The beacon of youth

Chapter 368 The Battle of Libei: The Desperate 1th Brigade

After the 65th Brigade of the 160th Division of the Kuomintang, which was defeated by the Independent Brigade, took a breath, it cried and asked the division headquarters to transfer the heavy artillery regiment directly under it, and then launched another attack. (.)

In order to be the commander of the Fifth Division, Huang Zhiyu, the brigade commander of the 0 brigade, also made a cruel heart, and uncharacteristically came to the front position to cheer up his soldiers: "Brothers, don't be afraid, everyone has seen our artillery fire, this Once I asked the division commander to transfer all the heavy artillery firepower in the division, not only the howitzers of our brigade, but also the heavy 150mm howitzers of our division. Even though the communist army has artillery holes, it can’t stand up This kind of bombardment, after the Communist army’s position is flattened, you will rush up with the tanks. When I came, I gave orders to the tank troops. If you run back without authorization, you will all be shot. Brothers, let’s work harder , strive to take down the positions of the communist army before dark."

The soldiers hiding in the artillery hole felt that the artillery fire of the Kuomintang army was different from the past. There was a strange howling sound mixed with the shells that kept falling. Every explosion makes people feel that the ground is shaking, and the anti-blasting holes are also shaken by this kind of shells and falling to the ground, feeling as if they are about to collapse. You must know that the Eighth Route Army is really good at digging holes, especially It is an old army like the teaching brigade, who has made the most solid fortifications. If the ability of the Eighth Route Army to dig holes is second, no one dares to say that it is the first.

Li Yong and Brigadier Chen Haihan in the joint headquarters were also attracted by the explosion of artillery shells. They listened carefully. In terms of battlefield experience, Brigadier Chen Haihan knew better. After listening for a while The brigade commander Chen Haihan told Li Yong with certainty that this is a large-caliber heavy artillery. The specific model is unknown, but the caliber must be larger than the American 105 howitzer.

Although Li Yong does not have as much experience on the battlefield as Brigadier Chen Haihan, who has fought for 20 years, our Brigadier Li Da has an advantage that no one else can match. Li Yong knows a lot. However, there are only a few main types of artillery for the Kuomintang army. What can be bigger than the caliber of the 105 howitzer?

If there is no major mistake, it is the 150mm towed howitzer made in Germany. This was imported from Germany by the Kuomintang government in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War. Later, after Germany and Japan became the Axis powers, such materials and weapons were It was banned from exporting to China. This was the artillery with the largest caliber in the army at that time. It was a long-range suppression firepower with a long range and a powerful warhead. It performed very well in the battle against the Japanese army. It can be said to be one of the most powerful guns in the army. Treasure.

The most famous record of this kind of artillery should be the Songshan artillery battle between the Wei Lihuang Department of the Kuomintang and the Japanese army. At that time, this kind of artillery achieved an overwhelming advantage.

However, the number of such weapons equipped in the Kuomintang troops at that time was also extremely rare. Another even bigger disadvantage was that the Kuomintang government at that time could not produce the shells of this artillery. The Burma Road has nine bends and eighteen bends, and there are little devils' planes bombing and strafing in the sky. The loss is huge during the transportation, so every shell is very precious. This kind of weapon will not be used at the most critical time. It seems that the 65th Division of the Kuomintang is really anxious and has brought out all its wealth.

Most of this small number of artillery were equipped for the KMT's expeditionary force. I didn't expect that the 65th Division who came to the Northwest from Guangdong also had this kind of weapon. This was unexpected, or Li Yong did not expect it of.

The Artillery Battalion Commander Gao Xiang of the Independent Brigade always followed the brigade commander Li Yong. The Artillery Battalion was the heavy firepower of the Independent Brigade, and Li Yong was reluctant to use it for a while.

Looking at Li Yong, who had been silent all this time, Battalion Commander Gao Xiang couldn't sit still: "Brigade Commander, let us go, our artillery observation post has already been dispatched, and the coordinates of the enemy's artillery positions are almost the same. Our battalion has Confidence destroys the enemy's artillery positions."

Political commissar Wang Chengde was also a little restless. This commander from the old Eighth Route Army was very familiar with the power of artillery, so he also came over at this time and said, "Dayong, what Gao Xiang said makes sense. Our bomb defense holes did not use such powerful artillery." Taking it into consideration, a large anti-aircraft hole like our brigade headquarters can withstand one or two rounds, and a smaller anti-aircraft hole may not be able to withstand a single round, and it will be blown up once it is hit. If this guy is bombarded for a while, the casualties will be great."

Li Yong, the brigade commander, did not let go of the binoculars, and observed the battlefield situation from the observation hole in the concealed department: "Old Wang, Lao Chen (Brigade Commander Chen Haihan), don't worry, this kind of artillery is under the pressure of the Kuomintang army. Baby, there are not many, and there are not many shells, so it won't last long."

As if to verify what Li Yong said, the frightening sound of shell explosions was indeed sparse, and only came once in a while.

Brigadier Chen Haihan took a deep breath, and this Confucian-like brigade commander seldom cursed: "Damn, I thought the Kuomintang army was equipped with this kind of artillery. It's frightening to have artillery without shells. It’s not of much use, I said Dayong, why do you know everything? How do you guess that the Kuomintang’s shells are not many?”

Brigadier Chen Haihan's question stunned Wang Chengde and Gao Xiang. Yes, how did the brigade commander know that the Kuomintang troops did not have many shells? He has been with Li Yong for a long time, and he knows everything about Li Da. Some are more or less used to it, but Brigadier Chen is different. Of course, Brigadier Chen Haihan will feel a little strange.

Seeing that Brigadier Chen Haihan was a little strange, Gao Xiang couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "How do you know? What is this? Our Brigadier knows too many things and can't explain it, just like Zhuge Liang."

How did you know it? It never happened, but there must be no way to say this. Our brigade commander Li Da laughed and said: "Old Chen, this is nothing unusual. Large-caliber shells like this cannot be produced domestically. So I can only buy from abroad, how much can I buy from other people? Of course it is not enough to fight."

Li Yong's reason was justified, and Brigadier Chen Haihan didn't ask any more questions. At this time, it was getting dark, and after the shelling extended, another attack from the 160th Brigade of the Kuomintang began.

Looking at the sky that was about to go dark, Huang Zhiyu, the brigade commander of the 160th brigade, became restless. Why?Because those who are good at fighting at night will be under the control of the People's Liberation Army at night, and it will be difficult to think of a sudden position.

Huang Zhiyu, who gritted his teeth and turned around a few times, finally became cruel. If he fails, he will be benevolent. If you are too timid, you must not be a general. Seize the last period of time when the sky is going to be dark, and spend all your money to fight the Communist Army. Thinking of this Huang Zhiyu shouted hoarsely: "Come here, drive all the tanks up for me, no matter if there is no ammunition, as long as they can be driven, divide the infantry into three echelons, each regiment is one Attack the echelon, as long as there is one person alive, they will rush up, and anyone who dares to escape will be shot on the spot. The first echelon retreats without an order, and the second echelon will enforce the military law. The second echelon retreats without authorization, and the third echelon will enforce the military law. The troops directly under the brigade headquarters will enforce the military law for the retreat, brothers, charge up, and I, Huang, will also charge with you."

The 0 brigade is going to put all their eggs in one basket. They are desperate. It is no wonder that Huang Zhiyu is anxious. In the entire 65th division, the strength of the 160th brigade is much better than the other two brigades. Not only the artillery firepower, but also the tanks directly under the brigade The army, which is very rare in the general Kuomintang army, Huang Zhiyu is also the confidant of the division commander Li Zhen, according to Li Zhen's psychology, he also wanted him to be the division commander, so he transferred all the artillery of the division.

There could be twenty or thirty tanks, followed by a large number of infantry, rushing up as if desperately before dark, Huang suddenly couldn't see how many people there were.

Li Yuming, the company commander of the guard who had already returned to his unit, begged beside Li Yong: "Brigade Commander, do you want our tanks to rush up and fight the enemy? Why do you let them be so rampant?"

Li Yong turned around and glared at Li Yuming: "Nonsense, how many tanks do you have in total? What is the caliber of your tank guns? Have you thought about these issues? It is not a good thing for a commander to always think about fighting the enemy. After finishing, write a review and hand it over to the political commissar."

There is a reason why Li Yong trained Li Yuming like this. The Independent Brigade only has eight Stuarts. The caliber of the main gun of this tank is only 37mm, and its armor-piercing ability is limited. It's very difficult to be competent. If Li Yuming said that he rushed up to fight against the enemy's tank troops, he might be wiped out in one charge.

The artillery is not allowed to be used, and the tanks are not allowed to be used. To deal with the enemy's tanks, the infantry anti-tank team must be at the forefront. Because of the good performance last time, the current independent brigade anti-tank team has brought two more soldiers from the teaching brigade , Let them learn the operation technology of the rocket launcher.

The soldiers of the teaching brigade had had enough of the pain of sending explosives upwards, and at this time they all excitedly discussed with the soldiers of the independent brigade whether to let them shoot one shot or two, just looking at it was not enough.

The soldiers of the anti-tank team felt that the request made by the people who taught the brigade was indeed necessary, and it was not as beneficial to say it ten times as to fight it once.

In this way, most of the anti-tank teams at the forefront were replaced by soldiers from the teaching brigade, and the old shooters taught them hand in hand.

"Steady your hands, don't panic, calculate the distance, aim well, and get ready-fire."

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