The beacon of youth

Chapter 574 Li Jia's Suggestion

The People's Liberation Army's entry into the city was shocking, and people from all walks of life were discussing it non-stop, but everyone understood that this PLA unit that came was extraordinary.

This is one of the goals of Li Yong, Wang Chengde and others, to use the military power of the du li brigade to deter those potential hostile forces. The original words of the brigade commander Li Yong are: "All reactionaries must tremble under the iron heels of the People's Liberation Army. "

The goal seems to have been achieved. The military power of the troops entering the city is impressive. Not only the common people, but also the officers and soldiers of the former Kuomintang army admired it. Under the guidance of the guide, the du li brigade drove directly to the camp. .

A very large factory area is surrounded by courtyard walls made of blue bricks. There are only two or three three-story buildings inside, and the rest are all row after row of bungalows. After being introduced, Li Yong and Wang Chengde knew This is an abandoned textile factory that has stopped producing for a long time. Therefore, there is no decent machinery and equipment, and no work has been started. However, there are many rooms and a large flat square, which is very suitable for troops to station.

Tao Zhiyue and Bao Erhan took great pains to arrange the stationing of the du li brigade. They believed that the du li brigade of the People's Liberation Army should not be too far away from the main city. Mixed with other rebel forces, so this abandoned textile factory is suitable.

With an army of tens of thousands of people, there are too many things to do just in garrison, and they can't settle down for a while. Fortunately, Li Yong is in a good mood. After allocating the work, he will be free. My own reasons may be called excuses, because Brigadier Li Da thinks that as long as it has nothing to do with the war, he will not care about it. Anyone who has something to ask the political commissar, hehe.

The political commissar Wang Chengde is also used to it. It is impossible to be busy with this lazy guy, and he is busy with others. During this period, Tao Zhiyue and others sent people to invite Li Yong and Wang Chengde, saying that the banquet for the reception is ready. up.Wang Chengde politely declined, and told the personnel who came to deliver the letter, thank the chief for his concern, and specialization is not allowed in the troops of the People's Liberation Army.What the soldiers eat, the cadres eat what they eat, and the welcome banquet can only be taken care of.

The People's Liberation Army has rules, and you can't force it. Although the former KMT officials in Dihua felt a little embarrassed, they could only endure it. The first meal after the du li brigade arrived in Dihua was served by Tao Zhiyue The commander sent cooking soldiers over to help.I ate a pilaf with a xin jiang flavor.

Hand pilaf! !Who has eaten it?People in the mainland just don’t understand. The soldiers are novelty and puzzled. They also find it a little funny and don’t understand. You said that the food in Xin Jiang is really strange. Why don’t you have to grab it with your hands if you have chopsticks? Isn’t this just asking for trouble? .

Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, Ma Changsheng, the commander of the third battalion, Wei Gang, Gao Xiang and others all ate in a mess, with rice grains and mutton fat all over their faces.But no matter how uncomfortable it is, the taste of the food is still good, and the soldiers who march and fight all the year round are not so particular.As long as you can eat enough, as for grabbing with your hands, you can grab it, even the Kuomintang army grabs it hand by hand, are you afraid of grabbing food with your hands?

In terms of the most elegant or good-looking food, there are probably not many people in the brigade of more than 1 people. Among the few good-looking people, Li Jia, the company commander of the Jingwei Company, is included.

As the saying goes, a scholar can know the affairs of the world without going out. Li Jia has read a lot of books. He has never eaten fat pork but has seen fat pigs run.I have a certain understanding of the living habits of the people in Xinjiang, so the food is slightly better than others, but only slightly better. The soldiers of the Jingwei Company did not make jokes about their company commander, saying that the company commander has a beautiful face. There are also several grains of rice on it.

After a long journey, the du li brigade finally arrived in Dihua, and the troops were stationed.After a few days of hustle and bustle, it gradually stabilized, and when it stabilized, it was necessary to start working. The superiors did not come here to eat dry food when the du li brigade entered Xinjiang ahead of schedule. For this reason, Li Yong and Wang Chengde asked Commander Tao Zhiyue and Bao Erhan The chairman suggested that there are still many troops behind, and we should try our best to make various preparations before their arrival, and ask the local government for help.

Of course, the local government is very supportive of the army's legitimate request. Li Yong also explained to them that all the supplies needed by the army will be purchased by the du li brigade at a price, and the location can be provided by the government.

There is too much work to be done. We need to prepare houses and store food. While doing these tasks, we must also publicize the PLA's policies to the local people and carry out local work. In this way, there are too many things to do , so many people feel that they wish to grow a few more heads and a few more hands and feet.

Although there are also former Kuomintang troops in the Dihua area, which is now the 22nd Corps of the People's Liberation Army, these people don't know how to deal with ordinary people at all. Therefore, to do local work, you have to rely on troops like the Du Li brigade.

Local work, local work, what is called local work, can be described in words, but it is also very popular to put it simply. The core of doing local work is actually to mobilize the masses. Only by mobilizing the masses and establishing Building organizations at all levels in the villages and making the majority of the people identify with the PLA and sincerely support the PLA is the only way to achieve the goal. Otherwise, it will be no different from the former Kuomintang army.

But at this time, another problem arose. If you want to do local work and mobilize the masses, there is one basic condition. The comrades doing the work must be proficient in the local language before they can communicate with the local people. This does not seem to be a problem. The question immediately baffled the du li brigade.

In the old liberated areas, this was not a problem at all, people could speak and they could do their jobs, but Xin Jiang is different, there are only a few soldiers who can speak the local dialect in the entire du li brigade. It is true that the troops spent a few days cramming before departure, but it was just cramming, and it was far from mastering fluency.

what to do?The soldiers listened to the local people's words like a bible, and they didn't even understand a simple sentence. What's more, they had to pass the language barrier when doing ideological work, otherwise the tasks assigned by their superiors would not be completed at all.

That night, Li Yong, Wang Chengde, and cadres above the brigade and battalion level gathered together again to discuss how to pass the language barrier, or how to learn Xin Jiang dialect as quickly as possible.

The atmosphere at the venue was in full swing. Li Jiangguo, Zhang Jinsong and other veterans were discussing wildly together, but more than half an hour passed, and no one came up with a decent solution.

Since you want to learn the local language and customs, you have to find a teacher first, but where to find the teacher is very problematic. If you want to find someone who understands the local language and customs, it is best to find a local person, but the local minority people I don't know much about the du li brigade. According to the soldiers' feedback, many local people don't talk to the soldiers at all, and some run away as soon as they are approached. It is too difficult to find locals to be teachers.

Political commissar Wang Chengde concluded: "Everyone, don't be in a hurry. The common people run away when they see the soldiers, which means that they don't understand our PLA. That's why the superiors let us do the work. If the military-civilian relationship like the old liberated areas still requires us to do it. What are you doing? Don't worry, when the work starts later, it will get better slowly."

The words are good, and everyone agrees with Wang Chengde's point of view, but the practical problem still cannot be solved. Just when everyone was at a loss, Li Jia, the Jingwei company commander who attended the meeting because of the part-time communication platoon leader, made a suggestion. Li Jia, who spoke, said in an unconfident tone: "Brigade Commander, should we find something to do with Commander Lesken, they are all locals."

A word to remind the dreamer, Li Yong slapped his thigh, yes, who said that we have no acquaintances in Xin Jiang, how could we forget them, it should be no problem to ask the Xin Jiang National Army to send out a few teachers.

The total strength of the Xin Jiang National Army exceeds 5000. Most of these soldiers are local ethnic minorities in Xin Jiang. I went to Commander Lesken and asked the national army to send some cadres and soldiers to serve as teachers in the du li brigade. While expressing strong support, Commander Lesken also agreed that this method is good, not only can the soldiers from the inland It is a good way to understand the customs of Xin Jiang and strengthen the communication between the two armies.

At noon the next day, more than fifty national army fighters who were fluent in two or more languages ​​were sent to the du li brigade. Li Yong and Wang Chengde were overjoyed. Being able to be teachers, as well as translators and guides for the troops, their arrival is like sending charcoal in the snow.

The ten battalions of the du li brigade were divided into five each. Li Yong told each battalion commander and instructor that these ethnic minority fighters who came to the du li brigade were carefully selected by the national army. They are also very high. We should try our best to play their role and treat them as treasures. According to the instructions of the superiors, the troops will soon go down to various areas of Xinjiang to carry out local work. These soldiers will be of great use.

In the days that followed, the du li brigade set off a wave of learning enthusiasm. While learning the language, the soldiers also learned a lot of local customs and ethnic habits. It can be said that it is precisely because of these dozens of ethnic minority fighters The arrival of the Du Li brigade has saved a lot of detours. For this reason, the brigade commander Li Yong has often praised the Jingwei company commander Li Jia in public, saying that her idea is very good.

With good teachers and high enthusiasm for learning, the soldiers quickly mastered the local language. The brigade commander Li Yong and the political commissar Wang Chengde also took the time to study like the soldiers. One of the fighters was Mahemuti, a platoon leader of the ethnic army and a famous combat hero. Mahemuti spoke Chinese fluently and was the teacher of brigade commander Li Yong and political commissar Wang Chengde.

The old bus wishes his friends a new year. The Year of the Snake is auspicious. I am sorry for the slow update. (to be continued..)

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