The beacon of youth

Chapter 508 Fighting the Death Squad in Lanzhou

Han Youlu, the commander of the 24th Division who has fought on the battlefield for many years, finally understood some problems. It is no wonder that the security team couldn't stand up for an hour. It can be seen that the communist army attacking in this direction is very unusual. i

But Han Youlu didn't want to tell what he had observed. He didn't want to scare the head of the Habayashi Army next to the old commander. Han Youlu put down his binoculars and said to the head of the security team next to him: "The infantrymen who attacked by the Communist Army are the same as those from other places of the Communist Army. There is no big difference between the soldiers, they all dare to risk their lives. The biggest threat to us is the artillery fire of the Communist Army. Their artillery is placed not too far behind the infantry, and can directly support the infantry in combat. Our firepower is to expose one. One was knocked out, and after our firepower point was destroyed, the infantry of the communist army followed up."

"Then what should we do? Brothers, what's the difference between going on like this and waiting to die?" The security chief panicked and asked impatiently.

Han Youlu muttered in his heart, what the heck, where did the arrogance at the beginning go?Didn't he make up his mind to let the blood of the communist army flow into rivers? How could he become a softie at this time.

I thought so in my heart, but I couldn’t say it out of my mouth. Han Youlu pointed to the artillery positions of the People’s Liberation Army and said: “At present, there is only one way. If you want to hold the position, you must destroy the artillery of the Communist Army. much easier for the infantry."

The head of the security team asked hesitantly: "Master, although the artillery of the communist army is not too far away, they are all hidden behind the infantry. The best weapon against the artillery is the artillery, but the artillery we put in the city is not at all. You didn’t let out a few loud farts, how can you fight against others?”

The head of the Qingma Army is not too stupid. He knows that the most effective weapon against artillery is artillery, but the artillery of the Qingma Army has long been bombed by the artillery fire of the People's Liberation Army. Maybe the courage will be frightened. Count on them I'm afraid it won't work.

Han Youlu gritted his teeth and continued to remind the regiment commander: "We have infantry without artillery. Who are the infantry of our Qingma Army afraid of?"

The regimental commander who was reminded finally figured it out: "Master, what do you mean to use the infantry to rush forward and destroy the artillery of the communist army?"

Han Youlu: "Yes, there is no other way but to organize death squads, launch a counterattack, and take down the artillery positions of the Communist Army in one fell swoop. How many people can your security team mobilize?"

Using death squads to counterattack the People's Liberation Army is not a joke, it's about risking your life. The head of the regiment thought about it seriously and said: "More than 500 people can be mobilized."

"Not enough, your regiment must mobilize at least 1000 people, and I will support you with another [-] people. You will lead the team. You must drive out the communist army and blow up the artillery positions, otherwise you and I will be under the leadership of the army commander Ma Jiyuan and the old man." Commander Ma Bufang has no way out, understand?"

Han Youlu, the commander of the 24th Division, finally figured it out. No matter how trashy the regiment leader is, he should help. Otherwise, once the security regiment's position is breached by the communist army, the entire camp will be over. One point, which made him relentlessly support 1000 people.

Han Youlu's 24th Division has more than 1 people. It stands to reason that there are a lot of people, but the People's Liberation Army responsible for attacking the camps and leading positions has a whole army of more than 3 people. This is not counting the troops of the Independent Brigade. The 24th Division has positions everywhere. They are all shouting that the personnel are tight, and it is costly to spend more than 1000 people.

Half an hour later the Death Squad was formed. These Death Squad members of the Qingma Army were all shirtless, carrying sabers or rifles, and carrying explosives or grenades to blow up the artillery on their backs, with cloth strips wrapped around their heads. Jump out of the fortifications to launch a counterattack against the troops of the People's Liberation Army.

The death squads organized by the 24th Division moved very quickly, which is also related to the consistent tactical style of the Qingma Army. When fighting, Ma Bufang's troops liked to give the opponent a head-on blow when they rushed. Counter-charging is the traditional tactics of the Majia Army. , Soldiers and grassroots officers are familiar with it. i

The independent brigade of the People's Liberation Army has been dealing with the Ma's army for a long time. It has been fighting non-stop since it was formed. It has great experience in dealing with the Ma's army. This is why Boss Peng deliberately transferred them from the marching sequence of the First Corps to participate in the Lanzhou campaign. one of the important reasons.

A death squad of more than 2000 people swarmed down from the main position of Yingpan Leader. Behind the death squad were the supervising team and the law enforcement team. The supervising team held pistols, and the law enforcement team carried light and heavy machine guns. Soldiers of the Qingma Army who have been on the battlefield know very well who the machine guns behind their buttocks are for.

The number of fights with the Ma Jiajun has been increased, and their methods are similar. The enemy's counterattack has long been expected by Li Yong and Li Jiangguo. Li Yong in the first battalion headquarters did not interfere too much with Li Jiangguo. The command, most of the time, acts as a spectator, because Li Jiangguo's head is very easy to use, and commanding such a battle is not a problem.

The first battalion commander, Li Jiangguo, hurriedly shouted on the walkie-talkie: "Attention all platoons and squads, shrink the troops, don't confront the enemy's counterattack troops, and lead them to the machine gun platoon's position."

Each infantry battalion of the Independent Brigade has a heavy machine gun platoon and a mortar platoon. These two platoons are the supporting firepower of the battalion. After the battle began, the battalion commander Li Jiangguo placed these two platoons between the infantry and the artillery In view of the smooth attack of the infantry, the heavy machine guns and mortars of the first battalion did not wait for the opportunity to fire.

The positions of heavy machine guns and mortars were pre-set by Li Yong and Li Jiangguo in order to attack the enemy's counterattack troops. Li Yong didn't want to use his soldiers to engage in hand-to-hand combat with Ma's soldiers. Naturally, he had special methods for dealing with mad dogs Method.

The soldiers of the Ma family army rushed down screaming wildly, like a wave of evil waves, flooding from top to bottom, trying to use this sudden movement to counterattack the troops of the People's Liberation Army, because they took advantage of the geographical advantage from high to low , The Death Squad rushed quickly.

The troops of the first battalion did not engage in a close-range exchange of fire with the enemy. Instead, under the order of the brigade commander Li Yong, they quickly retreated back. The time has come before the firing position of the heavy machine gun.

200 meters, 150 meters, and 100 meters have already entered the effective range of heavy machine guns, but there is still no movement in the position. Some soldiers are anxious and discuss with each other: "What's going on, we didn't let us retreat to the machine gun position. Can it be done later, why not open fire?"

Li Jiangguo, the battalion commander in the first battalion headquarters, explained to Li Yong nonchalantly: "Brigadier, the platoon leader of the machine gun platoon is a veteran. He will not give the order to fire at a distance of tens of meters, you just wait and see the good show."

Hearing that this old platoon leader had been in the army for about the same age as Li Jiangguo, Li Yong also became interested, because old Eighth Route fighters like Li Jiangguo are too precious in the army, and they are basically veterans in the independent brigade.

"When did he join the army? About the same age as you? Why don't I know."

Li Jiangguo grinned: "Brigade Commander, do you still remember the time when we asked for someone from the headquarters because there were few veterans?"

Li Yong: "I remember, why don't I remember, the headquarters sent us a hundred veterans back then, but we exchanged six or seven hundred captives for them, and the chiefs didn't suffer."

"That's right. The platoon leader under me is one of the hundred veterans. He has a lot of combat experience and is about the same as me. Brigadier Commander, your years of service in the army are not enough for him. Are you a recruit? Hahahaha." Li Jiangguo grinned widely, and he didn't know whether he was happy because he had such an old platoon leader under him, or because he was excited because he had the opportunity to tease the brigade commander Li Yong.

Li Jiangguo respects his brigade commander very much when there are many people or formal occasions, but he is not so serious when there are few people or less formal occasions. The two often joke together, and Li Yong has nothing to do. I'm close to kicking him a few times, what can I do, I really let this guy catch me back, huh, is there a short hand?

The old soldiers in the battalion headquarters who knew the inside story were covering their mouths and laughing, but they were full of curiosity if they didn't know. They quietly asked someone to find out what was going on with the brigade commander and battalion commander and what secrets they had.

Nonsense, nonsense, the binoculars in Li Yong and Li Jiangguo's hands have not been lifted, the death squads of Ma Jiajun in the camera are getting closer and closer, so close that they can clearly see their expressions when they are shouting wildly, Li Yong can't help but pick them up. The walkie-talkie beside him asked the frontline commander what the Majiajun death squads rushing over were shouting.

It was the old platoon leader of the machine gun platoon who answered Li Yong on the walkie-talkie. The voice of the old platoon leader was very clear and stable, without any sense of tension before the war. The Death Squad is still about 60 meters away from us. I am going to put them further forward. The slogans these guys shouted are very strange. I listened carefully, and they shouted "the gate of heaven is open, we are about to ascend to heaven", Brigadier, what do you mean by that?"

Li Yong smiled, and shouted into the walkie-talkie: "He, what does he mean, since they want to ascend to heaven, we will fulfill him, beat them hard, and let these gangsters know what the trump card unit of the PLA is."

At 50 meters, 40 meters, and 30 meters, the eyebrows of the faces of the Majiajun death squads can be clearly seen, and the ferocious faces are gradually enlarged in the sights of the heavy machine guns.

Until Ma Jiajun's death squad was placed at a distance of 30 meters, the old platoon leader roared fiercely: "Fight".Then the heavy machine gun in his hand spewed out a long tongue of flame, and more than twenty Maxims erupted together.Give some recommended tickets, thank you.

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