The beacon of youth

Chapter 540 Turtle in the urn

Chapter 540 Turtle in the urn

"Boom boom boom", the tank was bumping forward. In order to see the road conditions more clearly, some drivers exposed half of their heads at the risk of danger. Such actions are absolutely not allowed in battle, but At this time, the 20th Cavalry Brigade has lost its combat effectiveness, and the driver's unsafe behavior is really nothing.

The turret of the tank kept rotating back and forth, the machine guns on the vehicle kept shooting, and the people and horses in the sight were knocked down one by one, and the advancing tanks and armored vehicles would be thrown up from time to time, The things under the tank tracks may be stones and other sundries, but most of them are the dead bodies of people and horses. In the words of Li Yuming, the instructor of the tank battalion, what the **** cavalry elites, shit, are all I used it to pad tank tracks.

Interspersed, assaulted, and encircled, just as the tank battalion stepped up the accelerator and chased after them, a call was made to the headquarters of the du li brigade. .”

Zeng Siyu, the commander of the 64th Army who commanded the battle, called the brigade headquarters of the du li brigade, and Li Yong, who picked up the microphone, shouted loudly: "I am Li Yong, what instructions do you have from the chief?"

The clear laughter of Army Commander Zeng Siyu came out of the microphone: "Dayong, don't play tricks with me, boy. I'll ask you if you don't give instructions or not. The enemy's 20th Cavalry Brigade put all the pressure on you." How do you feel when you are on your body? Do you need me to send troops to support?"

"Commander, there is no need for support. The 20th Cavalry Brigade has been defeated by our troops. Our tank troops are chasing the remnants of the enemy. It may not take long for the report to come up. I will report to you then."

"Haha, I forgot. Your du li brigade also has a tank unit. This cavalry is really courting death when it encounters tanks. Since this is the case, I can rest assured. I heard that this tank unit was your boy when he was in Xi'an. It was snatched from the hands of Commander Luo Yuanfa of the Sixth Army? Is there such a thing?"

Li Yong is depressed, what do you think this is called? When did the famous Commander Zeng Siyu gossip like this: "Commander, don't listen to people's nonsense, what is robbed? We entered Xi'an City in advance. , What was seized from the enemy by surprise is captured."

Haha, haha, Commander Zeng Siyu laughed again: "Hey, I say brave, even if you captured it from the enemy, that's fine, I don't worry about the enemy's cavalry, tell me about you To the assault troops on the top of the hill, how are they doing?"

The assault force Commander Zeng Siyu mentioned was the [-]rd and [-]th infantry battalions of the Du Li Brigade. With the strong fire support of their own side, the soldiers of the two battalions quickly approached the enemy's mountain top ridgeline.

Ma Changsheng, the commander of the third battalion, and Ning Jinshan, the commander of the fourth battalion, charged with the troops. Both of them are veteran commanders of the Eighth Route Army. , and now is the most critical time, and it is also the time when it is most likely to be counterattacked. There can be no mistakes. What reassures the two battalion commanders is that the third security division of the Ningma Army has no such tactical thinking at all, or even if there is There was no way to hold on under the fierce firepower, and the soldiers rushed up smoothly.

The artillery fire continued to extend to the distance, and what the soldiers saw was a patch of bullet craters, scorched earth, and messy fragments of corpses. The entire ridge line was blasted into powder by the heavy howitzers of the Du Li Brigade.

The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, no wonder the enemy, the Third Security Division, didn't move much, who could stand the bombardment with shells like this, those guys from the artillery battalion did a good job.

Just when the soldiers were stunned, Ma Changsheng, the commander of the third battalion, ran over. Ma Changsheng wore a helmet on his head and held a submachine gun in his hand. He yelled at his soldiers:

"What the hell are you doing in a daze, looking stupid?? Didn't you see the enemy running down the mountain? Help the artillery platoon and machine gun platoon to get the big guy up, go quickly."

The big guys that Ma Changsheng talked about were the Maxim heavy machine guns and small mortars in their battalion. The soldiers in the two platoons had been trying their best to follow the infantry in front, but the few platoons in front were running too fast, and they were exhausted all over their bodies. It's sweat, and I can't keep up with panting with my mouth wide open.

Assault on the top of the mountain, the load of heavy machine guns and mortars is too large, and the guy who usually carries it has to resist walking now. Fortunately, the battalion commander Ma Changsheng and Ning Jinshan have both seen this problem. After a while, the heavy machine guns and mortars of the third and fourth battalions were carried up.

The yelling of Ma Changsheng and Ning Jinshan is very reasonable. Most of the infantry battalions of the Duli Brigade are equipped with Tom-style submachine guns. These weapons have short and powerful firepower, but their range is not flattering. There is a shortcoming in the weaponry of the du li brigade, but there is no way to solve it at this stage, and the brigade commander Li Yong has no good solution, so he has to use a large number of Czech-style light machine guns and a small number of [-]-type rifles to make up for it. The Third Ningma Security Division had clearly exceeded the effective range of light weapons. It would be a waste of ammunition to fire a submachine gun at such a distance.

The moonlight is cold and cold, but the blood flowing on the soldiers is hot. The heavy machine guns and mortars of the two infantry battalions have all entered the shooting position. In addition to a large number of Czech light machine guns, the entire hilltop position is densely packed. , Following the orders of Ning Jinshan and Ma Changsheng, they opened fire.

The head was blocked, the tail was cut off, and the middle of the bombing, the mortar bombed wildly, and the light and heavy machine guns swept the buttocks fiercely. The third Ningma Security Division, which was fleeing, suffered heavy casualties.

The line of sight is very limited, and it is difficult to see clearly at a distance, but the soldiers of the third and fourth battalions don't care about this, regardless of whether he can see clearly, they will sweep away the shadows, light and heavy machine guns and mortars, The bullets were like a gust of wind, and the mortar shells were like heavy rain. Judging from the intensity and density of the firepower, there was no possibility of life in the positions attacked by the soldiers to survive.

Most of the combat backbone and platoon-level commanders in the du li brigade are from the old Eighth Route Army, that is, when the du li brigade was in the Longdong area when it first formed an army, it was specially asked to come here from the headquarters. After passing through the difficult period of the Northwest Field Army, an old platoon leader muttered: "Damn, I think I only had seven bullets and one grenade, and I still fought a big battle. I didn't expect that our Eighth Route would have today, with this firepower , Even the rats in the hole must be killed.” The old platoon leader was so excited that he changed the name of the unit to the People’s Liberation Army long ago and forgot.

A soldier asked curiously: "Platoon leader, are you talking nonsense, how can you fight with seven bullets, I pull the trigger twice and all go out, and then what to do, use my Czech style as a fire stick?"

"You know what a fart, it's still the Czech style. You pulled the trigger twice and all went out. At that time, our regiment had four heavy machine guns, and one of them was broken. There were not many Czech style guns. How could we fight? The enemy moves in closer and fights again, at 30 meters, fires two shots, throws the grenade, and then jumps out of the trench to charge and snatch the ammunition from the enemy. The boys are all enjoying the old blessings."

The little soldier stopped talking, knowing that if he fights like the platoon leader, the casualties will not be small. Maybe many comrades will be injured and sacrificed after a battle.

The fierce firepower lasted for more than ten, twenty, ten minutes. Ma Changsheng and Ning Jinshan waved their hands, and the heavy machine guns and small artillery stopped shooting, and the infantry rushed down from both sides.

There is no way to resist, and it is impossible to stop. If you run slower, you will see the King of Hades. All the soldiers of the Ningma Army who are fleeing have one mind, and they will burn incense if they can save their lives.

Not long after the soldiers of the third and fourth battalions rushed down, Li Yong, the brigade commander of the Du Li brigade, and Wang Chengde, the political commissar, also led them to the top of the mountain. Li Yong said to Li Jia, the commander of the Jingwei company behind him: Commander Zeng Siyu, the du li brigade has occupied the position and is now chasing, please instruct our department on the next task."

While the du li brigade conquered the Niu Shou Mountain position, the 64st and 191nd Divisions of the 192th Army also came up. The entire Niu Shou Mountain has been completely occupied by the People's Liberation Army. The task is initially completed.

Without the commanding heights outside the city, there was no news from the 20th Cavalry Brigade wandering around, and the 128th Division of the Ningma 356th Army in Jinji City became a shackle.

Commander Zeng Siyu of the 64th Army ordered all the troops under his command not to be afraid of fatigue or sacrifice, but to seize the opportunity to encircle Jinji in one go.

The three main divisions of the 64th Army of the People's Liberation Army, plus two du li divisions of the Northwest Military Region and a Li Yong du li brigade, tens of thousands of people surrounded the small town of Jinji. Launch a general attack.

In Jinji City, chickens are flying around and people are panicking. What should we do?beat?It must be impossible to fight, run?Where are you going?Surrounded by the People's Liberation Army like an iron bucket, if you go out, you will definitely be beaten to death.

In the city, at the headquarters of the 356th Division of the Ningma Army, officers at all levels were sitting together, their hearts fluttering, and the atmosphere was chaotic. It was shattered."

The officer known as the division seat pressed the cigarette butt in his hand on the table and twisted it fiercely, and asked, "Does anyone know the news about the 20th Cavalry Brigade?"

Another officer said: "Master, according to what I know, the 20th Cavalry Brigade set out to attack the Communist Army's mountain attacking troops in the middle of the night. There is not even a complete corpse crushed by the tank, and the 20th Brigade can't count on it."

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