The beacon of youth

Chapter 530 Annihilation of the New 1st Brigade

A small jeep was driving towards the position of the People's Liberation Army. It could be seen that both the driver and the driver were in a hurry

It doesn't matter if you don't hurry up, there are only four or ten minutes, and if you delay for a while, you may lose your life. Zhang Qinwu didn't think that the commander of the People's Liberation Army was lying. There is a difference. As for what the difference is, I can't tell for a while. Anyway, it is different, and the way of fighting is different.

As expected of being the top leader, Zhang Qinwu is much wiser than his chief of staff. At least from his face and tone, he did not underestimate Li Yuming, the instructor. Brigade Commander Zhang Qinwu, I can make decisions on all matters concerning the first brigade. I hope that the liberation army will understand our difficulties and we can announce the uprising immediately. I hope that the army will give us more time to prepare."

"I am Li Yuming, the instructor of the Tank Battalion of the Du Li Brigade of the First Corps of the People's Liberation Army. I can tell you very clearly that you cannot be given the name of an uprising, nor can you surrender. Now you have only one way out, and that is to lay down your weapons and raise your hands to surrender. , what I said is still counting, four and ten minutes, once the time is over, you are waiting to be wiped out"

Li Yuming's words are very strong, and it is difficult to accept the strong. I tell you very clearly that there is only one way out, hand in your guns and surrender, otherwise, they will all be wiped out. There is no condition to talk about.

Li Yuming thought to himself, bah, even a unit like yours wants to be called an uprising?According to the instructions of the superiors, the original formation and personnel of the uprising troops will remain unchanged, and they can directly become the battle order of the PLA. In other words, if they change their clothes, they will become the regular army of the PLA. Humiliation for the big team? ?

Zhang Qinwu can be regarded as a high-ranking military officer after all, and he has a good understanding of the battlefield situation. He knows that the large force of the People's Liberation Army marching westward into Ningxia is the [-]th Corps of the Northwest Field Army, which is the Yang Corps that the senior chief of the People's Liberation Army said. Why did it suddenly appear again? What kind of brigade of the First Corps? ? ?

Zhang Qinwu no longer has the time and energy to wonder. It doesn’t matter if it’s the People’s Liberation Army or the First Corps and the Nineteenth Corps. He asked in a tentative tone: “Sir, can I see the brigade commander of your army? He interviewed?"

It seems that he is still worried about himself as the battalion instructor. Damn it, Li Yuming scolded in his heart again but said smoothly: "What do you see, our brigade commander, don't think that you are also a brigade commander, so you can join our brigade commander?" Changping is on an equal footing, and you, a thousand-eight-hundred-year-old rotten horse, are not enough to put us on the chains of tanks, so just tell me what you have to say."

Bitterness, mouthful of bitterness, a brigade major general commander who was trained like a dog by a battalion instructor of the People's Liberation Army, dare not fart even a fart, but what can I do, the situation is stronger than people, who asked you to get it Zhang Qinwu had no choice but to say: "The chief taught me, but I don't understand one thing. Why can't we call it an uprising? If it doesn't work, it's okay to surrender."

Li Yuming laughed loudly: "No wonder you have to meet our brigade commander. It turns out that's the idea. I can tell you that our People's Liberation Army has a definition for uprising and surrender. Only those units that actively contact us can be called uprising and surrender. Let me tell you clearly that you are late for the uprising, and there is still hope a few days earlier. People like you can only surrender if they are defeated. Seeing our brigade commander is not as good as yours. I guess our brigade The commander is really not interested in troops like yours, otherwise he might have come up long ago."

Let Li Yuming be right, Li Yong really has no interest in the first brigade, and he can't even bring up the mood to let the supply battalion clean up the battlefield. There are a few rotten rifles, and there are less than a thousand left to be frightened. Courageous soldier, what is there to clean up?Brigadier Li Da, who was leaning on the car, picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Hey, Li Yuming, what did you do? Is the first brigade done? I'll give you another 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the heavy artillery battalion will open fire. They were all blown up, do you understand? If you understand, hurry up and answer."

A soldier with a walkie-talkie was standing not too far from Li Yuming. Not only Li Yuming and Jiang Tiexiong heard Li Da's brigade commander's order, but also Zhang Qinwu, the brigade commander of the first brigade, Zhang Qinwu's face turned green. No wonder this little instructor of the People's Liberation Army is so arrogant. It turns out that they are backed by their brigade commander.

"Please tell the commander of your army that we will surrender immediately. We don't need to think about it for 10 minutes. I will decide now that all the first brigade will surrender. What do you think?"

"You guys are wise." After answering Zhang Qinwu, Li Yuming grinned, picked up the microphone of the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Brigade Commander, you are still powerful. You scare these boys with one word. The brigade commander of the first brigade is here Here I am, they have agreed to surrender"

"Let them take the troops out of the city as soon as possible, and count all kinds of supplies, weapons and ammunition. Your battalion is ready to go to the front and take care of the prisoners. We will have dinner at Jingtai at night."

A brigade of more than 1000 people was partially killed by the artillery fire, and only 800 people could come out. They were pulled out of the city in a mess, and stood together in a line. The most important thing is that there is still a kind of happiness of liberation. The thinking of the soldiers at the bottom is that they can finally not have to die, God opened their eyes

Li Yuming and Jiang Tiexiong set up a reception station, and asked the prisoners to throw weapons together in piles. The personnel were registered one by one, and a new roster was made. He could not believe the list of personnel produced by the First Brigade. In the Kuomintang army, It is a relatively common situation for officers to be paid for nothing. This was the case during the War of Liberation and the War of Resistance Against Japan. Some articles said that the combat effectiveness of the Kuomintang army was not strong. Under the same personnel conditions, its combat effectiveness was far inferior to that of the Japanese army. In fact, this There are many reasons, one of which is the lack of pay for the chief, some troops simply don't have that many people

Not long after, the large troops of the du li brigade also arrived. The officers and soldiers of the first brigade finally saw the military appearance of the du li brigade of the People's Liberation Army, trucks, jeeps, tanks, heavy artillery, one after another, wearing steel helmets and holding submachine guns The infantry, the team passed endlessly, the captives chattered together, did you see, the People's Liberation Army is also a brigade, just such a unit, our ten brigades together are not their opponents, surrender that's right

It took Jingtai's du li brigade without much effort. After dinner, they camped out. The first brigade was wiped out, marking the first line of defense of the Ningma army. It was like a paper lake. It was easily broken by the sharp blade of the PLA's westward marching army

The du li brigade can slow down a little bit, or take the opportunity to take a rest, because the second line of defense is guarded by two units of the Ningxia Majia Army, one is the Jian Helan Army taken from Yue Fei's "Man Jianghong", the other The branch is the 81st Army. You can fight against the Helan Army at will, but of course you can't fight against the 81st Army.

Ma Dunjing, the second son of Ma Dunjing, is fine when his father is watching over him. He has a good-looking plan for a decisive battle, and he has the demeanor of a successor. Once his father flies away, Ma Dunjing's son and brother will undoubtedly reveal their temperament , who is the boss in Ningxia now?

After the expansion of the Ma family army in Ningxia, the total strength is more than 8 people, which is quite a force in theory, but the command art of the second son of Ma is pure nonsense. Among the more than 8 people, there is one who is not single-minded 81 Army, in addition to the 81st Army, Ma Dunjing actually has about 7 troops in his hands, all of which are accumulated by his father Ma Hongkui after a lifetime of hard work.

It is difficult to start a business, and it is difficult to keep a business. The Majiajun in Ningxia is a true portrayal of this sentence. There are more than 8 people in their hands, and most of them are fast cavalry. If Ma Dunjing can take advantage of the cavalry and concentrate his strength , Dealing with the People's Liberation Army in the vast plains may bring huge troubles to the 8th Corps, but Ma Dunjing did not do this, but dispersed more than [-] people to defend with three lines of defense

More than 8 people, divided into three lines of defense, with 3 to 10,000 to [-] people on each line of defense, fighting positional battles with the [-]+ army of the People's Liberation Army with extremely high fighting will. What else can be done besides failure and ruining his army As a result, but this is also what the commanders and fighters of the People's Liberation Army are happy to see. It is of course very comfortable and reassuring to fight against an idiot.

However, Ma Dunjing also has advantages. His advantage is that he knows the inside and outside, and knows how to preserve his own strength. Crossing the Yellow River, and handing over the second line of defense of Zhongning and Zhongwei to the 81st Army

No one is a fool. Putting the 81st Army on the second line of defense is obviously to let them fight the People's Liberation Army to the death. Let his uncle Ma Hongbin's strength be exhausted first.

Ma Hongbin and Ma Chunjing, the commander of the 81st Army, were so furious that they wanted to preserve their strength at any time. The mud could not support the wall. Seeing the general trend, Ma Hongbin gradually thought of leading an uprising, but he was worried. He was responsible for this. Commander Yang Dezhi of the Nineteenth Corps in the Ningxia War instructed Zeng Siyu, commander of the 64th Army of the People's Liberation Army, as the plenipotentiary representative of the Westward Army of the People's Liberation Army, to send a notice to Ma Hongbin, welcoming the uprising led by Mr. Ma Hongbin. We have always been with the Majiajun in Ningxia for the 81st Army Other troops treat it separately, as long as the 81st Army revolts and accepts our conditions, the PLA guarantees the safety of the lives and property of all officers and soldiers of the 81st Army (to be continued)

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