The beacon of youth

Chapter 532 Nian Gudi

The Yellow River is the mother river of the Chinese nation. It has nurtured countless Chinese children with its milk. However, for thousands of years, both sides of the Yellow River have also suffered from the pain and disaster of flooding. The Yellow River flooding area sounds like a scary name. , which represents death, hunger and displacement of the people

The flooding of the Yellow River has both natural disasters and disasters. Sometimes disasters are more severe and ruthless than natural disasters. In September of [-], the crisis once again fell on the people in the Jinji area of ​​Ningxia. What mountain torrents and mudslides broke out, and the ancient dykes built for thousands of years are also very strong. The local people are still the same as usual, living their lives step by step, without even realizing that there is a knife hanging over their heads that can kill people at any time. sword

It was the 2nd Army of the Kuomintang in Ningxia who brought the crisis. Under the order of Ma Dunjing, the commander-in-chief of the Majia Army in Ningxia, He Shuheng, the deputy commander of the 2nd Army, stationed here with an engineer battalion. After the three lines of defense of the army, they opened the dikes to release water, and used the Yellow River to resist the attack of the [-]th Corps.

In the history of ancient China, there are many examples of using water to win battles, including such narrations in myths and legends, but the depictors of wars have spent a lot of time and space writing about the great achievements and resourcefulness of the victors. Some people look at the great suffering that the flood brings to their own side while bringing disaster to the enemy

Rewind the time to June, 5, at Huayuankou, Henan. In order to delay the attack of the Japanese army, the Kuomintang government ordered the 1000th Army of the Army to pierce the embankment and release water. More than a dozen counties were flooded, more than 100 million people were affected, and more than 2 million people were drowned. Thousands of miles of fertile fields were turned into swamps. It is impossible to calculate, the least is that only three were drowned, and the most is that more than [-] people were drowned. The real result has never been verified, and the result is the local people's extreme dislike of the KMT Zheng Fu, coupled with Tang Enbo The military discipline of the army was corrupt and looting everywhere in the Central Plains. The people in the Kuomintang government were extremely disappointed. There is a saying that "I would rather the Japanese army burn and kill than to garrison the army."

A large area of ​​grass-green military tents was set up not too far from the Yellow River embankment. From the raised tent door, soldiers in military uniforms could be seen coming in and out of the middle from time to time. In the top of the tent, the lanterns commonly known as "Qi Death Wind" by the common people were lit.

The twisters of the lanterns were picked long, and the flames were so high that the tents with only [-] square meters were brightly illuminated. In September, the temperature difference between day and night in the northwest region is very large, and the weather cools down quickly at night. A tall officer in the uniform of a major general of the Kuomintang is pacing back and forth by a table covered with a green military blanket

This person is He Shuheng, the deputy commander of the 2nd Army of the Ningma Army of the Kuomintang local army. He was appointed by Ma Dunjing, the commander of the Ningxia Theater Command, and Lu Zhongliang, the commander of the 2nd Army. The task of blasting the embankment and releasing water

A major general and deputy army commander personally brought a battalion of soldiers to blow up the embankment and release the water, which shows how much the commander-in-chief of the Majiajun in Ningxia, Ma Dunjing, attaches great importance to this matter

He has been walking around the table for more than an hour. He Shuheng, who is wrinkled in the shape of a string on his forehead like an old donkey, has no intention of stopping to rest for a while. His subordinates were hiding something, and the sadness on He Shuheng's face became more and more obvious.

Everyone knows that this is a very difficult task to execute, not to say how difficult the actual workload is. The engineering battalion has already buried the explosives, and everything is ready to stop and only wait for an order to detonate. Good execution is really unable to pass the threshold of oneself psychologically

This is a wicked and smoldering task. Once the Yellow River is blown up, it is unknown whether the PLA's westward march can be stopped, but the local people are really going to drown a large number of them. Such a task will be destroyed. Those who are written into the history textbooks of later generations, once they release the water, they themselves become sinners through the ages, and they will be stigmatized for thousands of years.

Uncertain He Shuheng is worried about gains and losses. If he executes the order, he must be a sinner through the ages. If he is not beaten to death, he will be scolded to death by the common people. If he does not execute it, his family members will still be in the hands of Ma Dunjing in Yinchuan.

He Shuheng is the deputy commander of the 2nd Army, the main force of the Majia Army in Ningxia. He also ran away, leaving only his second son, Ma Dunjing, who is useless, and if nothing happens, the second son Ma will definitely run away. It is said that the plane in Yinchuan City has already been prepared.

Everyone has run away, what should I do?Follow along?However, there must be a prerequisite for escaping. In the situation surrounded by the PLA army, there is only one way to escape safely. Like Ma Bufang and Ma Hongkui, take a plane to go out. No matter how powerful the PLA is, the PLA does not have a plane, as long as it can go up You can go to Taiwan, but I am only a major general and deputy commander. Not to mention in the Kuomintang central army system, even in the Majia army in the northwest, I will catch a lot of them. Where is the family member?

The more I think about it, the more upset I get. Damn it, the major general and deputy commander of the army may look quite imposing, but it's nothing when the Kuomintang is defeated. If you can bring a hundred or ten people, you can get an official if you say you want to be loyal to the Kuomintang and fight against the People's Liberation Army. The commander of the first cavalry brigade, which was established only a few days ago, was also awarded the rank of major general. What the hell is a brigade, only more than 1000 people dare to call it a brigade? ?It's not as good as a regiment of the People's Liberation Army with a large number of troops and a general, the world will change

He Shuheng's heart was overwhelmed, and he was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle between bombing and not bombing. Just as his thoughts were bewildered, a troop was rapidly approaching the Jinji area under the cover of night, and the scale of the troop could not be clearly seen. They are huge, but they must be cavalry, that's right, the sound of horses' hoofs running can be heard far and wide. In Ningxia, the cavalry troops of a certain size are basically Ma Hongkui's troops, and this troop is not bad. The uniform of the knight on horseback is the uniform of the Ningma Army

It seems that this army marching at night is the officers and soldiers of the Ma family army, but for some reason, the officers and soldiers of this Ma family army always give people a strange feeling. Ma Jiajun is a bit different. If you take a closer look, there is a squad of about [-] sharp soldiers at the front of the entire cavalry unit. The officer leading the team looks familiar no matter what. He looks like Erzi Ning, the reconnaissance hero of the PLA du li brigade. , what looks like it is Ning Erzi

Seeing Erzi Ning, needless to say the nature of this army, it turned out to be the reconnaissance battalion of the Duli Brigade of the People's Liberation Army, and was being ordered to rush in

The reconnaissance battalion of the du li brigade has a total strength of more than 1000 people. It usually uses jeeps and trucks as the main means of transportation, but today it is not the case. Not only does it not have a large truck, it does not even have the smallest jeep. The entire battalion is riding horses The action is not only marching on horseback, but also wearing the clothes of the Ningma Army. From a distance, it is a troop of the Kuomintang Majiajun

Fortunately, the scouts are all-rounders, and things like riding horses can't trouble them, but there are still soldiers who mutter in private: "Damn, why are our asses more delicate than before, I always feel that riding a horse is better than riding a car It’s comfortable, and with this ragged clothes, I feel uncomfortable no matter how I wear them.”

The soldiers' discussion was not loud, but it was still heard by a commander in the middle of the team, who said casually: "Don't be a fucking bullshit, if you are full, forget the time when you were hungry before." I still don’t feel comfortable riding a horse. Our army used to run tens of kilometers with two feet a day. The little devils and the Kuomintang troops have more trucks, but we are still faster than them when we go over the mountains, and we still fight their ambushes. Get your spirits up, you're not too far away from the enemy"

The commander who spoke was Zhang Jinsong, the reconnaissance battalion commander of the du li brigade

The Du Li Brigade has just received orders from Commander Yang Dezhi and Political Commissar Li Zhimin to cooperate with the 64th Army of the 2th Corps to encircle and wipe out the [-]nd Army of the Kuomintang in Jinji and Lingwu

In fact, before the du li brigade received the order, Li Yong had already started in advance. With Li Yong as the brigade commander, the du li brigade had seen opportunities before the battle many times. This kind of thing is no secret in the du li brigade It's a secret, the soldiers don't know it, but the old soldiers are used to it. Zhang Jinsong and his reconnaissance battalion received the order to eliminate their engineer battalion before the large army launched an attack on the 2nd Ningma Army in the Jinji area. Prevent the enemy from blowing up the Yellow River embankment to release water when the dog is in a hurry

Before leaving, Li Yong, the brigade commander, repeatedly warned: "Don't look at the 2nd Army of the Ningma Army who is clamoring fiercely. Why do you want to fight the PLA to the end? Every inch of land must be fought. In fact, it is nothing special. As long as our large troops surround us It seems that their time of death is coming. For the large troops of the People's Liberation Army marching westward, the biggest threat still comes from the rolling Yellow River, not to mention other troops. Once the enemy blasts the embankment, all trucks, Tanks and heavy artillery will be unable to march, and casualties will be immeasurable” (to be continued)

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