The beacon of youth

Chapter 344 Fighting the 36th Division Again 9

Chapter 344 Fighting Again with the Ninth Division of the 36th Division

After receiving the order from Commander Wang, the Independent Brigade put all its forces into play. Even the manpower that could be dispatched from the supply battalion was led by He Cuihua and joined Zhang Jinsong's reconnaissance battalion directly into the battle. Except for the supplementary battalion who is still in training, they basically put in all their friends whole~reason~provide

Of course, Li Yong had his own considerations in not allowing the supplementary battalion to go to the battlefield. There were too many liberation fighters in the Northwest Field Army, more than 80.00%, which caused a series of problems.

Some time ago, due to the short training time and the lack of personnel in the army, some newly captured soldiers were directly recruited into the army. The prisoners who had not undergone ideological reform had many conflicts as soon as they entered the army. I don't understand the practices and tactics, and there are also problems with communication among comrades.

Some Liberation fighters said that the Eighth Route Army was not a regular army, just like bandits, and that the Eighth Route Army walked all day and night to drill ravines. Their military uniforms have not yet been obtained. In order to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, each of them had to wear a gray military cap of the People's Liberation Army. As for the clothing, they had to wait until later. Individual new liberation fighters also disliked only one military cap, and there were rumors that , This is because the People's Liberation Army troops let the captive soldiers distinguish when they charge in the front when they are fighting.

Liberation fighters in the army have a serious attitude towards employment. The general thinking is that "if you eat food, you will be a soldier of that family, and if you have milk, you will be a mother." Greed for life and fear of death, violating discipline, complaining about suffering and tiredness, and skidding the first battle have become common phenomena.

Later, there were many disobeying the orders of the squad leader and platoon leader, and many quarrels with the soldiers who joined the army in the border areas. If this kind of army continued to develop, it would be no different from the mob. After the ideological training, the problem was solved. Under the leadership of political commissar Xu Qiuli, the [-]th Brigade of the first column has even explored some very valuable experience. Only educated soldiers are real soldiers. The ideological and political weapons of our army are the strength of the army. Bao is right.

Therefore, Li Yong will not let the soldiers of the supplementary battalion go to the front line until the ideological problem is resolved. The soldiers are good but not many, and they are not united with the People's Liberation Army. It is useless to have more people.

After Huti Mountain was conquered by the People's Liberation Army, the position of the 36th Division of the Kuomintang was shaken across the board, and the two brigades (the [-]st, [-]rd, and [-]th brigades) who were still holding on to the reinforcements at the foot of the mountain were panicked.

After the independent brigade went down from the mountain, it moved from the side to the rear of the 36st, [-]nd and [-]rd Brigade of the [-]th Division, and attacked the [-]st, [-]rd and [-]rd Brigade from behind.

The 1st, 4000nd and 8000rd brigades, the KMT’s time-honored troops, are not as good as before. In the heyday, there were close to [-] people. After reorganization, there were only more than [-] people. The quality of soldiers and weapons and equipment is also much worse. The combat effectiveness is not half of what it used to be. , It was only with all the means of the whole body that it withstood the attack of the Fifth Brigade of the People's Liberation Army with a total strength of more than [-] for a few hours.

The officers and soldiers of the 25st, 25nd and 10rd brigades dared to confront the PLA head-to-head because the nearest Kuomintang troops were only [-] kilometers away from them, and they also had the main position of Huti Mountain as their backing. It is not easy for them to win, once the main force of the corps behind arrives, they will rescue them. The distance of [-] kilometers is only a matter of ten minutes for the Kuomintang troops with a large number of cars.

However, the battle lasted from morning to noon, and there was no sign of the reinforcements that had been waiting. Not only were they under heavy attack, but the 28th Brigade and the [-]th Brigade were also besieged. At noon, the division headquarters also lost contact. It is estimated that it was more or less ominous. Just when the Kuomintang officers and soldiers were in a state of confusion, the machine guns on the top of the mountain rang out again.

Listening to the sound of the machine gun firing, one can tell that this is a powerful large-caliber anti-aircraft weapon. When the officers and soldiers of the first, second and third brigades were still a little puzzled, these machine gun bullets fell on them like a storm Overhead, at the same time as the machine guns rang out, the troops from the Independent Brigade came through and fired fiercely from behind the buttocks of the [-]st, [-]rd and [-]rd Brigades.

The geographical location of Huti Mountain is very good. Standing on the mountain, you can see clearly the positions of the [-]rd Brigade and the [-]th Brigade on the left and right sides. Li Yong asked Wei Gang to carry all the machine guns of their battalion up the mountain. No matter how steep the terrain is, it must be climbed up. If it is not easy to move, it will be disassembled, and then assembled on the mountain, and then condescendingly shoot at the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd Brigade from the mountain.

The loss of the main position poses too great a threat to the Kuomintang officers and soldiers. Wei Gang’s machine gun battalion on the mountain can not only see the enemy’s defense situation clearly, but even the helmets of the Kuomintang soldiers in the trenches can be seen. Cover the first, second and third brigades with firepower.

The Artillery Battalion of the Independent Brigade set up an observation post on the mountain as soon as Huti Mountain was taken down. Battalion Commander Gao Xiang's command methods became more and more sophisticated. It is to think things forward, do the preliminary work well, and fire as soon as the superior has an order.

To deal with the enemies behind the mountain, the best weapon is the curved 1mm howitzer. Gao Xiang also moved his artillery command post to the mountain. The Kuomintang officers and soldiers are clearly visible in the binoculars, and even the outline of the soldiers' facial features can be clearly seen Clearly, Gao Xiang was so excited that he couldn't stop muttering: "What's the difference between this guy and being a target for our artillery?"

Sure enough, as Gao Xiang expected, it didn't take long for the brigade commander Li Yong to call, asking how long it would take for the artillery battalion to be ready. Gao Xiang proudly told Li Yong on the phone that as long as the brigade commander has Order their battalion to open fire at any time, and all preparations have been completed.

"Good job, you kid is a piece of material to be an artillery battalion commander. Use your artillery fire to teach the [-]rd brigade commander of the Kuomintang who is still resisting behind the mountain a lesson. Shoot with all your strength and start." The voice of brigade commander Li Yong Gao Xiang was very proud for a while.

Gao Xiang's artillery battalion was the first to fire, and swarms of artillery shells crossed the mountaintop and landed on the positions of the [-]st, [-]nd, and [-]rd Brigades like crows. Fireworks, debris, and stones rose up, and the entire land was under the roar of shells. Trembling, but in this way, an unexpected problem appeared.

The brigade commander Li Yong ordered Wei Gang's machine gun battalion to fire at the same time as the artillery fire attacked, but the overwhelming artillery fire blew up the positions of the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd brigades, and the soldiers' vision was blurred. ?

Of course, Li Yong saw the problems encountered by the machine gun battalion on the top of the mountain, but Brigadier Li didn't care what he saw or couldn't see. If you can't hold the bullet, just do it.

Now that the brigade commander has an order, it’s not easy to do. The soldiers manipulated the anti-aircraft machine guns, regardless of the 21, and fired at the positions of the 1 brigades. There is no such thing as precise shooting, what? I can't see that there is no precise shooting. The old shooters handed over most of the machine guns to the new fighters, so that they can have a good time.

These new fighters are happy, this kind of opportunity is too difficult to find, you don’t need to aim at the head, the position is probably correct, this is not easy to handle, the soldiers sweep with their machine guns, the body of the gun shakes, and the bullets are fired out in strings.

No wonder the new soldiers are happy. In the past, the old Eighth Route Army regarded every bullet as a treasure. When Hu Zongnan attacked Yan'an in March last year, the main teaching brigade of the defensive troops only had ten bullets per soldier on average. , Boss Peng gave the order to stick to it for seven days. It can be seen how difficult it was to complete the task at that time. The soldiers had to aim accurately every time they fired a shot. It is simply impossible to do what they are doing now. It's the same, so the veterans who are used to fighting poor battles would not give such orders, and only the brigade commander Li Yong would order his soldiers like this.

But it is undeniable that doing so is also very effective. First, there is overwhelming bombardment, followed by dozens of large-caliber anti-aircraft machine guns firing condescendingly.

There is a hidden command post not too far directly in front of the defensive positions of the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd Brigade of the Kuomintang. Brigadier Guo of the [-]th Brigade of the [-]nd Column was observing the battlefield with a telescope. While watching, Brigadier Guo said to a commander beside him: "Look carefully, this is the firepower preparation of the artillery, and learn from the artillery of the independent brigade, you are good, the artillery shells will either hit the front or the rear, and sometimes almost blow up your own people .”

A commander next to Brigadier Guo smiled, and then said: "I know the brigade commander, we must learn from the comrades of the independent brigade, but that will have to wait until after the battle is over, how can we learn now? "

Brigadier Guo: "Hmph, don't stress any objective reasons to me. As soon as the war is over, I will send you all to the Independent Brigade. Don't come back until you have learned your skills. Do you understand?"

While the two were talking, the shelling of the Independent Brigade stopped suddenly, and the familiar bugle sounds of the soldiers came from behind the [-]st, [-]rd and [-]rd Brigades.

Brigadier Guo, a commander from the old Red Army, still doesn't understand what's going on. Commander Wang's order has been conveyed long ago, and the fifth brigade and the independent brigade should encircle the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd brigades of the Kuomintang in front.

"Comrades, the independent brigade attacked from behind the enemy. The independent brigade has already eaten the 28th Kuomintang brigade on the mountain, and then went around behind the enemy's buttocks. Our brigade has been working continuously for several hours from morning to now. I blush for myself before breaking through the enemy's line of defense. We are an old army, and we can't even compare with a newly formed brother army. Aren't you ashamed? I order, blow the charge, and the whole brigade will attack."

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