The beacon of youth

Chapter 380 Killing in the Battle of Libei

The tank troops of the Independent Brigade rolled forward all the way, and the fast-moving tanks threw the infantry behind them away by a certain distance. It would be inappropriate to do this on the frontal battlefield. The armored troops without infantry protection are easily defeated by the opponent. It was destroyed, but it doesn't matter now. The personnel of the 65th Division who were disrupted did not organize effective resistance at all, and the eight tanks seemed to be in a no-man's land. ()()[. wanshuba] Just read the novel~

When he rushed to a small river ditch, he found a large number of Kuomintang officers who were hiding. Li Yuming grabbed a guy wearing gold-rimmed glasses from among the prisoners, and asked what his job was with a gun to his head.

This fellow sifted through his legs, almost kneeling on the ground, and said with trembling lips: "Sir—sir, I'm just a soldier, not an official, really, I didn't lie to you."

He really didn't want to hit the south wall and didn't give up, and pretended at this time, Li Yuming gave a wink, and a few soldiers came over immediately and dragged this guy to the back of the tank like a dead dog.

The guy panicked all of a sudden, thinking that he was about to be shot, kicked his legs on the ground and shouted: "Sir, please forgive me, please forgive me, please, I will explain everything."

Li Yuming walked up to him, and said in a hungry and stern tone: "Listen, I don't have time to chat with you, just tell me what's the matter, shoot nonsense on the spot, understand?"

"Yes, sir, I understand everything. Let me explain. We are the staff of the 65th Division of the ** Division, and I am the chief of staff of the major general."

Hearing that this guy is a major general's chief of staff, the soldiers happily bumped each other's shoulders, and finally caught a big head. Although he looks afraid of death and doesn't have the backbone of a soldier, he is still a general anyway, so there is no use in worrying Once, now our company commander won't cough and sigh anymore.

Li Yuming was not as happy as the soldiers imagined. What is the chief of staff? He has a bigger head: "Major general, chief of staff? Where is your division commander Li Zhen?"

This guy hesitated for a moment, then looked at the prisoners on the left and right. These prisoners all lowered their heads and stared at the ground. No one looked in his direction. Finally, they became cruel and became captives of the communist army. What else can be kept, what is the teacher's seat or not: "Sir, our teacher is right there, right in the ditch below. Just read the novel~"

As soon as this guy finished speaking, he saw a melon-shaped grenade thrown up from the small river ditch, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.

Li Yuming yelled "Lie down", then grabbed a soldier beside him, and lay down on the other side of the tank. The grenade exploded with a "boom", and the shrapnel from the explosion hit the tank and bounced again. Fortunately, the soldiers were very close to the tanks, and their reaction speed was fast enough. With the steel body tanks as cover, no one was hurt by the exploding grenades.

But the captives are gone. These captives are being interrogated in a group. Dozens of people are crowded together, and there is nothing around them that can be used as cover. A large film, with more than a dozen casualties.

Li Yuming, who got up from the ground, was so angry that his teeth were itchy. He was still careless, and he took the tank to fight smoothly.

Now, the tense strings in the head were a little loose, and it was almost bitten by someone. It would be too aggrieved to have casualties at this juncture. I didn't expect that there would be people who would dare to resist at this time.

Li Yuming was indeed a little careless at this time. The people who climbed up from the ditch were all middle- and lower-level officers of the 65th Division, not including Li Zhen, the commander of the top division. They were all placed while dealing with other prisoners, so that he could take the opportunity to escape.

Other officers of the Kuomintang dare not resist, but Li Zhen, the division commander, dares to resist. It's not that Li Zhen is not afraid of death, but that he really doesn't want to be a prisoner of the People's Liberation Army.

It doesn't matter if the soldier is caught or not, but he can't, Li Zhen has blood on his hands, and he can't remember the dozens or hundreds of **** killed by Li Zhen. I remember, but others do. If you are caught by the police, your life will be over, and even if you don't shoot him, there is nothing good to do. 【】

With this idea, Li Zhencai made a desperate move. Hearing that the chief of staff was going to tell him that he was still in the ditch, he threw a grenade out, and then took the opportunity to run away.

But can he run? The distance is only a dozen or twenty meters. How far can he run when a grenade explodes?Li Yuming, who was lying on the ground, jumped up, picked up the submachine gun in his hand, and followed the running footsteps like a shuttle.

The guns in the company commander's hand opened fire. Of course, the soldiers couldn't watch the excitement. A dozen submachine guns fired at the direction where Li Zhen was escaping.

Chu chu chu, chug chug, a dozen magazines were emptied in a blink of an eye, several soldiers jumped down without waiting for Li Yuming's order, and ran forward while changing magazines. Officer, if he is caught, he will definitely make meritorious service, and the face of our security company will be (shown) big.

After a short time, under the eyes of everyone, several soldiers dragged a man up, only to see that the hat on the guy's head was gone, and the shoes on his feet were gone. The soldiers dragged it away, but this is not too important anymore. The person who was dragged up by the soldiers was bleeding all over his body, and he seemed to be venting but not breathing.

A soldier reported: "Company commander, after we jumped down, we found such a guy. I don't know if he is the division commander of the Kuomintang. He has been shot with several bullet holes in his body. It is estimated that he will not survive."

"Go over and see if it's Li Zhen." The chief of staff of the Kuomintang, ordered by Li Yuming, walked over and turned over the person lying on the ground to observe carefully.

The person lying on the ground was shot in the back during the escape process, and his face was still very clean. When the face of the person pulled back by the soldiers charged up, the group of prisoners basically understood.

Who else could this man with a row of bullet holes be their teacher?Hey, a few hours ago I was still flaunting my power and trying to figure out how to become the deputy commander of some corps, but I didn't expect to come to this point in such a short period of time.

Li Zhen, who was shot, stared at a pair of dead fish eyes, panting heavily with "heh, heh", with blood foaming out of his mouth, seeing his former subordinates, now the People's Liberation Army

When all the captives gathered around, this guy opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't say it. up.

His body was hit by Tommy's submachine gun in a row, and he had no choice but to live. Seeing that this guy was out of breath, several soldiers scolded: "Why are you still dead? What the hell are you doing? Let us arrest him." What a wonderful life."

Li Yuming kicked at each of the scolding soldiers: "Don't be silly, hurry up and check your weapons, and prepare to evacuate. Those who die are considered great achievements. When the battle is over, I and the brigade party committee will ask for credit for you."

At this time, the infantry soldiers who followed also arrived, and a platoon leader came over and shouted: "Company Commander Li, the brigade commander has an order, let us evacuate as soon as possible, hurry up, our troops are not many in this area now, the Kuomintang The main force of the large corps will arrive as soon as it is said."

Li Yuming's face was shining brightly, and his mind was happy. This is called a happy battle. Not only did he destroy the enemy's division headquarters, he also killed the division commander. He shouted at the platoon leader: "Okay, let's evacuate immediately. , you go first, our tank unit is behind the cover, this corpse is Li Zhen, the commander of the 65th Division of the Kuomintang, you let the prisoners carry their division commander up, and retreat quickly."

Hearing that the commander of the 65th Division had been beaten to death, the infantrymen who came with them couldn't keep their mouths shut for joy, and ordered the dozens of prisoners to carry Li Zhen's body and retreat quickly.

Just as Li Yuming led the tank troops to cover behind, the other troops of the Independent Brigade also withdrew one after another. The soldiers carried forward their usual style when they retreated, taking away what the Kuomintang 65th Division headquarters could take away. , All the objects that can be used in the future will be moved away. This has become a habit, and there is no need for superior command, so it will be done naturally. No matter what radio stations, telephones, maps, and various weapons, anyway, everything will be done. go back.

Fortunately, there are still some undamaged cars and jeeps in the division headquarters of the 65th Division. Run, so that the independent brigade retreated very quickly, like a tide, within half an hour stipulated by the brigade commander Li Yong, it disappeared without a trace.

At the headquarters of the Kuomintang Corps, the commander-in-chief Pei Changhui was carefully reading a telegram. After reading it for a while, the veteran Kuomintang general slapped the telegram on the table and shouted at the officers in the room: "Nonsense! The 65th Division is really playing the piano. It originally issued a military order to break through the defense line of the communist army within a day. Why did it ask for reinforcements again? He also said that he was surrounded by the superior force of the communist army. Where did the communist army come from? Superior force? Tell me, where did the Communist Army get its superior force?"

An officer looked around, stepped forward and replied: "Commander, the Northwest Communist Army has only five columns, four of which are besieging our 38th and 65th divisions, and there is only one six-column here to stop us. It is impossible to have any superior force to besiege the [-]th Division, whether Commander Li's telegram was sent by mistake."

just then

, Another officer ran in from the outside and reported to Pei Changhui: "Report Commander, according to your order, we did not get in touch with the 65th Division, nor did we get in touch with their main force, the 160th Brigade. Later we contacted their 187th Brigade The brigade used the radio to communicate, and this time they finally got in touch. The 187th Brigade replied that their division was besieged by an elite unit of the Communist Army. The whereabouts of the personnel of the division headquarters is unknown, and their 187th brigade is urgently approaching the division headquarters."

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