The beacon of youth

Chapter 531 Kill 1 as an example

The first line of defense arranged by the second son of Ma Dun Jing was wiped out in the sound of the footsteps of the westward army, and the soldiers of the [-]th Corps of the People's Liberation Army pointed directly at the second line of defense of Zhongning and Zhongwei.

The Zhongning garrison is the Helan Army under the command of Ma Quanliang. Ma Hongkui's original intention at the beginning of his establishment was to take the troops to Helan Mountain to fight guerrillas if he couldn't do it. In fact, this is just nonsense. It has been saved by generations of the Ma family. The property has been transferred to Hong Kong and Taiwan long ago, and the family members have also withdrawn long ago. All that remains is the second son Ma Dunjing. The so-called slogan of defending Ningxia to the end and fighting the PLA to the end is just for the soldiers below.

There was no other way. Ma Hongkui knew that he would live his life under Chiang Kai-shek's nose in the future, and he would not be able to explain himself to Chairman Jiang unless he fought a war.

The second son of Ma is not as sophisticated as his father. When he heard that the first line of defense was breached, he immediately panicked and ordered the Helan army stationed in Zhongning to cross the Yellow River to the north to strengthen the defense of the third line of defense. All tasks were handed over to his uncle Ma Hongbin's 81st Army

Uncle is not uncle, Uncle can be betrayed at critical times, Ma Dunjing's wishful thinking is to let his uncle Ma Hongbin's 81st Army and the People's Liberation Army consume first, it doesn't matter if they are all exhausted, but I don't know the second son Ma Have you ever thought about it? The 81st Army has two minds. If it is under the threat of several other armies, it may fight a battle with the People's Liberation Army. Can it be taken back if it is released so much?

This is a vicious circle that the Kuomintang army cannot get rid of from top to bottom, from central yang to local areas. At critical moments, others are pushed out and let others work hard. The first priority is to preserve themselves. cleaning up

Ma Hongbin, who was worried about having no chance, finally made up his mind and asked the commander of the 81st Army and his son Ma Chunjing to negotiate with the People's Liberation Army. Under the mediation of the negotiators of the People's Liberation Army, Ma Hongbin and his son finally dispelled their last doubts and made up their minds to announce the uprising.

Zeng Siyu, commander of the 64th Army, is a representative of the People's Liberation Army. Hearing Mr. Ma Hongbin's concerns, Commander Zeng Siyu laughed and explained that the People's Liberation Army takes a different view of the 81st Army. At a glance, because the 81st Army is different from other units of the Ningma Army, the name of the uprising cannot be given casually. As long as the 81st Army uprising has no changes in personnel, organization, and weapons and equipment, it is directly a member of the People's Liberation Army. , what else is there to worry about the loss of life and property? ?

Commander Zeng Siyu’s final condition was that the No.80 First Army, with Zhongwei Chengguan as the center, be concentrated on standby for reorganization, organize ships north of the Yellow River, and hand them over to the PLA large forces on the south bank the next morning, and stop Zhongwei from going to Yinchuan. The road transport blockades all supplies of Yinchuan Majiajun, and is responsible for protecting roads and bridges from damage. The two parties signed the agreement in the evening

The representative of the People's Liberation Army who signed is Zeng Siyu, commander of the 64th Army, and the representative of the 81st Army of the Ningma Army is Ma Chunjing, commander of the Ningma Army.

Cheers, elation, and joy, the officers and soldiers of the 81st Army were very excited when they got the news. Discuss with each other: "Do you know what an uprising is? Let me tell you, we will also be the People's Liberation Army in the future, which is the former Eighth Route Army."

On the eve of the founding of China on September 80, 64, Ma Chunjing, commander of the No. 81 First Army of the Kuomintang, and Zeng Siyu, the plenipotentiary representative of the [-]th Corps of the People's Liberation Army, and Zeng Siyu, commander of the [-]th Army, negotiated and signed, and the issue of the [-]st Army was resolved peacefully.

According to the order of the Central Military Commission, the former 81st Army of the Kuomintang was reorganized into the Second Army of the Northwest Military Region of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

Political commissar Zhen Hua was originally the liaison minister of the 81th Corps of the PLA in charge of contacting the 81st Army. He was very familiar with all aspects of the 81st Army. His superiors asked him to go to the [-]st Army. A very good choice, it will be easier to work with Commander Ma Chunjing in a team

The 81st Army revolted and became the Second Du Li Army of the Northwest Military Region of the People's Liberation Army. The second line of defense of the Ningma Army was self-defeating. The commander-in-chief, Ma Dunjing, was nervous. This guy was gnashing his teeth in front of his subordinates in the mansion Said: "Whoever has a suggestion, please speak up quickly. Is there a good way?"

Most of the subordinates are silent, so what is there to say, you are in a hurry for the uprising of the 81st Army, what did you think when you arranged it?Knowing that you are not of the same mind, you still do this. What a mess. If you use troops to entrain the 81st Army, it will not dare to revolt. Did you, the commander, give you the opportunity? At this time, I asked us what we can do. , we have no way

Ma Rulong, the secretary-general of Zheng Fu in Ningxia, let out a long sigh: "When the 81st Army defected, our three lines of defense would completely collapse. Yang Dezhi and Li Zhimin could take advantage of the gap made by the 81st Army and drive straight along the Yellow River, heading straight for Yinchuan. "

<& qing, we still have to go to Taiwan, no matter what, we have to fight to the end, otherwise our days with Chiang Kai-shek will be very sad in the future.”

The atmosphere was dull, and one person tentatively said: "Commander, can we engage in peace talks with the People's Liberation Army like the 81st Army did?"

Ma Dunjing waved his hand: "Don't talk about this issue. Think about how many Red Army we killed in those years. We have too deep a grudge with the People's Liberation Army. The Communist Party will not tolerate us. Order the Helan Army and the Eleventh Army to retreat to Lingwu and Yinchuan. , in the decisive battle between Jinji and Lingwu and the communist army, we will fight to the death."

Guyuan, the headquarters of the [-]th Corps of the People's Liberation Army, the commander Yang Dezhi and the political commissar Li Zhimin looked dignified and serious. They had just received a telegram from Boss Peng to the Military Commission of the Central Army. I don't know how many telegrams I have received, but this telegram is different because the signature below the telegram is **

It was a telegram signed by ** himself. The two of them felt that the weight was extremely heavy. The light telegram felt extremely heavy, as if it weighed a thousand catties. ** rarely sent such a telegram, or basically did not send it. In the northwest region, the military All the above matters are directly discussed with Boss Peng on how to solve them. The general idea of ​​the telegram is that ** requires the [-]th Corps to disarm Ma Hongkui as much as possible instead of reorganizing it.

The meaning expressed in the telegram is very clear. This shows what the problem is. It shows that our ** did not intend to make peace with Ma Hongkui's troops at all, and did not accept their adaptation. The [-]th Corps must use fighting methods to deal with Ma Dunjing.

A telegram decided the fate of the Ningma army, who said that we have no anger, the anger is hidden in our hearts

Commander Yang Dezhi put his hands in his pockets: "Political Commissar, Ma Dunjing shrank all his armies to the front line of Jinji and Lingwu, and put up a posture to fight us to the end. Yinchuan is only more than 100 miles away. There is the Yellow River on the left, and the Great Wall on the right. The terrain is narrow, which is not conducive to the deployment of our large troops. It seems that we will have to fight a few vicious battles to eliminate the Ningma Army."

Political commissar Li Zhimin lying on the map said without looking back: "Hey, not necessarily, Ma Hongbin and his son led the uprising, Ma Bufang and his son in Qinghai ran away, and Ma Hongkui, the old leader of Ningxia, also ran away, which shows that the enemy's hearts are currently floating. , although it is said that the dog will jump over the wall when he is in a hurry, but only a few senior officers jumped over the wall. This second son Ma is a big idiot who is afraid of death. Such a son will not fight us to the end. According to our intelligence and reconnaissance, there is always a plane parked in Yinchuan City. There is no doubt that the plane was given to him by Ma Hongkui. prepared by the son of

Commander Yang Dezhi's eyes lit up: "With you, Lao Li, you mean that once Ma Dunjing runs away, it will cause the Ningma army to have no leader."

Li Zhimin: "Yes, as long as Ma Dunjing runs away, Ningxia's problems can be easily solved, and the monkeys will be scattered when the tree falls, but the premise is how to let this guy run away"

Yang Dezhi: "This is not easy to deal with. If you beat him up, he will run away. Let's check and see who gets the surgery first."

Political Commissar Li Zhimin smiled: "Hey, Commander, do you still remember the pre-war analysis of Li Yong, the brigade commander of the du li brigade? That little guy has a lot of research on Ma Jiajun."

"Of course I remember that the du li brigade performed well. Li Yong's analysis is also very close to our intelligence. Among the Ningma army, Lu Zhongliang's 2nd army is the most powerful. It is also the army that is the most arrogant. According to our reconnaissance The members of the 2nd Army reported that in the Jinji and Lingwu areas, the 2nd Army put on a posture of fighting against our army, and wrote slogans such as "Resistance to the end, every inch of land must be fought" everywhere, and used the favorable terrain to dig fortifications. All indications are that the [-]nd Army is a bastard who eats weights and is determined."

Political Commissar Li Zhimin: "Huh, it's a bit unorthodox. I didn't expect the Second Army to be so stubborn. I think we should start with the Second Army, dig it out, get rid of this tough guy, and make an example to others."

The 64th Army of the People's Liberation Army received the order, and the head of the 64th Corps ordered the entire 2th Army to be assigned to the First Division of the Northwest Military Region, the Second Division of the Second Army, the Duli Brigade of the Second Army, Xiang Jinji and Lingwu Attacking in the area and moving forward, the camera wiped out the [-]nd army (to be continued)

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