The way the du li brigade fights is very special. It is different from other PLA troops. The Eighth Route Army and the veteran troops of the PLA are used to doing political fortifications before fighting. It's different, the du li brigade's method is to fight first, to subdue the enemy and then talk to you about political issues

According to Li Yong, the brigade commander, it is beneficial to do this, and it will be easy to discuss any issues after the enemy is defeated. If you let him lie on his stomach, he will not dare to pout. What a good way, we will not only stick to it but also to carry forward

Political commissar Wang Chengde knew that this guy's statement was a bit unreasonable, or simply said it was nonsense, but it is undeniable that doing so did have a very good effect. It is obedient, you let it go east, it dare not go west, there is also a political commissar Wang Chengde did not expect the result is that the soldiers are very supportive of the brigade commander Li Yong's approach, and every time Li Yong gives an order, he is very happy Seeing the performance of the soldiers, Wang Chengde had no choice but to support Li Yong's actions. He also understood the thoughts of the soldiers. It's cool to live together

It's really cool to fight like this, but everything is based on its own strength. The equipment of Du Li's brigade and the first brigade of the Ningma Army are at least one generation behind, and the difference in personnel is more than ten times, not to mention the combat quality , the overall combat effectiveness of the two armies is not on the same order of magnitude at all, and Li Yong has the bottom line in his heart, which makes Li Yong unscrupulously order the troops to launch the attack first, without having any scruples of one kind or another. In the face of the absolute superior force, everything is a cloud

The ground-shaking explosion caused heavy casualties to the officers and soldiers of Jingtai's first brigade. As soon as they made contact, the du li brigade at least smashed thousands of shells on the position of the Ningma army's first brigade.

Most of the soldiers in the first brigade were soldiers who had never experienced war, and a considerable part of them were young men who had just been captured. It is barely called the army, but such an army has never seen any big scenes. When the gunfire rang out, they turned around with their heads covered. How could the soldiers who were frightened and stupid have any resistance in their hearts, and could they not be killed by the PLA? Just chant Amitabha

Zhang Qinwu and other officers in the brigade headquarters stared wide-eyed in fright. The People's Liberation Army came too fast.

The officers and soldiers of the first brigade were a little bit aggrieved, because they were meeting at this time to study how to escape, surrender or revolt. It is estimated that the PLA will give some time to think about it, at least to do some persuasion and education first. Unexpectedly It was the large troops of the People's Liberation Army who didn't take them seriously at all. When they were a few kilometers away from Jingtai, the shells hit the top of their heads.

Shocked, still shocked, the officers of the first brigade were still behind in shock, and another soldier came to report that a large army of the People's Liberation Army was attacking, and all eyes were full of tanks. I don't know how many there are, but I count them all not come

In fact, all the possessions of the Duli Brigade Tank Battalion are just more than 100 tanks and armored vehicles. The armored vehicles here were remodeled by the Kuomintang army themselves, that is, the vehicles were pressed on the sides of the armor and the infantry was reserved for special use. It is incomparable with the real standard armored vehicles, but even such armored vehicles can have an overwhelming advantage against cavalry and infantry. In the eyes of the soldiers of the Ningma Army of the local army of the Kuomintang, it is already a great weapon.

The tank battalion has only fifty or sixty tanks that can really be used for front-line combat, most of them are old models, and their combat effectiveness is very average. The soldiers who didn't know what a tank was since they were young were stunned by the battle in front of them. They were frightened when they saw the tanks rushing up to pee. How could they carefully observe how many tanks and armored vehicles there were? not bad

It is everyone's instinct to have fear in the face of impending death, and fear is also human nature. Few people can do what the old bones of the Eighth Route Army did, daring to use explosives and grenades to fight with armored weapons. Everyone has weapons, it's another matter whether they dare to go or not

Li Yuming led the tank troops to a place more than 100 meters away from the position of the first brigade, and then asked the soldiers to shout with a specially made iron horn to let the first brigade come out and surrender

Li Yuming dared to do this because he knew that the other party had no anti-tank weapons, so there was no way to threaten the tank battalion. I was the only one fighting for you. There is nothing wrong with being closer. I just want to bully you

Having been with the brigade commander for a long time, Li Yuming, the instructor of the tank battalion who was born as a Jingwei company commander, knew very well what Li Yong wanted to achieve in combat. The style of play can often receive unexpected results

After receiving the news, Zhang Qinwu, commander of the First Brigade of the Ningma Army, gasped and sent his chief of staff to negotiate with the People's Liberation Army. He hoped that the People's Liberation Army would raise their hand and let them revolt or surrender. In addition, they had to be given a little time to prepare

The chief of staff of the first brigade with a white flag came to the vicinity of the tank battalion with a few guards and the instructions of the brothers of the whole brigade. Can't be the first to come out, so he is the best candidate as chief of staff

Seeing it clearly, a few soldiers jumped out of the tanks of the People's Liberation Army, armed with submachine guns and escorted the officers who came to negotiate to Li Yuming, the instructor of the tank battalion.

Salute first, and the chief of staff of the first brigade said in fear: "I am the colonel and chief of staff of the first brigade, and I was appointed by our brigade commander to negotiate with your army. I hope the liberation army can understand our difficulties and stop shooting. We can declare an uprising in no time."

The chief of staff of the first brigade was a little frightened by the large number of tanks. He said this when he came to him, but he regretted it a little after he finished speaking, because the PLA officer standing in front of him was only twenty How old is he, how high a military rank can he be at such an age, isn't it nonsense to tell him these things?

"Well, I want to meet the senior officer of your army. Can you introduce me to me, my little brother? I will thank you very much afterwards."

Li Yuming is very clear in his mind, he is nainai, the other party didn't take him seriously, think I'm a petty official? ?

"What the fuck, Hu Zongnan's Kuomintang central army is not enough in my eyes. You are just a bunch of mobs, I tell you, I am the instructor of the tank battalion of the Li Brigade of the First Corps of the People's Liberation Army , You are not qualified to negotiate with me, go back and call your brigade commander out, I will talk to him, I will only give you 10 minutes to prepare, and we will start attacking after 10 minutes"

The chief of staff was dumbfounded, what's wrong, an instructor of the People's Liberation Army can give an ultimatum to Jingtai's brigade? ?I have never been in a bridal chamber, and I have seen other people marry their wives. Everyone knows that the instructor in the PLA is just a battalion-level officer, and he is also the chief of staff of a brigade, with the rank of colonel. How can he not be qualified to talk to him?

The matter is very tricky, I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out, but this chief of staff is quite shrewd, the young officer of the People's Liberation Army said very clearly, only give 10 minutes to prepare, and after 10 minutes to start the attack, just Look at this lineup of the People's Liberation Army, as long as a fight starts, the brigade will be dead

Running back and forth, as the chief of staff, I had no choice but to let the traveler decide what to do

There was a lot of laughter in the tank battalion, even Jiang Tiexiong, the always calm elder brother, also laughed. Jiang Tiexiong is the battalion commander of the tank battalion. He is many years older than Li Yuming, so this kind of showy things are basically done by his partner. , he doesn't like participating

Jiang Tiexiong was also very curious, and the eldest brother couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "Hey, I said Yuming, he is the colonel's chief of staff, why isn't he qualified to talk to you as an instructor?"

"My battalion brother, what is that bastard brigade, our previous intelligence shows that this brigade has only more than 1000 people, which is about the same as our tank battalion. I asked their brigade commander to come and talk to me. They lost face, if our brigade commander comes up later, maybe they will all be wiped out by artillery fire, I am pitying them."

Jiang Tiexiong nodded. What Li Yuming said was really reasonable. In the eyes of brigade commander Li Yong, a bad army like the First Brigade must be a piece of junk. Do you want to seize some better equipment? Do you want to grab some orders? There are no prisoners with high combat qualities, nothing but a bunch of bad soldiers, so what's the use of keeping them?Forget it, considering Li Yong's temper, Jiang Tiexiong is really worried for them

At the Brigade Headquarters, Major General Zhang Qinwu, the brigade commander after listening to the report, sighed: "Hey, how can people not bow their heads under the eaves, not to mention that our lives are written in their hands, I will negotiate with this instructor"

Ten minutes later, a small open-top jeep drove out, and there were several officers sitting in the car. When the distance got closer, it was obvious that the head of the officer was fighting against the shoulders of the Kuomintang troops. major general pay

Li Yuming could guess that it must be Zhang Qinwu, the brigade commander of the first brigade. That’s right, there is no political commissar in the Kuomintang army, so the rank of major general can only be the brigade commander alone (to be continued)

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