The beacon of youth

Chapter 567 Farewell

In mid-October, the weather in the northwest gradually cools down. The temperature at night is only a few degrees. The temperature difference between day and night is very large. People who go out also wear thick clothes. It's time for a season change.Fast update without pop-up windows

A road that winds and stretches into the distance until it reaches an invisible end. The so-called road is very different from what people remember in later generations. There is no cement and asphalt, and it has not been specially leveled and lacks maintenance. The road is full of potholes, but it is such a road The road, which is not even graded, is very busy at the moment, and the road several meters wide is full of various ruts and hoofprints of mules and horses.

On this simple road, an army is winding forward. From the uniforms worn by the soldiers, it can be seen that this is the Eighth Route Army. Now the team should be called the People's Liberation Army, but the local people are not used to what it is called the People's Liberation Army. People still look like it. As before, this army was called the Eighth Route Army or simply called the Eighth Route Army.

"Oh, the Eighth Route Army is here. Hurry up and go out to see that there are many, many cannons and water mechanisms (the Maxim heavy machine gun is obviously water-cooled, so the locals call it that) and the iron guys with four corrugated and four corners. It’s all iron and has long barrels (tanks and armored vehicles) so many.”

Both sides of the road were crowded with people watching the excitement, everyone stretched their necks and looked curiously at the eight-way adults, children, men, women, and children who passed by in chaos. Among the crowded crowd, some were militiamen and guerrillas with weapons on their backs. Some of these guerrillas were there. Shouting loudly for the masses to give way to the troops.There are also long rows of tables on both sides of the road. The tables are full of various foods and bowls of boiled water.

Apparently, this is a place that the local zheng fu placed decades later before organizing the masses to support the army.

This passing army is no one else.It is the ace in the hands of the main force of the Northwest Field Army, the du li brigade of the Second Army of the People's Liberation Army who has an important mission and has repeatedly made military exploits.

A jeep stopped with a "creak" and jumped out of the car. A young PLA officer, who looked like a cadre, looked at the watch on his wrist and then at the sun in the sky, and turned to face the woman who was sitting in the same car with him. The soldier said: "Order the troops to stop advancing. Rest here and let's have lunch here."

"Aww, there are female soldiers in the team!! Look at her, she is so beautiful. She is even more beautiful than the Tsing Yi Hua Dan in the theater."

The shouting made the female soldier frowned, but she didn't say anything. It's a good thing to say that she is beautiful, but compared with the Huadan in the theater, it makes people uncomfortable. The male officer next to her obviously saw her expression.He explained with a smile: "Hey folks, I haven't seen anything big in the world, so to say that is the top compliment."

A middle-aged man with a white towel wrapped around his head and a pistol slung over ran over.The man, with greasy sweat on his face, came up to him under the leadership of several guards.The soldiers introduced: "This is our brigade commander."

The middle-aged man who came to the front was a little puzzled. He knew that the commanders in our People's Liberation Army were not very old.It's nothing to be a brigade commander at the age of 40, but I've never seen someone who became a brigade commander at such a young age. Can it be true?However, after hearing the soldiers clearly say that this young man is the brigade commander, others didn’t refute it, so it’s not wrong, it’s true, and they shouted loudly: “Comrade chief of the army, I am the district chief of the second district. If there is anything we need for the troops to provide support work, the head of the department will bring it up, and our local government will definitely try to meet it.”

"Hello, Comrade District Chief, I'm Li Yong, the brigade commander of the Du Li Brigade of the Second Army. The comrades in the local area have done a good job. Everyone has worked hard. If you don't ask for it, just provide us with plain boiled water. We have everything else. "

The district chief laughed: "Comrade chief just asks for plain water, that's too simple. Let's prepare some food for you."

"Comrade district chief, it's complicated enough to prepare enough boiling water for the troops and fill up the kettles. We're not here with a small army of [-] to tens of thousands of people, enough for you to work in the second district for a while."

Although the head of the army said that there is no need for any district chiefs, he seemed uneasy and asked: "Is your food really enough, sir? Don't let the troops go hungry."

It's no wonder that the comrades in the local area asked the Northwest Field Army about the food shortage. (Northwest Field Army cannot be self-sufficient in food, it depends on Mr. He Longhe to transport it from Shanxi, but the front team behind this transported food is often bombed by the planes of the Kuomintang army, sometimes there is no food)

"Comrade District Chief is not the same now as before. It is no longer a problem that not only our Northwest China but also North China and East China are providing food for us. Thank you local comrades for your concern." Li Yong had to explain a few more words.

Zhang Jinsong, the reconnaissance battalion commander who stood beside Li Yong, patted the district chief on the shoulder: "The old Huangli of district chief Ha can't read the food, look at these big guys in our army."

What Zhang Jinsong pointed at was the tanks and artillery of Du Li's brigade. The tanks and artillery were lined up neatly on both sides of the road. It looked impressive enough. The District Chief was an old comrade who was very familiar with the situation of the troops. Du Li The brigade's weaponry really shocked him. It's just that in about three years, he didn't expect our People's Liberation Army to be so powerful.

Just when this area was full of eyes looking around, a large crowd suddenly rushed from both sides of the road, these people shouted and rushed to the middle of the du li brigade, laughing and chatting with the soldiers smile.

There were men and women in the rushing crowd, but most of them were strong young men. Some of them were carrying rifles and submachine guns, and some were fighting against the Czech style. It can be seen that these people must be the armed forces of the second district of the local zheng fu, the district chief. Embarrassed, he scratched his scalp and said to Li Yong:

"Don't be surprised, chief. The militiamen in our district are all young men who love to jump and jump, so it's not easy to manage."

Looking at these young men, Li Yong's eyes reveal that he likes the militiamen in the Northwest region. They are all of good background, have combat experience, and are brave in combat. Such militiamen only need to train in the army for a few months and fight a few small battles. It's a pity. Yes, the du li brigade is already fully staffed and there is no shortage of manpower.

I saw the militiamen in these places kept touching the barrels of cannons and tanks with their hands, and from time to time they gave out all kinds of admiration sounds. The tube is almost as thick as my waist."

The soldiers of the du li brigade proudly introduced: "Do you know that these cannons used to be from the Kuomintang and were captured by us? Now they are all equipment from our People's Liberation Army. When we hit Lanzhou a while ago, we were shocked. The artillery blasted the walls."

Some fighters also said: "Your guerrillas and militiamen have contributed a lot. We eat and drink all from you. If it weren't for you, let alone eat and drink, even the shells of this cannon would be fired."

The atmosphere is getting more and more lively. From time to time, someone in the crowd shouted: "The guerrillas are doing well, thank you." These guerrillas responded in a chaotic manner: "Long live the main force, let's cooperate to win the battle."

After a lively lunch, Li Yong and the soldiers from the du li brigade bid farewell to the common people and militiamen in the second district. Under the envious eyes of the people, the common people and militiamen chattered together: "Good guy, which one is this from the Eighth Route?" All the troops are sitting in cars and walking on their feet, which is not too good."

Asked over and asked in the past, and then asked about the district chief of the second district, looking at the billowing smoke and dust from the troops, the district chief replied: "It is the du li brigade of the Second Army of the People's Liberation Army, which is the old second column."

The common people in the northwest knew that the commander of the second column was General Wang Zhen, who was powerful in the Northwest, so everyone suddenly realized: "No wonder it is so awesome. It turns out that the team of Commander Wang is very powerful."

Farewell to the people in the old district, bid farewell to the familiar land, the du li brigade moved forward gradually, the troops went further and further away, and the houses, trees and pedestrians on both sides of the road became less and less. Later, let alone the trees and pedestrians, even the grass grew. As far as the eye can see, the piles of stacks are desolate and barren land. After walking for two days, the road conditions are even more dilapidated. The marching speed of the troops has slowed down. Li Yong ordered the troops to advance cautiously under the premise of ensuring a certain speed. You can't overturn the car and overturn the cannon.

The turbulence for several days made the soldiers drowsy in the car. Li Yong and Wang Chengde have been trying to find a way to cheer everyone up. The one who is in the best state of mind is Li Jiangguo's first battalion old Li. Whenever there are endless topics in his mouth, the soldiers in their battalion are fooled by him. After learning about the situation, Li Yong hurriedly asked the other battalions and companies to go to the first battalion to learn from the experience and see what this guy Li Jiangguo has. good idea.

In this way, the advancing speed of the troops has always remained stable. During this period, it is also thanks to Sanniu's repair company. In order to deal with problems that may arise during the march, Sanniu has tried his best to prepare various parts and components. When an accident occurs, the horse is dragged to the road. The side emergency treatment prevented the Du Li brigade's cars and tanks from being greatly reduced.

At the end of the year and at the end of the year, the old man is very busy at work and not going well. I really don’t have the time and energy to keep updating. It will be better after a while. Thank you everyone, thank you old guys. (to be continued..)

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