of you, you are not afraid of him. Although the new 36th Division is a newly formed unit, it has more than 5000 people, and its strength is half of your column. Zhong Song is also stronger than the average KMT The general is difficult to deal with, so it will be very difficult to eliminate the 36th division. The other columns must do their best to contain the enemy and ensure the safety of your column's flanks. At that time, there will be no troops to reinforce you. Your second column must deal with it. Be prepared for that.”

Commander Wang: "After training for such a long time, I just took this newly established 36th Division to try the knife. If he can't be killed, he will continue to fight until he is beaten to meat sauce. Let's see if he still dies."

Commander Wang, who returned to his own column, immediately convened a combat meeting attended by cadres above the regiment of the entire column, and conveyed the combat orders issued by the field division. Wang Chengde and Chief of Staff Fang Xin.

Under the full supervision of the division commander Zhong Song, the KMT reorganized 36th Division began to attack and move forward. However, Zhong Song's sense of smell or battlefield perception is still quite keen. The advance was stopped and the defense was organized on the spot.

In the defense area of ​​the new 36th Division, there is a lonely mountain extending to the plain, because it looks like a jug from a distance, so the local people call it Huti Mountain (Huti Mountain is real, but the so-called The name of the common people is fabricated, there is no such thing).

Zhong Song was very optimistic about the geographical location of this lonely mountain. He used this lonely mountain as a support position for his troops. He could attack when he advanced, and he could defend when he retreated. The headquarters, the directly subordinate team and the main 28th brigade guarded Huti Mountain, which broke the plan of the second column to set up an ambush to wipe out the enemy.

However, as the enemy changes, I also change. The winner is the one who wins because the enemy changes. At the combat meeting of the second column, Commander Wang decided to attack the enemy's 28th brigade with the fifth brigade (the old three, five and nine brigades). The sixth brigade attacked the enemy's first, second and third brigades, with the fourth brigade as the reserve of the column, and Li Yong's independent brigade to attack Zhongsong's main force, the new [-]th brigade.

This was the first battle of the Independent Brigade after it became an army (the first battle as a brigade-level force). It was still a tough battle. Commander Wang did not hesitate to hand over the most important task to the Independent Brigade. The problem that Yong considered before is that the level of the troops has increased, and the responsibilities they bear will also increase. It is the main force who must shoulder the burden of the main force. Li Yong and Wang Chengde obviously feel the heavy burden on their shoulders. I felt the pressure that I didn't feel at the time.

Commander Wang warned Li Yong, Wang Chengde, and Fang Xin: "Huti Mountain is the battle support point of the 36th Division of the Kuomintang. As long as Huti Mountain is taken down, the battle will be easy to fight, and the enemy's defense system will collapse. There is no danger to defend, and in the plain area, the 36th Division, whose strength is only half of the second column, has no way to fight against the second column without a reliable defensive position. The enemy's 28th brigade has more than 4000 people, plus the division headquarters The directly subordinate team should have about 5000 people, and the enemy will definitely stick to the Huti Mountain position in a battle, so the key node of this battle depends on whether the independent brigade can successfully capture Huti Mountain and destroy the 28th Brigade."

Finally, Commander Wang seriously told the commanders of several independent brigades: "The battle is very important. You must take the Hutishan position quickly at all costs. If you can't take it down, you will withdraw. The fourth brigade, the old unit of your brigade, will follow up." attack."

Commander Wang's words are very serious. Although he didn't say what to do if he can't win the battle, it's a bit unbearable just to be withdrawn and the fourth brigade to attack. They all knew Brigadier Guo's discomfort after the setback.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde looked at each other, and the brigade commander Li Yong said to the column party committee: "Please rest assured, the commander, please rest assured that the column party committee, our independent brigade will resolutely complete the task, eliminate the 28th brigade, and take Hutishan. "

The old bus is 40 years old. This age is when there are old people on the top and young people on the bottom. There are many things in normal times. I hope everyone can understand that the update is not fast. Thank you for your support.

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