At that time, cars were too important. All the mobility of the ** brigade was built on cars. Personnel and materials were transported by cars, and artillery was pulled by cars. Without cars, everything would be lost.

Although there is a lot of equipment in the brigade, the battle for several months has caused a lot of wear and tear. Don't expect the logistics of the field army to supplement, and there is no logistics if you want it. With these hundreds of cars, as long as there are no major accidents, the consumption of the whole brigade for several years is enough.

More than two years ago, after the soldiers of the Northwest Field Army seized the car, they burned it on fire, because no one could figure out what the use of this guy with a few rubber wheels was, but now it is different, the current ** Most people in the brigade have been trained to drive a car. Li Yong, the brigade commander, believes that this is one of the basic skills of a qualified soldier, and it can't be impossible.

The capture along the way made the head of the 13th Regiment envious. Both Li Yong and Wang Chengde could tell that this guy was about to drool. , you go to bed first, and we will send you part of the regiment tomorrow morning."

Unexpectedly, the head of the 13th regiment replied angrily: "Thank you, Political Commissar Wang, we can't do it ourselves if we want to capture it, and follow other people's buttocks to drink soup."

Li Yong thinks about it too. The 13th Regiment is the basic regiment of the 5th Division, and also a unit of the old 359th Brigade. Poor to poor, but the cadres and soldiers are very high-spirited.

Seeing the stubborn look of the head of the 13th regiment, Li Yong suddenly remembered the vanguard of the Second Army, the 14th regiment that first crossed the Daxue Mountain.

Seeing that Li Yong asked about the 14th Regiment, the head of the 13th Regiment coughed: "Hey, Brigadier, don't look at our 13th Regiment being poor, but we can't compare with the 14th Regiment. The 14th Regiment froze to death after passing the Qilian Mountains." There are more than 130 people, and more than 100 people have severe frostbite. It is impossible to count the light ones. According to my estimation, the combat effectiveness of the 14th regiment will drop by almost one-third."

If the combat effectiveness of an army drops by one-third, this is already serious.Both Li Yong and Wang Chengde slapped their thighs with regret, wishing why they didn't arrive a day and a half earlier. If they could have arrived earlier and provided them with more equipment, the loss would not have been so great. It's a pity to lose such a big old bone.

The head of the 13th Regiment comforted: "Brigade Commander, Political Commissar. Don't be sad. The 14th Regiment is good. Although they suffered losses when they crossed the Daxue Mountain, they were still brave when they fought. They died as soon as they came down the mountain." An attack was launched on Minle. The gate of Minle County was blown up by a deputy company commander of their 14th regiment and two soldiers. They were really good soldiers. They rushed up before their clothes were dry. Three ten-kilogram It's not easy to open the gate of the city with just one guy."

Li Yong could imagine the situation of the 14th regiment at that time, in order to cross the Snow Mountain.The troops have always been lightly armed, and the heavy firepower of the whole regiment is only light and heavy machine guns and mortars. If you want to take down Minle, you can only rely on guns. Coupled with extreme fatigue and an empty stomach, there is no battle without a strong will to fight. It is gratifying that the fighting will and courage are exactly what the troops of the People's Liberation Army are best at.

After entering Zhangye, troops were sent to maintain law and order, appease the people, and count the captured and captured prisoners. The small team of the reconnaissance battalion expanded the search distance by a few kilometers.After giving all these instructions, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening. Li Yong yawned sleepily. Fortunately, there was reward for giving. Although the ** brigade was tired all day, the harvest was huge. In addition to all kinds of weapons, ammunition and supplies in the seized list reported.There are still more than a dozen flamethrowers, new ones, some of which have not even been opened. Li Yong is so happy that he doesn't want to sleep anymore. This guy's regular army of the Kuomintang is really rich. No loss, the soldiers call Generalissimo Chiang the captain of the transportation team, and the reputation is indeed well-deserved.

There was nothing to say all night, Li Yong let the troops eat, drink and sleep well, including receiving the 13th regiment of the brother troops. In addition to Zhangye's 245th Division, there is also a regiment stationed in Zhoujiazhuang, tens of kilometers to the south, with the designation of the 91th Regiment of the 246th Division of the 736st Army.

"Damn, there is still a regiment in Zhoujiazhuang in the south? Do you think the heads of the Kuomintang army are rusted? After the battle has been fought to this extent, why are they splitting up like sheep shit? Throw a brigade here and leave it there. A regiment, if it goes on like this, I don't think we need a large force to come up, and our brigade can kill them all." Zhang Jinsong, the commander of the reconnaissance battalion, murmured while reporting.

Li Yong ignored what Zhang Jinsong was muttering, and his mind was on the 736 regiment again, he must strike while the iron is hot, since the enemy is coming to his door, if he doesn't eat them up, he will be sorry for these so-called ** elites.

"Order the troops to have dinner immediately, and set off in 10 minutes after 736. The target is the [-]th regiment of the Kuomintang in Zhoujiazhuang."

Li Yong also saw it through. The two armies of the Kuomintang were demoralized after they ran to Zhangye. The chief of the army, Liu Ren, was the deputy director of the Military and Political Commissioner's Office. If you keep doing this, maybe, as Zhang Jinsong said, there is no need for a large army, and the ** brigade family can clean up all of them.

With equipment, it is easy to do things. Nearly 13 people from the 3000th Regiment, which was operating with the ** Brigade, were all loaded into the car, and the two troops rushed towards Zhoujiazhuang.

This is the first time that the 13th regiment marched in a car, and it was the first time in a panic. The soldiers were happy and excited, and they also had some novelties. Marching in a car is much better than walking. I don’t know why the boys in the ** brigade are so awesome. They even have feelings for marching and sleeping. Twice."

Some soldiers also retorted: "Don't talk nonsense, our People's Liberation Army can win battles without cars. It's better to have them, and we don't need to rely on them. The Kuomintang troops have more cars. What's the result? Didn't we chase them all the way to Zhangye, you little ass The car I got off was the equipment of the Kuomintang yesterday, but today it belongs to the People's Liberation Army, how do you explain this?"

The troops sent out a telegram during the march: Our department has wiped out the 120th Division of the enemy's 245th Army in Zhangye, and is now preparing to attack the 246th Regiment of the enemy's 736th Division.

It took over an hour to arrive at a distance of tens of kilometers. A row of Chang Ning Erzi from the reconnaissance battalion greeted them. Whenever there was a big battle, the reconnaissance team sent by Zhang Jinsong must be the row of Ning Erzi. This is already a reconnaissance battalion. After agreeing on the mature rules, Li Yong hurriedly asked how the situation was.

Ning Erzihui reported: "Brigade Commander, there was no movement all night last night, and this morning they seemed very flustered. These grandsons probably know that Zhangye has been captured by us, and they probably want to run away."

"Want to run? Damn, it's too late if you want to run now. Order the troops to go around from the two wings and encircle the 736 regiment. Be careful not to let an enemy run away. Let me tell you that the 736 regiment is also a regular army of the Kuomintang. Seriously, let's start."

The 736th regiment is a regular army of the central yang army. The whole regiment has two thousand and several hundred people. Except for some deserters, there are still more than two thousand people after arriving in Zhangye. The combined total strength of the ** Brigade and the 13th Regiment exceeded 4000, more than seven times that of the besieged Kuomintang troops, and it was completely surrounded in all directions.

According to the old rules of the ** brigade in the past, it must be beaten with heavy howitzers first, then assaulted by tanks and armored vehicles, and finally the infantry went up to finally settle the battle, but now Brigadier Li doesn't want to do this, why? ?Because Brigadier Li Da believed that everything in the encircled KMT 736 Regiment belonged to him. They belonged to the PLA ** Brigade, even the personnel and equipment belonged to the PLA. It’s a pity that they were destroyed. It’s the best time to do political work. , attacking the heart is the first, and you are not afraid of them running away. The strength of the army is seven times that of the enemy, and you will find it in this battle.

Several soldiers shouted at the 736th Regiment with their special big iron horns: "Hey, officers and soldiers of the 736th Regiment, you have been surrounded by our People's Liberation Army. The 245th Division in Zhangye has been wiped out by us, and your Chief Liu Ren has also been killed." Ran to Jiuquan, you only have one regiment, more than 2000 people are not enough for our large army, our chief said, give you half an hour to think about it, half an hour later our attack will start, and you will die by then Don’t blame our People’s Liberation Army for being unreasonable, you hide your heads in your crotches first, our chief said, we’re going to have a cannon fire to show you the power.”

"Boom, boom, boom," dozens of artillery pieces, under the command of Battalion Commander Gao Xiang, fired at the surroundings of the 736th Regiment in unison, and the smoke and dust from the shells enveloped the entire position of the 736th Regiment.

Li Yong's method is simple and very simple. As the common people say, one fights two scorpions, first destroys the confidence of the opponent, and then negotiates any conditions.

After the artillery fire stopped, the big iron trumpet sounded again: "I see, the artillery fire of our People's Liberation Army is directed at places where no one is around. Did it scare you to pee your pants? Don't be afraid, just hand over your guns and surrender As long as there is nothing wrong with it, the People’s Liberation Army does not kill prisoners. You all know this policy without me talking about it. Did you hear? Our chief said that you still have 10 minutes to think about it.”

The position of the 736 regiment is in chaos, think about it?Give him back a ball!If you think about it again, you will lose your head. Haven’t you seen the cannons of the People’s Liberation Army?

Thank you for your votes, I will post another chapter today, and it will be gone tomorrow, and the old bus will go out again tomorrow, bow. (To be continued..)


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