The beacon of youth

Chapter 5 Training

"To sum it up, now I'm announcing our company's training plan. We will get up at six o'clock tomorrow morning and go off-road for six kilometers in full gear. The company commander and I have already taken a look at the road. We will have dinner at 07:30, train in line at eight o'clock, and start alone at ten o'clock." Soldiers technical training, lunch at [-] o'clock, individual technical training at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, strength training at [-] o'clock, end at [-] o'clock, dinner at [-] o'clock, political study at [-] o'clock, understand?"

Everyone said in unison: "Understood." Then they disbanded, and when everyone was leaving, Li Yong called out again: "Li Jiangguo, hold the alarm clock, we even have this baby at the moment, blow the whistle at 5.5 o'clock tomorrow morning, Out at 6 o'clock." Li Jiangguo agreed and went out with the alarm clock. After the comrades left, Li Yong and Wang Chengde also began to undress and go to sleep.There was nothing to say all night, the next morning at 5.5 o'clock Li Jiangguo blew the assembly whistle on time, Li Yong assembled like his comrades, everyone ran out of the small courtyard of the secret service company on time at 6 o'clock, and the gap was obvious when they ran about two kilometers Yes, several veterans at 2 can easily carry backpacks and weapons and ammunition, but Li Yong can't do it. Li Yong is the only combatant in the whole company without weapons and ammunition, and his burden is much lighter than others. But just like this, Li Yong's legs became heavier and heavier as if they were filled with lead. Li Yong gritted his teeth and encouraged himself to persevere. Finally, after running 6 kilometers, he came back again. Li Yong was drenched in sweat. I was almost out of breath. Looking at the soldiers who looked like nothing happened, I admired them from the bottom of my heart. These old eight roads are really good. After running six kilometers with all the equipment, it was as if nothing happened. No wonder the Kuomintang is fighting sports. Opponent, have you heard of any troops that can outrun the Eighth Route Army?

I must improve my physical fitness as soon as possible, or I will suffer in future wars. Everyone laughed at Li Yong's embarrassment, and a soldier said: "Company commander, this time we know that our Eighth Route Army is powerful. I don’t know anyone who is better than us in running.” Li Yong said loudly: “Don’t worry comrades, I will work hard to train so as not to hold you back, and after a while I will run as fast as you.”

After dinner, queue training started on time at 8 o'clock. After practicing for more than ten minutes, some veterans began to get annoyed. None of these veterans had practiced queue training, and they didn't understand queue training. One soldier said to Li Yong: " Company commander, does walking in this line help in fighting?" Seeing that everyone didn't understand, Li Yong stopped immediately, and then explained the meaning of the practice formation to everyone, and finally said: "Comrades, we are Soldiers, not ordinary people, all troops have to conduct queue training. Everyone knows that Huangpu Military Academy is the best military academy in our country. Many senior officers in our PLA came from this military academy. Vice Chairman Zhou used to be this school. Director of the political department, this military academy attaches great importance to queue training, and queue training can cultivate soldiers' indomitable spirit and fighting will of unity and cooperation, do you understand?"

As soon as the soldiers heard that Vice Chairman Zhou also paid attention to queue training, they immediately replied: "I heard that." Simple, the guns are tough and ruthless, the grenades are far and accurate, and the bayonets are also fierce. Most of them can do a little bit of kung fu. If you think about it carefully, you will understand that these soldiers have fought against the little devils for many years. Old Eight Road, if they don't have any real skills, they won't be able to survive now. Their weaknesses are blasting and earthworks. Li Yong will work hard on these and focus on training.

The soldiers are very strange, including the instructor Wang Chengde. Why does the company commander seem to understand everything? There are also many people in our team who have read a lot, but the company commander knows so many people and has never met him. The company commander seemed to understand everything.It's strange but everyone admires Li Yong more and more. Even Li Jiangguo has to admit that Li Yong does have a lot of tricks, and there is really something in his belly.

At noon, Li Yong said to Wang Chengde: "Instructor, I have something to discuss with you. You see, we can't always count people like this. We have too few people, so we have to find a way to expand the team." Instructor Wang Chengde smiled lightly. After a while, he said: "Company commander, don't worry. It is a good thing to expand the team, but it is not easy. The northwest is sparsely populated and sparsely populated. Coupled with years of war, there are even fewer people. After our Red Army arrived here, the situation changed. It’s getting better, but the population is still growing slowly, and some of the villagers here have already joined our team, so there are not many young and middle-aged people in the vicinity.”

Li Yong immediately said: "I have also considered this point. We can't always put our ideas nearby. We can go to a place farther away. Anyway, we don't even have combat missions now. There are 4 people in our cooking team. I think Send someone from the cooking class to recruit soldiers in nearby places. I think Lao Sun is a suitable candidate. He can also write, so let him write more slogans along the way. In addition, he has another task. We even have such a large amount of training. Soldiers It’s not enough to eat pickles all the time. Let Lao Sun find out more along the way where you can hunt and where there are many wild animals. In the future, we will properly organize troops to hunt and improve the conditions. We will also change our cross-country training from tomorrow morning to a few nearby places. Pass by the village to let the villagers know that our army exists."

Wang Chengde immediately said: "Okay, company commander, what you said is a very good way, let's do it like this, let me add one more thing, let's put up a big sign outside the company headquarters, which says "Conscription Office"." The two agreed After a good opinion, we continued to train in the afternoon. After dinner, everyone came to the company headquarters to study politics. Today Li Yong told the soldiers why we won the final victory?Why can we defeat the Kuomintang with powerful weapons and equipment?What are the advantages of our PLA?

Li Yong started from the founding of our party, talked about the August 12st Nanchang Uprising, the failure of the first great revolution, the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the eight-year war of resistance, and the people's army from scratch, from weak to strong, until now our general The strength of the army has grown to [-] million. Let's talk about the recent battles our army fought in the northwest battlefield, and finally explain that our army will win and the enemy will lose.

The soldiers, including the instructor Wang Chengde, were shocked again, and their eyes became straight again. Is this still our company commander?Even if they have read too much, these people are veterans. In the old army, the instructors, instructors, and political commissars did not talk so much. How does this company commander understand party and military history so well?He is not even a party member, and none of us party members know much about the company commander, who is not a party member.

Li Yong looked at the expressions of the soldiers and thought, what is this? I know a lot, but I can’t tell you. So far, there are 26 members of the secret service company, including 25 party members. That is to say, except for the company commander Li Yong In addition, these veterans who have been killed from the blood and fire are all party members.After Li Yong finished speaking, a branch was established under the auspices of the instructor Wang Chengde. Although the company commander Li Yong was not a party member, but because there was only such a non-party member, he was the company commander of the company, so he attended as a non-voting delegate. Instructor Wang Chengde, the branch committee includes Li Jiangguo, Ma Changsheng, Ma Quanyou, Wang Huo, Ning Jinshan, and Sun Quanhou. These people were either platoon leaders or deputy platoon leaders when they were in the old army, and they were also branch committee members of the old company. It can be regarded as returning to the old line.

After the branch meeting, Li Yong told everyone a story about the Red Army. Since then, the spy company has developed a habit, that is, after the political study, the company commander will tell a story about the Red Army. I didn't change this habit when I went to travel, so I won't talk about it for the time being.

The next morning, Lao Sun, the head of the cooking team, set off on the road early in the morning, and the big sign at the conscription office outside the company’s headquarters was also hung up. There are young guys who sign up to join the army. Li Yong trains like the soldiers every day, and the amount of training is greater than that of the soldiers. After these days of training, Li Yong can already keep up with the cross-country training when he is empty. , The strength is also greater than before, and I feel that the progress has been obvious. Half a month has passed like this. Li Yong doesn't need to say anything, even Li Jiangguo said that the combat effectiveness of the troops has improved a lot.

The problem now is that there are too few weapons, equipment and personnel. Every day for half a month, Li Yong has arranged for a soldier and a cook to go hunting in the distance. Basically, the troops can see meat every day, and the soldiers have more fat in their stomachs. A lot of food was also saved, but there was also a problem. The head of the regiment Zhao Jin only gave Li Yong three months. Only more than 30 people came last month, much less than Li Yong planned. That night, during the political study, Li Yong and his instructor Wang Chengde announced a task. The specific content was to expand the army, but time was tight, so Tomorrow morning, the twenty veterans of the special service company will all go out to a place farther away to recruit soldiers. They can go alone or in partnership of two or three people, but each person must recruit at least five soldiers, and it takes half a month. They must come back after half a month, and the company commander and instructors will continue to train more than [-] new fighters.

After listening to Li Yong and Wang Chengde's announcement of the order, everyone was very calm. Li Yong felt very strange. This task is not easy to complete. Why are everyone so calm?After asking, I found out that such a task is not unusual, and I have done it in the old army before.Li Yong was overjoyed when he heard it. That’s great. If everyone has experience, then he will be more confident in completing the task. The next morning, all the veterans left. Before leaving, Li Yong explained one more thing. There were not many more, and when they came back, they had to bring as much food as possible. Li Yong and Wang Chengde led more than [-] new fighters to continue training.

At noon that day, a young man broke in suddenly, shouting to find the comrade in charge. Li Yong saw that he was a good young man, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked: I am the company commander of this company. What's the matter, fellow? ?I saw this young man said: My name is Li Yuming, are you recruiting soldiers here?Why don't I sign up?How about this body?Upon hearing this, Li Yong hurriedly said: Don't worry, fellow. It is a good thing to want to be a soldier, but the army has conditions.

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