Chapter 468

The reconnaissance battalion of the Independent Brigade met a local old man during a mission. The old man said that he knew the local geography. Overjoyed, Li Yong hurriedly asked to invite the old man in.

The second son Ning turned around and walked out, and brought in an old man in a short time. This old man was about 60 years old, with a big gray beard, messy hair, wrinkled face, and He also wore a whip for catching sheep. The old man had a weathered face, but he was in good spirits and had a strong body. According to the old man's account, the Qinghai Majia Army's elite troops, the [-]th Cavalry Brigade, were stationed in the Guguan area. And the Eighth Division of the Cavalry, these cavalrymen of the Majia Army did all kinds of evil in the Guguan area, looting everywhere, and causing harm to the common people. Kill them all.

I heard that when the People's Liberation Army arrived, he took the opportunity to herd sheep and ran out to report to the army. The old man couldn't understand the map, but he told Li Yong confidently that his home was in this area, and he knew that there was a small road leading directly to Gu The back mountain of the pass, the troops can go around from there.

A considerable part of the cavalry of the Ma family army are habitual bandits. Discipline is lax and banditry is hard to change. It is not surprising that they will loot everywhere when they get the chance. However, the common people dare not oppose in person. Taking the opportunity to send a letter to the People's Liberation Army.

After pondering for a while, Li Yongmeng raised his head and looked at the old man: "Grandpa, I want you to lead the way for our troops and follow the path you mentioned. What do you think?"

The old man was a straightforward person, he patted his chest and said: "No problem, what can you say about leading the Eighth Route Army, just go with him, make sure to bring the comrades in, and kill those Japanese cavalry."

Li Yong asked the old man to go out to rest for a while, and asked the guards to give him something to eat and drink, then stared at Erzi Ning and said, "Second son, the army does not fight uncertain battles, and you have to work hard to line up. Follow this after a while." When an old man enters the mountains, he must know the situation clearly, including the marching route, the enemy's troop deployment, the distribution of firepower, the connection of joints, including the enemy's thoughts, and whether there is any sign of wanting to run, you must know."

The second son of Ning pressed the submachine gun in front of his chest with both hands, touched his heels and stood at attention, and replied: "Please rest assured, chief, I promise to complete the task.~~"

Li Yong: "After clearing up the situation, put the troops there, and send a squad back to lead the way for the big troops. Be bold and cautious, don't panic when encountering problems, and handle the situation yourself. You don't need to ask your superiors for instructions. Bring more dry food and water. , must come back before midnight tonight, tens of miles of mountain roads will consume a lot of energy, are you sure?"

Ning Erzi: "Brigade Commander, we are scouts, and we are good at running. It's nothing special to go on a mountain road for dozens of miles. Please rest assured, Chief, and resolutely complete the task."

Li Yong: "Go, the political commissar and I are waiting for your good news."

Li Yong likes soldiers like Ning Erzi very much. There is a burst of courage in him all the time. No matter how difficult the difficulty is, he has the courage to complete it. This is what a good soldier promises.

Speaking of the difficulties of the reconnaissance platoon, it is indeed not easy. First of all, they have to climb dozens of miles of mountain roads. It takes three times to complete the task, not to mention intelligence, just running is enough.

Li Yong did this for the sake of safety. Although the old man who reported the letter has the temperament of a local farmer all over his body, he should not be disguised by the enemy, but everything is contingency. Smart people, so you have to think about everything. Large troops cannot be used easily. According to Li Yong's careful and careful arrangement, even if this old man is disguised by the enemy, the loss of the Independent Brigade is nothing more than a reconnaissance platoon That's all, doing this seems to be disgraceful to Ning Erzi and his platoon, but it is responsible to all the soldiers of the Independent Brigade.

Of course, passers-by who struggle to walk like sheep are not easy to walk. Fortunately, the soldiers in a platoon are used to climbing mountains, their physical strength is extremely good, and they are experts in scouting. , under the guidance of the old man, he moved quickly along a path in the back mountain.

Erzi Ning has been serving as a soldier in Panlong Town for more than two years now, and his military service is not too long, but the troops have been fighting and marching non-stop for the past two years. Numerous emergencies and battles have trained him to become He found an outstanding grassroots unit commander and a well-known reconnaissance hero in the independent brigade. At this moment, Erzi Ning was looking at the map and making some marks from time to time on the way forward to ensure the correct direction.

Ning Erzi left with a platoon of scouts. The political commissar Wang Chengde, who hadn't spoken much, asked, "Dayong, isn't it a bit too rash to do this? The nearby troops are only our brigade, which is weak and has no main force to cooperate. Once surrounded by enemies, it is quite dangerous."

Wang Chengde saw his thoughts from Li Yong's assignment to Ning's second son. Li Yong wanted to attack the Qingma Army before the main force arrived. According to Wang Chengde's idea, Li Yong, the leader of the brigade, It's good to want to fight, but it's wrong to fight rashly. The political commissar should remind him at critical moments.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde have been working together for a long time, and of course they know the mood of the political commissar. Brigadier Li Da smiled and said, "Old Wang, when did you see that I was greedy for merit? Don't worry, I won't do anything if I'm not sure. "

Next, Li Yong explained his thoughts to Wang Chengde. Li Yong pointed to the marching route on the map and said: "From the marching method of the chief, we can see that the main force of our field army is to pinch the enemy according to the left and right routes. The intention of the oppressive attack is obvious, it is to fight the enemy decisively in the Pingliang area, eat up the enemy's main force, and create favorable conditions for the liberation of Qinghai, Gansu and Ningxia in the future."

When Li Yong said this, Wang Chengde nodded frequently: "Yes, that's what it means. If we can really eat the main force of the two horses in this area, the future battles will be easier."

Wang Chengde is a very smart and experienced commander, his ability to control the battlefield is not much worse than that of Li Yong, but he is not as capable of foresight as Brigadier Li.

Li Yong smiled and continued: "But the plan didn't change quickly. The troops of Qing and Ning Ma also had the mentality to fight us in this area at the beginning, because there are geographical conditions where they can stick to it, and there are all kinds of dangerous terrain. The pass, blocking our army in the Pingliang area can make Lanzhou, Xining, and Yinchuan in the rear rest at ease, but for some unknown reason, the Ma Hongkui Corps in Ningxia suddenly ran away. Such a run will definitely defeat Luan's plan for a decisive battle between the enemy and our army , there is no way to fight against the main force of our army only by relying on the Qingma army, so I analyze that the Qingma army is also likely to run away. The main force of the enemy, the determination of Boss Peng and the chiefs will be defeated."

In fact, Li Yong knew why the Ma Hongkui Group in Ningxia ran away. However, these things can only be known, and they cannot be explained to Wang Chengde.

Hearing this, Wang Chengde slammed the table: "Yes, most of the enemies are cavalry, and they are marching surprisingly fast. Once we want to run away, it is difficult for us to catch them. ***, what's wrong with fighting a good battle? You What are they running for?"

Political commissar Wang Chengde was in a hurry, so he rarely said a foul word. Li Yong smiled: "My idea is to arrange for the enemy to escape. According to the results of our many reconnaissance, the enemy's troops deployed in the Guguan area are not there. Excavating a large number of field fortifications shows that the enemy does not want to fight our army in this area, or that the confidence in the decisive battle is insufficient. We use the enemy's mentality of worrying about gains and losses, and try to find a way to post it, and dig out a piece of his flesh by surprise. Eat as much as you can, destroy more, and we will fight more easily in the future, of course, the specific situation will have to wait until Ning Erzi and the others bring back the information before making a decision."

The two chief officers of the independent brigade agreed, that is, to take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness and surprise him, dig a piece of Feirou from the enemy's body and eat it. You must fight.

However, it is not enough to just have an idea. The specific battle deployment depends on the information brought back by the second son Ning. The time passed bit by bit while Li Yong, Wang Chengde and others waited anxiously. The two chiefs did not rest Others will definitely not go to rest. The lights in the brigade headquarters of the Independent Brigade are always on.

Just when the clock ticking was pointing to midnight, the main door of the Independent Brigade Headquarters was suddenly pushed open, and Erzi Ning stumbled in. Panting, Erzi Ning said intermittently: "Brigade Commander, Political Commissar, I'm back, isn't it too late?"

Li Yong hurriedly supported Ning Erzi to sit down, let him drink some water and catch his breath.

The half-cup of cool white boiled by the second son Ning got used to it after a few sips, and when he recovered his breath, Li Yong hurriedly asked: "How is the situation? Is there any loss in the troops? Do you understand?"

Ning Erzi couldn't hide his joy: "Brigade Commander, what are we doing? Are you a scout, the situation is clear, we haven't been discovered by the enemy, and we haven't fought. Our platoon has no losses." Said The second son of Wan Ning took out a simple picture from his pocket and spread it on the table.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde went up to take a look. The reason was that Erzi Ning had drawn the enemy's troops and firepower layout. Although the lines were still a little raw, they were already very clear.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde looked at each other, and there was joy and joy in their eyes. Erzi Ning has grown up, and his two-year combat career has made Erzi Ning change more and more.

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