The beacon of youth

Chapter 378: Pursuit of Libei Battle

After being subjected to artillery fire, Li Zhen finally understood that it was not a small unit that was interspersed, but an elite combat force of the People's Liberation Army. Killing this **** division is because they want to kill it with all their heart.

Suddenly enlightened, Li Zhen hurriedly asked his subordinates if they had found out which unit of the communist army it was, and why the maneuvering speed was so fast and the firepower was so fierce.

The size of the Kuomintang reorganized division is equivalent to a column of the People's Liberation Army, that is, a later army, which has its own independent intelligence system. This system is not affiliated with the military and central command, but is directly responsible to the division commander.

An officer in charge of collecting intelligence replied: "Reporter, I asked many soldiers who were routed from the front line, and according to our reconnaissance information, this unit is not a member of the Communist Army's sixth column, but a new reinforcement from the rear." Yes, according to the summary of various sources, it is preliminarily determined that this unit is under the command of Wang Zhen, the Second Column of the Communist Army. It is the only unit in the Northwest Communist Army that has been fully motorized. , Ma’s Army’s 82nd Division suffered a great loss from them.”

Li Zhen gritted his teeth: "***, it turned out to be Wang Zhen's army, no wonder it's so difficult to deal with. What's the specific number?"

Reporter seat: "The designation is the Independent Brigade of the Second Column of the Northwest Field Army."

Li Zhen: "Isn't the Second Column of the Communist Army organized into three brigades? Why is there an extra independent brigade? Is your information wrong?"

"Master, I can't be wrong. This independent brigade is newly established. The previous designation was the independent regiment. Because of the rapid expansion, Peng Dehuai, the leader of the Northwest Communist Army, recently gave another brigade a designation."

Li Zhen: "Order the troops to stand firm and wait for reinforcements, and ask for reinforcements from the main force of the Corps, saying that we are surrounded by the superior forces of the Communist Army and are fighting fiercely with the enemy."

It was found out that the People's Liberation Army passing through was a brigade's strength. Li Zhen, the commander of the Lieutenant General, did not dare to pretend to be big anymore. He put down his face and asked for help from the large corps behind him, and asked them to rush over as quickly as possible. No matter how shameless you are, your life is the most important thing. 【Leaf*Zi】【Yu*Yu】

According to Li Zhen's usual practice, he didn't want to do this at first. Shangfeng vowed to break through the defense of the communist army. Calling for help from the rear, where would he put the face of the lieutenant general?This is also really forced and there is no other way, face and so on are secondary, no matter how hard you are, it may be enough to die.

Regardless of what the Kuomintang officers thought of the Independent Brigade, Li Yong had no time to entangle with them. Before the continuous attack of the five mortar platoons stopped, he used a walkie-talkie to order Li Yuming's tank troops to rush in. Following up, he didn't believe that the Kuomintang's division could have any power to block the attack of the independent brigade.

The attack from all sides started at the same time. The guard battalion of the 65th Division had some combat effectiveness. Although it suffered heavy casualties under the attack of artillery fire, it still fought hard against the soldiers who attacked.

but regardless of these people

No matter how desperately, there are still too few personnel, which is far from the strength of the independent brigade. In addition, there are no anti-tank weapons, and they are helpless when facing the rumbling tanks.

This is still a guard battalion. It fought against the troops of the People's Liberation Army for a while. The other troops didn't make any decent resistance at all. When they heard the sound of the tank's tracks, they gave up psychologically. When they saw the tanks Most of the infantry who swarmed up behind them raised their hands and surrendered.

The guard battalion is a full-time combat force, and its combat effectiveness is the strongest in the entire 65th Division headquarters. The time-consuming confidence of the division commander Li Zhenxiang and the independent brigade is also in them. line mentality.

This division seems to have a lot of people. The messy troops add up to more than 1000 people. According to the division commander Li Zhen's idea, he can fight the Communist Army for a while. As long as he can persist for an hour, it will be easy. The 65th Division It is only a dozen kilometers away from the main force of the Corps. If the action is fast, the distance of more than ten kilometers should be enough for an hour. 【Leaf*Zi】【Yu*Yu】

But can the PLA's assault force give him the time?Li Yuming's command vehicle was the first to rush in, and used the front armor of the tank to remove all roadblocks, low walls, and some obstacles artificially set up to block the advance of the troops, and the steel tracks rolled forward all the way.

I saw a machine gun bunker surrounded by sandbags at a corner. There were six or seven soldiers inside. The steel helmets on their heads were faintly visible, and a Maxim heavy machine gun was spitting out flames.

The Maxim heavy machine gun is an important support firepower for the infantry of the Independent Brigade. Everyone is familiar with this weapon. If this weapon is allowed to go rampant, it will bring heavy losses to the attacking troops.

Seeing a tank rushing over, the heavy machine gun turned its muzzle and fired wildly at the tank and the soldiers behind it. The dense machine gun bullets hit the tank's armor and made a loud noise. Countless bullets shot out after colliding with the deck. The Martian, then slid and flew out.

Although Stuart's armor is not thick, it is still very easy to deal with this type of bullet. Li Yuming, who was sitting in the tank, shouted: "Target, the machine gun bunker ahead, prepare the grenade."

A few seconds later, with a bang, a special anti-personnel grenade knocked the machine gun bunker surrounded by sandbags into the air, and dead bodies and broken weapons fell in pieces.

When encountering firepower points and machine gun bunkers, use artillery to kill them. When seeing light infantry strafing with machine guns on tanks, if they get too close, they directly press down with tanks. Li Yuming led eight tanks on a rampage all the way, disrupting the defense of the entire 65th Division headquarters. Mess.

The soldiers followed behind the tank and fired with submachine guns while throwing rows of grenades. Breakthrough by attacking troops.

An officer crawled into Li Zhen's headquarters and shouted in tears: "Master, the communist army's firepower is too fierce, and many tanks are used to open the way ahead. Brothers really can't stand it anymore. Let's go!" , If you don’t leave, it will be too late.”

In fact alone

The entire family property of Lilv is only eight tanks, but once they charge up on the battlefield, who can count how many tanks there are carefully, and in addition to Heitian, it is even more difficult to figure out how many there are.

Without the officer's report, Li Zhen could clearly hear the shouts of killing coming from all around. At this moment, the stupid lieutenant general and division commander muttered to himself like a defeated rooster: "Go? Where are you going? ? Didn’t you hear the cries of communist soldiers all around you?”

When he was talking about this, the guy raised his head sharply again, staring at his blood-red eyes and shouting: "I don't believe that my 65th division can be defeated like this. My 65th division is the elite of **, and it can beat you!" If you are under the attack of the Communist army, go out and organize resistance, and you must persist until the arrival of reinforcements, go quickly."

The officer who ran in wanted to say something, but Li Zhen just waved his hand, interrupting what he wanted to say, and the officer had no choice but to stamp his feet and run out again.

All the officers in the room were too arrogant to say anything. At this time of year, they were still talking about standing by and waiting for help. The Eighth Route Army was about to attack, and the strength of the guard battalion was not enough to stop them.

An officer with a major general's epaulets on his shoulders whispered to Li Zhen, "Master, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. Where are there generals and soldiers who have never lost a battle in their lives? I think we should break through."

Li Zhenchang sighed and said nothing. The officer winked, and a guard immediately brought over a set of soldier uniforms. The officer said cautiously, "Master, please put this on. The safety factor will be higher when we break out of the encirclement later.”

Li Zhen, who hadn't said anything just now, immediately flew into a rage: "Chief of Staff, I, Li Zhen, am a majestic Lieutenant General and Division Commander. How can I wear a soldier's clothes, and how can I meet people when the news spreads? Take it down."

The guard holding the soldier's clothes stood on the sidelines and looked at the chief of staff at a loss. The officer had no choice but to persuade: "Master, there are stray bullets flying all over the sky outside. The general's clothes are too conspicuous. It's nothing to do in a hurry. , you still wear it."

Seeing that Li Zhen didn't say anything anymore, the chief of staff ordered the guards to take off Li Zhen's general uniform, and then put on the soldier's clothes. Seeing that Li Zhen had finished changing his clothes, this The chief of staff found a suit of soldier's clothes from nowhere as if he was juggling, and changed them in three or five moves.

The actions of the chief of staff stunned all the officers in the room. Some officers looked at each other. Although they didn't speak, the expressions in their eyes were clear. It's no wonder that he was the chief of staff of a major general. It turned out that the soldiers' clothes had already been prepared.

After changing his clothes, the chief of staff put on a steel helmet for Li Zhen, and then asked, "Master, from what direction are we breaking out?"

Li Zhen tightened his collar and said without turning his head, "Hmph, it's very simple. If you walk in a direction where gunshots are sparse, the communist army cannot have tank troops in every attack direction."

Really let this Li Zhen guess right, the independent brigade with only eight tanks only has tank troops on the front of the attack

Of course, there are no other aspects. When Li Yuming and his tank rushed up, there was not even a single person in the headquarters of the 65th Division. Telephone.

Li Yuming, who jumped out of the tank, led the soldiers to rummage all over the world, almost digging out all the mouse holes, but did not find a human hair.

Seeing his company commander gnashing his teeth, a soldier said with a smile: "Company commander, don't worry, we are surrounding you. These Kuomintang officers can't run away. Hurry up and look for them elsewhere. I guess they won't run away too much." Far.".

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