The beacon of youth

Chapter 449 Storming Yabo Town

Chapter 449 Storming Yabo Town

After the Battle of Fumei started, the Second Army of the People's Liberation Army, which was the main attacker, encountered a setback in Yabo Town. In order to allow the troops to break through quickly, the Party Committee of the Second Army made up their minds and took the independent brigade of the ace reserve team in their hands. Break through in the middle, and use the two wings to contain the way to kill a bloody road, breaking the deadlock in one fell swoop.

In order to create conditions for the main attacking independent brigade, several leaders of the Second Army decided to hand over all the artillery fire of the whole army to their command. They wanted to use powerful artillery fire to solve as many fortifications of the Kuomintang defenders as possible before the troops attacked, and to kill as many people as possible. The enemy's infantry, so as to reduce the pressure and casualties of the infantry who are about to attack.

What the Kuomintang defenders did not expect was that the troops did not launch a charge after the first round of artillery preparations by the People's Liberation Army, but a second artillery attack came a few minutes later. Army casualties were heavy.

After the second artillery strike, the charge horn rang again, but this time Li Yong ordered the charge to be blown violently, and the troops did not attack, and carried out artillery strikes at intervals of 5 minutes.

In other words, the attacking troops of the People's Liberation Army prepared three times in a row with artillery fire, which made the defending Kuomintang defenders feel uncomfortable. What should we do?After the preparation of artillery fire, should the communist army attack or not?If you attack, you are afraid that you will be greeted with artillery fire like a storm. If you don't attack, you are afraid that the Communist troops will really attack, and by then it will be too late.

Several rounds of artillery attacks from the Independent Brigade put the frontline commanders of the Kuomintang in a dilemma. The demoralized Kuomintang defenders have completely lost such courage.

Li Yong calculated the time of 5 minutes very well. It was the time when the Kuomintang defenders jumped out of the trenches to prepare to attack, and when they got out of the fortifications and arrived at the position, it was the time when the shells hit their heads. At this time, even if you want to drill back, it is too late.

Three consecutive artillery strikes made the defending Kuomintang soldiers cry and wailed, and not even a complete corpse could be seen on the entire battlefield, which was completely shattered by the covered artillery fire.

Almost an hour passed, and the artillery fire of the whole army of the Second Army was dispatched by Gao Xiang, the artillery commander of the independent brigade, to attack the Kuomintang defenders in an orderly manner.

The Northwest Field Army developed to the second half of [-]. The artillery of the People's Liberation Army no longer couldn't even calculate the trajectory of the curved shot, but could only use cannons to directly aim at the Tuba road for shooting. The troops trained in the actual combat had grown. It is the main branch of a powerful army.

Under such circumstances, Gao Xiang was also very handy in commanding. The time and direction of several artillery strikes were accurate to an unprecedented degree, and the precise artillery strikes also brought unprecedented disasters to the defending Kuomintang 24th Division and 53rd Division. , People and fortifications were massacred and destroyed.

Just as the Kuomintang soldiers were in shock, the PLA's fourth artillery attack began again. The shells exploded one after another, and the platoon artillery covered the front and depth of the Kuomintang defenders back and forth, detonating the mines and destroying the landmines. The barbed wire was shattered, the trenches were flattened, the pillboxes were shattered, and all obstacles on the attack line were blown to powder.

The Kuomintang soldiers hiding in the fortifications were cursing at each other: "Damn, why is it full of artillery fire from the communist army? Where are our cannons?"

Some people told him: "Our cannons? All our cannons have become trophies of the communist army. Even if they still exist, they dare not confront the communist army."

It really made these Kuomintang soldiers right. In front of the powerful artillery of the People's Liberation Army, the artillery of the Kuomintang defenders did not have the courage to resist at all.

Soldiers don't have a desperate heart, so why talk about confrontation?Without the mutual containment of artillery fire, the artillerymen of the People's Liberation Army fought happily. Many soldiers took off their shirts and carried the shells bare-shouldered. gray grandson."

Under such circumstances, the defenders of the Kuomintang could only be forced to be bombed. At the moment when the artillery fire extended, the brigade commander Li Yong gave a loud order: "Tank battalion, attack, charge up."

After four artillery strikes, the Independent Brigade is finally going to take action. The tank battalion has already been prepared at this time. The soldiers who are eager to try have their eyes wide open, waiting for the order from their superiors. Li Yong shouted Before the sound on the phone was over, the troops rushed out with one guy, and more than 100 tanks and armored vehicles were charging with black smoke behind their buttocks, roaring.

More than 40 tanks and more than [-] armored vehicles, which are all the belongings of the Kuomintang's original Second Chariot Regiment, plus the original eight Stuarts of the Independent Brigade, hundreds of armored troops assaulted to form a torrent of steel , The scene is extremely spectacular.

More than 100 tanks and armored vehicles, let alone used them in the past, did not even dare to think about it. The Northwest Field Army, which took a few bullets and grenades as a treasure, never dreamed that it would have today, let alone ordinary soldiers. Even Wang Chengde, the political commissar, was shocked by the attacking armored troops. This old soldier from the Eighth Route Army used binoculars to watch the rushing troops in the command post. Inadvertently, a tear fell from the corner of his eye.

Li Yong understands Wang Chengde's mood very well at this time. This old soldier who joined the army very early is very urgent to update the equipment of the army. Some of the losses are completely avoidable, and this is one of the main reasons why he does not stop or support Li Yong's unscrupulous attempts to snatch weapons and equipment. It is not easy for Wang Chengde, who has a strict sense of discipline, to do this. .

This is also the first large-scale use of armored troops by the Northwest Field Army after it became an army. The gradually stronger First Field Army also had its own tanks and its own armored assault troops. The Independent Brigade inadvertently created a first One, of course, is number one in the Northwest Field Army.

At the same time when the Independent Brigade launched an assault, the troops of the Second Army of the People’s Liberation Army also launched attacks from both sides of the Independent Brigade under the command of Commander Guo Peng and Political Commissar Wang Enmao, but most of their actions were to cooperate with the Independent Brigade’s actions. Didn't really put the main force into it.

Commander Guo Peng's intention was very clear, to use the independent brigade for assault on the main attack area, and use other troops to contain the Kuomintang defenders in the feint attack area, preventing them from concentrating their forces on the main attack independent brigade.

It's time for planting at six or seven in the afternoon. It should be time for dinner, but the soldiers of the independent brigade with soaring confidence said, what dinner is not for dinner, let's rush up first, and then have dinner on the enemy's position , Eating big steamed buns is also psychologically comfortable.

This is confidence and morale. Of course, troops with confidence and morale are powerful in fighting. Behind the tanks and armored vehicles are the infantry of the independent brigade. Shorten the distance to tank assault troops.

There is the problem of cooperation between infantry tanks and infantry artillery. The time for the tank commando to rush up is very particular. We must minimize the waiting time after the artillery bombardment, and we must not let the artillery shells blow up our troops, so It is necessary to go up immediately after the artillery fire is extended, and the infantry should follow behind the tanks and armored vehicles to protect the tanks during the assault of the armored forces, destroy the enemy's anti-tank equipment and soldiers, and reduce the enemy's individual anti-tank weapons. Threat of tanks and armored vehicles.

However, there is still a gap between the running speed of soldiers and the speed of tanks. In order to increase the assault speed of tank troops, Li Yong did not let tanks adapt to the speed of infantry, but used armored vehicles instead of infantry to cover troops. Near the enemy's position, the soldiers in the armored vehicle will get out of the vehicle to fight. While occupying the enemy's forward position, they must also protect the tank unit from major losses.

As long as the tank battalion can persist in the enemy's forward position for a period of time, the large troops behind can catch up, and as long as the independent brigade's troops arrive, the victory of this battle will basically be won.

The artillery fire of the People's Liberation Army extended to the depth again. The gunpowder smoke on the forward positions of the Kuomintang defenders was blown away bit by bit by the wind. In the gradually dissipating gunpowder smoke, there were bursts of crawler walking sounds, "Galala!" The voice rang in front of the position.

Many of the Kuomintang's grassroots commanders came from military academies. These people were familiar with this voice. The Kuomintang officers who reacted within ten days shouted loudly: "***, hurry up, the tanks of the communist army are rushing up! Hurry up and kill the communist tanks."

It's easy to say, how to kill the tanks of the communist army?How many people can have the courage to rush up and fight the tank face to face?The answer is - basically no.

Using infantry to deal with the tanks rushing forward requires great courage and the spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice. People's Liberation Army soldiers with a tenacious will to fight can do this, but the Kuomintang troops can't do it. He yelled and scrambled out, and he came out, but facing the machine guns and artillery on the tank, his courage was about to be frightened.

The first to rush up was the m4 tank platoon of the tank battalion, and the first car was the instructor Li Yuming's car.

Li Yuming, this guy is awesome, he brought four tanks in like sharp knives. Amidst the roar of the engine shaking the earth, the tanks crossed trenches when they encountered ditch, and when they encountered a firepower point, they were destroyed with one shot. The machine guns on the ground rang loudly, and the stragglers running around fell one by one, and they directly crushed the machine gun bunker that was close at hand. No matter what you are, whether it is a person or a weapon, it will be smashed first. Besides.

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