The beacon of youth

Chapter 450 Hero Tank Battalion

Chapter 450 Hero Tank Battalion

The tank unit of the independent brigade rushed up to the bombing point of the heavy artillery battalion, and the timing was just right. Before the Kuomintang defenders woke up under the artillery fire, they rushed to the vicinity of the position. Under the leadership of the trainer Li Yuming, he broke through from the middle.

Break through, break through, and kill to crush the enemy and flatten the fortifications. Tanks versus infantry, the scene is completely one-sided. Blood, corpses, and broken meat.

The battalion commander of the tank battalion, Jiang Tiexiong, was very emotional. Looking at Li Yuming's performance, he knew what happened to the PLA troops fighting. Why did the PLA troops win the battle?This was not blown out, it was done with real knives and guns, and it was the result of the commanders taking the lead.

After coming to work in the tank battalion, the instructor Li Yuming didn't talk much, and most of the orders were just one sentence, which was, follow me.

The instructor's approach is touching. Looking at the commanders of the People's Liberation Army, there is no nonsense in the war. Everything is proved by practical actions. He leaves the benefits to his comrades and leaves the danger to himself. How can such a commander not let people Convinced?

The power of role models is infinite. Li Yuming, who is only 21 years old, is the same age as the brigade commander Li Yong. This soldier from the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region with the father of an old Red Guard has grown into an excellent soldier in his fighting career for more than two years. The commander of the grassroots units of the People's Liberation Army is also a combat hero who is well-known in the independent brigade and even the entire army.

Led by the instructor Li Yuming, all the personnel and equipment of the tank battalion rushed forward desperately, including the battalion commander Jiang Tiexiong, all the personnel and tanks attacked and advanced, with the throttle fully throttled.

The eager Kuomintang defenders were completely out of order. The soldiers were running around in a group, and some were picking up their weapons and shooting at tanks and armored vehicles. But what is the use of infantry light weapons against tanks? use? The consequence of the shooting was that the bullets jingled on the armor of the tank, and when the tank found the target, it swept over with a machine gun, smashing the soldiers who fired into sieves.

In the joint command post of the 24th Division and the 53rd Division of the Kuomintang, the two division commanders were like ants in a hot pot, and one of them tremblingly said: "My brother, the situation is not a second, the offensive of the Communist Army has suddenly strengthened, look at the artillery fire, We have to turn over our positions several times, and the losses of the frontline troops are too great."

Before the other division commander could reply, a man with the appearance of an officer ran in from the door and hurriedly reported: "Mr. Commander, something is wrong. The tanks of the communist army rushed up, and it was the tanks that rushed up."

The officer's yell made everyone in the headquarters panic. The tank's assault ability is much stronger than that of the infantry, and it is very easy to deal with it when it rushes up. If it is too far away, it will be over once it is surrounded by the armored troops of the Communist Army, and it will be captured if it is not dead.

To withdraw or not to withdraw, the people in the command post looked at the two division commanders with their eyes. They were both division commanders, but their performance was different at the critical moment. The division commander of the 24th division lost his sense of proportion when he heard that the PLA had tanks coming up. , I don’t know where to put my hands and feet, so I don’t know whether to withdraw or not. Fortunately, the commander of the 53rd Division of the Kuomintang is a tough character, and he can still calm down. This guy gritted his teeth and asked: "Don't panic, Tell me carefully, how many tanks can the communist army rush up? What models are they all?"

The officer who came in to report replied with a cry: "Sir, I really can't see clearly. The artillery fire of the communist army blew up everything in front of the position. The dust flew up more than ten feet high, and you couldn't see anything more than ten meters away. The tanks of the communist army rushed up at this opportunity. Brothers can only take a rough look. As for the number and model, I really don’t understand. However, judging by the sound of the engine, the number is indispensable, at least there must be a few Ten or hundreds of vehicles."

This is nonsense, the entire position is messed up, who can carefully count how many tanks the Communist Army can have, the so-called hundreds of tanks are guessed by this kid, but they hit it right, it is the armor of the Independent Brigade The number of assault troops is about the same.

The officer's answer made the whole room gasp, hundreds of tanks?Is there such a possibility?Could this kid be scared stupid by the communist army?

The commander of the 53rd Division is a guy who dares to think and do things, otherwise he would not risk being shot and give up his position to reinforce the 24th Division. Even this guy is scared enough, what?Hundreds of tanks?There is no such possibility, even if the communist army snatched some from **, there would not be so many, the brothers must have noticed it: "Come on, bring all the anti-tank weapons that can be used to the front Go up, especially the Iron Fist anti-tank bazooka supported by our American friends."

The Iron Fist anti-tank rocket launcher was the main infantry anti-tank weapon of the U.S. military in World War II. It experienced actual combat with the German army in World War II. It was an ideal individual anti-tank weapon at that time. The armored forces pose a great threat. I didn’t expect the regular army of the Kuomintang army to have a family background. The 24th Division and the 53rd Division have some such weapons, but because of the scum of the PLA’s troops, there were no tanks and weapons at all. Armored vehicles, so these anti-tank weapons have been in a useless state of pressing the bottom of the box.

"Master seat, how much do you take?"

Hearing an officer asking how much to use this weapon, the division commander became anxious: "You guys are all pig brains, when is it, how much do you have? Use as much as you want, use all your brains, go quickly , we must destroy the tanks of the communist army, quickly."

In the panic, some Kuomintang troops rushed up. These small number of troops were the guard troops directly under the divisions of the 24th and 53rd Divisions of the Kuomintang, and they were also troops that the two division commanders could quickly deploy.

Dozens of individual anti-tank rocket launchers were also brought up by these troops. The two division commanders of the Kuomintang army had the idea that, don't listen to some people's bluffing, even if the communist army has tanks, it is impossible to have too many tanks. Many, as long as the limited number of tanks of the communist army can be killed, the defense line can be stabilized, and the more loyal guards are the best candidates to master these weapons at that time.

At this time, most of the tanks and armored vehicles of the Tank Battalion of the Independent Brigade rushed to the defensive positions of the Kuomintang defenders, and were rampaging around. When the battle was at its height, someone suddenly heard shouting: "Battalion commander, instructor, enemy reinforcements!" up."

The main armor force of the independent brigade is the American m3a3 and the Soviet-style t26. These tanks are very common by the standards of the European battlefield. Sometimes they are not even high-end goods. But the advantage is that these tanks have on-board wireless communicators , For the PLA, whose communication system was very backward at that time, it was already a remarkable progress.

The instructor Li Yuming, who heard soldiers calling for reinforcements from the enemy, used the sighting system on the tank to observe carefully, didn't he, and saw a large group of Kuomintang officers and soldiers running up from a place not too far away. There are thousands of eight hundred.

Li Yuming, who observed carefully, suddenly found a problem. Some of the Kuomintang officers and soldiers who came up as reinforcements carried very special weapons. After a closer look, **, isn’t this an anti-tank rocket launcher for infantry? Li Yuming’s My heart suddenly became tense.

After serving as the brigade commander's guard company commander for more than two years, Li Yuming's knowledge is no better than before. In addition, there are also some of this weapon in the independent brigade, so the sensitive Li Yuming recognized it.

There are only four m4s with the thickest armor in the independent brigade, and the rest are very ordinary guys. If the m4 uses the frontal armor, it may be able to resist for a while. Other tanks are enough, especially the fifty or so tanks Thin-skinned armored vehicles are fine against ordinary bullets, but they have no resistance against this kind of special anti-tank rocket launcher.

Li Yuming, who became nervous, yelled: "The infantry in the armored vehicle get out of the car and fight, get out of the car and fight, block the enemy's reinforcements, pay attention to the enemy's anti-tank team, hurry up."

There are more than 500 armored vehicles, each of which can carry more than a dozen soldiers. Together, there are more than 500 people. These [-] people are the reliance of the brigade commander Li Yong to make the tank battalion throw away the infantry and quickly attack.

Tanks seem to be imposing and powerful, but neither weapon is omnipotent nor invincible. Tanks also have their own weaknesses. Without the protection of infantry, they are easily destroyed by the opponent's anti-tank firepower in close combat.

These more than 500 soldiers are the so-called armored infantry according to the name of later generations. Because they rushed up in the car, the weapons used by the soldiers are all easy-to-carry burst submachine guns, which are the standard weapons of the independent brigade. mother formula.

The soldiers shouted and jumped out of the car, taking squads and platoons as units, to meet the enemy's reinforcements.

The instructor Li Yuming communicated with the battalion commander Jiang Tiexiong through the car intercom, then opened the tank cover and jumped out, grabbed a submachine gun and ran forward, and ran forward with the soldiers.

Li Yuming did this to facilitate the command of the more than 500 soldiers who dismounted and fought. The tank battalion was fighting on the enemy's position, and was at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers. These are the most important people, and at this time, it is definitely better for the soldiers to see their commanders with them than to stay in the car. At this time, Li Yuming is the backbone of the soldiers.

It’s easy to get out of the car and fight, but it’s not easy on the battlefield where stray bullets are flying. Commanding the battle in the m4 tank is not to say foolproof, but it’s not certain when you get out of the car. Whose is it.

But these obvious dangers are of no use to the commanders of the People's Liberation Army. The commanders of the People's Liberation Army have very clear standards for fighting, and they are not afraid of casualties or death.Recommended tickets

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