Li Yong is very aware of the characteristics of the Ma's army and knows that they will launch frequent counterattacks. It is precisely because of their full understanding of the enemy that the troops of the first battalion deliberately set up such a formation. In the center, the troops were retracted, and the battalion's supporting firepower was used to inflict a lot of damage to the enemy.

The approach of the Independent Brigade is mainly to destroy the enemy's vital forces, and does not require a blind attack. Isn't the Ma's army using solid fortifications to defend?Don't you like to fight back?Well, let's focus on this characteristic of the enemy, and use various means to lure the soldiers of the Qingma Army out of the fortifications and then eliminate them. The enemies exposed outside the fortifications are much easier to deal with than those hidden inside.

This method is to lure the snake out of the hole. Soldiers are deceitful. No matter what method is used, the ultimate victory is the goal. The ever-changing battlefield is the best place to test the wisdom and perseverance of the commander.

Twenty-odd heavy machine guns opened fire at the same time, and the PLA's machine gun positions seemed to have a whirlwind. The sonic booms from dozens of heavy machine gun salvos could not be heard at all, only the number was heard. With a bang, the bullets swept past like a strong wind.

The fire was fired only at 30 meters, the distance was too close, so close that there was no chance or time to hide. In the few seconds when the machine gun position broke out, each of the Majiajun death squads in the front was hit by countless rounds of heavy machine gun bullets .

The horror of the heavy machine gun is precisely because of its strong continuity. The Maxim heavy machine gun equipped by the Independence Brigade Infantry Battalion can penetrate the steel plate, collapse the wall, and break the tree in the middle in a salvo. The rapid-firing heavy machine guns were as vulnerable as paper, and the soldiers of the Qingma Army were blasted and interrupted by the fire net woven by the rain of bullets, smashing them into countless bloody bodies that could not be seen clearly.

Blood splattered, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the soldiers from Ma's army counterattacked were so dense that the shooters could see from the gap in the front sight of the machine gun that they were all human figures. The gun was fine, and the Maxim heavy machine gun showed great power, and the death squads of the Qingma Army were brought down in pieces like mowing grass. i

Hot blood was sprayed on the face and body, stumped limbs and arms were everywhere, and the tens of meters in front of the heavy machine gun position turned into a horrible Shura hell.

The soldiers behind cheered and cheered for the machine gun platoon: "Okay, good fight, let these death squads die more, it's best to die, it will save a lot of trouble when we attack again later."

Li Yong in the headquarters of the First Battalion muttered: "Aren't the Qingma Army very cruel? Didn't they claim that they are not afraid of death? Let them see what heavy firepower is today."

Hot projectiles were flying in the air, and the fire net woven with bullets was so dense that even birds could not fly through it. The casualties of the Death Squadron were too great, so big that the Qingma Army, which has always been known for its daring, could not bear it. Shouting that the gate of heaven has opened, the 'warriors' who are about to ascend to heaven no longer have the courage and motivation to move forward, and they don't want to ascend to heaven. They turned around and ran back, as fast as they were riding a horse.

Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, had anticipated this situation a long time ago. Using this backward pig-rush tactics used by the Japanese army during World War II to fight against the heavy machine gun positions of the Independent Brigade was no different from committing suicide. What's the matter?Can't stand it anymore, want to run?Where is it so easy.

In front of the heavy machine gun position of the first battalion, the death squad of the Ma family army ran back like an avalanche. The frightened soldiers even forgot that there was a law enforcement team and a supervisory team behind them. Much more terrifying than any law enforcement team.

But things are not that simple. Li Yong and Li Jiangguo didn't want them to go back at all. It's a joke. They finally lured these guys out. It's okay to go back, but it will take more trouble to let them go back. Li Jiangguo picked up the rifle The phone shouted: "Artillery, stop the shooting, block the death squads."

The distance of a few hundred meters is when the mortars are at their most powerful. The mortar platoon of the first battalion is about to die.

Just when the soldiers were anxious to rush forward, an order to fire came from the walkie-talkie. The various shooting elements had already been calibrated, and now all that was left was to quickly reload the shells.

Loading and firing, loading and firing, the mortar firing sound of "Tom, tom, tom" was uniform, and the small shells fell straight from the high sky, and then hit heavily in the airtight crowd. "Boom" exploded, and a corpse lay on the ground.

Dense small artillery shells bombarded the crowd from far to near, and the small mortars of the artillery platoon kept firing, and it was unknown how many shells were fired. Anyway, the soldiers knew that there were enough shells, and not only did the battalion have reserves , I heard that the supply battalion did not carry less, so just do it.

The mentality of the gunners is very different from that of the old Balu who used a few shells as a treasure. It was too enjoyable to let go of his hands and feet, and the barrel of the gun was about to become red in a short time, so that The commander had no choice but to let the soldiers slow down and fire intermittently.

Heavy machine guns shot at the buttocks, and small mortars blocked the bombing. The death squads of the Qingma Army suffered heavy casualties and dead bodies were everywhere. However, it is not realistic to completely intercept the enemy with the help of these two platoons of soldiers. The death squads of more than 2000 people are all The size of an infantry regiment can be achieved. The result that brigade commander Li Yong wants is not to beat the enemy back, but to wipe them out. If the death squad of more than 2000 people can be completely eliminated, not only can it be wiped out to the maximum extent. The enemy's vitality can also psychologically deter the Qingma Army's guards.

Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, picked up the phone and wanted to call the anti-aircraft machine gun battalion: "Weigang, it's time for you to show your face, find a way to stop the enemy, and don't let them run back."

Wei Gang, the battalion commander of the Machine Gun Battalion, was walking around in his battalion headquarters at this time, kicking something with his feet indiscriminately while walking, and still muttering, all the soldiers in the battalion headquarters could see Come out, the battalion commander is a little upset.

Recently, Battalion Commander Wei has been unhappy, very unhappy. The reason is that the battle is getting bigger and bigger, but the chances of the machine gun battalion are getting less and less. The main equipment of the machine gun battalion is sixty or seventy anti-aircraft machine guns. , the anti-aircraft machine gun, as the name suggests, is used to shoot planes, but this is about to kill. There are more or less planes in the Central Army of the Kuomintang, and the machine gun battalion has performed very well a few times, such as in the vicinity of Baoji. He even received praise from Commander Wang Zhen. The machine gun battalion at that time was so beautiful. When the soldiers went out for a walk, they felt superior to others. But now it is over, it is completely over. Some of the planes were still small transport planes, which were specially obtained from Lao Jiang. At this time, they were busy picking up the families of senior officers from Qinghai and Gansu. What kind of plane is it?

The Battle of Lanzhou participated in this time was a very important battle. Even a cadre at the battalion level like him could feel the importance. There is no big battle in the Northwest. What does this mean?It means that we must seize the opportunity to make great contributions. Where can we fight such a large-scale battle in the future?too difficult.

, Gao Xiang from the Artillery Battalion has made great contributions, and Jiang Tiexiong and Li Yuming from the Tank Battalion have made great contributions. Although the tank battalion has not been established for a long time, it has not been short-lived. How can Lao Jiang and Li Yuming be so good at driving away? ! ! !This time, Li Jiangguo of the first battalion will also make a great contribution. He can command four battalions to fight. Old Li's life is also very good.

It took a lot of effort from the boss to rush out of Lanzhou City from the marching sequence of the First Corps. He thought he could take the opportunity to make a big contribution, but he didn't expect that the majestic machine gun battalion was sent to the First Battalion to do the job. In order to strengthen the use of troops, it is no big deal to assign one battalion to another battalion, and to cooperate with each other. It is not a big deal. Whoever asks us to obey the command and obey the order can do nothing, but why did this guy Lao Li come here? Now we are left here without doing anything, Lao Li will not forget about our battalion.

Just when Wei Gang was thinking wildly, Li Jiangguo's voice came from the phone. Wei Gang grabbed the receiver and yelled out: "Old Li, Commander Li, Commander Li, you and he Hurry up and send us some tasks, I'm going to die in a hurry."

Li Jiangguo, who heard Wei Gang's voice, also smiled a little. He and Wei Gang have been fighting for many years, so he can understand what Wei Gang is thinking: "Old Wei, don't worry, there is only one order. When you see the enemy's Are you the Death Squad? Find a way to intercept them all, you have the final say on how to fight, but you can’t run away, let’s start.”

After receiving the order, Wei Gang's eyes lit up, he didn't care who was directing whom, and rushed out along the trench, muttering while running: "Oh, Lao Li hasn't forgotten me at last."

Less than a minute after Li Jiangguo's phone call, the positions of the machine gun battalion started. Dozens of anti-aircraft machine guns changed to flat fire and fired violently at the fleeing death squads of the Qingma Army.

Large-caliber anti-aircraft machine guns have an effective range of more than 2000 meters. Stones can be smashed within this distance, not to mention human flesh and blood. The machine gun battalion commanded by Wei Gang did not shoot indiscriminately. The principle of going back is to hit the far ones first, and then hit the near ones. The firepower is from far to near. First, the follow-up second and third echelons of the death squads will be wiped out, and then the front ones will be cleaned up.

"Deng dong dong, dong dong dong", dozens of anti-aircraft machine guns focused their fire, and the first to shoot at a long point was the supervising team and the law enforcement team who followed behind the death squad.


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