The beacon of youth

Chapter 541 The Annoyed Old Squad Leader

Chapter 541 The Annoyed Old Squad Leader

The small town of Jinji, surrounded by the 64th Army of the People's Liberation Army, was in chaos. No one knew what to do, how to break free from the pressure of the People's Liberation Army.

After hearing that the 20th Cavalry Brigade was in danger, the commander of the 356th Division still did not give up, and asked with a hint of luck: "Where are the headquarters of our 128th Army and the 256th Division?"

"Master, our army commander set off from Lingwu with the military headquarters and the 256th division, but he stopped moving when he reached Wuzhong Fort. I guess our army commander wants to join the First Security Division in Wuzhong to integrate troops. , stay in that area."

The officer didn't say it clearly, but the meaning in his words couldn't be clearer. The 128th Army has already abandoned their 356th Division and Jinji Town, and put all their energy in a place called Wuzhong Fort between Jinji and Lingwu. .

There was deathly silence in the conference room, and it was hard to accept the feeling of being abandoned. I didn't expect that the 128th Division of the 356th Army, which is known as the main force, would have today. After a long time, an officer said: "Mr. Ma Hongbin, how about we follow the example of old Mr. Ma Hongbin? "

Follow the example of Ma Hongbin, that is to follow the People's Liberation Army. Before that, they were enemies of life and death. This—is this going to join the enemy?

Seeing that the division was silent, the officer tried to persuade him again: "Mr., you don't have to be sad. Our 356th division is worthy of the chairman and the commander. Now that the general situation is over, our division is powerless, and it is meaningless to persist." , Even the lives of all our brothers and sisters can't be saved, and you are talking about defending Ningxia and Yinchuan, you should make a decision early, sir."

No one spoke, but no one objected. The commander of the 356th Division sighed: "Soldiers have no fighting spirit, soldiers have no fighting spirit, so what can we do if we persevere?" It’s much better than being beaten to death by the People’s Liberation Army.”

A car wobbled out of the west gate of Jinji Town, and drove straight towards the PLA's position outside the city.

From encircling and annihilating the Third Ningxia Security Division on Niu Shou Mountain to encircling Jinji now, the time has passed from the night of the first day to four or five o'clock in the morning of the next day. The soldiers have marched continuously from marching to fighting and besieging Jinji. It has been more than ten hours. I simply eat a little dry food, and I don’t even have to think about sleeping. Fortunately, they are all old troops of the People’s Liberation Army. The soldiers have long been used to continuous marching and fighting hungry. It's nothing.

A guarded soldier shoved his squad leader violently: "Squad leader, squad leader, there is a situation."

The squad leader, who was cleaning his weapon, looked in the direction of the soldier's finger, didn't he, a car really drove over, and it was driving along the road to the front of the position.

"Ready to fight." The squad leader turned over and lay down on the trench, and then asked the soldiers to pass the password one by one.

The squad leader picked up a Czech-style light machine gun, pulled the bolt, and loaded it with a "crash", and put the butt of the gun on his cheek, holding the upper edge of the butt with his left hand, and the small grip with his right hand. Put it flat on the trigger, and use the front sight to firmly holster the car.

The squad leader is an old soldier with good marksmanship and experience. He aims at the cab of the car. He is sure to kill the car and the driver before the twenty bullets in a magazine are exhausted. However, the old squad leader always Something feels wrong.

What does it mean? ?Are the commanders of the 356th Division of the Ningma Army crazy?Get a car out of nowhere to go to war?Is he a little careless? ?

kindness?An object appeared vaguely in the sight of the old squad leader. The price was fluttering on the roof of the car. Looking carefully, it turned out that there was a white flag on the roof of the car, which was following the morning The cold wind was blowing.

No wonder a car came here, and of course everyone knows what it means to come with a white flag. The old squad leader let out a sigh of relief: "Oh, it turned out that I came here to surrender, and I almost got reimbursed by this shuttle. Pay attention. Alert, do not shoot without an order, let the car come over."

The car drove over staggeringly, and stopped with a "creak" not too far from the trench. Several soldiers jumped out of the trench, pointed their submachine guns at the driver's cab, saw the door open, and walked out from inside Two people came, one was wearing an ordinary soldier's attire, no need to ask, this must be the driver, the other seemed to have a bit of status, a grass-green khaki cloth uniform and a big-brimmed hat. The military rank of two bars and three stars.

Two bars and three? ?Colonel, this is not a small background, the squad leader stepped forward and asked: "What do you mean? Are you here to surrender? Explain your identity."

The Kuomintang Ningma officer who was holding two bars and three stars was not at all careless because it was only a soldier of the People's Liberation Army who came to interrogate him. Appointed by my colleagues, I came here specially to discuss the uprising with your army, and hope to accept it.”

The person who speaks Chow Zou looks like someone who has studied. Although he didn't understand a few words, he can figure it out somehow. He really came to surrender. His identity is still a colonel and deputy teacher. Burning with anger, he yelled at the deputy division commander: "Hey, what kind of army are you called? Why are we going to surrender before we start fighting? Can't we just hold on for a while? It's all over now, I can't get any credit back, I really want to shoot you so fucking badly."

The deputy commander named Cui Qingping was stunned by the yelling, what's going on?Is it hard to understand why the People's Liberation Army got angry when they heard that we were going to surrender? Is this unreasonable?

It turned out that the old squad leader was a soldier under Wang Huhu, commander of the Fifth Battalion of Li Yongduli Brigade of the People's Liberation Army. , it was the third and fourth battalions that attacked Niu Shou Mountain, the artillery battalion, the tank battalion and the machine gun battalion were all used for the whole process, only the fifth battalion and the supply battalion were idle all the time. In the battle, the bigger ones were never caught, which annoyed the cadres and soldiers of the Fifth Battalion. They had hoped to do a good job in Jinji, but unexpectedly a deputy division commander came out and said he was going to surrender. You said it was annoying.

"It's over, it's over, it's over now, we can't get anything, you said that the 356th Division of the Ningma Army is really tough, can't you resist for a while longer?" The old squad leader muttered endlessly, and a soldier next to him was really I couldn't listen anymore, so I persuaded: "Squad leader, don't be angry. It's a good thing for the enemy to come out and surrender. It's not just that our battalion didn't win the battle. Look at the supply battalion. Isn't it idle recently?"

The squad leader turned around and kicked the soldier's ass: "Are you still promising, can our fifth battalion compare with the supply battalion? What do the supply battalion do? The supply battalion is in charge of logistics. They only use rice and oil." Why don’t you worry about salt? It’s normal not to have fought, and our fifth battalion is a combat force, understand? We are a combat force, and it’s okay that the combat force has never fought?”

The soldiers around laughed, saying that the guy who tried to persuade the squad leader not to be angry was trying to flatter him, but he didn't do it well.

No matter how angry and annoyed the old squad leader was, he dared not neglect serious matters. The deputy division commander named Cui Qingping was quickly sent to the headquarters of brigade commander Li Yong and political commissar Wang Chengde. The deputy division commander sent a letter respectfully, which probably meant that he wanted to lead Jinji's 356th division to revolt, and asked the PLA to give guidance on the reorganization of the troops.

Li Yong smiled and said to political commissar Wang Chengde: "Oh, old Wang, you see, these guys are quite thoughtful. What kind of uprising is they making at this time? Can the name of the uprising be given casually? Hahahaha .”

Li Dali brigade Changle leaned forward and back together, and the deputy division commander who came to negotiate was very embarrassed. The chief of the People's Liberation Army really didn't give any face.

Wang Chengde, the political commissar, was more kind. Wang Chengde patted the deputy division commander on the shoulder: "Deputy division commander, we can't be the masters of the uprising or not. In this way, I will ask the superiors for instructions and see how our commander will explain."

Wang Chengde called Zeng Siyu, the commander of the 64th Army, and Zeng Siyu, the commander of the 356th Army, said simply on the phone: "Thinking of an uprising? The uprising troops can be formed into our People's Liberation Army immediately. Is their [-]th Division qualified? Tell the deputy Commander, if you want to save your life, surrender your guns, give them an hour and a half to prepare, and start attacking as soon as the time is up."

The phone "popped" and a guy put it down. Li Yong was so happy that he felt a rush of heat from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. Commander Zeng Siyu's actions made people feel relieved, right? Uprising as the People's Liberation Army?That's not bad.

The voice on the phone was very loud, and the deputy division commander could hear clearly. He wanted to play tricks and get a reputation for an uprising, but he didn't expect that the senior commanders of the People's Liberation Army would not accept this at all, and only gave After an hour and a half, the attack will be launched as soon as the time is up.

Cold sweat dripped down his forehead, saying that he was not afraid would be a lie, Li Yong told him seriously: "Hurry up and go back to discuss with your commander, and decide immediately what to do, our commander's order must be carried out, there is still an hour and a half Two or ten minutes, if you don't make a decision, my troops will launch an attack."

At this time, Li Yong didn't scare him. The time of the People's Liberation Army's westward march is precious, and there is no time to waste time for a 356th division that is scared to death. As soon as the time for the ultimatum from Commander Zeng Siyu arrives, the du li brigade will attack with all its strength. city.

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