The beacon of youth

Chapter 557 Intimidation

.\\Net The violent artillery fire scared the Kuomintang officers and soldiers on the ground to death. Although the shells hit the open space around them, the effect was as if they were blown on the head

Li Yong's tactics worked. The officers and soldiers of the 736th regiment had no fighting spirit at all. The artillery fire wiped out the only resistance they had. It was useless. In 10 minutes, the regiment leader led more than 2000 people to surrender. Yes, it's a whole regiment from the whole establishment pulling over and surrendering

The crowd of Hei Yaya came out from the position, their heads drooped, their faces mournful, just like their dead fathers, they put the weapons in their hands in a designated position and lined up, waiting for the PLA to take them in.

Without weapons, we will wait for wolves without minions. They can only be slaughtered by others. While stabilizing their positions, the battalions and companies of du li brigade sent their own small troops to rush forward.

What are you rushing for?Rushing up to seize the war preparations, in the words of the soldiers, they are not prisoners yet, and they can search wantonly if they are not prisoners. When will it be?The time when the brigade commander says yes is when the brigade commander gives the order to say that they are prisoners. It’s time to do this, so the action must be fast. Of course, the objects of the search are limited to officers

The actions of the soldiers of the du li brigade stunned the soldiers of the 13th regiment. What are they doing?Why do you still do this? Is this still a unit of our People's Liberation Army?Are these boys not afraid of discipline? The 13th regiment is an old unit of the Eighth Route Army, and its discipline is extremely strict. The soldiers of the du li brigade who rushed up like hungry wolves were dumbfounded

However, they could only watch, they didn't dare to move, and some soldiers discussed together as if they had suddenly realized: "No wonder du li brigade is so awesome, you can eat, drink, smoke, whatever you want, even the shoes on your feet They are all of the same quality, so that’s what happened.”

"Niu, is it really him? Niu, it's comfortable to fight with the du li brigade. Before we can actually do it, we captured a regiment. It's so enjoyable. If we continue to work like this, it doesn't matter whether our regiment comes or not. The rest of the Kuomintang This little bird man, I think our second army can solve the problem with one army.”

"Still using another army? I think it's enough to transfer our fifth division. Adding the du li brigade will make everything go smoothly. You can see the style of the du li brigade. They cannibalize people without spit out their bones. I'm so envious of you, old man I also want to serve as a soldier in the du li brigade." The soldiers of the 13th regiment were talking indiscriminately

The old 13th regiment hadn’t fought with the du li brigade for a long time. This time, it was comfortable again. It didn’t let go of a single shot to watch the excitement. The soldiers of the du li brigade also said anything, and some just pointed at it The 13th regiment shouted: "Hey, I said Big Brother comrades, enjoy yourself, there are plenty of loot, just go up and pick them up later"

There is only one regiment in the 13th regiment, the du li brigade is the main force of the battle, but the du li brigade is nothing compared to the seniority. They are the old Red Army and the team from the old eighth road. The seniority is very old. In front of the 13th regiment, du li The brigade is a soldier, so the soldiers of the du li brigade call the 13th regiment the big brother army

The 736 regiment is a regular army of the Kuomintang. It is equipped with all kinds of firepower. The soldiers brought out only light weapons. The slightly larger ones can only be placed on the ground. However, this is good. When cleaning the battlefield, it is useful to pick up

More than 2000 captives were escorted to Zhangye by the logistics department of the du li brigade and locked up with the captives of the 245th Division who had just been dealt with.

It was He Cuihua, the trainer of the supply battalion, who carried out the task of escorting the prisoners. This girl didn't take the task of escorting seriously, thinking that it would be superfluous for her to go to such a task, and it would be better to let him perform more combat tasks. The battalion chief Lao Sun had no choice but to persuade: "Girl Just carry out the brigade commander's order, and it's useless for you to stay, what other combat missions do you have? We're going to scare the guts out of these bastards, so there's no battle to fight."

Depressed, He Cuihua had no choice but to take the people away. Before leaving, she did not forget to ask Lao Sun to bring back all the weapons, ammunition and supplies needed by the army. Now that there are plenty of cars, I am not afraid that they will not be able to load them.

An officer wearing the uniform of the colonel commander was brought by the soldiers in front of Li Yong, the brigade commander, and Wang Chengde, the political commissar. This guy also knew that the brigade commander and the political commissar in the People's Liberation Army were the same size. Ling Li: "Hi sirs, I am the commander of the 91th Regiment of the 246th Division of the 736st Army. Thank you for taking me in."

Li Yong looked the regimental commander up and down. The well-made colonel officer's uniform was ironed and smooth, and the leather shoes were shiny. It could be seen that even though it was during the war, this kid's life was quite comfortable.

"You should know the captive policy of our PLA. We have three disciplines and eight precautions. I don't need to explain this. I want to ask you a few questions, and I hope you can answer them honestly."

The head of the regiment thought to himself, what do I know, what is the policy of the People's Liberation Army for captives, and what discipline and attention are there? , also policy? ?But I can only think about this in my heart, and I dare not say it out of my mouth: "Report to the officer, as long as I can know, I will definitely answer."

Li Yong nodded in satisfaction: "Where is the headquarters of your 91st Army?"

The guy froze for a moment. He was not stupid. He knew what the PLA chief meant when he asked him about the location of the military headquarters. The location of the Ministry is now in Jiuquan, with the people from the Chief Executive's Office"

"Oh, it's in Jiuquan, so the next question is, where is the headquarters of your 246th Division?"

The head of the regiment who was questioned was stunned. Although he surrendered to the People's Liberation Army, there was no way to do it. He still wanted to protect the army of ** in his heart. I really don’t know the location of the Ministry, but I got separated when I arrived in Zhangye.”

Li Yong's eyes sharpened. If the political commissar Wang Chengde hadn't been watching from the sidelines, he would have pulled out his gun and pointed it at the guy's head and asked, "You're dishonest. A regiment of more than 2000 people was placed here alone. Is this a piece of bullshit? Does your commander not even understand this bit of military common sense?"

The captured regiment leader thought to himself, so what if you know, your PLA has a policy that you are not allowed to kill prisoners, so what if I don’t say anything

With the political commissar on the side, of course Li Yong can't kill and slash, but how can he make this kid open his mouth? After thinking about it, there is still a way. Li Yong stared into his eyes and said, "Before you answer the question, I want to ask You explain a policy of our People’s Liberation Army, we are not allowed to kill prisoners, but officers above the regiment are listed as war criminals, your qualifications are just enough, to put it clearly, you are different from soldiers, you will go to prison, as for I don’t know how long I’ll be in prison, it’s very likely a lifetime, think about it, you’re still young, it’s not going to feel good spending the rest of the decades in prison.”

After the explanation, the kid's head was sweating. He was just in his early thirties, and he would be better off being shot to death in prison for the rest of his life. When did the People's Liberation Army still have a policy that an officer above a regiment is a war criminal?I do not know how

Needless to say, this captured officer, even the political commissar Wang Chengde didn't know about this policy, Lao Wang just thought, Dayong is really capable of talking nonsense, and it really scares this kid from what he means, and the effect is good

In fact, there are truths in Li Dali's lies. It is true that officers above the regiment of the Kuomintang were designated as war criminals, but most people didn't know it at the time.

Li Yong saw the panic in his eyes, and continued: "If you don't want to go to jail, it's easy to handle, then you have to perform meritorious service. Think about it, what else can be meritorious, and there is another point, your 736 regiment You are not the only officer, and you cannot be the only one who knows the position of your division headquarters. Whether you say it or not is only a matter of your thoughts, and your half of your life is in your hands, it depends."

Sweat continued to flow, and finally couldn't resist the psychological pressure. The regiment leader had no choice but to say: "Sir, I said, I said everything, I want to make meritorious service. Our division headquarters is still 20 kilometers away from here. The remaining two regiments are arranged on the left and right, forming a defense system in the shape of a pin with our 736 regiment, and our regiment is at the top of the pin shape."

Character defense?It's not bad, they can be horns of each other, but Li Yong doesn't understand, since the 736 regiment is on the pinnacle of the pin, why is it so far away from the main force of the division? With a distance of more than 20 kilometers, if it is too late to fight for rescue, what is the point of talking about each other's horns?

The head of the regiment had no choice but to continue to explain: "Sir, we don't want to be so far away from the main force. To be honest, if we can really hold together, it is impossible to be captured by your army so easily. It is a last resort."

Li Yong's curiosity was hooked: "Haha, what's the reason? Go ahead"

"Sir, the reason is really simple. The tents of our regiment are not enough. The weather in the northwest area is very cold at night, and there is no way to camp in the wild, so we have to find a village with private houses to camp. This Zhoujiazhuang is far away. It can only be done”

It is indeed a very simple reason, but it is also complicated in its simplicity. Can the central yang army of the Kuomintang still lack tents?After some inquiries, Li Yong learned that the original 91st Army and 120th Army of the Kuomintang were always stationed in Lanzhou City, and there were a large number of houses to live in, so they did not prepare a large number of field tents. Unexpectedly, Lanzhou became Ma Bufang's home later. All over the world, the two armies of their central yang army system were all driven out of Lanzhou City by the Qingma Army, which caused a large shortage of camping supplies (to be continued)

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