Chapter 415

Li Yong was going to pull the third prisoner out and shoot him. A guy in the uniform of a major officer walked out of the crowd and said with a sullen face, "Don't ask me any more. I am Xu Rucheng, the commander of the 57th Army."

When the brigade commander Li Yong gave the order, the political commissar Wang Chengde stood aside and said nothing. The soldiers who gathered around to watch the excitement were all puzzled. Usually, the brigade commander often does things like shooting prisoners. The veteran soldiers are used to it. Our brigade The long style is that as long as you are caught, you must have the self-consciousness of a prisoner. To be honest, there is nothing wrong with you. , After the incident, he still refused to admit it, why did the brigade commander dare to do this in front of the political commissar today?The political commissar also agreed?Won't?

While the soldiers were pondering, two of them lost their patience. Wei Gang and Li Yuming burst into smiles when they heard this guy say that he was the commander of the 57th Army. He rushed in, and shouted as he rushed, "Go, go, go, this guy was caught by our machine gun battalion and guard company. It has nothing to do with you. I want to catch the KMT's brain and figure out a way for myself."

The soldiers in a circle curled their lips when Wei Gang and Li Yuming yelled at them. Seeing their seduction like that, isn't it just to catch a Kuomintang general?What's so great, let's catch one as soon as possible.

But let's talk about it, but everyone also admits psychologically that it is indeed awesome to be able to catch a Kuomintang general, and it is no wonder that these two people are shouting and shouting happily.

Not to mention what the soldiers thought, Wei Gang and Li Yuming rushed into the pile of prisoners, and each of them put Xu Rucheng in front of Li Yong with one arm, and then threw them on the ground: "Brigade Commander, our brothers are right, the 57th Army None of the people in the military department ran away, they were all caught up."

Hundreds of captives and Xu Rucheng who was still on the ground were in a trance for a while. This guy who was dragged to the ground like a dead dog was giving orders a few hours ago. At this level, judging by the posture of the people in the People's Liberation Army, they don't pay attention to the lieutenant general of the Kuomintang at all. Taking a lieutenant general is no different from a dead dog.

The policy of the People's Liberation Army is to pay attention to preferential treatment of prisoners, especially for senior officers of the Kuomintang. If you are caught, you will be a prisoner of our People's Liberation Army. If you are a prisoner, you have to behave honestly to me, otherwise I will deal with you as usual.

Brigadier Li Da said to Xu Rucheng, who was thrown to the ground, unhurriedly: "I'll give you 5 minutes, and immediately order the troops of the 57th Army who are still resisting to surrender."

After being thrown on the ground, Xu Rucheng stood up slowly, and said with a livid face, "Who are you? I protest against your mistreatment of prisoners of war. I want to talk to your commander."

Xu Rucheng thought that Li Yong was too young. How could a person of this age be a senior officer of the People's Liberation Army? Hmph, if you want me, Xu Rucheng, to give orders, you have to find someone with enough weight.

As soon as Xu Rucheng, who was caught and still talking about pomp, asked this sentence, everyone knew it was fun. Look, talk to our brigade commander about the conditions?What protest?Isn't this the work of a heartless person? It seems that this kid is looking for trouble.

Sure enough, as everyone expected, Brigadier Li pulled out the pistol stuck in Li Yuming's belt and turned it upside down in his hand. Pushing Xu Rucheng's chin, he said, "Damn it, I'm really using myself as a dish. I'll give you ten seconds. If you don't do it after ten seconds, I'll fuck you back to grandma's house."

Xu Rucheng was immediately stunned by *, how did he receive this kind of treatment?In the Kuomintang army, this disciple of the son of heaven has always been the master of domineering, not to mention the officers of his same rank, even the officers of a higher rank should not be hanged or not, even Hu Zongnan, the commander-in-chief. This kid has no face, and has never been beaten before.

Today is a taste of being bullied. This guy was beaten so confused, his hat flew off, and there was a big purple bag on his head at that time, but the cold gun butt hit his head also made Xu Rucheng understand. One thing, I am no longer the former commander of the 57th Army, but a prisoner of the People's Liberation Army. Looking at the People's Liberation Army officer who didn't treat him like a green onion in his eyes, this kid was really scared.

The gun barrel on the chin is cool, and there is a smell of gunpowder after the bullets have been fired. This coolness and the smell of gunpowder travel down the head, and when it gets down into the crotch, I feel my legs shaking. Feeling like I can't hold my urine.

Li Yong only counted five, and Xu Rucheng, who was still acting imposing before, almost peed his pants. This guy shook his legs and said: "Sir, sir, I am willing to obey the command of your army, I am willing to obey the command of your army, As long as I can do it, I will do it.”

Isn’t this the end? Li Yong asked a few soldiers to take Xu Rucheng to the headquarters of the 57th Army. He used the telephone, radio and walkie-talkie casually to surrender the stubborn troops who could be notified. .

Xu Rucheng is gone, but there is a person standing beside Li Yong who feels nervous for a while, who is it?Li Jia, communications platoon leader of the Independent Brigade.

This is the second time for Li Jia to see Li Yong put the barrel of a gun on someone's chin and let you go back to grandma's house if he said that he is not honest. I don't know if it's true or not. If I don't cooperate, I will be shot and killed by the villain, but I think it's useless. I, the former captain of the Communist Party, have already become the Eighth Route Army, and I still served as a soldier in this villain's army. Although I was forced to do it at the beginning, it was no longer forced, and I was very proactive.

"What are you thinking? Hurry up and inform the army commander and political commissar that the military headquarters of the 57th Army has been wiped out by our independent brigade. Capture army commander Xu Rucheng alive." Li Yong tugged Li Jia's sleeve to remind her not to get confused at this time.

The prisoners of the brigade were taken down, and at the same time, two more prisoners were pulled out from behind the wall. Everyone took a closer look, huh, aren't these the two prisoners who were shot dead by the guards just now?Only then did the soldiers suddenly realize that it was no wonder that the political commissar of Germany didn't care about the brigade commander and shot people. It turned out that all this was an illusion for people to see, and it was used to scare people.

The 2o3 Division of the Youth Army was defeated, the army headquarters was wiped out, the army commander and a group of staff officers were captured, and the result was known without thinking. The explosion gradually subsided, and by two o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy's resistance activities had completely ceased. After more than ten hours of fierce fighting, the Second Army of the People's Liberation Army wiped out the 57th Army of the Kuomintang and captured countless.

The news was notified to the headquarters of the Field Army and the First Corps at the first time, and then it was time to clean the battlefield. The 57th Army is a wealthy family. The weapons, ammunition and supplies are many times better than the Second Army of the People's Liberation Army. The soldiers are happy, go all over the world Picking up an American-style carbine, this guy has a lot of strength on his back, he doesn't need to push it in with his hands, just pull the trigger and it's one, that's great.

The [-]-type rifle, which was still a good weapon in the field army two years ago, was mostly sent to the logistics department of the army by the soldiers. In the words of the soldiers, it is to use these rags for the local militia, the main force of our People's Liberation Army Of course the semi-automatic carbine had to be used.

Each has a carbine in his hand, and carries [-] bullets and a few grenades on his back. The weapons and equipment of the entire Second Army have undergone a major change.

It really fulfilled that sentence. The second army paid the price but also got a lot of money. The equipment of the whole army was completely new. For this reason, the soldiers even made up a jingle: change guns, change guns, hurry up! Change the gun, quickly replace the old gun with a new one. Chiang Kai-shek, the captain of the transportation team, sent someone to send American guns. (This was a popular jingle in the Northwest Liberated Area at that time, not fabricated)

The whole army is undergoing a big change of clothes. Of course, the Independent Brigade is no exception. Not only is it no exception, it is also making a lot of money. The 57th Army is a wealthy household in the Kuomintang army, and the 2o3 Division is a wealthy household in the 57th Army. The harvest of the independent brigade is considerable.

To rob, to rob, to rob, not only He Cuihua led the supply battalion to rob, other battalions and companies were not idle, they were all scrambling around, even Gao Xiang's heavy howitzer battalion also sent some people to search everywhere on the battlefield .

When Fang Xin, Chief of Staff, brought the statistics and reports to Li Yong and Wang Chengde, the faces of the top leaders of the two independent brigades burst into smiles.

Cars, cannons, fuel, food, clothing, you can get whatever you want, not to mention the small items, just the artillery alone brought back more than a dozen, and they are all new. The most pleasing thing is that Gao Xiang brought People got back two 15mm heavy-duty howitzers, plus the previous three, the Independent Brigade already had five German-made large-caliber battlefield suppression artillery, but there are still not many such 15-caliber shells , the entire independent brigade is only more than 100, and the average of the five cannons can only be spread to more than [-], not even [-]. Li Yong's order to Gao Xiang is that without his order, these cannons And the shells must not be moved, and one cannot be shot out. These big guys may be of great use in the future.

Well, the 2o3 division is really rich, and the consumption of the independent brigade in the past few months has not only supplemented it, but also has a lot of surplus.

The fly in the ointment is that the Independent Brigade did not catch a single tank. The entire tank unit of the 57th Army was either lost in the battle with the Fourth Division, or was reimbursed by the Independent Brigade with anti-tank firepower. Anyway, the entire battlefield was searched. , Did not see a whole tank.

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