Chapter 467

The vanguard troops of the People's Liberation Army advanced very fast. After occupying Binxian County on the 24th, they occupied Longxian County on the afternoon of the 28th. The strong military pressure made Ma Bufang, the highest commander of the Majia Army, who was far away in Lanzhou, racked his brains to come up with a " Guidance plan for the Battle of Guanshan. [This chapter is provided by you]”

Ma Bufang's plan is to use Ma Hongkui's 128th Army, 11th Army, a total of six divisions plus a cavalry brigade to organize defenses in the southeast of Pingliang, and set up an arc in the area of ​​Sishlipu, Ankouyao and Huating. The line of defense, frontal resistance to the communist army.

The main force of the Qingma army moved to the area of ​​Liupan Mountain, waiting for the opportunity to detour through the cha, taking advantage of the fast maneuvering speed of the cavalry, counterattacking from both sides, looking for opportunities to fight the Communist army, and using the main force of the two-horse allied army at Sanguankou and Guguan The pass fortification around the town of Malu and Malu blocked the main force of the People's Liberation Army at the border between Shaanxi and Gansu to ensure the safety of Qinghai and Ningxia.

This so-called "Guiding Plan for the Battle of Guanshan" or "Plan for the Battle of Pingliang" was read out in a short time. Many people listened, but no one made a sound. Why?Because everyone is a sensible person who has been fighting in the army for many years, and he knows what Commander Ma Bufang means at a glance.

In the plan, the Ma family army in Ningxia was directly put at the forefront to fight with the Communist army, but the Ma family army in Qinghai was able to take advantage of it at the back. It was obviously not well-intentioned. The Qingma army could retreat or defend. The plan was good, but the Ningxia army Ma Hongkui is also a veteran and slippery old fritters, so he is willing to do this?Willing to let his Ningma Army serve as pawns for the Qingma Army?As a scapegoat? ?

Of course Ma Bufang knew what the staff members who came to the meeting meant. This guy sneered and said, "Don't doubt everyone. I have already taken Ma Hongkui's reaction into account. The "Guiding Plan for the Battle of Guanshan" has been submitted to Chairman Jiang for approval. He Ma Hongkui It doesn’t work if you don’t want to implement it.”

These aides thought about it, since Ma Bufang had made up his mind and reported to Chairman Jiang in Taiwan for approval, then we still need us to discuss the matter, just raise your hands to pass, even if you don’t raise your hands, it’s the same, Ma Bufang please They came just for show.

Ningxia, Ma Hongkui's official residence, Ma Hongkui's face changed when he got the so-called "Guiding Plan for the Battle of Guanshan", and this guy yelled: "***, what kind of shit is the "Battle of Guanshan Plan" put my Ning Ma army in front As cannon fodder, the Green Horse Army is watching from behind, I’m not so stupid.”

A staff officer carefully reminded: "Commander, this "Guanshan Battle Plan" was approved by Chiang Kai-shek, and the Ministry of National Defense has also confirmed that it has been passed. We should not violate it openly."

Ma Hongkui calmed down his anger and nodded: "You're right, we should do something to Chiang Kai-shek and send a report to the front so that they don't listen to Ma Jiyuan in everything, and act according to our own camera."

The nominal supreme commander of the front-line corps of the two-horse allied forces in Pingliang is the commander of the 82nd Army of Qinghai, Ma Bufang's eldest son Ma Jiyuan, but in fact, Mr. Ma can only command his own Qingma Army, the front-line commander of the Ningma Army someone else.

The front-line commander of the Ning Ma Army was named Lu Zhongliang, who was Ma Hongkui's absolute confidant. He had been with the old commander for a long time, and he had a very thorough understanding of Ma Hongkui's intentions. The old commander's telegram only had four words, "act according to camera."

Lu Zhongliang understood at a glance that what Ma Hongkui meant was to fight if he could fight, and to withdraw to Ningxia if he couldn't fight. Everything should be based on preserving strength.

Time passed in such a way of worrying about gains and losses. On the surface, the two-horse allied forces put on a stance that they would fight the People's Liberation Army to the end in the Pingliang area, but in fact each had their own minds. Fighting to the death with the People's Liberation Army, when the strength was almost exhausted, the Qingma Army chose an opportunity to attack again, while the Ningma Army wanted to withdraw when the situation was not good, and serve as cannon fodder for the Qingma Army?Whoever wants to go, our Majiajun in Ningxia will not do it.

The large troops of the People's Liberation Army are getting closer and closer. When the main force of the large corps advances to Long County, the front-line commander of the Ningma Army can no longer hold back. Lu Zhongliang sent a report to Ma Hongkui in Ningxia, asking what should be done ?Should we go out and fight the People's Liberation Army, or withdraw?

Ma Hongkui's telegram this time was not long, but the meaning was very clear: "Save your strength and retreat to Ningxia." After receiving the telegram, the Ning Ma army retreated like water, and spread their horseshoes to their hometown Ningxia. Run, hum, hum, fight the People's Liberation Army?We are quitting.

The Ning Majun's running problem came out. Originally, the Qingma Army arranged the Majiajun in Ningxia at the front, but they didn't expect that the Ning Majun ran away without even saying hello. The green horse army behind them came out violently.

Lu Zhongliang ran away with the Ma Jiajun in Ningxia, and the "Guidance Plan for the Battle of Guanshan" that the old commander of the Qingma Army Ma Bufang worked so hard to tinker with was aborted before it could be implemented.

The enemy's situation changed so quickly that the heads of the Northwest Field Army Headquarters also felt that something was a big surprise. Originally, the Field Army planned to start a second round of contests with the enemy in the Pingliang area, trying to find a way to eat up the enemy, just like As with Hu Zongnan's Central Army, as long as the two-horse coalition can eat another [-] yuan, things will be easier in the future, and it will also benefit the liberation of Qinghai and Ningxia.

Unexpectedly, the Ma family army in Ningxia suddenly ran away before the enemy and our armies engaged in battle, and they retreated very fast. Most of the enemies were cavalry. Gone.

There is no fixed way to fight, as the enemy changes and I change, Boss Peng ordered the field army to use part of the force to pursue and contain the Ma family army in Ningxia, let them run as long as they don't turn back, and encircle the Ma family army in Qinghai with the absolute main force of the field army, Strive for complete annihilation.

It is not accidental that the troops of the People's Liberation Army can win battles. One of the most important ones is unity. No matter what kind of troops, no matter which field army, as long as the superiors have orders, they must be strictly followed, even if they suffer great losses. There are no conditions can speak.

On the other hand, look at the Kuomintang troops, they fight on their own, and there are many factions. The troops are like their own property, a bargaining chip to keep up with the conditions and treatment of their superiors. Sympathy is the same between the central army and the central army, and it is still the same between the local army and the local army.

Assuming that Ma Bufang of Qinghai did not put Ningxia's army at the forefront in the "Guanshan Battle Plan", but replaced it with his own Qingma army, and let Ningxia's Ma's army choose opportunities to dispatch on both sides, Ningxia's army may not be able to Run, the total strength of the two-horse alliance has reached 20, and the strength of the People's Liberation Army is three 10,000+ (excluding some troops that contain Hu Zongnan).

But Ma Bufang, a big warlord, just couldn't figure this out, and at the last moment he had to play tricks with all his heart. As a result, Ningxia's army ran away, and his Qingma army was directly exposed to the attack of the People's Liberation Army. There are not as many troops as the People's Liberation Army, and once they are separated, they will be nothing.

The independent brigade that conquered Long County knew the enemy's movements earlier than the main troops because of its fast maneuvering speed. The brigade commander Li Yong's brains went wild, what should we do?The Ma family army in Ningxia ran away, and it seems that the Ma family army in Qinghai may not stay still.

Just when Li Yong was thinking back and forth and couldn't make up his mind, Zhang Jinsong from the reconnaissance battalion sent in the situation. One morning, Zhang Jinsong hurried in.

"Brigade Commander and Political Commissar, according to our reconnaissance, the enemy's Ningxia Corps ran away last night, in the direction of their hometown."

Political commissar Wang Chengde asked, "Did he really run away? Are you sure?"

Zhang Jinsong wiped the sweat from his head and said: "I'm sure, good guy, tens of thousands of cavalry, running in a posture that hides the sky and the sun, I can't hide it even if I want to."

Li Yong: "What's the matter with the Green Horse Army?"

"The Green Horse Army hasn't run away yet, but it probably doesn't look like they're going to stick around."

Li Yong: "What is the basis? Why do you judge that the Qingma Army will not stick to it?"

Zhang Jinsong chuckled: "Brigade Commander, if you want to defend, you must have a position. The Ma's army in Qinghai didn't build any decent fortifications at all. How can you stick to it without fortifications?"

Li Yong nodded, Zhang Jinsong is indeed a promising kid, he considers the issue carefully and makes sense.

At this moment, someone outside the door suddenly shouted a report, and everyone was a little surprised when they came in. It turned out to be a row of Chang Ning's second sons from the reconnaissance battalion.

Zhang Jinsong turned his head and asked, "Second son, why are you here?"

Ning Erzi said loudly: "Battle Commander, there is a situation, there is a new situation."

Political commissar Wang Chengde brought Ning Erzi a glass of water and asked him to drink slowly. Ning Erzi pointed to the door and shouted: "Brigade Commander, Political Commissar, we ran into an old man when we were in the reconnaissance team, and this old man said he knew something. A trail, you can use this trail to go around behind the enemy's butt."

Li Yong's eyes lit up immediately, and he felt that something was going on, because for the past two days Li Yong had been thinking about the geography occupied by the enemy. The place where the Qingma Army was defending was called Guguan. A pass terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Guguan is a pass between two mountains and a ditch. The geographical location is narrow and long, and the troops cannot be deployed. If you attack rashly, it is easy for the enemy to use the terrain to ambush. Such a stupid thing He can't do it, so this is what Brigadier Li Da has been pondering over the past two days.

Li Yong: "Talk about the situation in detail, the more detailed the better."

Thank you old man for the big gift bag, the age of the old bus is the same as you guessed, haha, the age of death.

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