The beacon of youth

Chapter 414 Capture Xu Rucheng Alive

Chapter 414 Capture Xu Rucheng Alive

In the position of the Fourth Division of the People's Liberation Army, Deputy Commander Chen and Commander Zhao saw the battle process of the independent brigade clearly. The elders of the two independent brigades were as happy as children, and almost rushed out to charge with the soldiers. The independent brigade cannot have the support of the two commanders today. Seeing the growth of the troops that they have established, Deputy Commander Chen and Commander Zhao must have a different mood from others.

Deputy Army Commander Chen shouted at Commander Zhao: "I said, Lao Zhao, don't be too happy, and quickly report the situation to the army commander and political commissar."

In the military headquarters of the Second Army, a staff officer covered the phone and reported loudly to several commanders: "Army commander, political commissar, good news, the independent brigade has broken through, and the 2o3 division has been beaten down."

The army headquarters was full of joy, and Commander Guo Peng and Political Commissar Wang Enmao felt a big stone in their hearts fell to the ground with a bang. The two commanders of the Second Army knew that this battle had been won again, and the 57th Army was already a The meat on the chopping board can be cut however you like.

Commander Guo: "Old Wang, Li Yong and Wang Chengde promised us that they would defeat the 2 Division within an hour. I was a little skeptical at first, but I let them do it in order not to undermine their confidence. Thinking that it really worked, the guys from the Independent Brigade have two tricks."

Political Commissar Wang Enmao: "In the one-hour battle, the ace youth army of the Kuomintang was defeated in offensive operations. It was as simple as two brushes. This is simply a piece of good steel, and they are all heroes."

Political Commissar Wang Enmao, who paused for a moment, went on to say: "I said Lao Guo, we must hurry up and order them to penetrate deep into the enemy's depths, so as to destroy the headquarters of the 57th Army."

Commander Guo Peng snorted: "Old Wang, do we still need to give orders to this matter? The guys from the Independent Brigade are experts in doing this kind of thing, just wait and see."

Turning around, Commander Guo shouted at the staff in the headquarters: "Order all divisions to launch a pressing attack on the enemy, and don't give the enemy a chance to breathe."

It really made Commander Guo right. Not only did the independent brigade attack out of the enemy's expectation, but also the speed of maneuvering completely broke the psychological expectations of the Kuomintang army. Who would have thought that the Communist army from the soil would have so many cars? And tanks, while Xu Rucheng, the commander of the 57th Army, was still thinking about whether to retreat and how to retreat, his military headquarters was surrounded by soldiers led by Li Yuming and Wei Gang who came through A.

Excited, so excited. Surrounding the headquarters of the 57th Army means that this net has caught a big fish again. This is a good opportunity to make great contributions. Wei Gang reported to Li Yong excitedly and proudly on the walkie-talkie: "Brigade Commander, good news, good news. Li Yuming and I surrounded the headquarters of the 57th Army. It is estimated that there must be a big head of the 57th Army of the Kuomintang inside. Maybe Xu Rucheng is inside."

Li Yong hurriedly told the two youngsters, don't be too happy too early, we have to wait until the end of the battle to see if there is a big head, who can be sure if they will run away early, everything is possible if they don't catch anyone.

Wei Gang and Li Yuming had a brief discussion, and then ordered eight Stuart tanks to bombard the headquarters of the 57th Army with their main guns. Regardless of whether his grandmother's military headquarters is not, let's bombard it first.

It stands to reason that the troops of the People's Liberation Army should come here to talk about surrendering their guns and calling for surrender, but the Independent Brigade is an exception in the Northwest Field Army. These people are used to fighting with the brigade commander Li Yong. The goal is to do it first and then talk about it. In the words of the soldiers, shouting is not the style of our independent brigade.

Facing the tanks and armored units of the People's Liberation Army, the military guard battalion of the 57th Army, which only had light weapons, was basically unable to fight back. They were hit by the stormy firepower of tank guns and vehicle-mounted machine guns. , just covering his head with his hands, lying on the ground and not daring to move, his strength is not at the same level, and he has no way to fight.

The eight tanks lined up in unison, using the tank's 37mm main gun to fire non-stop salvos, and the high-flying projectiles blasted all the limited fire bunkers of the 57th Army's military headquarters into the sky.

Using such attack tactics of tanks and armored vehicles to deal with the light infantry was considered a one-sided massacre. After several rounds of salvos, Wei Gang and Li Yuming led the troops and rushed in.

The moment the PLA's tank units rushed in, the resistance of the 57th Army's headquarters stopped. These people also knew that there was no point in resisting any more, and it was just a waste of their lives.

Wei Gang and Li Yuming were overjoyed. These two guys led the soldiers and ran wildly all over the courtyard, yelling loudly as they ran: "Enclose everyone, and watch them all, put away all the weapons, there is resistance!" The ones that are destroyed are destroyed on the spot, and not a single waste can be released,—point."

They really should be happy. If they can really grab a few heads of the Kuomintang, the machine gun battalion and the guard company can shake up for a while in front of the soldiers of the whole brigade. Who can be unhappy about such a good thing.

Not long after, the personnel of the 57th Army's military headquarters were blasted out and gathered together. There could be hundreds of people, young and old, and the commander Xu Rucheng also changed into the clothes of a junior officer. Changing the clothes of the soldiers. At his age, if changing the clothes of the soldiers is very eye-catching, he will be easily noticed. His plan is to hide among the captives first, and then find an opportunity to run out when the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army are negligent. Well, in a big battle, there are tens of millions of prisoners, and it is normal for a few to escape.

Except for the guards, most of the personnel of the 57th Army are officers. With so many officers and soldiers piled up together, how can we tell who has a big head and who is an ordinary soldier?It's really bothering.

Looking at Huang Huhu's crowd, Wei Gang's head was a bit big. This guy yelled at the crowd several times: "Who is Xu Rucheng, get out of here." But no matter how much he shouted, no one answered.

Wei Gang had no choice but to secretly discuss with Li Yuming: "Yuming, it seems that there must be high-ranking officials from the Kuomintang among the crowd, maybe Xu Rucheng is in there, do you have any way to find them out?"

Li Yuming muttered and said: "Battle Commander, you can't do anything about it. What can I do? According to my previous method, I would kill them all on the spot, and it would be over if they were caught alive. What is the difference between living and dying, it is useless to ask them, then the political commissar came to me several times, telling me to pay attention to the discipline of our People’s Liberation Army, and not to kill prisoners casually, isn’t that right, I can’t do anything now.”

Li Yuming was speaking psychologically. When fighting with the brigade commander Li Yong, he seldom used his brains in this area. It was easy to catch the soldiers and keep them to replenish the troops later. As for the officers, they should be wiped out to save future troubles. The guards are somewhat used to doing these things. Of course, they are all doing it behind the back of political commissar Wang Chengde, so he can't think of a good way to prevent him from being killed.

Afterwards, the two little ones discussed it. Since you don’t understand it, let’s wait until the brigade commander arrives. Anyway, the personnel from the brigade headquarters have also arrived. Let’s take this opportunity to remove all the things that can go in the 57th Army’s military headquarters. We have fought a good battle, if we don't hurry up now, when will we hurry up.

The people of the Independent Brigade have a tradition of collecting spoils. With Wei Gang's order, the soldiers are all over the world, and they almost turned the headquarters of the 57th Army upside down.

It really made the two novels right. Ten minutes later, Li Yong and Wang Chengde arrived with the brigade staff. Wei Gang hurriedly reported the situation to Li Yong and Wang Chengde, and emphasized that there must be KMT members among the captives. The head is just that he and Li Yuming can't tell the difference, so they have to wait for the brigade commander and political commissar to decide.

Huang Huhu, a large group of captives under guard by the soldiers, seemed to mean that they were all very cleanly dressed military officers. Li Yong led several soldiers including Li Yuming and Wei Gang, and walked around the captives. for a few laps.

He was looking at these captives, and the captives were also peeking at this senior cadre of the People's Liberation Army. The captives were not stupid. From the posture of these soldiers, they could guess who was the senior officer of the People's Liberation Army. It was strange that , The chief of the People's Liberation Army is a bit too young.

With a sullen face, Li Yong casually pulled one out of the captives: "Tell me, where is Xu Rucheng?"

The captive's head almost drooped in his crotch, and he bowed his head and said nothing.

Brigadier Li saw that this guy didn't say anything, wouldn't it be difficult to deal with it: "Come here, pull it out, it's settled."

A few soldiers from the guard company rushed forward, dragged the prisoner up and left. After turning a few turns, he pulled him behind the wall, and then there was a clear gunshot.

The hearts of these hundreds of prisoners trembled at the sound of the gunshot. What happened?Didn't the People's Liberation Army not kill prisoners?What's going on today?Has the almanac changed?

Before the prisoners could react, Li Yong pulled another one out from the pile of prisoners: "Tell me, where is Xu Rucheng?"

Li Yong turned his head again: "Pull it down." A few more soldiers came and repeated the action just now. Ten seconds later, there was another gunshot from behind the wall.

When Li Yong dragged the third prisoner out of the crowd, the prisoner knelt down on the ground with a plop, wailing and shouting: "Commander Eight Route Army, Commander Liberation Army, I'll say it, I'll say it all."

Just as the kneeling prisoner was crying, a guy in the uniform of a major officer came out from the crowd: "Don't ask, I'm Xu Rucheng."

As soon as this guy's words hit the ground, people surrounded him, and the soldiers thought, good guy, he really caught a high-ranking Kuomintang official for a living, we have to take a good look.

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