The beacon of youth

Chapter 545 Abnormal Order

In Ningxia, Ma Hongkui and his son are the sons of heaven, and everything must be done according to their wishes. If the Ma family and his son run away, there will be no more emperors. What kind of constraints, without constraints, is an anarchic state. 【


The peace agreement was signed, but that was a matter for the high-level, and had nothing to do with the officers and soldiers at the grassroots level. Fuck the agreement, it's time for me to get rich.

This was the mentality of some people in the Ma family army in Ningxia at that time. A considerable part of the Ma family soldiers were habitual bandits. Robbery was their old profession, and the army was in chaos.

On the afternoon of the signing of the agreement, there was chaos in Yinchuan, with smoke everywhere, fires, howling ghosts and wolves, sporadic gunshots, shops were robbed, military warehouses were burned, and murders and arson occurred endlessly. The high-level officials really wanted to maintain law and order, but There is nothing to maintain the established troops. These former high-ranking grandmas are all dumbfounded and want to stop them, but they don't even have soldiers.

what to do?Of course, the situation cannot be allowed to go on. The anxious people really came up with a solution. Ma Quanliang, the former commander of the Helan Army, took a car to Wuzhong overnight, and found the commander of the 64th Army of the People's Liberation Army, Zeng Siyu. Order, but also brought more than 40 cars.

This was a sudden situation, a very sudden situation. No one thought that the tens of thousands of Ningma troops would disperse immediately. The disorderly soldiers without restraint were extremely terrifying, and sending troops into the city became a top priority.Commander Zeng Siyu pondered over and over again, which troops should be sent into the city to control the situation? ? ?

Commander Zeng Siyu's eyes lit up after thinking about it, yes, the most important thing now is speed.The sooner you enter the city, the better. What are the fastest troops?Damn it, the ** brigade, the guys in the ** brigade are all mechanized marches, tens of kilometers will arrive in the blink of an eye, right, send them there.

An order issued by Army Commander Zeng Siyu was passed to the ** Brigade, which was taking a short rest. The content was very simple: ** Brigade entered Yinchuan immediately.Maintain law and order, combat robbery and control the situation.

Li Yong, the brigade commander who received the order, was taken aback. Such a thing did happen in history.However, he clearly remembered that it was the 64th Division of the 9th Army that entered Yinchuan to maintain law and order. Why did the order suddenly go to the ** Brigade? ?Has history really changed because of the arrival of this bee?

"What's the matter? What's wrong with this? Our brigade runs fast. If we don't let us go, who will we let go? What are you thinking about, hurry up and go." It was Wang Chengde, the political commissar.

Compared with Li Yonglai, Lao Wang thinks this is normal, and it is impossible for a big battle to happen in Yinchuan City.The ** brigade is suitable for such tasks as maintaining law and order, and Commander Zeng Siyu's order is correct.He didn't know that Brigadier Li was thinking about things upside down.

Execute the task when it arrives, regardless of whether its history has changed.Changes have to be endured. Li Yong also figured this out. He led the ** brigade to set off immediately. More than 1 people drove towards Yinchuan. Brigadier Li was also looking forward to it. What was Yinchuan like at that time? .

Narrow streets, patches of bungalows, stragglers looting everywhere, and the cries of children and women from time to time, the large city of Yinchuan fell into a desperate panic.

Li Yong, Wang Chengde and others were not in the mood to see the characteristics and street scenes of Yinchuan. Brigadier Li Da ordered the troops to enter quickly, take the squad as a unit, seize the key departments and commanding heights, and then quickly eliminate the bandits to ensure the safety of people's lives and property. Absolutely safe, all resistance will be shot to death, and each combat unit can make decisions on its own without asking for instructions, regardless of whether it is shot or killed.

The order to kill, this is the highest level of security order, tens of thousands of Ma family soldiers scattered in a crowd, a group of hundreds of people, a group of three or five people, and rushed towards their hometown with their looted property. It is impossible to expect these people to go back to farm completely, and some of them who are used to drinking and drinking will definitely become bandits, so these scattered Ma family soldiers are always a disaster, and resuming the old business of bandits will be a disaster. On the one hand, Li Yong thinks that if there is a chance to eliminate more, he can lay more foundations for the future work of suppressing bandits.

When the order was issued to the battalions and companies, the battalion commanders and instructors were immediately elated, hey, fight against robbery and maintain law and order?It's great to be able to make up your own mind when there are situations. Let's treat it as a street fighting exercise. Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle, so let's do it.

Urban street fighting is a subject in the daily training of the ** brigade. After the battle of Yulin, the ** brigade has basically never fought large-scale street fighting, but this does not mean that it will not be encountered in the future. Constant preparation is the kingly way. Entering Yinchuan to maintain law and order this time is an extremely rare opportunity to adapt to actual combat.

It didn't take long for the ** Brigade to enter Yinchuan. From various streets and residential areas and some important positions, there were the unique firing sounds of the PLA Tom-style submachine guns, and occasionally there were one or two shells and grenade explosions. From time to time, there were sporadic The battle happened, but it was no longer a threat, it was just a practice for the soldiers in street fighting.

Li Yong and political commissar Wang Chengde took the reconnaissance battalion and the brigade's Jingwei company straight to the residence of Ma Hongbin and others in Ningxia. When they arrived at the Ma mansion, they immediately surrounded the surroundings. After not being attacked, a mental tree was placed in the stomach.

In front of the Ma mansion, a group of people surrounded an old man and greeted him. When Li Yong and Wang Chengde approached, someone introduced him to Mr. Ma Hongbin.

Li Yong carefully observed this Mr. Ma who was also well-known in later generations, known as one of the three horses in the Northwest, the number two in the Majia Army in Ningxia, and regarded by the Communists as an old friend.

Medium build, a little fat, wearing a homemade robe, the buttons on the slanting placket are tightly buttoned, the top of the head is bald, the few strands of hair are already gray, but they are all combed back neatly, a pair of glasses slightly Some hair low on the bridge of the nose.

Is it just a very ordinary old man? He looks like an old scholar who has studied in a private school. You can't tell that he looks like a warlord.

When Li Yong and Wang Chengde walked two or three steps away from the old man, they stood at attention and saluted together, and introduced themselves: "The First Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the First Brigade of the Second Army, brigade commander Li Yong, political commissar Wang Chengde."

Mr. Ma Hongbin is currently the deputy director of the Yinchuan Joint Office appointed by the Communists, and a senior official in the Communist government. Li Yong and Wang Chengde are well aware of this, so it is entirely appropriate to go forward and salute.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde were looking at Mr. Ma, and Ma Hongbin and others were also looking at these two commanders of the People's Liberation Army. Commanders at the division and brigade level are considered senior officers in the army. The people who greeted them from the Ma mansion were a little surprised Looking at these two officers of the People's Liberation Army.

The two officers of the People's Liberation Army who entered the city ahead of schedule are not the same as other PLA commanders they know. Why are they different?Because Li Yong and Wang Chengde both wore steel helmets on their heads and half-high combat boots on their feet. All the soldiers in the army are in this attire. If it wasn't for the different colors of the costumes, they would have thought it was the ace of the Kuomintang, the Zhongyang Army. This is very shocking, because it is rare to see such troops in the PLA. , or did not see such troops.

Ma Hongbin is very familiar with the troops of the Northwest People's Liberation Army. He used to deal with them during the Anti-Japanese War, and now he doesn't have to. Mr. Ma's son, Ma Chunjing, is the commander of the Second Army of the Northwest Military Region of the People's Liberation Army. Of course, It was adapted from the Kuomintang army, but even Ma Hongbin had never seen such a PLA unit.

No need for others, even Mr. Ma, who has always been well-informed, was a little surprised after seeing these soldiers of the People's Liberation Army, but the surprise was the surprise. Ma Hongbin still quickly controlled his emotions. The [-]th Corps, but its own troops belong to the ** Brigade of the Second Army of the People's Liberation Army. Of course, Ma Hongbin also noticed this.

"You two generals are too polite. General Wang Zhen's subordinates have long admired his name, so I am ashamed to be an old man." Ma Hongbin took a step forward, and shook hands with Li Yong and Wang Chengde very politely.

In the army sequence of the Kuomintang, officers at the same level as the brigade commander will be awarded the rank of major general, and some outstanding people will also be awarded the rank of lieutenant general, so the old man called them generals.

Li Yongxin, General?That's too difficult, even a brigade commander with little qualifications like himself will become a general? ?It depends on what happened five or five years later. These thoughts just went around in my mind for a few tenths of a second, and then returned to reality.

Mr. Ma was welcomed into the mansion, and after a brief exchange of greetings, the two got up and said goodbye. When they left, Li Yong told Ma Hongbin and others that they could submit requests to the army, as long as the ** brigade could do it, they would definitely handle it. A platoon of soldiers and guards has been arranged around the mansion, so safety is guaranteed.

A platoon of the ** brigade has more than 100 people. With a walkie-talkie, it should be foolproof to carry out the security mission of the Tsushima Mansion. Li Yong and Wang Chengde are very confident in the combat effectiveness of their troops.

The rapid-moving ** Brigade quickly took control of the situation, and Yinchuan settled down. On September 26, 19, the No.[-] Corps of the Chinese People's Liberation Army held a grand entry ceremony in Yinchuan. Encouraged by the strong lineup of the People's Liberation Army , The morale of the army and the people in Yinchuan was greatly shaken.

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