The beacon of youth

Chapter 353 Zhang Jinsong and His Scouts 2

Chapter 353 Zhang Jinsong and His Scout II

A small reconnaissance unit led by Zhang Jinsong walked for several hours. It is estimated that it must have been twenty or thirty kilometers. In a hurry, ask the battalion commander what to do.

Battalion Commander Zhang Jinsong glanced at his watch: "Walk for another half an hour, get in a few kilometers more, and then find a place to hide. Wait until dawn. The Kuomintang has a large army of more than 20 people and cannot escape."

Continue walking for a few kilometers, after turning a corner, Zhang Jinsong and Ning Erzi led the troops into the bushes behind a small hill, where there were messy trees and weeds everywhere, and the small troops of more than 80 people went in without even a single one. They can't even see it. Although these luan shrubs can't be useful, they are a good place to hide at this time.

Zhang Jinsong simply gave the order: "Rest in place, you can eat dry food and drink water, but you are not allowed to smoke, and you are not allowed to use flashlights. Put a few more guard posts around, and be careful not to expose the target."

Some soldiers took off the water bottles on their backs to drink a few sips of water, some ate a few mouthfuls of dry food, and some half-lyed on the ground and took a nap. After walking for several hours, they were more or less tired. From time to time, there were a few slight sounds of drinking water and eating dry food, but these sounds were too small, and they could no longer be heard a few meters away.

It is not easy to be a scout, not only in good health, but also with a smart mind. When recruiting soldiers, there are also strict rules. Among them, sleeping and not snoring is the most basic requirement, so don’t look at the fact that many of these 80 people are taking naps. But no sound came out, this is the skill of scouts.

The waiting time passed very slowly, but the soldiers had obviously been trained in this area, and they were very patient. No one asked the battalion commander and platoon leader when to act, and they waited quietly.

Another few hours passed, and through the gaps between the trees and weeds, one could see that the sky in the distance was a little white, and the sky was about to dawn.

A platoon of soldiers lay down on the grass and rested for several hours. They were all young men with good physical strength. They ate some dry food and drank some water. The soldier on guard yelled over, "How is it, is there any movement?"

A soldier replied: "Commander, you can't even see a cat in this grass tree. We take turns guarding it. Don't say that there is no movement in our area. If it is farther away, nothing will happen. Chickens don't bark. Bite, calm and calm."

Ning Erzi scratched his head, and asked a little dissatisfied: "Battle Commander, what do you mean by the enemy? Why can't we see anyone after entering so far? It's not like they all ran away."

Zhang Jinsong: "Nonsense, a large army of the Kuomintang is here, why would it run away? There are two reasons why we didn't see anyone. One is that the enemy is too lazy, and the soldiers on guard have no sense of responsibility. They are secretly looking for places at night. I went to sleep. The second reason is that the space between the enemy's troops is too large, so large that there is no garrison at the junction of the two troops, and the search team cannot reach each other, so the current situation is formed. It’s not like there are soldiers patrolling, but I really hope that the enemy has both reasons, hmph, the more careless the KMT is, the more helpful it will be to us.”

While talking to Ning, Zhang Jinsong took out a map from his pocket and drew everything he could see with a pencil. After getting out of the camp, Zhang Jinsong told the soldiers that they would never take the big road if they could take the small road, and try not to meet the Kuomintang troops face to face. Don't look at the Kuomintang military uniforms we are wearing, there is no big mistake in being careful.

In fact, not too far from Zhang Jinsong and the others, there is a small observation post of the Kuomintang army, but no one has noticed it. The observation post is not big. It is a simple shack built with luan grass and a few branches, although it is very simple. But it can also take shelter from the wind and rain. There are only three people inside and three rifles.

Early in the morning, the sleepy-eyed brothers were chatting. A soldier put a big gun behind his head and said without opening his eyes: "I said, what is there to worry about, our little observation post is far away from the company?" It must be several kilometers at least, ten kilometers away from the division headquarters, why do you get up so early, sleep as much as you can."

One of the other two said: "I want to go out and have a look. What if a mob from the communist army comes up? I heard that the communist army has always been elusive in war."

The soldier who was lying down and talking took a sip: "Are you out of your mind, kid, or are you stupid? Even if the communist soldiers come up, what can we do? Do you dare to shoot or shout? Let me tell you, if there are communist forces I will kill you."

The soldier who had been trained was a little at a loss and said: "Then what should we do? If we run back without an order, we will be shot."

The soldier who was lying down and talking replied with a bit of resentment: "Hey, your brain is really stupid. Who told you to run back? We are here to guard, eat when we need to eat, and sleep when we need to sleep. None of those officers dared to come out so far to check the sentry, go, dig a few stones outside, and set up the pot, my third brother has to eat some hot food, hey, my stomach is completely cold."

Ning Erzi, who was about to get up and set off, suddenly saw a faint blue smoke rising not too far from their reconnaissance team, Ning Erzi quickly grabbed Zhang Jinsong: "Battle Commander, look, there is a situation."

Zhang Jinsong took out the binoculars and looked at it carefully for a while: "The distance is less than 100 meters, a bit like cooking smoke when cooking and lighting a fire. Second son, send a few people to make a sound, go and come back quickly."

A few minutes later, the soldiers came back, and one of the soldiers reported: "Commander, there is a small hut built with grass, which should be a small observation post for the enemy. We can't get in the hut, and the exact number of people can't be seen clearly. There are people outside." Two people are making a fire and cooking, judging from the size of this small shack, there are not many people inside."

Zhang Jinsong thought about it, and protruded a small observation post from a long distance. If these people are responsible, they will shoot if they find the situation, and they can report a letter to the large army. My own reconnaissance team sent information: "Go to a class, no shooting is allowed, catch alive."

Twenty soldiers, led by the second son of the platoon leader Ning, surrounded the small observation post from all sides under the cover of trees and weeds, and the soldiers stopped when they were more than ten meters away from the small shack. , Two Kuomintang soldiers were busy shouting outside, chatting loudly while chatting loudly, Ning Erzi, who stopped for a few minutes, judged that even if there were still people in the shack, there were no more than five people.

Ning Erzi, who was lying on the ground, made a few gestures to the soldiers around him, and then continued to climb forward. When he was only a few meters away, Ning Erzi and the soldiers jumped up from the ground, strung forward a few steps, and put The two guys who were cooking outside fell to the ground, and while grabbing the two Kuomintang soldiers who were cooking outside, the small shack collapsed with a bang.

When the second son Ning took the men to open the collapsed shack, he saw four or five soldiers holding down a Kuomintang soldier tightly. The Kuomintang soldier who was held down had his mouth stuck into the soil. There is no air out.

The second son Ning pulled the soldiers away a little angrily: "Why did you fix it? I didn't take a good look at it. If you press it for a while, you will be suffocated to death. What's the use of killing people?"

A soldier replied a little embarrassedly: "Platoon leader, aren't we doing this just to be on the safe side, who knows that there is only one person in the small shack, isn't that right? Too many rushed in at once, and the grass shack was knocked down." Now, in order to carry out the command of the battalion commander not to shoot, I had no choice but to hold this kid down."

Ning Erzi: "Don't say this or that. I didn't say you were wrong. See if you are dead. If you don't die, go back. The battalion commander is still waiting for our news. Hurry up."

It took a while for the captured Kuomintang soldiers to understand that these soldiers dressed like them must not be prostitutes. It's really bad luck to take prisoners.

But not to mention the bad luck, these boys are not afraid at all, they all understand the discipline of the Eighth Route Army, as long as they didn't die at that time, it's fine, the Eighth Route Army treats the prisoners well.

Before Zhang Jinsong tried to scare these boys, he told them all they knew. The three of them belonged to the No. 17 Division of the Kuomintang Reorganization. They were three or four kilometers away from the company headquarters, and at least ten kilometers away from the division headquarters. The observation post farthest from their company was on the left of their division was the No. 30 Eighth Division of the Kuomintang. In order to prevent it from being eaten by the Communist army alone, the two divisions started to advance side by side, and they also used each other's horns when defending.

As for the troops behind their 38th and [-]th divisions, they didn't know. The last few Kuomintang soldiers confessed: "Sir, we've told everything we know. If there are more, we really don't know."

Zhang Jinsong can tell that these boys are telling the truth. The soldiers at the bottom have limited knowledge: "Do you know our PLA's captive policy?"

Several captured prisoners nodded and bowed their heads and replied: "Reporting officer, we all know the policy of the Eighth Route Army and know that the Eighth Route Army does not kill prisoners, so our brothers did not resist."

Zhang Jinsong snorted: "It's good to know, let me tell you a few, we were enemies before we were caught, and we were brothers after we were caught. I will tell you the policy of our People's Liberation Army again. If you are willing to go home, we will pay the travel expenses. If you don’t want to go home, you can return to us as the Eighth Route Army, but the premise is that you guys have to make meritorious deeds to atone for your crimes, and our People’s Liberation Army’s preferential treatment policy will be increased for those who have made meritorious deeds, do you understand?”

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