The beacon of youth

Chapter 379 Search for the Battle of Libei

A small unit with only a few dozen people, like a bereaved dog, left the headquarters of the 65th Division under the cover of night, and hurriedly ran to a hilly area with uneven terrain. [] Just read the novel~

According to Li Zhen, there were only dozens of people who broke through the siege, and there were too many people with big goals, so only a few dozen people from the division headquarters followed the division commander Li Zhen and ran out. The rest of the soldiers could not be controlled, so let them Fighting with the communist army, at any rate, can delay some time.

But things were not as easy as they imagined. The independent brigade came up with all the troops of a brigade (less than the howitzer battalion). ** Thousands of people surrounded the headquarters tightly. It was too difficult to break out. It's not called breaking through, what can dozens of people do in a large army battle.

The staff officers in these headquarters are fine to use their mouths, but if they really do, they will have nothing to do, and they may have to be wiped out in the instant of a firefight. The so-called breakout is to find a way to sneak out in the dark at night.

Li Zhen, the division commander, still understands the characteristics of his subordinates. After he ran not too far from the headquarters, he asked everyone to move forward in concealment and find ways to find ditches and places with many trees, whether it was the Communist army or his own. Soldiers always bypass.

The night was getting darker, scattered gunshots and grenade explosions continued, and the faint shouts of soldiers from the People's Liberation Army came from all directions. These dozens of people were cautiously using trees, weeds and soil bags as cover. (Fumbling) to sneak out, dozens of people are all in one mind, the farther away from the eighth road, the better.

Li Zhen groped forward like a soldier. He was used to being pampered and cared for when he went out. Where did he suffer from this crime? , Blood and sweat mixed together and flowed down.

This **** lieutenant general and division commander hated the People's Liberation Army. If there was no Communist army that came out of nowhere, how could he be in such a mess? This group of people escaped several waves in a row The soldiers searched and were finally trapped in a small dry ditch.

This is a seasonal (seasonal) small ditch. Although it is not big, it is no problem to hide dozens of people. When it does not rain, there is no water. Because the terrain is humid, the weeds on both sides of the ditch are denser than other places. They are much taller, and it is very difficult to find people sticking their bodies there. In addition, it is dark, and several waves of soldiers searching everywhere have not found their whereabouts.

After pondering for a while, Li Zhen and his chief of staff came up with an idea. They simply stopped running. If they ran any further, they might be discovered by the eight roads who searched everywhere. Dozens of them were lying in this small river ditch. After another hour or so, it will be easy to handle, and they will be rescued as soon as the main force of the Corps arrives.

Time passed by every minute and every second. Li Yuming, the company commander of the guard company who rushed to the front, was in a hurry. It's like the first time a big girl gets on the sedan chair.

The brigade commander and the political commissar entrusted themselves with the task of fighting with the tank for the first time. How much trust is there?

Big-faced, I didn't expect this journey to be smooth, but at the end he was caught blind. Let alone Li Zhen, the lieutenant general of the Kuomintang, he didn't even see a bigger official. Feeling aggrieved and depressed, Li Yuming kept yelling: "Come on, rush, hurry up, I don't believe that these Kuomintang officials can go to heaven and earth, chase, chase him and fuck off."

Puffs of black smoke rose from behind the buttocks of the eight tanks. Under the command of Li Yuming, they rushed past the temporary headquarters of the 65th Division. All the tables, chairs and everything were crushed, and they continued to move forward. Attack forward.

Can you not be in a hurry?The brigade commander Li Yong calculated that it would take more than an hour for the main force of the Kuomintang Corps to respond to the telegram from the 65th Division. This hour or so was all the time the Independent Brigade could use.

The order Li Yong gave was to end the battle within half an hour. Regardless of whether Li Zhen was caught or not, no matter how hard the battle was, the troops must be withdrawn quickly. This is the bottom line, and every attacking force must strictly Execute, and absolutely must not be in love with the enemy.

Li Yuming also understands this truth, knowing that being entangled by the enemy's large army will be ruined, so to achieve the greatest victory in the shortest time, what is the greatest victory?Very simple, capturing or killing the lieutenant general and division commander of the Kuomintang is the biggest victory.

Anyway, there are no enemy night-flying planes in this year. The eight tanks turned on their headlights, and the bright lights shone back and forth. Finally, Li Yuming simply ordered that no matter whether there are people or not, as long as they see suspicious places, use the machine guns on the tanks. Strafe, motherfucker.

This is great, I saw the machine guns on the tanks rattling, rushing to wherever it was dark, first ramming with the tank, and then sweeping with the machine gun, the troops passed by were turned upside down , It is also unclear how many people were killed by machine guns or crushed to death by the tracks of tanks, a miserable scene of howling ghosts and howling wolves.

Li Yuming was sitting in the car, staring closely at every suspicious place outside. His eyes were tired, but he didn't find anything unusual. There is a blind spot when looking out of the tank. Later, he couldn't help it. Open the lid of the tank and lean out to observe.

The soldiers couldn't stop their company commander's actions, so they had to follow suit and leaned out to observe. Even the driver raised his seat and poked his head out to drive, so that he could see better.

Another 10 minutes had passed since rushing out of the command post. Even counting the start of the attack, about 10 minutes had passed, and there were less than [-] minutes left before the evacuation time stipulated by the brigade commander.

Li Yuming was in a hurry, cursing and muttering: "This battle is really useless. I didn't catch a piece of broken copper and iron. Anyway, I have to let me catch a big head."

The soldiers sound funny, the officers of the Kuomintang are also human beings, who can honestly let us arrest them?Why not if you can run, when Li Yuming was a little discouraged, a soldier shouted: "Company commander, look, there is a small ditch in front of the left, there may be people in it, we are

Not in the past to see. "

Looking in the direction of the soldier's finger, isn't it? There is a small river ditch not far from the left front. The grass on both sides of the ditch grows much higher than other places, and there is a large black and suddenly , If the cat gets up to a few people, you really can't see anything.

Li Yuming looked at his watch and saw that there were still a few minutes left, so he ordered: "Everyone is there, turn left and drive in."

He wanted to search this dark place for the last time while there were still a few minutes to see if there was a miracle.

The tanks rumbled towards the small ditch, and when they were tens of meters away from the small ditch, Li Yuming ordered the machine guns to shoot regardless of whether there were people in the ditch.

Since the company commander has an order, it doesn't matter whether he has anyone or not, just execute it. The machine guns on the eight tanks rang out at the same time, and the dense rain of bullets shot towards the small river ditch and the grass on both sides like splashing water.

The blind attack lasted only a few seconds, when they heard the cries of oops after being shot from the small river ditch, Li Yuming and the soldiers were in high spirits, hey, it was really not in vain, there were people in the ditch.

The tank got closer and closer, and stopped only a dozen meters away from the small river ditch. The soldiers in the car shouted loudly: "Listen, everyone in the ditch gets out of here, our PLA treats the prisoners preferentially, and I will give you 1 Minutes, if you don’t come out after 1 minute, they will all be wiped out.”

Li Yuming just asked the soldiers to speak out, and did not let the soldiers go into the ditch to arrest people. This was done to prevent the enemy from being shot in the dark.

The shouting really worked. The people in the ditch crawled out one by one, threw the weapons in their hands on the ground, and then walked over with their hands raised. The obedience of the Kuomintang people has something to do with the PLA's long-standing policy of not killing prisoners. , although they are two hostile camps, but these people also know that the People's Liberation Army does treat prisoners preferentially, so they surrendered honestly.

After following the brigade commander Li Yong for a long time, Li Yuming's heart became more and more concerned. Seeing the prisoners crawling out one after another, Li Yuming's heart beat faster and faster.

Why?Because the Kuomintang soldiers who climbed out were not ordinary soldiers, one was an officer, and another was an officer, and a dozen or so people who climbed up were all officers.It means that there is likely to be a big head of the Kuomintang inside. Maybe Li Zhen, the commander of the 65th Division, is among this group of people.

Suppressing his excitement, Li Yuming and a dozen fighters jumped out of the tank and pulled each other with the submachine guns in their hands. Finally, Li Yuming asked them all to stand in front of the tank and stand on the front of the tank. Watch carefully in the light of the lamp.

There are more than 30 people in total, and there are a few wounded ones. Basically, all of them are officers, either lieutenants or school officers. There is only one who is older, with his head down, wearing gold-rimmed glasses and wearing a soldier's clothes.

Li Yuming's eyes are so good, fuck, could he be a soldier at such an age?Looking at the white face and frightened expression, it is impossible to be a soldier.

There were more battles and more Kuomintang prisoners. Li Yuming's experience was no better than before. He was a veteran company commander in the People's Liberation Army. It was not easy to get away with it in his eyes.

Li Yuming rushed in, pulled the guy in soldier clothes out of the crowd, pointed his submachine gun at the boy's head and asked, "Say, what's your job?".

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