The beacon of youth

Chapter 570 Encounter on the way

Wang Chengde is not pedantic, not only is he not pedantic, he is also very shrewd, and he is also very flexible in implementing policies. He has no objection to Li Yong's approach, but he just reminded: "It's okay to beat and beat, but don't go too far. Those who arrived were Kuomintang officers who sincerely surrendered, and it would not be good to dispel their enthusiasm."

"The political commissar is more aware, don't worry, I'll take care of the situation, hahaha." Li Yong laughed wildly to cover up Wang Chengde's question.

The political commissar Wang Chengde was a little stricter in grasping the policies. Those who do political work should do this, but other people in the du li brigade don't think so. The Brigadier did a good job and was very fond of his temper. Zhang Jinsong laughed loudly: "Haha, Brigadier, you did a good job. You see, those two boys made you train like your grandson, and they didn't even dare to give a fart." Let it go, I didn't expect that the **** back then would be so useless!! It's so enjoyable."

Not only Zhang Jinsong thought so, but all the soldiers beside Li Yong thought so, especially the soldiers of the Jingwei Company, they had the most right to speak, and the brigade commander's prestige and prestige followed suit, just like every sentence of the brigade commander Everything spoke to their hearts.

After a night of nothing to say, the du li brigade set off the next morning. The beating of Yao Lebosi was not a big deal to Li Yong. The long marching team quickly left Hami City behind. What Si thinks is not something that Li Yong can relate to, but then again, one has to be strong to strike iron. In the face of absolute strength, all resistance will be futile. Li Yong firmly believes that his troops have this ability Well, as long as they dare to rebel, the du li brigade will smash them to pieces like an iron fist.

The next goal of du li's military journey is Shanshan. Li Yong told everyone that soon we will arrive at the Flame Mountain where Tang Seng and Sun Monkey passed by to learn Buddhist scriptures.

The soldiers were once again mobilized by Li Yong, good guy.We have to go to the place where Tang Seng passed by to learn scriptures. Doesn't that mean that we can also compare with the Journey to the West back then!

Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, stood in his jeep and yelled: "What is it that can be compared with the Journey to the West back then? We are much better than them. Tang Seng and his disciples only have four people and one horse. It's not a big deal." Effect, how many do we have? We have tens of thousands of people, and a large number of tanks and artillery, so we are now more powerful than Tang Seng and his disciples in Journey to the West."

As expected of the Huoyan Mountain, the temperature is getting higher and higher, and it is mid-October in the northwest region.The temperature was already very cool, but it was not like this in Shanshan. The further the convoy moved forward, the higher the temperature. Li Yong estimated that it should have exceeded [-] degrees. Later, the soldiers opened up all their clothes. They all discussed.If things go on like this, it's no problem to wear an undershirt.

Li Yong told everyone that the passing time of our convoy was very good.The temperature in this season is not high and has little effect on marching. The highest temperature in Shanshan is in July. In July, the temperature can reach as high as 50 degrees, and the surface temperature exceeds [-] degrees. There are many ways, some dig a cellar, hide in the cellar when it is extremely hot, and some just soak it in a water tank.

The soldiers are very novel, and some of them soak in the water all day to escape the heat! !Brigadier Li Da had no choice but to tell the soldiers.One side of the soil supports the other side of the people. Shanshan is such a climate and environment, and the locals are forced to do this.

Just when everyone was discussing and wondering about Shanshan's geographical environment and climate, the reconnaissance battalion commander Zhang Jinsong ran over with a few people, and this guy shouted from a long distance: "Brigade Commander, there is a situation."

Zhang Jinsong rushed over like a gust of wind and reported: "Brigade Commander, Erzi Ning found unidentified armed men approaching in front. The number is unknown, and there may be hundreds of them."

Li Yong snatched the microphone from the soldier with the walkie-talkie behind him, and directly talked to the second son of Changning in the reconnaissance battalion: "Second son, what's the situation? Please be more specific."

"Brigade Commander, we found a group of armed men with unknown intentions three or four kilometers ahead of the march. There were about a few hundred of them. What should I do if I can’t tell whether it’s our army or a friendly army on the clothes?”

"Second son, stop advancing on the spot and prepare to fight. As long as you enter your effective range, fire. Li Yuming, let your battalion's armored vehicles go up and smash the enemy from the front. Zhang Jinsong, your reconnaissance battalion will surround you from both sides, and strive to kill them all in one fell swoop." Annihilating - action."

Li Yong's order was simple and clear. Let the scouts of Ning Erzi's platoon prepare for the battle, use the armored vehicles of the tank battalion to disperse the group, and then use a large number of light jeeps equipped by the scout battalion to outflank the battle from both sides and quickly resolve the battle. .

There were only a few hundred armed personnel approaching quickly, and of course it was impossible for the du li brigade to use all its strength. A reconnaissance battalion and some armored vehicles should be enough.

After the troops are equipped with a large number of communication tools, the command system of the du li brigade can be directly connected to the first-level combat units, and the orders and intentions of the superiors can be passed on more quickly. Why is the commander's order so firm? You know, even the reconnaissance platoon leader, Ning Erzi, has said that the identities of these armed men are unknown.

Wang Chengde, the political commissar, reminded anxiously: "Dayong, should you be more careful, what should you do if you make a mistake?"

Li Yong patted Wang Chengde's shoulder with a smile: "Old Wang, there is nothing to be cautious about. The group of people who came over must be bandits. These guys are all marching in cavalry. If we react slowly, we will let them slip away." , Don't worry, you can't go wrong."

"Dayong, how can you be sure that you are a bandit, and there is no post on his head, should you identify it again." Wang Chengde was still a little worried, for fear of doing something wrong. You know, with the strength of the du li brigade's firepower, once If you make a mistake, it's too late to regret.

"Old Wang, what is there to distinguish? Think about it, our du li brigade was the first to enter Xinjiang. In addition to our brigade, the current Xinjiang, the other armed forces are the original Kuomintang defenders , These people here are even dressed in miscellaneous clothes, they must not be the original Kuomintang troops, if they are not the uprising Kuomintang troops, then they are bandits, and they fought well."

Wang Chengde thinks about it too. In the Northwest Field Army, the du li brigade is the vanguard, so the people who come here must not be from the field. Since they are not the People's Liberation Army or the Kuomintang uprising troops, then why not think about it, they must be bandits.

At this moment, the front started to fire, first came the firing of Tom submachine guns and Czech light machine guns, followed by the roar of heavy machine guns on armored vehicles of the tank battalion.

Li Yong and Wang Chengde could tell from the sound that the reconnaissance platoon of Erzi Ning fired first, and then the armored vehicles of the Tank Battalion supported them with firepower. Li Yuming moved fairly quickly.

The tank battalion has dozens of modified armored vehicles, which were seized together in Xi'an. These vehicles have appeared in large numbers on the battlefields of Northeast and East China, but they are rare in Northwest China.

An armored vehicle converted from a car cannot face the main battle tank head-on, but it has an absolute advantage in dealing with infantry and cavalry, especially against cavalry, it is simply a massacre.

More than 100 scouts were lying behind a small bag of weeds, and the platoon leader Ning Erzi was observing carefully with the binoculars in his hand. In his sight, a group of armed cavalry was approaching in disorder two or three kilometers away.

The group of people who came made things difficult for Ning Erzi, because Ning Erzi couldn't tell whether these people were friends or enemies, and there were no obvious signs that could be identified on their bodies. They were not like the uprising troops of the Kuomintang, but rather like guerrillas. But he didn't hear that Xin Jiang has guerrillas led by our Eighth Route Army!

The second son Ning didn't know what to do, the soldiers beside him were still giving him random ideas: "Platoon leader, let's go up a few, catch some prisoners and ask them, then we will understand."

Capturing captives can clarify the problem, but Ning Erzi doesn't want to take the risk. What he scoops up is a real guy, and he will suffer a loss if he rushes up. Just when Ning Erzi couldn't make up his mind, the brigade commander Li Yong ordered coming.

A stone fell to the ground, no matter who it is, the brigade commander told us to hit it, Ning Erzi picked up a Czech style, and said in a low voice: "Everyone is there, ready to fight."

Less than one kilometer away, the trotting horse team suddenly accelerated, and the knights on the horses bent down and charged, and a leader looked like he pulled his neck and shouted: "Brothers, do you see that, there are a few jeeps ahead, there must be some The Fat Sheep is waiting for us, after finishing this job, let's go back to drink and eat meat—follow me."

Walking in the Gobi Desert all year round, these people have very sharp eyes. They found the jeep that Ning Erzi and the others hadn't had time to hide from a long distance away.

The speed of the horse team in the sprint was very fast. Ning Erzi followed the Czech-style front sight guard and firmly put the guy rushing in the front. Seeing that he was close to more than 50 meters, this distance was already the distance of the Tom-style submachine gun of the reconnaissance platoon. The most effective process.

The butt of the light machine gun attached to the cheek is cool, and the feeling in the pocket of the shoulder clip is also very soft. The Czech style is really a good thing. The combination of human and gun is very clever. Gently pulling the plane with his index finger, he shot it out one by one with a "tap-tap-tap". Erzi Ning saw a few bloody flowers appearing on this guy's body, then he raised his arm and fell off the horse.

The battle in the encounter broke out suddenly, and more than 100 Tom-style and Czech-style guns were frantically sweeping at the horse team.

After the old bus has been busy for this period of time, the update will be better. (To be continued. Welcome to the starting point... to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.) v

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