The headquarters of the 2nd Ningma Army was crushed into flat ground by the tanks of the commando brigade of the ** Brigade. After a battle in the tank battalion, not only did they not capture anything, they didn't even capture a single prisoner, and basically all the people they encountered were wiped out. It's gone, according to the words of the trainer Li Yuming, it's easy, this guy has learned to pull a few cultural words at some point, but it gives people the feeling that there is a murderous look inside and outside the words. 【


Although Li Yuming, the instructor of the tank battalion, was a little reconciled to not being captured, he didn't care about the prisoners at all. This guy thought that the enemy's officers were different from soldiers. Soldiers could be educated, but officers were worthless, and it was useless to capture them. One-time solution is very good.

Brigadier Li Yong also held the same view as him. Brigadier Li Yong believed that it would be better to kill these stubborn officers, as capturing them alive would be a waste of food.

Familiar saying, what kind of commander there is what kind of soldiers, in the ** brigade, there are not a few people who have similar views with Li Yuming. Don't blame Li Yuming and the others, the political commissar Wang Chengde also has a deep understanding of this point, Lao Wang felt that he was allowed to go without going too far.

While ordering the troops to search around, the ** Brigade reported to the 64th Army Headquarters: "The ** Brigade has destroyed the headquarters of the enemy's 2nd Army. Commander Lu Zhongliang is missing. Please ask for instructions on the next task."

In fact, Li Yong knew that Lu Zhongliang had escaped, but the report should not be messed up. If you didn’t find it, you didn’t find it. Commander Zeng Siyu on the phone laughed: “You did a good job, attacking from behind the enemy’s ass. They are all faster than the troops in front, nothing, destroying the enemy’s army headquarters is a great feat, after the battle is over, I will ask the corps and the party committee of the field army to give you credit, now, just stay where you are.”

It took less than half a day for the People's Liberation Army to completely annihilate Wu Zhong's Ningma 2nd Army, and even the commander was almost killed.Lu Zhongliang, known as the main force, was wiped out. At this point, the three lines of defense that Ningxia Ma's army had painstakingly arranged were all broken.

The news quickly spread back to Yinchuan, which is only tens of kilometers away from Wuzhong.This distance is not a long distance for troops with tanks and cars, and the large troops of the People's Liberation Army will arrive as soon as they arrive.

Chaos, chaos, panic in Yinchuan City, people shut their doors, all shops closed, and military police and constitutional agents messed up everywhere.All kinds of people are desperately looking for ways to save their lives and property.

The propellers of a small plane rotated briskly, and the sturdy landing gear ran faster and faster on the loess rammed runway. After reaching a certain speed, the driver pulled the cao joystick, and the plane took off smoothly and turned a few times along the runway. After a circle, it flew higher and higher, and gradually the plane became a black spot in people's sight.

Who is the character on the plane?Who has such a great ability to fly away at this time?

Of course, it is not ordinary people who can run immediately after the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army approach the city. The person sitting in the plane is the commander-in-chief of the Majia Army in Ningxia.Ma Dunjing, commander of the [-] Ning Ma Army.

After the 2nd Army was wiped out by the People's Liberation Army in Wuzhong, Ma Dunjing suddenly felt that the general situation was going away, and even he would have to go in if he resisted any longer.What about living and dying with Ningxia and Yinchuan, what about the brotherhood with the generals of the Ma family army, etc., are nothing but lies.

Ma Hongkui, the chairman of the Ningxia Zheng Fu, ran away, his eldest son Ma Dunhao, his second son and commander Ma Dunjing, and the entire Ma Hongkui family ran away cleanly. Everyone in the Ma Jiajun system was dumbfounded by this.Who are you still fighting for?Who are you still loyal to?

< Qing, allegiance to the Commander?But he? Even Ma Dunjing ran away.

On the day after Ma Dunjing ran, Ma Quanliang, the commander of the Helan Army, convened a meeting of the middle and senior commanders of the Majia Army in Ningxia. At the meeting, Ma Quanliang patted his chest and appealed loudly.It is meaningless to ask the troops not to fight any more. If you don't even know who you are working for, there is nothing else to fight.

It has to be said that among the senior generals of the Majia Army in Ningxia, Ma Quanliang was one of the first to call for a truce. Of course, Mr. Ma Hongbin was not included.

Ma Hongkui's family all ran away. At this time, the patriarch of the Ma family in Ningxia had followed Ma Hongbin of the People's Liberation Army. After seeing the situation clearly, Commander Yang Dezhi of the 4th Corps and Political Commissar Li Zhimin let Ma Hongbin return to Yinchuan. At that time, there were still about [-] people in the hands of the Ma family generals. These [-] people gathered around Yinchuan, running?I don't know where to run, fight?He really couldn't beat it, and the most suitable person to clean up the mess was undoubtedly old Mr. Ma Hongbin.

Under the persuasion of old Mr. Ma Hongbin, the officers and soldiers of the Ma family army who had been in panic all day decided to revolt. On September 9, under the strong pressure of the People's Liberation Army, Ma Quanliang, the commander of the Helan Army, Ma Guangzong, the commander of the army, and those who ran away Lu Zhongliang, the commander of the 2nd Army, together with the officers of his subordinates, sent a telegram to **, Commander-in-Chief Zhu, and Deputy Commander-in-Chief Peng. The content was roughly as follows:

Since the founding of the Kuomintang, the leadership has been lacking, the discipline has been weak, and the people's livelihood has declined. When wars spread throughout the country, the strong died of cannon fodder and the weak died of ditches. On the 2nd of this month, the war ceased, and I obeyed the leadership of the Communist Party... As for how to reorganize the military and how to reform the politics, it is waiting for negotiation, and everything must be obeyed.

The uprising was electrified, which meant that the remaining troops of Ningma were going to join forces with the People's Liberation Army. Where will the troops go? < Qing’s Ma Hongkui was terrified when he heard the news that his generals were going to revolt. He knew that he would have to live under Chiang Kai-shek’s hands in the future. What to do if you want to revolt, can Chiang Kai-shek spare himself?

I got through to Ningxia's phone, and the person who answered the phone was Ma Youmei, secretary-general of the Ningxia government. Ma Youmei told Ma Hongkui, who was on the other end of the line, that all the generals had come and were in a meeting, but no one was willing to answer his call. Ma Hongkui begged The same tone: "You don't want to revolt, I will let the second child come back and work with you, okay?"

<b fu管用的多,谁见过马洪逵用这种口气话?就连他的亲信马友梅等人也没见过,马友梅哭着:“起义通电都发了,再,我们根本就不是解放军的对手,司令回来了也没有办法,人心都散了。”

People's hearts are moving, people's hearts are in chaos, everything is over, and trying to fight against the PLA is nothing more than hitting a stone with an egg. On September 9, a few days before the founding of New China, a representative of the Majia Army in Ningxia met Yang Dezhi, the commander of the 2th Corps of the People's Liberation Army. , Commander Yang told them very seriously:

When the People’s Liberation Army set off from Lanzhou, old Mr. Guo Nanpu was running for a peaceful solution to the Ningxia issue. Instead of paying attention, you sent people to monitor. I also heard that some of you wanted to drag the team to Helan Mountain to fight guerrillas after the defeat, okay? Our People's Liberation Army was born fighting guerrillas, can it be a guerrilla background? You should be very clear about this. If you want to fight guerrillas, you are definitely no match. You will definitely be wiped out. As for trying to dig up the Yellow River to release water, it is even more sinful. Sin, a Yellow River can stop the attack of our liberation army? ?It is simply a joke, especially the 2nd Army, who tried to organize a stubborn resistance in the Jinji area and struggled to the death. The result can only be self-destruction. The wheel of history cannot be stopped by you.

The words of Commander Yang made the negotiating representatives flushed and ashamed. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the "Agreement on the Peaceful Resolution of the Ningxia Issue" was signed. The terms involved in the agreement are:

First, all Ningxia troops, according to the order of the No.19 Corps of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, gathered at the designated place and waited for processing. During this period, they were not allowed to move without authorization, otherwise the PLA will not be responsible for any incidents.

[-]. Inventory of all party, government and military institutions, government agencies, public property, weapons and ammunition, warehouses, materials, official documents, files, and tools in Ningxia, waiting for delivery...

Third, where the People's Liberation Army has not yet arrived, the original Ningxia local military and government agencies and corresponding troops are responsible for taking care of supplies and maintaining law and order, and no mission sabotage or loss should occur.

Fourth, if Ningxia can conscientiously implement the above three clauses, the PLA will guarantee the safety of the lives and property of the troops participating in the peace talks.

Fifth, in order to effectively implement the above four agreements, the two sides should organize a joint office in Yinchuan to handle the above matters. The office will consist of nine people, five from the People's Liberation Army, one of whom will be the director, and four from Ningxia, and one person will be designated as the director. deputy director.

This is the general content of the agreement signed between the People's Liberation Army and Ningxia at that time. After the agreement was signed, it is reasonable to say that all problems have been resolved. The Ningma Army was resolved, and Yinchuan was also resolved. So optimistic.

At this moment, the Ningma Army has lost its morale. All the established troops no longer exist. The officers and soldiers are no longer restrained. The streets are full of scattered soldiers and grassroots officers. Residents and common people robbed everything they saw, and then tied the looted supplies on horseback and fled to their respective hometowns.

It will be stopped for a few days, the old bus will update better after this period of work, bow down.

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