The beacon of youth

Chapter 510 The Battle of Lanzhou's Soldiers Approaching the City

Chapter 510 The Battle of Lanzhou's Soldiers Approaching the City

The barbaric law enforcement team posed behind the Death Squad and yelled and wanted to make these defeated ghosts rush back. As for the fact that they didn't make any covert movements, it was because they felt safe at this distance. Anyway, the firepower of the People's Liberation Army I couldn't reach them, so I used something to hide them.

As the so-called variables on the battlefield, who can tell clearly, the Death Squad and Supervising Team of the Qingma Army did not expect that the People's Liberation Army had an anti-aircraft machine gun unit specially used to deal with them, and the power of the anti-aircraft machine gun could completely overwhelm the law enforcement team behind the enemy. Controlled.

Just as the law enforcement team of the Qingma Army let the troops continue to charge regardless of life and death, Wei Gang's machine gun battalion approached them. The body of the law enforcement team was torn apart by machine gun bullets.

Even the supervisory team and the law enforcement team were gone, and the Death Squad of the Qingma Army no longer had the will to resist. They only cared about escaping, and once the troops lost their fighting spirit, they had no fighting power.

The ** brigade's fierce firepower attack lasted only ten minutes, and there was a one-sided rout on the battlefield. The "warriors" of the Ma's army, who were still shouting that they were about to ascend to heaven, ran in a mess, and the PLA troops seized this favorable opportunity. Opportunity, use the weapon in your hand to perform a roll call.

The bursts of light and heavy machine guns and the continuous firing of mortars made the battlefield full of dead bodies. At this time, both the enemy and the enemy can clearly see that the People's Liberation Army wants to get rid of all these outlaws at once. However, If you see it clearly, it will be very difficult to stop it. The Ma's army's defensive troops have no effective weapons against the PLA, so they can only stare at their own people being slaughtered and wiped out.

There are more than 2000 death squads rushing out to fight back. I hoped that they would be able to defeat the People's Liberation Army and regain the lost positions, but they were killed by the ferocious firepower of the People's Liberation Army in just over half an hour. The vast majority, a small number of people who managed to get back by chance were also frightened and scattered, and they no longer had the fighting spirit they had before.

The supreme commander of the Tsingma Army’s camp leader, Han Youlu, the commander of the 248th Division, has been watching the battle from the top of the mountain. He, a veteran officer, was terrified by the way the PLA dealt with the Death Squadron. This guy has a lot of experience in the battlefield. This army of the People's Liberation Army is very unusual. Its weapons and equipment and fighting style are different from those of the general Communist army.

Just when Han Youlu was in a trance, the People's Liberation Army's attack started again, and the commando quickly advanced among the corpses all over the ground.

Li Yong ordered the troops to seize the opportunity to rush up when the enemy's death squad was wiped out, so as not to leave the Qingma Army with a chance to breathe. The infantry guns should be pushed forward as far as possible, and they must try their best to keep up with the infantry's heels. As long as they find a fire point that threatens the infantry, they will use artillery fire to solve it.

With the battle going to such an extent, a strange scene appeared on the Qingma army's position at the top of the camp. Many Majia army soldiers who were domineering before the war didn't even have the courage to shoot, and hid in the fortifications that had not been destroyed. Li didn't know what to do.

If you don't fire, you can see that the infantry of the People's Liberation Army is about to charge up, but once you fire, you will be found by the artillery, and then you will be blown to pieces. This battle is almost impossible to fight.

An officer of the Ma Family Army quickly ran to the side of Han Youlu, the commander of the 248th Division, and said breathlessly: "Master, the situation is running out, and the brothers will not be able to stand it anymore. If this continues, the Communist Army will be able to fight in two hours." Where are you and I now, what should we do?"

Han Youlu took a deep breath: "Damn it, did you find out the number of the Communist Army?"

The officer replied: "Master, we can't even capture a single prisoner now, and we can't find out where the communist army at the foot of the mountain came from. No——"

Han Youlu: "But what, if you have something to say and fart, do you want to go to the communist prisoner camp to talk about it later?"

Under Han Youlu's urging, the officer who ran over seemed to have made up his mind: "Master, although we didn't capture any prisoners from the communist army, we can probably guess from the tactics and weapons of the communist soldiers. Take a look, the supervising team and the law enforcement team who were killed were hit by a large number of anti-aircraft machine guns, plus the tanks placed at the foot of the mountain, there can be so many anti-aircraft machine guns and tanks in the army of the Communist Army. What troops."

Han Youlu is not an idiot, on the contrary he is very shrewd. After being reminded by the officer, he seemed to suddenly think of something: "You mean - the communist army at the foot of the mountain is our old opponent?"

Officer: "No mistake, the Second Column of the Communist Army fought against our 82nd Army near Baoji, and our 82nd Army suffered a lot."

Han Youlu rolled his eyes. At this time, he wanted to understand that there were many troops in the Ma's army who had dealt with this army of the Communist army, and it was not their 82nd Army who had suffered losses, including the fourteenth cavalry in the previous stage. The Brigade and the Eighth Cavalry Division were also beaten by the Communist Army. It is not a shame that their 248th Division was defeated. Now they have encountered it again. It seems that their equipment has been greatly improved. steps.

After thinking for a long time, Han Youlu finally made a decision. He ordered the troops to shrink their strength and preserve their strength. If it was impossible, they would withdraw. Since they could not defeat the Communists on the mountain, they would retreat to the city and fight street battles with the Communists in the main city of Lanzhou. .

At about 248:[-] p.m., in the face of the powerful offensive of the People's Liberation Army, the [-]th Division led by the Qingma Army's guard battalion and the Second Qinghai Security Regiment left a large number of corpses, and the rest fled into Lanzhou City, the main peak of Gaolan Mountain. Yingpanling was captured by the Sixth Army of our army.

After the Sixth Army captured the camp area, it took advantage of its geographical location and used the firepower on the mountain to provide fire support to the neighboring brother troops. Machine guns and small cannons hit the stubborn Qingma Army soldiers like raindrops. , and the morale of the neighbors and brothers who received support was greatly boosted, while the guard troops of the Ma family army were in mourning. The battle has been fought until now, and the balance of victory has quickly tilted towards the PLA.

Yingpan led the tough battle. Under the command of Luo Yuanfa, the commander of the Sixth Army, he launched an attack from dawn and continued to fight until 248 o'clock in the afternoon. Through the efforts of all commanders and fighters, the [-]th Division and most of the Qinghai Security Second Regiment were wiped out. The south gate of Lanzhou, which the enemy claimed was indestructible.

Victory was also exchanged for blood and life. Under the crazy resistance of the enemy, the Sixth Army paid a heavy price. The 1200th Division, which was the main attack, suffered more than 668 casualties, of which the [-]th Regiment, which was the main attack, sacrificed [-] people. There were almost no survivors from the [-]th Company.

Dead bodies were piled up everywhere on the battlefield, and the corpses of soldiers from both sides were mixed together. Blood stained the top of the mountain red, and the blood mixed with soil.

The remaining fire burned the corpses, and the air was filled with the choking smell of gunpowder smoke and scorching. The setting sun on Gaolan Mountain was like blood, and the blood and fire were intertwined, making the war more cruel and tragic.

After a whole day of fierce fighting, the Northwest Field Army gradually captured the Qingma Army's defensive positions outside Lanzhou City. A series of main positions such as Yingpanling, Shenjialing, Doujiashan, Majiashan, and Gouwashan fell into the ground. In the hands of the People's Liberation Army, so far, the First Field Army has completed the iron barrel encirclement of Lanzhou, and the People's Liberation Army is approaching the city.

The city of Lanzhou was full of chaos and smog. The soldiers of the Qingma Army who had withdrawn from various positions were robbing land, food, women, and everything that could be robbed. The soldiers of the Qingma Army who were originally from bandits were even more disciplined. Corruption, the people suffer unspeakably.

Commander-in-chief Ma Jiyuan was not reconciled to failure. The strength of the Qingma Army was not exhausted, and he still had the strength to fight. This guy led the remnants of the defeated generals to deploy defenses in various areas, and wanted to use the tall city walls and facilities in the city to fight with the People's Liberation Army. Protracted street fighting.

Mr. Peng Dehuai, of course, would not give the enemy a chance to calmly arrange. After all the troops successfully captured the enemy's outer positions, he launched an order to attack Lanzhou at about [-] o'clock in the afternoon.

As a subsidiary unit of the Sixth Army, the ** Brigade had already thought about the follow-up development of the war when Yingpanling was captured. Brigadier Li Yong and political commissar Wang Chengde went to the headquarters of the Sixth Army to ask for instructions.

There was a lot of voices in the headquarters of the Sixth Army. Li Yong and Wang Chengde were not the only ones who realized this problem. The division commanders and political commissars of several main divisions all arrived.

The Sixth Army is responsible for the attack on the camp leader. After taking the camp leader, it will definitely attack from the south of Lanzhou. The army commander Luo Yuan is sinking. His [-]th division suffered heavy casualties. The [-]th regiment did not last for a year or so If he can't recover his vitality, the next attack on the main city will be even more brutal. What kind of troops to use as the main attack is also a relatively difficult choice for him at present.

In terms of weapons and equipment and the composition of troops, the ** Brigade is undoubtedly the most qualified to be the main attacker. However, the ** Brigade is not an old unit of the Sixth Army. Using a unit supported by the headquarters as the main offensive makes the cadres and soldiers of the Sixth Army feel embarrassed. Where to put it?

Chen Haihan, the commander of the [-]th Division, shouted loudly: "Commander, the [-]th Division has made great efforts to attack the camps and lead them to work hard, but their casualties are also a bit greater, so I think that the attack on the main city should be done in the same way. Our [-]th Division is the main force, and our division has the confidence to enter Lanzhou City and open a breakthrough for the entire army. Commander—if you cannot enter Lanzhou City, you will shoot me."

Commander Chen Haihan is expressing his determination and order to establish an army. Big words are not just casually. There are no jokes in the army, especially on the battlefield. Saying this is tantamount to driving yourself to a dead end... q! .

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