The beacon of youth

Chapter 4 Plan

Wang Chengde said to Li Yong: "Company commander, we don't have many people, but these people are veterans who have experienced many wars. Among the more than 20 people who came, there are not many soldiers. Most of them are squad leaders. A few of them are like soldiers." Li Jiangguo is also a platoon-level cadre, and our team leader paid a lot of money this time."

Li Yong replied: "Understood, so we have to do a good job." While talking, the time was up, and Li Jiangguo went outside to assemble his troops. After all the soldiers assembled, Li Yong and Wang Chengde also came out. Li Yong took a look The soldier suddenly felt as if he had returned to the original army, with his company's soldiers underneath, and he was also speaking. The only difference was that the soldiers' clothing and weapons were different, and the rest were the same.

Li Yong took a deep breath, and shouted with a long voice: "Stand at attention." The soldiers all stood at attention quickly and stood quietly. No one spoke. Li Yong continued: "Comrades, today is the establishment of our special agent company." On the first day, we, Instructor Wang, should all know and understand me. I, the company commander, may not be known to many people. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Li Yong, I am 19 years old, and I was a deserter from the Kuomintang a few days ago. It was captured by one of you."

Hearing what Li Yong said, the soldiers all looked at each other a little at a loss, and Li Yong continued: "But now I am your company commander, you may feel very strange? How can such a person be a company commander? If such a person can be a company commander, this company commander is about the same as a Chinese cabbage. It is normal to think this way. If I were one of you, I would feel very strange. I am here to declare to everyone that I am This company commander is only on probation, and the period is three months. After three months, you have the final say on whether I can still be this company commander. If you feel that this company commander is no shit, you can return to the original old army by yourself. I also asked the regimental commander to be a soldier in the next company, but within these three months I am the commander of the company, so you have to listen to me, understand?"

The soldiers shouted: "Understood." Li Yong: "I didn't hear it, speak up." The soldiers shouted: "Understood." Li Yong: "Very good, now let the instructor speak." Wang Chengde took a step forward He said to the soldiers: "Everyone knows me, but few know the company commander. I also understand that some comrades can't turn around. The company commander of the spy company is decided by the regiment party committee, so everyone must cooperate with the company commander’s work seriously. If you have any problems, you can directly report to the company commander and me. Rehabilitation? Now disbanded, after dinner, go to the company headquarters to study politics."

Li Yong saw that this instructor really deserved to be an old political worker, and he solved the problem with a few words.Throughout the afternoon, Li Yong and Wang Chengde studied the training plan. Li Yong briefly talked about his training ideas and practices in the Modern Army Command Academy. Of course, he could not copy the training plan of the academy. Not recruits either.Li Yong synthesized some of the famous training methods in the history of our army that he understood and knew, and came up with a simplified method, roughly speaking, the five individual skills of soldiers, shooting, bombing, assassination, blasting, soil work and Some new tactical ideas, such as four groups and one team, one point and two sides, etc., and a training program centered on these.

The two were busy all afternoon, basically Li Yong dictated, Wang Chengde recorded, these things have already surprised Wang Chengde, did not expect such a young company commander to have so many things in his stomach, now it seems that the regiment party committee The decision was correct. This Li Yong is really not an ordinary person. How could he know so much at such a young age?If the army is trained in this way, it will explode with huge combat effectiveness, and it is the right time for me to join the secret service company.

After completing the training plan, Li Yong was relieved for a while, but then he remembered a problem. Now he is not eating alone, but more than 2 people, and there will be more people in the future. How to solve the problem of eating for so many people?When a soldier doesn't care about anything, he just goes to eat when the time comes, but it's different when he is a company commander. These things must be thought of in advance.

Thinking of this, he went out and came to the room of the cooking class, where several comrades in the cooking class were busy cooking, Li Yong called Sun Quanhou, the head of the cooking class, and asked: "Old Sun, how is our food? How long can it last?" Sun Quanhou smiled and said: "No problem, company commander, when the team leader left us a lot of millet, enough for us to eat for a while, and even left some money for us to cook. Ban drowned some pickles himself, this is the bill, nothing will happen in half a month, and after half a month, he will go to the local government."

Li Yong looked at the bill. He didn't expect that Sun Quanhou not only could write, but also wrote very well. He asked you that your handwriting is very good. Did you go to school at home?Lao Sun said: "The poor people like me started school there, and they went to the army to study now. When I joined the army, I was too old. The boss asked me to do cooking work, but I can't do this job without knowing words. I made up my mind to learn it, but now there are basically no words that can stump me."

After listening to Lao Sun's words, Li Yong felt a little relieved. He knew that the Northwest Field Army was very difficult in history, and it was common to be hungry, and his training plan involved a lot of exercise.We must come up with a solution within half a month. In addition, it is not a problem for the troops to eat millet and pickles all the time, so we have to think of other ways.

While Li Yong was thinking about it, the meal was ready. Lao Sun went outside and called the comrades to serve the meal. More than 20 people ate together in full swing. No one thought it was bad. Some soldiers even boasted that the cooking class Li Yong was very moved by the pickled vegetables, what a good soldier, even these things can taste so delicious, I must find a way to make them eat well.

After dinner, everyone went to the company headquarters for a meeting. Li Yong also felt weird when he arrived at the company department. Why?Because now there are 26 soldiers in the whole company, two cadres and four cooks, a total of [-] people. He is the only one wearing ordinary clothes, and the rest are all gray military uniforms. Although they are worn out, they are also military uniforms. The company commander wears the clothes of ordinary people. This is not a problem that can't be solved now. The Northwest Field Army is notoriously poor. Don't look at Li Yong being appointed as the company commander of the spy company, but the gray uniform is still There is really nothing superfluous, and now it can only be done.

Li Yong asked everyone to sit down and said: "Comrades, let's start political studies now. I have just joined our ** army. In the eyes of the comrades present, I am a new recruit. Let me say it first. There is something wrong." Comrades in the local area, please correct me, what I want to talk about today is why do we have to serve as soldiers to fight?

Li Yong used the knowledge he learned in later generations of universities to speak in a simple way. You must know that Li Yong's eloquence is very good, and he has been a company commander for many years, so he is very familiar with these things. Even the twenty or so veterans, including the instructors Wang Chengde and Li Jiangguo, listened straight. Wang Chengde thought that this guy didn't expect to have this kind of tricks. There is no problem at all as an instructor at this level. He is really a character. No wonder Lian Tuan The elders value him so much.

After talking about it, Li Yong said, that’s basically all I’ve talked about today. Finally, I’ll tell you another story about the Red Army, and then I’ll tell you a little story about the Red Army. I am unfamiliar with the deeds of the Red Army, and everyone listened to them with great fascination. When the story was finished, someone asked, and the company commander also said that you are 19 years old and just became a soldier. How did you know these things? How do you know the story of the Red Army?

Li Yong smiled and said: We all know an old saying in China, that is, a scholar can know the world without going out. Why do you say that?It is because what the scholar reads is from the book, otherwise he is not a god, how can he know so many things, what I said today is also from the book, some comrades asked me why I know the Red Army The story, that’s because I read a book about the Red Army written by a foreigner. This foreigner knows our *** and Commander-in-Chief Zhu. He wrote a book called "Red Star Shines on China". I just read this I wrote some stories about the Red Army, so in the future we will even start cultural studies, with the instructor as the teacher.

Why didn't Li Yong say that he himself is a teacher?The reason is simple, because Li Yong does not know how to write traditional Chinese characters, the training plan for this afternoon was written by the instructor Wang Chengde, Li Yong just dictated it, and Li Yong himself made up his mind to learn traditional Chinese characters, otherwise he would not be able to explain it when he meets interested people in the future.

"Now, please invite the instructor to make a summary and announce our company's future training plan." The instructor Wang Chengde cleared his throat: "The company commander's speech is very good, so I won't make a summary. Now I will announce our company's training plan. Tomorrow morning Get up at 07:30, fully armed for a [-]-kilometer cross-country journey, the company commander and I have already taken a good look at the road, dinner at [-]:[-], queue training at [-]:[-], individual technical training at [-]:[-], lunch at [-]:[-], and individual technical training at [-]:[-] pm Training, strength training at three o'clock.


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