The troops continued to move forward. In the afternoon of this day, the convoy crossed a large river with a shallow river bed and turned over a gentle slope. An oasis suddenly appeared in front of the soldiers.

There are rice fields, canals, and stretches of orchards, surrounded by dark green trees. If it weren’t for the snow-capped mountains in the distance reflected in the pond, I would have thought that I had come to the south of the Yangtze River. The guide who led the team told everyone that this is Xin Jiang’s Eastern gateway - Hami.

When we arrived in Hami, even if we had reached the sphere of influence under the jurisdiction of Xin Jiang, the ** brigade officially entered the border of Xin Jiang from today, and the fatigue of the soldiers was swept away, and they shouted in the car: "Oh, what is this place? How come there are rice fields, it's so strange."

Everyone was surprised that there were paddy fields outside the Great Wall, but this did not bother Li Yong. Brigadier Li had no choice but to show off again. Li Yong told the soldiers around him that Hami had no paddy fields in the first place. When supervising Xin Jiang's military affairs, he saw that the Hami Basin was rich in water and had a mild climate, so he had the idea of ​​planting rice. He ordered the Hunan soldiers in the army to farm, reclaimed tens of thousands of acres of land, and transported rice seeds from Jiangnan. They came here and brought some live eels. As a result, the rice was successfully planted and the eels were raised. Hunan soldiers also passed on the rice planting technology to the local people. Since then, Xin Jiang has also produced its own rice and rice. Eel, not just the familiar cantaloupe.

Li Yong's knowledge is nothing in later generations, and what he understands is very common, but at that time it seemed very unusual. A young man in his 20s seemed to understand a little bit, even Li Jia who was beside Li Yong could not understand. I was shocked from time to time, Li Jia was not an ordinary soldier, but a student soldier who had studied and went to school. This was one of the reasons why Hu Xiaolian was always worried about her. The old people said that people who have studied should not It seems that sometimes he doesn't make a sound, but he has more guts than anyone else.

But the soldiers are used to it, what else does our brigade commander not know? ?The brigade commander is a little worse than Zhuge Liang.Don't look at Li Jia as a great intellectual, and he is not our brigade commander's opponent.

Stabilize Xin Jiang, build Xin Jiang, open up wasteland and farmland.Zuo Zongtang has done a lot, but these are not what Li Yong wants to consider now. The ancients can't control the present. When Brigadier Li Dawei introduced Hami who passed by on the march to the soldiers, his head kept wandering.

Zuo Zongtang did have meritorious service, but he dared to think that such a strong combat force like his ancestors would be farming in Xin Jiang?Just live like this?That's too boring, although it is said that it is a major event that is beneficial to the country and the nation to garrison fields and guard the border.But there is no such thing as the fun and excitement of fighting.

It's useless to think about it, Li Yong still has no clue so far, the entire 22st Corps of the Northwest Field Army and the [-]nd Corps formed by the original KMT Tao Zhiyue's uprising troops were used as frontier troops to reclaim wasteland in Xin Jiang , How can a brigade of one's own escape the arrangement of the general trend, unless the superior has a special task.

Just when Li Yong was thinking wildly, a burst of shouts from soldiers interrupted his thoughts, even Li Jia beside him shook his shoulder happily.He kept yelling: "Brigade Commander, Brigadier Commander, look ahead. There are so many sheep."

Li Jia is a very reserved girl, she has never made such an outrageous action before, she might be a little overjoyed today, Li Yong took a closer look, isn't she, a group of sheep are running after the convoy, as if It is comparing the speed with the moving car.

It's really strange, there are such flocks? ?Damn it, Li Yong can see that this is not a sheep raised by a fellow villager.But flocks of wild yellow sheep, which are ownerless.

He really got what he wanted, and just wanted to improve the food, someone brought it to his door. Brigadier Li grabbed the submachine gun of the security guard beside him, and shot at the sheep following the convoy.

There was the sound of a submachine gun firing from Brigadier Commander's jeep.The soldiers froze as soon as the gunshot rang out. What's the matter? Why did the brigade commander shoot the sheep with a gun? Don't we care about the "three major disciplines and eight precautions"?

Political commissar Wang Chengde's voice came from the walkie-talkie: "Dayong, what's going on?"

Knowing that the soldiers had misunderstood, Li Yong hurriedly explained to everyone: "It's wild yellow sheep. The troops can hunt some to improve their food. It can be regarded as a small episode during the march."

In fact, Li Yong was not sure if it was yellow sheep that ran with the convoy. There was no wild yellow sheep in the Hami area, but he was sure that it was not a sheep raised by a fellow villager.

This time the entire army was happy, including Li Jiangguo, Ma Changsheng and others. They were busy enough, but they could find some work to do, and they could also improve their food. Why not do it, the battalion headquarters of the reconnaissance battalion has always followed the Together, battalion commander Zhang Jinsong ran over like a gust of wind, and this guy shouted from a long distance: "Brigade Commander, it is a good thing to improve everyone's food, so you don't need to worry about it. We will do the hunting of yellow sheep."

It’s been a while since I’ve fought a war, and the soldiers are all restless. This man is used to everything he does, and the ** Brigade is no exception. The Northwest Field Army used to march and fight almost every day, and it took half a day for the soldiers to sleep Even if it is a great blessing, there is no one who hasn't fired for such a long time. Li Yong knows that Zhang Jinsong's hands are itchy. Since he wants to join in the fun, let him go.

The troops camped near Hami at night. The red flames added to the bottom of the pot, and the marching pot was boiling. The mutton boiled in it made people drool from a long distance. Li Jiangguo, the first battalion commander, was talking nonsense again: "This guy really Well, even against the wind, the fragrance can travel ten miles."

In order not to disturb the people, after discussing with political commissar Wang Chengde, Li Yong did not let the police brigade enter the city, but set up a large number of tents not too far outside the city.

Hami is not a big place, and it is not the old liberated area of ​​our army. The local people don’t know much about the PLA, and rushing in may cause panic. Li Yong told the soldiers, let’s treat it as a passing by, and come back when we have a chance.

The truth is that they did not enter the city, nor did they notify the local government and garrison, but a large army of tens of thousands of people is placed outside the city like a steel monster, and its deterrent power is exuding all the time.

After a short time, before the stewed mutton of the ** brigade in the camp was rotten, two jeeps drove over from the direction of Hami city. The leader was wearing the Kuomintang green khaki cloth colonel officer uniform, and the other was wearing a Chinese tunic suit with double breasts.

The Kuomintang garrison in Xinjiang has been compiled as the No.20 Second Corps of the People's Liberation Army. In principle, it is already a family with the ** Brigade, but the People's Liberation Army uniforms for the Kuomintang army have not yet arrived, so these officers and soldiers are still in harmony. There is no way to wear the Kuomintang military uniform as before. The logistics and transportation capabilities of the Northwest Field Army are far worse than those of the ** brigade that arrived first.

The colonel officer came to Li Yong and Wang Chengde, touched his heels and stood at attention to salute: "Hi sir, I am the colonel commander of the xxx regiment of the xxx division. Welcome to Hami."

Li Yong and Wang Chengde have been scrutinizing the two people who came here. The one in military uniform is nothing special, just a colonel and officer of the Kuomintang, but the guy in the Chinese tunic suit has never spoken, and there is a twinkle in his small eyes. Shrewd and cunning.

Li Yong ignored the colonel and officer of the Kuomintang, but looked at the man in the Chinese tunic suit and asked, "Who is this?"

The man in the tunic suit immediately stepped forward: "Hey, I, Jing Fuxiang, is the commissioner of Zhengfu in the Hami area. Welcome your army to Hami. The two officers are in the habit of stationing in the countryside. You should come to the city." Come here, we have prepared some water and wine for the officer to welcome."

Jing Fuxiang? ? ?Hami District Commissioner? ? ?Li Yong's head is running at high speed. This guy has an obvious appearance of a minority, but he has a Han name and speaks Chinese very fluently. He must not be an unknown person. Who is he? ?

Boom, Li Yong's head suddenly thought of someone, he? The name "Jing Fuxiang" almost blinded him, but he was very famous when he mentioned this person. Jing Fuxiang's original name was Yao Lebosi. He used to be the commander of the security of the Kuomintang government stationed in Hami. He is a duplicitous guy who is a mother if he has a nipple.

When the large troops of the People's Liberation Army were gathering in Jiuquan, this Jing Fuxiang went to the headquarters of the People's Liberation Army Corps in Jiuquan, and met Commander Wang Zhen. In front of Commander Wang, this guy swore to obey the People's Liberation Army The leader welcomes the army to enter Xinjiang, and he himself will be a new man and serve the new government.

In order to better implement the religious policy of ethnic minorities, our army also appointed him as the commissioner of the Hami government with the attitude of listening to his words and watching his actions.

After <ren, he was called "Yao Lebosi" by the way, which means "tiger".In Hami before liberation, he was also called "Hami Tiger" or "Tiger King".

Yao Lebosi, the "Hami tiger", was feeling weak.It was not his original intention to cooperate with the People's Liberation Army. In his opinion, it was a measure of profit under pressure. Not long ago, he and his close friend Atung Burke secretly held a special meeting at Qudagen Ranch.In Qu Dagen, he met the former US Vice Consul in Dihua, Ma Kenan, the sworn brother Usman, and Janim Khan, among other "Eight King Kong". (to be continued..)


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