The beacon of youth

Chapter 433 Fierce Battle Outside Xianyang City

Chapter 433 Fierce Battle Outside Xianyang City

In order to ensure that the fortifications of the main city of Xianyang were not breached, Wang Chenghan, the commander of the [-]st Division of the People's Liberation Army, organized troops to launch a counterattack against the Ma's army outside the city as soon as it was dark.

Commander Wang Chenghan's intentions are obvious. If you want to defend Xianyang, you must regain the defensive positions lost during the day outside the city. Otherwise, once one of the main positions is breached, it will be very dangerous. Street fighting is very unwise, and Wang Chenghan, a veteran commander, understands this truth very well.

A small group of soldiers climbed out bit by bit along the gap in the position, and gradually approached the Ma's army outside the city under the cover of night. When they got close to the distance that a grenade could hit, the soldiers got up and threw together Grenades, a large number of grenades fell from the sky like raindrops. Fierce fighting broke out again in the dark night. Gunshots and grenade explosions continued throughout the night. The flames lit up Xianyang City, and the People's Liberation Army rushed out of the city. Relying on the firepower on the city wall, the troops outside rushed to the positions lost during the day.

Night battles are the specialty of the People's Liberation Army. Soldiers are also very accustomed to carrying out various combat activities on nights with a little moonlight. They are extremely proficient in various tactical actions and methods such as leap forward, cover, and attack. Several positions were taken back in a row, and the attacking troops made rapid progress.

Outside the city of Xianyang, at the headquarters of the 82nd Army of the Kuomintang, an officer hurried in: "Army—army seat, army seat, communist army—communist army has come out of the city."

Ma Jiyuan, who had a shaved green head, frowned: "Why are you panicking? Are you scared out of your wits by the communist army? Talk about things slowly."

The officer took a few breaths in a row: "Army seat, the communist army drilled countless small troops from the city, and did not open fire until they were more than ten meters away from us. The brothers were caught off guard. We occupied it during the day. Several positions were taken by the communist army.”

Ma Jiyuan was furious: "They are all a bunch of trash. The communist army rushing out is nothing to be afraid of. Wouldn't it be enough to beat them back? Notify the officers above the platoon and whoever loses the position will be responsible for getting it back, otherwise they will all be shot."

The officer who came back to report cowardly replied: "But—but the military seat, most of the officers we lost their positions were killed in battle. The casualties are really too great, brothers."

Ma Jiyuan: "If there are heavy casualties, we must go up. We have heavy casualties. Isn't it true that the casualties of the Communist Army are not large? They are not immortal gods who can't be killed. They order the troops to rush forward at all costs."

An officer next to Ma Jiyuan suggested: "Senior, the Communist Army is very good at fighting at night. The soldiers and officers of the Communist Army all claim to be the ancestors of night fighting, and night fighting is not our strong point. Shall we avoid it for the time being? Wait for dawn before fighting the communist army."

"No, we used a lot of cattle during the day to push the troops into the city. If these positions outside the city were taken back by the communist army, our hard work would be in vain, and thousands of brothers would be in vain. Must rush up."

After Ma Jiyuan gave the order to die, the Qingma Army rushed out of the city to snatch positions with the People's Liberation Army like crazy. Take a nail and set up a foothold, so that we can launch a general attack on Xianyang at dawn.

The battle became more and more cruel. Both the enemy and the enemy fought for the upper hand. Several small positions outside the city became the focus of contention. The troops were also continuously increasing, so that the general attack that was supposed to be launched at dawn seemed to come a little earlier, and the scale of the battle continued to expand.

The Qingma Army, relying on a large number of people, horses, and guns, continued to attack the main city wall of Xianyang. These local Kuomintang troops from the Qinghai area in the northwest did not have explosive equipment, no special artillery for siege, and no troops like the People's Liberation Army. With experience in earthworks, he came up with a stupid way to climb up a ladder in the face of a tall city wall.

In the dark night, the flames outside Xianyang City were blazing. With the flickering light of the fire, countless human ladders stood up from the bottom of the city, and twisted human bodies tangled and climbed upwards.

The soldiers of the [-]st Division took advantage of their geographical advantages and dropped bundles of grenades on the city wall. Amidst the huge explosion, a personal ladder collapsed, and these soldiers who were accustomed to riding horses immediately formed a team. Piles fell under the city wall, and the piled corpses were piled up under the city wall to a height of nearly one meter.

Corpses, blood, and all kinds of broken guns and ammunition are everywhere outside Xianyang City. Ma Jiyuan, who was dizzy and stunned by the increasing casualties of his subordinates, became furious. I have decided to launch an attack at dawn, just tonight, right now, the general attack will begin, officers at all levels must take the lead in the charge, the cowardly and frightened brigade will be shot, and Xianyang will be taken down with piles of corpses."

The Ma family's army took turns to attack wave after wave. They had no tactics and no effective way to deal with the city wall. They just knew how to charge up and then take the ladder to climb up.

The commanders and fighters of the [-]st Division placed on the city wall had no difficulty in dealing with such a stupid attack. All kinds of firepower fired violently at the soldiers of the Ma Family Army who rushed over. The bullets fired formed a dark red fire net at night, waiting When the soldiers of the Ma family army who got out of the fire net rushed to the city wall, the soldiers greeted them with grenades. After a lot of effort to rush to the city, the ladder they built was reimbursed by a few grenades.

Explosion, shrapnel, explosion, shrapnel, swarms of grenades continue to be thrown from the city wall. The shrapnel cuts the air, cuts the human body and then inlays on the city wall. Red flesh and white brains collapse on the thousand-year-old ancient city wall of Xianyang superior.

The fierce battle continued for several hours at night. The night became darker and darker, and the scale of the battle continued to expand. The Ma's army tried their best to compete with the People's Liberation Army defending the city. The 82st Division had only a few of Ma's troops. However, Ma Jiyuan's [-]nd Army was extremely unsuitable for night battles and urban offensive and defensive operations. This caused the two armies to stalemate under the city of Xianyang, and neither side had the strength to completely defeat the opponent.

In a headquarters of the Kuomintang Central Army not too far from Xianyang, several horse lanterns burning with kerosene were hung in a large grass-green tent, and the white flames illuminated the tent brightly. A large group of officers were lying on the table What is being discussed on the military map laid out.

This is the front-line headquarters of the Central Army following the 82nd Army of the Majia Army. The central army placed behind the buttocks of the Majia Army on the front line in Xianyang is an attacking corps composed of more than [-] people from the two armies. These people lying on the map are here for a meeting. Officers above the division and brigade levels of the corps.

An officer looked at the map and said: "Commander, the Ma's army and the Communist army fought in Xianyang for a day and a half night. Now we are entangled with the communist army in the city, and it seems that we will not be able to attack for a while."

Another officer said: "Hmph, just because they, idiots who came from horse bandits, want to fight a regular city offensive and defensive battle? Going around to rob ordinary people is almost the same. Hmph, this time I know what it's like to hack a city wall with a saber."

None of the officers who looked at the map spoke, including the officer called the commander, who didn't answer. The Ma's army really doesn't know how to fight urban offensive and defensive warfare, but what about their idiots?Isn't it just that they were kicked out by the People's Liberation Army and ran around, and even lost Xi'an, so what face is there to say that the Majiajun can't fight?

The dull atmosphere lasted for a while, and an officer said again: "Commander, do you think we should go to reinforce, we are only a few tens of kilometers away from Xianyang, which means we will arrive in a few hours. The troops must be very tired, and we are very likely to take Xianyang down once we push up, even though their Ma Jiajun has been fighting for so long, but most of the credit for attacking Xianyang is ours."

All the officers looked at the commander of the KMT's front-line corps. This is indeed a good idea and a good way. It will be easy to succeed when the communist army is very tired, but this commander is not what these officers imagined. That's how they jumped up and gave them some attack orders loudly, but stood there without saying a word. After a long time, the officer sighed: "Commander Hu told us to stand still and let their Majiajun torment."

The commander's words made these officers puzzled, and the officer who made the idea before asked: "Commander, how can we take Xianyang if we don't reinforce Ma's army, and how can we regain Xi'an if we don't take Xianyang?"

This question is also a question on the minds of the officers present here. It is obviously an excellent opportunity, why not rush forward?If you give up this opportunity, how can you compete with the communist army?

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, the commander sighed again: "Everyone, don't look at me like that. I also just received the order from Chief Hu. There is one last sentence in the order from Chief Hu. I didn't want to I told everyone, but today it seems that I can’t say anything.”

The commander said slowly: "Commander Hu said that the principal still values ​​him because he still has an army in his hands."

Saying one sentence makes everyone seem to understand something. These people are old fritters who have been in the officialdom for more than ten or twenty years. They know certain things but can't say them. In China's army, it seems that strength is the first priority, and whoever is more powerful will have a higher official position. Although Hu Zongnan is Chiang Kai-shek's confidant and good student, once the army is defeated, it is nothing, so the sentence "The principal still values ​​me because I still have the army in my hands" is indeed what Hu Zongnan is thinking now.

Due to work and physical reasons, the old bus update is very slow, and I apologize for the inconvenience caused to everyone. Thank you for your support.

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