The beacon of youth

Chapter 413 The Rich Man, Division 203

Chapter 413 The Rich Man 2o3 Division

The KMT's 2o3 Division fought hard for more than 20 minutes under the fierce attack of the Independent Brigade, and finally lost after a large number of casualties.

What is the 2o3 division?That is the so-called ace unit in the Kuomintang, and it is a well-known unit. It is a sense of accomplishment to defeat such a unit, so the battalions and companies of the Independent Brigade are desperately chasing forward.

The combat troops of the supply battalion who have been with the brigade all the time are also shouting and charging under the command of He Cui'a. Li Yong was commanding the battle nervously before, and he didn't have extra energy to observe He Cui'a and them. Li Yong's mood of escaping also relaxed, and only then did he have time to look at them carefully.

He Cuia, the deputy battalion commander who led the team, was constantly urging the troops to speed up, not to be compared with other battalions. Li Yong yelled several times on the walkie-talkie but did not hear it. Li Yong had no choice but to let a The correspondent went to fetch her.

After receiving the order, He Cuia ran into Li Yong's car panting. Li Yong's car was a modified armored truck that was temporarily used as a command vehicle before the war. He Cuia wiped her face Sweat, and asked anxiously: "Brigade Commander, why do you have to call me over, let me go back quickly, you see Li Jiangguo and Ma Changsheng, they are all running fast, our battalion is already behind them, if we don't Hurry up and you won’t get any credit.”

He Cui a and Li Yong didn’t mean to chirp me during the battle, but put all their energy on how to fight well, because every second, every minute, people are dying, what are you thinking at this time Isn't the matter of men and women nonsense?

The beautiful He Cuia is extremely tough in the fighting state, with a shell gun slanted on his waist, and a submachine gun with blue smoke from the muzzle in his hand, and he doesn't know how many clips he has fired from that posture Now, the whole person looks heroic.

Sitting in the same car with Li Yong was Li Jia, the communication platoon leader of the Independent Brigade. When Li Jia was first captured by Li Yong, the girl He Cuia was in charge of guarding her. At this time, Li Jia finally understood. The reason why Li Yong asked He Cuia to guard her at the beginning, if she wanted to escape, ten Li Jia might not be able to deal with one He Cuia, but this is all in the past, now Li Jia and He Cui Cui A is very belligerent and Jia Peng.

Li Yong told He Cui with a sullen face: "What are you chasing after? Stop chasing. Your battalion has other tasks."

He Cui asked anxiously: "The 2o3 Division has been beaten to pieces by us. The 57th Army is about to die. What else can I do? Let me go."

Li Yong, who was a little funny, hurriedly reminded her that the 2 Division was defeated, but this 3 Division is also a well-known wealthy family, a rich man in the Kuomintang army, and there are plenty of good things. At this time, your battalion should not think about pursuing it. Hurry up and use all means to clean up the battlefield, as long as we can see everything, grab it all back, go quickly.

He Cui, who was reminded by Li Yong, suddenly realized, yes, the equipment of this 2o3 division is no worse than that of the independent traveler, if such Kuomintang troops don't go and snatch them, I'm really sorry for Chiang Kai-shek, the transportation captain, yes, just go and snatch them .

Before He Cuia got out of the car, Li Yong told her that not only weapons, ammunition and supplies must be snatched, but also more Kuomintang soldiers, preferably from the 2o3 Division, should be captured.

Li Yong's order made He Cuia and Li Jia very surprised. The 2o3 Division of the Youth Army is a well-known KMT diehard, and most of the officers and soldiers are diehards. What's the use of arresting such soldiers?

Brigadier Li Da smiled and told the two women that the soldiers of the 2o3 Division are very stubborn and rigid in thinking, but in all honesty, the soldiers of the 2o3 Division are also good soldiers. If such soldiers are captured and reeducated, they will be a very great asset, more important than those weapons and ammunition, and good soldiers are the most precious.

Looking at He Cuia and Li Jia who were a little suspicious, Li Yong told them that you still underestimate the political and ideological weapons of our PLA. The answer to why PLA soldiers fight bravely is simple, because they all consciously work hard to fight , and why they can fight consciously is because our army has powerful political and ideological weapons. This is the biggest secret of the invincibility of the People's Liberation Army.

What Li Yong said was the truth, and it was also the truth. In terms of stubbornness, no matter how stubborn the Kuomintang troops were, they were not as stubborn as the Japanese army armed with Bushido ideology. When the Eighth Route Army first fought against the Japanese army, they captured a very large number of prisoners. Sometimes after a battle, not a single prisoner could be caught.

However, this is where the political and ideological work of the Eighth Route Army is so powerful. No matter how stubborn the Japanese army is, as long as they are captured and educated for a period of time, these stubborn Japanese prisoners will become soldiers of the Eighth Route Army. There are many such examples. The typical one is the Northeast Field Army, also known as Siye.

At its peak, Shino's troops reached an unprecedented 180 million. The composition of the one million and hundreds of thousands of troops is relatively complicated. Not only are there about two divisions of Korean fighters, but there are also real Korean soldiers, but very few. The soldiers are Chinese Koreans, most of them are soldiers from the Northeast in Yanji and Tumen, and there are tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers. There are tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers, not only engineers, medical and health personnel, but also front-line combat personnel. These soldiers did not return to China until after the [-]s. For tourism, the slogan they put up is, "Sino veterans return to their mother's home".There is very little information about introducing them, so I am digressing, so I won't say more.

After she figured it out, He Cuia jumped out of the car to direct her soldiers to row and pull things. Li Yong, the brigade commander, really told her that this 2o3 division was so rich that it was like a rich man. The equipment is good, and there are a large number of tanks, cars, artillery and logistical supplies, but it is a pity that most of the tanks and artillery were damaged in the confrontation with the independent brigade, and there are not many shells left.

The independent brigade has not fought any decent battles for several months, and has been doing food and drink all the time. The eyes of the independent brigade cadres and soldiers who made their fortunes by robbing are going to be blue. Regardless of the barren land in the Northwest, and no heavy industry, the field army didn't even think about it. This time, it can be regarded as a rich and big family, and they can't let it go. He Cuia and her soldiers are like hungry red-eyed Like wolves, they rob everything they see, bullets, artillery shells, food, clothing, larger cars and artillery, smaller rifles and hand grenades, whatever the army needs, scraping the ground.

The supply battalion is the battalion with the largest number of people in the Independent Brigade. This time, He Cui-a brought more than 1000 people here. He Cui-a, the deputy battalion commander in charge of logistics, also knows how important logistics supplies are to the Independent Brigade. A considerable part of the brigade's powerful combat power comes from its fierce firepower and fast maneuverability, but fierce firepower and fast maneuverability will also consume a lot of ammunition and fuel, so it's really impossible not to grab it.

Fortunately, He Cuia's brains turned quickly, and the soldiers captured a few prisoners. Under the guidance of the prisoners, they found the car storage place of the 2o3 Division. He pretended everything he could see, and according to He Cuia's estimation, the ammunition captured was enough for the Independent Brigade to fight a few more battles like today's.

He Cuia is a good soldier and an amazing girl. Her status in the Independent Brigade is like a panacea. She can go wherever she needs it. She can lead troops in war and do logistics. When the soldiers of the Fifth Battalion saw her, they always called her Battalion Commander as before. Such status and prestige did not come out of thin air, but she led the soldiers to fight on the battlefield.

While the Independent Brigade was attacking the 2o3 Division, several other divisions of the Second Army also stepped up their attacks on the 57th Army. Support.

The 57th Army Command of the Kuomintang, the news that the front line came down made these usually awesome officers shudder. The 2 Division with the most powerful combat effectiveness not only failed to break through the Communist Army's position, but was also beaten back by the Communist Army. The Communist Army is now fighting Counter charge, is this possible?

Not only the lower-ranking officers didn't believe it, but the army commander Xu Rucheng couldn't believe it either. This guy's mouth was green, and he asked the officer who answered the phone with a trembling voice: "Got it figured out? The 2 Division is really defeated?"

Xu Rucheng really couldn't believe that the communist army was just the strength of one army. In a one-on-one situation, how could my 57th army not be able to beat the communist army, not to mention that there is a very good 57o2 division in the 3th army.

Believe it or not, under the powerful attack momentum of the Independent Brigade, the 2o3 Division of the Youth Army suffered a crushing defeat. In fact, the defeat of the 2 Division was not entirely due to the Independent Brigade. one of the reasons.

Just as Li Yong expected before the war, the defeat of the 2o3 Division dealt a huge blow to the other troops of the 57th Army, especially the psychological blow. These Kuomintang soldiers and officers all took it for granted that the youth army was defeated. What are we holding on to?Persistence is useless.

The news and emotions of the failure snowballed among the officers and soldiers of the 57th Army of the Kuomintang. The fifth and sixth divisions of the People's Liberation Army used this force to organize troops to break through quickly. t

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