The beacon of youth

Chapter 434 The Opportunity Comes

Chapter 434 The Opportunity Comes

The fierce Xianyang defensive battle lasted from night to midnight. Both sides could see that the opponent's strength was almost exhausted, and they both wanted to grit their teeth and work harder to kill the opponent.

Although the 82st Division of the People's Liberation Army did not have as many personnel as the Ma's Army, it had a geographical advantage. In addition, the cavalry had no experience in positional warfare. Ma Bufang's [-]nd Army attacked like a wave, but the casualties were several times greater than that of the People's Liberation Army. Although the Ma family army has a large number of people, it can't take advantage of it.

Frustrated, Ma Jiyuan looked helpless at the stalemate between the two armies, and one of his subordinates suggested: "Military seat, do you want to ask the Central Army for support? They have a lot of guns and tanks. As long as they can come up and charge The Communist Army in Xianyang is enough."

Ma Jiyuan was furious, and when he heard this subordinate's suggestion, he yelled: "Go to your reinforcements, the Central Army is right behind us, and it's time to take a piss when we're close to us, but do you think they can come for reinforcements?" ? Still wanting reinforcements? If the Central Army doesn’t do anything to us, it’s a good idea. What’s wrong with you? Have you been fooled by butter?”

This subordinate didn't dare to utter a word when he was scolded, and the other officers didn't even speak out. It's not a surprise that anyone who offends the eldest son will be shot at this time.

Ma Jiyuan is in a hurry, he is in a hurry, his old man Ma Bufang has spent so much effort to get back a military and political officer in the Northwest. Although the Kuomintang government building is about to collapse, no matter what, the official who got back is justified At least he has the resources to deal with Ningxia Ma Hongkui who started in the Northwest like them, so this battle must be fought well no matter what, and it can only be fought well, and his father is still waiting for his victory in the rear.

Ma Jiyuan suddenly thought of a way, his anxious head was about to smoke, and he didn't do anything or repair it, so he just gave the communist army a hard time. This guy picked up the phone and shouted: "Get me to the heavy artillery battalion."

Ma Jiyuan, who was about to get through the phone, shouted into the microphone: "Listen to me, your heavy artillery battalion will open fire in five minutes. The target is the Communist army inside and outside the city wall, attacking indiscriminately."

An anxious voice came from the microphone: "Sir, our heavy artillery battalion can't fire, and the brothers can't withdraw now. When the cannon fires, not only the communist army is finished, but our brothers are also finished."

The vicious Ma Jiyuan yelled into the microphone: "You are the army commander or fuck I am the army commander. Don't I know what's going on? If I tell you to fire, fire, stop talking nonsense."

A few minutes later, Ma Jiyuan's heavy artillery battalion opened fire. Large-caliber anti-personnel grenades fell one after another into the crowd of people in the melee, and the soldiers of the two armies fell one by one.

The Majiajun heavy artillery battalion who opened fire suddenly made the soldiers of both sides fighting together unprepared. The soldiers of the [-]st Division did not expect that Ma Jiyuan would do such a thing. This is a typical indiscriminate attack. The troops were stuck at the front and couldn't move, and then all the people were blown up with artillery fire.

The casualties of the [-]st Division increased several times in an instant. The division commander Wang Chenghan was very anxious. Ma Jiajun's tactics of fighting consumption were very disadvantageous to the [-]st Division, which was at a disadvantage. Several positions were in danger in a blink of an eye. Organized all the forces, and pulled up the reserve team that had been left in his hands and was reluctant to use.

In the division command post, emergency calls kept coming one after another. Wang Chenghan's words were very simple. There were no important people and no reinforcements.

The commanders of several divisions asked the division commander if they could ask Boss Peng in Xi'an for some reinforcements, even a battalion would be good.

Wang Chenghan took off a submachine gun hanging on the wall, and said as he walked out: "Boss Peng still has any reinforcements in his hand, and there is only a little security force left in Xi'an, and he has to be in charge of security and the guards of the head office." Mission, asking Boss Peng for reinforcements is not embarrassing him, our division is the first to reach the theater, no matter how difficult it is, we must use our brains to withstand the enemy."

Outside Xianyang City, at the Wujiabao position, the instructor Zheng Guojun led the soldiers to fight bloody battles. When they left the city, there were more than 50 soldiers in a reinforced platoon. Now there are less than [-] soldiers who can persist in fighting. The weapons and ammunition of the sacrificed and wounded comrades gathered around him, defeating the attacks of the Ma family army again and again.

Large-caliber artillery shells blew up the fortifications dug by the soldiers. Under the continuous attack of the Ma's army, some areas did not even have time to repair a single bunker. The instructor Zheng Guojun led the soldiers to pile up the corpses of the enemy's dead soldiers as fortifications , Put the gathered weapons and ammunition in a place where you can reach out, use rifles to fight enemies in the distance, shoot with submachine guns in the vicinity, and directly use grenades to greet those who are closer.

Several heavy machine gun shooters in the platoon had died or were injured. Zheng Guojun took the place of the wounded soldiers, held the handle of the heavy machine gun, and fired at the Majiajun soldiers rushing in a fan pattern.

When he was a soldier, Zheng Guojun was a well-known heavy machine gun shooter in the regiment, and the water-cooled Maxim heavy machine gun was also his favorite weapon. Long and short bursts made the soldiers of the Ma family army rushing up littered with corpses.

The fierce battle has made the soldiers unable to remember how many times they repelled the enemy's attacks, and they don't know how long it has passed. Anyway, when they came out of the city, they had to use up all the ammunition they brought with them, so they kept using heavy machine gun fire Ma Keqin, who was blocking the enemy, suddenly heard a few crackling sounds. Zheng Guojun didn't need to look to know that it was because the bullets on the chain had run out. A strange idea popped into Zheng Guojun's head, what's going on? Well, a chain of more than 300 rounds was fired so quickly: "Come on, a deputy shooter, move the bullets here."

One of the soldiers came over, but the soldier said to Zheng Guojun: "Instructor, all the bullets have been fired. When we came out, we brought five boxes of bullets for heavy machine guns, and we have all finished."

Zheng Guojun picked up a grenade casually, lifted the cover and threw it out: "If there is no bullet, there will be no bullet. If there is no bullet, we must fight."

After another 20 minutes or so, the ammunition of the soldiers on the Wujiabao camp had all been exhausted, not only the bullets were gone, but all the grenades were thrown out, and more than [-] soldiers were in danger of running out of ammunition and food.

Instructor Zheng Guojun threw out the submachine gun in his hand, picked up a rifle beside him, drew out his bayonet and pressed it.

At this time, Zheng Guojun didn't order the soldiers to do anything, and he didn't even look at these comrades who were still alive with him, but these soldiers seemed to understand what he meant, and picked up their rifles and pressed their bayonets one by one.

In the early hours of the morning, the independent brigade that rushed forward finally arrived near Xianyang. The reconnaissance team in front immediately reported the situation. In fact, everyone can guess the same without reporting. The sound of gunshots, grenade explosions, and faint shouts The sound indicated that the battle was raging.

According to the uninterrupted reconnaissance of the reconnaissance battalion, the situation of the enemy and our armies is roughly the same. Zhang Jinsong took Ning Erzi and ran to Li Yong and Wang Chengde panting. For reconnaissance, the positions we placed outside Xianyang City are basically engaged in tug-of-war, and the artillery fire of the Ma's army attacked indiscriminately, regardless of the enemy or ourselves, and the casualties of the [-]st Division were too great."

Ning Erzi's report made the commanders of the independent brigade who came up to him hate their teeth. Even Jiang Tiexiong, the commander of the tank battalion who had just joined the People's Liberation Army for a short time, felt that these Ma's troops were really nothing. After such a battle, the next time the soldiers fought Who dares to move forward desperately.

Li Yong didn't pay much attention to how Ma's army's artillery fire attacked him. He was concerned about the Central Army that followed Ma's 82nd Army: "Second son, how far is Hu Zongnan's Central Army from here? Have you made any moves?"

Ning Erzi: "Report to the brigade commander, Hu Zongnan's central army is more than 30 kilometers away from Xianyang, and there is no sign of sending reinforcements yet."

The report of the second son Ning made Li Yong ecstatic. Li Yong has been thinking about how to reinforce the [-]st Division along the way. The easiest and most brain-saving way is to defend the city with the [-]st Division. It's a bit too wasteful for the completely mechanized independent brigade, and it's not interesting, so Li Yong has been thinking about another way.

This method is that the Independent Brigade does not enter the city, but disables the Ma Jiajun outside the city. With the combat effectiveness of the Independent Brigade and his understanding of the Ma Jiajun, the 82nd Army, Li Yong is very confident in defeating them. The key to the problem is how to deal with the Kuomintang Central Army in the south of Hu Zong.

Hu Zongnan's army is composed of two armies with a regiment of more than 5 people. Needless to say, the 5 people will provide reinforcements to the Ma's army. As long as they are placed closer, Li Yong's ideas will be exhausted, but the second son Ning The information I got back was that not only did the Central Army not intend to reinforce the Ma’s Army, but they even moved the garrison at a distance of more than 30 kilometers.

In the early morning... around is the darkest time of the day. At this time, there are four troops of the KMT and the Communist Army inside and outside Xianyang City. The PLA Independent Brigade just arrived.

Li Yong said to the commanders of the independent brigade: "Comrades, the opportunity has come. The Ma family army is desperately attacking the city, but the Kuomintang's central army is watching from behind. What kind of coalition army is this called? It can also win the world? Bah If you want to think about their Spring and Autumn Dreams, it depends on our People's Liberation Army to win the world."

Li Yong also meant to tell Jiang Tiexiong what he said, to let him know that he did not lose money by joining the People's Liberation Army.

The Fifth Battalion Commander, Wang Huhu, was the most ruthless Majiajun in the Independent Brigade. This old soldier, who was usually not very talkative, couldn't help asking at this moment: "Brigade Commander, just tell us what to do, the more ruthless the better." .

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