The beacon of youth

Chapter 345 Fighting the 36th Division Again

Chapter 345 Another Battle of the 36th Division Ten

After the two infantry brigades (fifth brigade and Li Yong independent brigade) of the second column of the Northwest Field Army were captured in the main position of Huti Mountain, they followed the order of Commander Wang of the column and carried out joint attacks on the first, second and third brigades of the 36th Division of the Kuomintang. The attack of Bo started again under the cover of heavy fire.Xiao ^ Said ^ Ad-free~

Violent artillery fire, dense rain of machine gun bullets, and the roar of the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army made the entire position of the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd Brigade tremble. In the face of tremendous pressure, the defense line of the [-]st, [-]rd Brigade and the confidence of the officers and soldiers suddenly collapsed. , The soldiers no longer had the intention and action of defense.

The lack of morale made the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd brigades immediately mobilized. Troops without morale and fighting spirit were no longer called troops. Many defensive positions were vulnerable to the second column's attack, and luan soldiers fled everywhere.

Li Yong told the soldiers to slow down the attack speed and not to rush for success. At this time, there is no need to cause a large number of casualties to the soldiers. It is only a matter of time before these Luan soldiers are dealt with. suitable.

Soon, several loudspeakers made of iron sheets were sent to the front line, and the political workers and propagandists of the People's Liberation Army got busy. After a few minutes, shouts filled the entire position: "Brothers of the 28st, [-]rd Brigade, you have been surrounded by the People's Liberation Army Well, the division commander Zhong Song and the [-]th Brigade on the mountain are also finished. The [-]th is being surrounded and wiped out just like you. You don’t even need any reinforcements. It’s not a day or two to fight with our People’s Liberation Army. When will your reinforcements be ready? Arrived in time, handed over a gun and won’t kill, the PLA treats prisoners preferentially, if you want to be a soldier, you can join us and join us as an Eighth Route Army, if you don’t want to be a soldier, our PLA will pay you to go home, you just have to put down your guns.”

The power of a political offensive is enormous, sometimes more powerful than guns. From the period of the Red Army to the period of the War of Liberation, the PLA’s policy of preferential treatment of prisoners has not changed. The soldiers of the Kuomintang understand this policy very well. Therefore, the resistance movements of the soldiers of the [-]st, [-]rd and [-]rd brigades became smaller and smaller.

At this time, the loudspeaker of the People's Liberation Army sounded very good at finding opportunities: "Brothers from the 36st, [-]rd and [-]rd Brigades, there are many soldiers from your old [-]th Division in our Liberation Army. They will not shoot at you. Put down your weapons, don't move around, just sit in the trenches, our PLA guarantees your personal safety."

Prestige and integrity are earned through little actions over the years. The People's Liberation Army's policy of not killing prisoners is a policy that every Kuomintang soldier understands. No one doubts all of this. Unlocking their weapons, the troops rushed up quickly.

Seeing all this, Wang Chengde, the political commissar in the Independent Brigade Headquarters, gave Li Yong a thump: "Dayong, are you a good sighter? This loudspeaker is more effective than bullets and grenades, and it's a bit of a political commissar. "

Li Yong chuckled: "Old Wang, what is my skill? I've got some good policies from our People's Liberation Army. In the final analysis, our Chairman Mao's method of 'Three Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention' is better than that. As a prerequisite, it's useless for the soldiers to shout."

Wang Chengde nodded and said yes, without the good policies formulated by the superiors, and without the earnest implementation of the soldiers, the current effect cannot be achieved. Therefore, the surrender after being shouted by the loudspeaker is also the result of years of accumulation by the PLA troops, not just a short period of time. It can be done, and other troops can't learn it even if they want to.

The Independent Brigade and the Fifth Brigade finally joined forces on the battlefield, and the soldiers were very busy. Although the [-]st, [-]nd, and [-]rd Brigades were newly formed troops, they were still independent after all. Thanks to the hard work of Hu Zongnan, a very loyal student, there are still some good things in the **, and we must not let go of what should be taken. At least we must replenish the consumption of this battle. According to the words of the brigade commander Li Yong You can't do anything to accompany Ben's business.

The troops of the Eighth Route Army, they all have this kind of thinking, so a contradiction arises. There are two Eighth Route Army troops on the battlefield, and both of them want good things. The soldiers of the Fifth Brigade and the Independent Brigade are about to grab it , When dealing with the enemy, they are brothers, but once the enemy is wiped out, who hasn't thought about it when it's time to clean up the battlefield?It is also normal.

But no matter what, the two troops still play tricks on the ground. The luan made some commanders frown. It is really impressive for the troops of the Eighth Route Army to grab supplies together. After seeing Li Yong and Wang Chengde, Brigadier Guo opened the door and said straight to the point: "Brigade Commander Li and Political Commissar Wang, do you think this is good? Half of our two families were captured on the battlefield. Don't let the soldiers snatch it. It's too late to grab it." thing."

Li Yong also nodded with a wry smile and said yes. If the two fighters had any small disputes, most of them were caused by the people from the independent brigade. It's He Cuihua, the deputy battalion commander of the supply battalion, who was born in logistics. Everything he saw was a treasure, so he almost pulled the land back. The hundreds of soldiers with her were going to grab whatever they saw (the supply battalion can chou Only about half of them were transferred out, and the rest had to manage supplies and replenish ammunition to the front lines, so the troops led by He Cuihua were only a few hundred people, not all the supply battalions were recruited).

He Cuihua's idea is, don't look at some things that are useless now, but it doesn't mean they will be useless in the future, so all that can be taken away must be taken away. For this matter, I clashed with the soldiers of the Fifth Brigade several times, and the people of the Fifth Brigade He Cuihua has a lot of opinions on her, but He Cuihua doesn't care whether they have opinions or not, and he will grab them.

Not to mention how they cleaned up the battlefield, while the fifth brigade and the independent brigade encircled the 36st, [-]nd and [-]rd brigades, the [-]th brigade, which was a column battle reserve, also joined the [-]th brigade to attack the [-]th brigade of the Kuomintang's [-]th division.

The fourth brigade, as the reserve team of the column, has always been watching the battle from behind. This veteran unit is used to tough battles and big battles, so it has a lot of opinions on being a reserve team. Some commanders and soldiers murmured: " Every battle is the main force, I didn't expect to be a second echelon this time, what is this called?"

Brigadier Chen didn't really care about these things. The field army and columns had to consider the overall situation when arranging tasks. What's wrong with being a reserve team?When the reserve team can do meritorious service, when the order for the column to encircle the [-]th brigade was issued, Brigadier Chen took this opportunity to mobilize the whole brigade:

"Comrades, I heard that some people are very dissatisfied with being a reserve team. They think that we are the main brigade of the field army and columns. This work is not what we should do. I want to ask everyone, this work is not what we do. Who should do it? Yes? Now the column has ordered us to encircle the 36th Brigade, which is still resisting, with the 28th Brigade. It is mules or horses that go out for a stroll. You can’t tell what the main force is from just talking about it. Everyone knows that independence The brigade is our younger brother's unit, which was separated from our fourth brigade. They have already eaten up the [-]th brigade, the main force of the [-]th division, and are now attacking the enemy's first, second and third brigades with the fifth brigade. In the future, if you don’t serve as a reserve team or as a second-echelon team, you need to show some convincing skills. I don’t want to hear any strange and complaining words. The [-]th Brigade is right under our noses. Do you want to eat it? "

Brigadier Chen, who was born in the old Red Army, yelled at the morale of the troops, yes, what's the use of talking, you have to show some real skills, even the independent brigade of the little brothers can't compare with what kind of big brother Troops, what kind of main force do you have?

The soldiers yelled and asked the commanders of their respective units to request tasks from the brigade commander. Therefore, once the battle started, the fourth brigade appeared extremely fierce. Charge to solve problems.

The fourth brigade has just entered the battle, the soldiers are full of energy, ammunition is sufficient, and the offensive is fierce. The arrow troops continue to break forward. Some defensive areas scattered like birds and beasts before the People's Liberation Army attacked.

The 7000th Brigade and the 36th Brigade, the two main infantry brigades of the two columns, combined have more than 5000 people, while the newly formed [-]th Brigade of the [-]th Division of the Kuomintang has less than [-] people, which is less than one-third of the People's Liberation Army. One was to fight field battles on the plains again, and as a result, you can guess with your feet. After the [-]th Brigade launched the general offensive of the [-]nd Column, [-]th Brigade and [-]th Brigade, it failed even for an hour.

In the attacking force of the Fourth Brigade, the second regiment, the main force, ran at the forefront. Commander Zhao ran like the soldiers with a submachine gun, and shouted to the soldiers beside him, "Hurry up! The goal of our regiment is the brigade headquarters of the [-]th Brigade, so don’t worry about anything else.”

Commander Zhao's style is sometimes influenced by Brigadier Li Da of the Independent Brigade. Don't look at Commander Zhao, a commander from the old Red Army. With a lot of energy, Captain Zhao sometimes thought: Damn, my soldiers have all become brigade commanders, political commissars, and battalion commanders. Am I getting old or something is wrong?No, you can't let these little guys compare.

In fact, it is not that the head of the Zhao regiment is old, but that Li Yong, Wang Chengde and others are too young. After the battle started, the head of the Zhao regiment, who was in his 30s, ordered the troops not to love fighting. Headquarters, first destroy the enemy's headquarters.

As soon as the second regiment got started, it used two battalions as sharp knives, and the regiment headquarters and another battalion as the second echelon followed behind. Commander Zhao gave the order to the regiment that the attack could not be stopped twice, and do not leave the enemy even After a short respite, the second echelon continued to attack if the sharp knife troops failed. In order to supplement the strength of the second echelon, Commander Zhao sent the regiment's guard company and reconnaissance company together, and even picked up his submachine gun and went to the front line.


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