As soon as the troops arrived in Hami, they saw Yao Lebosi. This was somewhat unexpected, and Li Yong's nerves immediately tensed up, because Li Yong knew that in the heart of this so-called regional commissioner, he and Commander Wang were not concerned. As you confessed, you must obey the new government and start a new life.

This guy had just attended a meeting against the People's Liberation Army and the Communist Party before the Communist Party arrived in Hami. The meeting decided to take advantage of the fact that the People's Liberation Army had just entered Xinjiang and the people of all ethnic groups did not understand the Communist Party. Launch an armed rebellion in eastern Xinjiang and northern Xinjiang, make the People's Liberation Army's troops entering Xinjiang unstable, and then take advantage of the chaos to drive the People's Liberation Army out. At that time, Xin Jiang will still be their world.

Yao Lebosi, who had just returned to Hami, did not expect the People's Liberation Army troops to arrive so quickly. In his opinion, it would take a month or two for the People's Liberation Army Tubalu, who was born with mud legs, to walk over on his feet. There is plenty of time for thinking and preparation. During this period, the commissioner appointed by the Communist Party of China can also provide him with a certain amount of cover. What he did not expect and was surprised was that the vanguard of the People's Liberation Army did not march on two feet at all, but Well-equipped mechs.

He came out to greet him in person in order to find out the real situation of the People's Liberation Army. What shocked him was that the leading troops of the People's Liberation Army really lived up to their reputation. People trembled.

Looking at the pretending Yao Lebosi, Li Yong's heart hit his head with anger. He knew that this guy was going to rebel in the future, he was a stubborn reactionary, and the opportunity was in front of him. If he solves it, he will save trouble in the future, and it will save one scourge.

Li Yong's hands touched the belt buckle in his waist reflexively, and he really wanted to pull out the gun and kill him with one shot, but a voice in his mind kept persuading him, hold on, hold on.You can't shoot when the enemy is not exposed, especially when the troops have just arrived in Hami. Killing a surrendered Kuomintang official indiscriminately will chill the hearts of those who don't know the truth. This is a big problem involving the overall situation.

Li Yong, who had calmed down, involuntarily shot a cold light in his eyes.Looking at the commissioner in front of him, he said, "Jing Fuxiang?? It's Mr. Yao Lebosi, you Zhengfu commissioner was appointed by our **, why did you still talk about your army when you saw the PLA? Could it be that Mr. Cheng hasn't sent us Treat it as one of your own??"

Yao Lebosi's small eyes widened all of a sudden. The fact that the chief of the People's Liberation Army can say his real name in one breath is very telling. It shows that the People's Liberation Army has long been interested in him.I just paid attention to him.

A gust of cold air came up from the ditch of the back of the spine, directly to the skin of the back of the head, and Yao Lebosi felt chills all over his body, and he couldn't speak very fluently: "Sir-sir, low-ranking... …”

"Let's get to know each other again. We are the First Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the First Brigade of the Second Army. We are under the instructions of our superiors. I am Li Yong, the brigade commander, and this is Wang Chengde, the political commissar, to carry out the early marching mission."

Yao Lebos can be regarded as a person who has seen the world.After the initial panic, he quickly calmed down: "It turned out to be Commander Wang's troops, no wonder they are so powerful. I met Commander a few days ago. Commander Wang is really a very kind general. I said something wrong before." , the drinks in the city have been prepared, can the two generals show you the favor?"

Li Yong grinned involuntarily, Commander Wang is a very kind general! ! !It was the first time I heard someone address the commander like this: "Hahaha, it's really interesting. I haven't heard your statement before. Our commander is powerful in the northwest border, and he won every victory. I can be very frank. Let me tell you, the kindness you see is the commander's kindness towards himself, and the way the commander treats the enemy is ruthless. You will probably learn from it in the future."

The two of them had been together for a long time, and Wang Chengde could feel Li Yong's emotions towards Commissioner Hami. Although he didn't know why, he also knew that Li Yong was definitely not angry for no reason. In order to ease the atmosphere, Wang Chengde said with a smile: "It would be embarrassing to let the two of you come over. There is no need to eat, and even less so to drink. We are a combat force, and we must be ready to fight at any time. Alcohol is strictly prohibited."

Yao Lebosi and the colonel officer who came over looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment. The troops of the People's Liberation Army and the Kuomintang troops they had contacted before are two completely different concepts, and their behavior and style are completely different. The little brigade commander didn't even have a good face towards them, the surrendered generals of the Kuomintang.

Of course, Li Yong didn't want to give these people a good face, so he turned the conversation around and asked the former Kuomintang colonel who came over to ask about the existing armed forces in Hami.

The officer answered very honestly: "Report sir, the Hami garrison has a regiment with more than [-] troops."

To this former Kuomintang officer, Li Yong was more or less kind: "You have been incorporated into the 22nd Corps, and the commander is General Tao Zhiyue, but your political commissar is our Commander Wang. From this point of view, we are considered My family, your regiment is also part of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, but the military uniforms have not been delivered to you yet, but don't worry, there are many troops behind, and they will definitely take care of everything. The task of your regiment is to maintain Local law and order, eliminating banditry, mercilessly attacking hostile elements, and providing assistance to the large troops in the rear, if there is any difficulty, our ** brigade can provide support."

The head of the regiment was a little moved. It seemed that the PLA chief really regarded them as his own, and immediately replied: "Report to the commander, maintaining local law and order, and eradicating banditry is what we should do. We will definitely complete the task."

Li Yong was quite satisfied with the officer's answer, and Wang Chengde actually emphasized one point: "Don't call me an officer anymore. Our People's Liberation Army troops call you comrades. If you don't feel used to it, you can also directly call your position and call us a brigade." The chief, the political commissar, and everything."

As for what to shout, Li Yong didn't care. After asking the officer, Brigadier Li Da once again looked at the commissioner in Hami: "Mr. Yao Lebosi, how many armed forces do you have?"

Yao Lebosi was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Haha, sir, I'm just joking, I'm just a local commissioner, a civilian cadre in the government, how can I have armed forces in my hands, only a few security personnel. "

"No, I've heard that you still have a force in your hands, known as the PPC force, and there should be hundreds of people in size. It's not just the security personnel."

After Li Yong finished speaking these few words, Yao Lebosi's back was not air-conditioned but cold sweat, as if a hungry wolf had been hit to the point, because this guy, apart from a few security personnel on the surface, In addition, there is a secret armed force.

He recruited a large number of local ruffians a long time ago, and after special training and arming, he named it the ppc army. It is a very elite military force in his hands, and it is also one of the capitals for his future rebellion. Yao Lobos was of course surprised, how such a secret was known by the People's Liberation Army.

Li Yong did this with the intention of shaking the mountain and shaking the tiger. Yao Lebosi is a hardcore reactionary, and education and probation have no effect on him at all, but in a peaceful environment, he can't do anything to him now, so Li Yong can only be Taking advantage of the opportunity to beat him, although I didn't expect this guy to change his mind in the future, even if it could slow down the pace and time of his rebellion a little bit, it would also be good for the follow-up main force to gain more opportunities. This is what Li Yong is currently doing. inner thoughts.

"Please come back, both of you. I accept it with good intentions. You can't eat food, and you can't drink wine. As long as the Hami area can be peaceful and stable, we can rest assured. The deeds of the two will be written in the credit book of New China. The pen is not in vain of the painstaking efforts of Commander Wang, on the contrary, if the peace and stability of Hami are destroyed, we will come back, but once we come back, what awaits the enemy will be the ruthless iron fist of the people's army."

When Li Yong said this, he did not face Yao Lebosi, nor did he look at the Kuomintang officer, but looked at his own troops, at the soldiers who had gone through countless war tests, and looking at them, Li Yong I feel that my confidence is bursting again and again. With such good fighters and such a good army, what difficulties can't be overcome, and what enemies can't be eliminated!In front of the heroic warriors, what rebels, what Yao Lebosi, are just a group of chickens and dogs.

Yao Lebosi walked away dejectedly, looking at the back of the jeep going away, political commissar Wang Chengde asked a little puzzled: "Dayong, you have a problem with the attitude of the two of them, tell me the reason."

Li Yong was stumped again, what should I say?say what?Said that Yao Lebosi will rebel in a few months?Said that this guy used to be the lieutenant general councilor of the Kuomintang's Qing camp and the deputy commander of Xin Jiang's security?Although political commissar Wang Chengde has a certain immunity to Li Yong's actions, but Li Yong can't act too evil, so Li Yong has no choice but to come up with another set of excuses:

"Old Wang, the problem is far from what we see on the surface. Not all of these KMT officials who surrendered were sincerely following us. It’s useless for such a guy to show a good face, sometimes it’s better to beat and beat, and it may have a positive effect, at least it can make them be more honest.” (To be continued...)


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