The beacon of youth

Chapter 354 The Combat Intent of the Battle of Libei

Chapter 354 Combat Intent of Libei Battle

Zhang Jinsong, the veteran, knew the psychological state of the Kuomintang soldiers, and explained the policy carefully to the captives. The point is, if you want the PLA to treat you preferentially, you have to perform meritorious service.Vertex Fiction hand-made novel[''] free text update!

Several prisoners glanced at each other, and one who was more courageous asked: "Sir, we all want to make meritorious deeds, but we don't have any great ability, how can we make meritorious deeds?"

Zhang Jinsong nodded: "It's easy to do if you want to make meritorious service. If you really think so, we are our own people. Pack up and follow us immediately. You will lead the way to the place where the 38th Division is stationed. As long as you can find the most advanced soldiers of the 38th Division." The position is considered a meritorious service."

The captives looked at each other, come on, let's go, the sky will change as soon as we wake up, now our brothers are already members of the Eighth Route Army, and they will hang with the Eighth Route Army in the future, what is there to miss in this poor place .

It was the bold one who asked, "Sir, our two divisions usually work together. Our 38th Division basically doesn't interact with the [-]th Division. It is very dangerous to go to their defense zone. If we are found It’s too late to run.”

The second son Ning glared at the prisoners: "What's the matter, are you afraid of death? Let me tell you, our People's Liberation Army is not afraid of that. Stop talking nonsense and lead the way."

Before leaving, the soldiers tidied up the small shacks where the captives lived, and restored those that could be restored to their original state as much as possible. I'm afraid it would be good to have an extra hour.

More than 30 people set out on the road again, the difference was that this time there were three more captives, and these three captives led the way to the direction of the KMT's No. , Zhang Jinsong marked everything he could see along the way on a map in his hand, and the small army went deeper and deeper, and the prisoners who led the way couldn't hold on anymore, and the guys knew this. Zhang Jinsong is the one who speaks the most in the small unit. Others are useless. A prisoner came to Zhang Jinsong again: "Sir, don't go any further. We will be on the ground of the 38th Division."

Zhang Jinsong: "Are you sure?" The prisoner: "Yes." While speaking, someone suddenly shouted: "Who? What part?"

Following the shouts, a Kuomintang army emerged from the edge of the forest, and Zhang Jinsong cursed: "What the hell, let these Kuomintang guys show up first."

Zhang Jinsong and Ning Erzi were more or less careless, and there was nothing wrong with going on all the way. Their vigilance dropped a little, and the troops were discovered by a group of small Kuomintang troops that appeared suddenly.

Judging from the size of the Kuomintang troops in the distance, there are not many people, and it may not be as neat as a platoon of the People's Liberation Army, but now it is not a matter of how many people are small. The enemy's large army will arrive soon, and it will not be easy for the platoon of Zhang Jinsong and Ning Erzi to go back.

"What are you talking about, don't you see the clothes on the old men? We are part of the search team of the Seventeenth Division, which part are you?" Zhang Jinsong, who didn't care at all, asked back.

"The 38th Division's search team? What are people from the [-]th Division doing in our [-]th Division's defense area? Don't you know the rules?"

Zhang Jinsong: "Brother, the 38th Division and the 38th Division are not all Communist troops. The rules are set by people. The Communist Army has always been scheming. The defense zones of our two divisions are so far away. We will not expand the search area. How can it be done? Who will be responsible for being sneaked in by the Communist Army? This is a rule set by our division commander. Let us two expand the search area. It seems to be decided together with your division commander of the [-]th Division. Don’t you know? "

The other party hesitated for a moment, and continued to ask: "Expand the search area? Or did you decide with our teacher? Why don't we know?"

Zhang Jinsong: "Why don't you know it's your own business. If you want to know, go back and inquire. Don't hinder us from performing official duties."

The voice on the other side was obviously a little shocked by Zhang Jinsong, and he said after a while: "I'm sorry, buddy, they are all doing things for the party and the state, but I really didn't receive the order you said to expand the search area of ​​the two companies, hurry up, don't If our defense zone 1 is not good, there will be accidental injuries, and I am also carrying out the order from Shangfeng."

Zhang Jinsong pretended to be a little reluctant and said: "Okay, do you think I am willing to come all the way to you and tell you that I can't help it, brothers, come with me, we will never come here for a stroll again, It’s really good intentions that don’t pay off.”

The soldiers turned around steadily and followed Zhang Jinsong back, until they had gone for a certain distance before gradually speeding up. A prisoner walking beside Zhang Jinsong wiped his sweat with his hands: "Sir, anyone who comes out has to be bluffed." .”

Zhang Jinsong: "Don't flatter me. I'll tell you everything I know in detail when I get back. The People's Liberation Army means what they say, and we will definitely give you preferential treatment if you perform meritorious service."

Zhang Jinsong, who returned to the army, immediately reported what he learned to the brigade headquarters, and the Northwest Field Army sent dozens of reconnaissance teams like Zhang Jinsong in succession. (The above chapters are adapted from the true story of Zhang Tongshu, the reconnaissance hero of the Northwest Field Army)

This morning, the cadres of the second column and above were summoned by Commander Wang, and a head of the headquarters was briefing the situation.

"Comrades, Hu Zongnan has concentrated eleven divisions with more than 20 people to carry out their key mobile defense. According to our intelligence and reconnaissance in the past few days, the 38th and [-]th divisions are deployed in the area north of Dali. The focus is on the twenty kilometers in front of Yongfeng Town, Siqian Town, and Dali City, and thirty kilometers in depth. Although the towns and plain villages are used as bases to form a large depth of equipment, the gaps between each base are very large. Our army has an opportunity to take advantage of, if we adopt the strategic thinking of concentrating the main force, weaving through and out, and annihilating each of them, it is entirely possible to annihilate or severely damage these two divisions."

The chief of staff of the brigade introduced the situation. Commander Wang did not express his opinion. He sat on a chair and watched everyone's reactions. Li Yong and Wang Chengde were still the same as before. The heads sit together.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde, a brigade commander and a political commissar, are as old as Brigadier Chen in terms of rank, and one level higher than Commander Zhao, the second regiment from the old Red Army. In front of the two seniors, the head of the regiment, he didn't look like the brigade commander and the political commissar at all. He sat with a group of regiment-level commanders of the fourth brigade just like the commanders under the two men.

A large number of regimental commanders of the Fourth Brigade are also used to sitting with Li Yong and Wang Chengde in meetings, and no one regards them as brigade commanders and political commissars.

They are used to it, but some people feel uncomfortable. Brigadier Guo of the fifth brigade said angrily to the political commissar beside him: "See, the fourth brigade is awesome. Look at Lao Zhao of the second regiment. I was very happy, and when I was in a meeting, there were two brigade commanders and political commissars sitting behind me, and those who didn’t know it thought it was Lao Zhao’s two guards who followed in, hum, I’m a little angry.”

Brigadier Guo's childish remarks made the political commissar next to him chuckle: "Old Guo, you are jealous, but judging from the age of the independent brigade commander and political commissar, it is said that he is Lao Zhao's guard. There are really people who believe in the members, so don't be jealous, let's have a try with a small army and see if we can grow to a brigade."

Why are others jealous? Li Yong doesn't know what plans he has, but how could Brigadier Li not know about the combat intentions of the field army? The opinions of these commanders were not directly told to everyone.

The Northwest Field Army's second campaign after the 36th Division of the Kuomintang was called the Battle of Libei in history. The target of the battle was the reorganized No.17 and 38 Divisions of the Kuomintang. The inertia of historical development is huge, and everything is the same as before. Nothing changed because of the arrival of Li Yong, a little butterfly.

Halfway through the meeting, the opinions were basically unified. The brigade commanders at all levels were full of great confidence in the victory of the battle. What did the Kuomintang have?It doesn't matter if there are too many people, it didn't make us fight.

At this time, Commander Wang announced the battle plan of the field division: "Comrades, our battle plan is like this. The enemy's eleven divisions adopt densely deployed tactics for defensive operations, but the reorganized No.17 division and the reorganized No. The No.30 Eighth Division is far away from the main force of the enemy's large corps, and the joint defense of the two divisions is very lax. According to the order of Boss Peng, the No.17 Reorganized Division of the enemy was encircled and wiped out with the first column and our second column. Columns and four columns encircled and wiped out the enemy's 38th division, and six columns were used to contain the enemy's main army. After returning, all brigades and regiments immediately made preparations for battle, and the battle will start tomorrow night."

Li Yong was thinking about something, and his mind was rarely distracted at the pre-war meeting held by the column. He is a small person, an insignificant small person, and he has been here for a year and a half. I am not reconciled to the development of history, really not reconciled. (The reason why we are not reconciled will be discussed later.)

When Li Yong was in a trance, a voice suddenly sounded: "Li Yong, what are you thinking? Do you have any opinions on the campaign plan?"

Li Yong's thoughts flickered and flew back again. No one else asked him such a question at the combat meeting held by the column. Well, Commander Wang did this again.

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