The beacon of youth

Chapter 367 The Battle of Libei: The Unrelenting 65th Division

The ferocious firepower of the People's Liberation Army made the attacking Kuomintang army breathless for a long time. Some officers and soldiers who escaped back were trembling as if they had been stimulated. It seemed that they were frightened and dizzy. I can still slow down. (.)

The column teaching brigade faced the 160th Brigade of the [-]th Division, the main force of the Kuomintang attacking force. The heavy loss made the famous major general Huang Zhiyu furious. This guy shouted at a group of officers in his headquarters: "Are you him? How did the reconnaissance work, what intelligence system? The communist army has no ammunition, is this still the communist army has no ammunition? The communist army’s firepower is stronger than ours. This is because the communist army has set a trap for us to be fooled. It is a clear trap Let us be fooled understand? Do you think that the communist army has no ammunition, waste, all waste."

None of the officers dared to speak out. The brigade commander was on fire, and it was not uncommon to be pulled out and shot at this time, so it was better not to speak when it was time to shut up.

Huang Zhiyu, who had yelled for a while, calmed down a little bit, stared at his eyes and gasped for breath. Seeing that the brigade commander stopped swearing, an officer boldly stepped forward and said: "Brigade, the Communist Army is too cunning, but It’s not like there’s no way around it.”

Huang Zhiyu looked at the officer, frowned and said: "I have something to say, some fart, what time is it, and it's still wordy."

The officer cursed in his heart: Isn't it you who wants to be the commander of the division? The officer is obsessed with his mind, commanding the soldiers to charge upwards, and taking the subordinates to vent their anger if the casualties are large. What does this have to do with us.

I thought so in my heart, but I didn't dare to say it: "Traveler, I have been observing the firepower of the communist army. According to my observation, although the infantry of the communist army is very fierce, they don't have heavy weapons. I mean It is the artillery firepower that can effectively suppress the infantry, so artillery fire should be the biggest weakness of the communist army, as long as we find this weakness, we can find a way to deal with it."

Huang Zhiyu's eyes lit up, and what he said was true. It's been almost a day since he fought against the Communist army on the opposite side, and he didn't see any artillery used by the Eighth Route Army. At most, it was some mortars carried by the infantry. These small artillery are not The way to fight against our ** heavy artillery.

"How can we make good use of the artillery in our hands? As long as our brigade is successful, you will be the major general chief of staff of our 65th division. I, Huang Zhiyu, will recommend you to Shangfeng with my personal guarantee."

Although Huang Zhiyu didn't fight very well in battle, he was still very good at using people. Whether he could become the lieutenant general of the 65th Division was still unclear, so he made a wish to let this officer who came up with the idea be a member of the division. Major General Chief of Staff, although he is a big picture, but the officer who came up with the idea still enjoys this atmosphere very much. It is better to have it than not. If this kid can really become the lieutenant general and division commander of the Fifth Division, he might really promote himself. , there is hope.

The officer cleared his throat, and said in a smug tone: "Brigade, the method is not complicated. First, our next attack will increase the intensity of artillery fire. Not only must we use all the artillery fire of our brigade, I would also like to ask the artillerymen of the 65th Division to open fire together, and clear the positions of the communist army with artillery shells several times, killing one more. Can't kill them.

Second, we must issue military orders to the tank troops, and don't pamper them too much. Wars are not a joke, so there is a reason to run back when encountering hard stubble. The losses caused by this attack are due to the tank troops' rapid Running away and leaving the infantry at the front of the communist army's position, it will be easy as long as the tank troops can withstand it. We can let the artillery fire cover the communist army's position continuously until the infantry rushes up. "

Huang Zhiyu nodded frequently while listening: "It makes sense. I was too spoiled by these tank soldiers before. The next time I attack, I will personally go over to supervise the battle. Anyone who retreats without an order will be shot."

In the position of the Independent Brigade of the People's Liberation Army, except for a few observation posts left behind, most of the troops entered the anti-aircraft hole. The hole was dug by the teaching brigade. cheap.

Digging such fortifications is considered a unique skill of the People's Liberation Army. The artillery fire can't stop others, and no matter how well the holes are dug, there is no way to fight the enemy. Survival under the artillery fire depends entirely on these large and small anti-aircraft holes.

The soldiers who entered the artillery cave were laughing and joking together. Now two brigades are holding their positions, and the soldiers are all mixed together. Some soldiers from the teaching brigade asked: "Hey, I said, man, is the artillery of your independent brigade Is it awesome? You were very good when you fought against the 82nd Division last time. Why do you want to drill the artillery holes with us and fight with them? If you destroy the Kuomintang artillery, then nothing will happen?"

The soldiers of the independent brigade replied: "I said, comrade, how can I know what our brigade commander is thinking, but the artillery of the Kuomintang is not cotton, so don't be careless. I guess, our brigade commander and the political commissar must be thinking about how to deal with the enemy. Artillery, don't worry, there are times when you are optimistic."

It really made the soldier guess right. Now Li Yong is thinking about how to deal with the Kuomintang artillery more effectively in the joint headquarters formed with the teaching brigade.

With the strong combat effectiveness of the independent brigade, it is not a problem to repel the blindly charging Kuomintang infantry. The biggest threat is the Kuomintang heavy artillery group. The reorganized No. 60 Fifth Division has its own artillery unit for each brigade, and the division has a reinforcement The heavy howitzer regiment, only by killing the enemy's artillery can hold the position to the maximum extent, otherwise, even if the task assigned by the superior is completed, the casualties will not be small.

Li Yong, who kept pondering back and forth, turned his head and asked the artillery battalion commander Gao Xiang who was always by his side: "How sure are you of defeating the enemy's artillery? How much can our own losses be?"

Gao Xiang replied: "Brigade Commander, artillery confrontation pays attention to discovering the enemy first and firing first. As long as we can find the enemy's heavy artillery position first, we will have a way to deal with it. The reason is the same. If the enemy discovers our artillery first Position, our loss is not small."

Brigadier Chen Haihan on the side asked a little anxiously: "Dayong, have you figured out a solution?" It's been almost a day since we fought against the Kuomintang's attacking troops. The teaching brigade has been ravaged by the enemy's artillery fire, and we know that the artillery of the independent brigade is very powerful. , Brigadier Chen Haihan really wanted to see what it was like to be bombed by the Kuomintang.

"Haha, there is no way, but our soldiers must endure the enemy's artillery fire first. Only when the enemy's artillery group exposes all their position coordinates, our artillery can act later and knock it down with sudden means." .”

"Dayong, our teaching brigade doesn't have many cannons, and there are not many shells. My artillery is not accurate. Since you are here, I will hand over all the artillery to your command. Is it a little bit more effort? "

Li Yong was not polite to brigade commander Chen Haihan. Anyway, after the battle, it would be returned to others. It would be a good way to integrate it now, and it would also allow the artillery soldiers of the teaching brigade to learn more.

When the Kuomintang reorganized the No.60 Fifth Division Headquarters, an officer held a telephone microphone and shouted: "Division seat, the number of Brigadier Huang of the 0th Brigade."

After answering the phone, Li Zhen heard Huang Zhiyu's anxious voice coming from the microphone: "Master, I am Huang Zhiyu, the communist army's firepower is very powerful, and my troops were hit even after launching several attacks in a row. When I got back, I asked the artillery of the division headquarters to give us fire support."

Li Zhen, who answered the phone, snorted: "Huang Zhiyu, what happened to the attack just now? There were a lot of casualties, why didn't you report to the division headquarters? Have you figured out which army is the communist army on the opposite side?"

Huang Zhiyu quietly wiped the sweat from his face. Don't look at this guy who is arrogant in front of the subordinates, but he is better than a kitten in front of the teacher Li Zhen: "Mr., I have investigated everything. In our 160 The brigade’s attacking position is defended by the teaching brigade of the sixth column of the communist army. This teaching brigade is the main brigade of the sixth column of the communist army, and it is very difficult to deal with. We suffered a loss last time.”

"Humph, they are the main brigade of the Communist Army?? Your 160th Brigade is also the main brigade of our 65th Division. Are you still afraid of these muddy legs of the Communist Army? The position is flattened, and then your infantry will rush up with the tanks, do you understand?"

A staff officer of the 160th Division reminded in a low voice beside the division commander Li Zhen: "Mr. Commander, is it a bit careless to transfer all our heavy artillery to the [-]th Brigade? The artillery of the Communist Army is not as good as before."

"I know what you mean. I am afraid that our artillery will expose the target early. However, you are being too careful. Although the Communist Army also has some artillery, their limited firepower is dealing with the 38th Division and the The [-]th Division, we can't take care of it here, even if they found our artillery positions, what else can they do? Use their bayonets to gnaw off our artillery? Don't worry, we are long-range artillery, and the Communist Army has no ability to take them out. How are they?"

Huang Zhiyu was scolded by his teacher Li Zhen on the phone, but even though he was reprimanded, this guy is still happy, why?It seems that the division seat is still facing me, Huang Zhiyu, facing our 160th brigade, can we transfer all the heavy artillery from the division to us?When this battle is over, Lao Tzu will be the commander, and their two brigades also want to compare with our 160 brigade?no way.

The attack of the 65th Division of the Kuomintang started again. The focus of the attack was concentrated on the most frontal teaching brigade position. The artillery of the division, the artillery of the brigade, and the artillery of the regiment were all fired at the positions held by the People's Liberation Army. call.

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