The beacon of youth

Chapter 575 The New Political Commissar

The hectic days are very fulfilling, day by day slipping forward, time is like an uncontrolled wild donkey, in the blink of an eye, it is 22, after New Year's Day, Li Yong is [-] years old in this world One year old, since Hu Zongnan's Kuomintang Central Army attacked Yan'an in [-], it has been three years since he came to the Northwest

In three years, a deserter in the Kuomintang army grew into a senior commander of the People's Liberation Army. There was suffering and bitterness, as well as the joy and satisfaction after victory. Just after New Year's Day, an exciting news came

Ma Hemuti, who had been working as a teacher for the cadres and soldiers in the Du Li Brigade Headquarters, hurried in. The soldier in his twenties yelled loudly before he could stand still: "Brigade Commander, Political Commissar, there is news , there is good news, do you want to hear it?"

Mahemuti has been in the brigade headquarters for a while, and he is very familiar with everyone. The soldiers knew that this guy was trying to show off on purpose. The repair company directly under the brigade headquarters gave him a fist three times: "Hey, Mahemuti, If you have something to say, just say it, how did you learn from a woman, and still hide it?"

Before Mahemuti could answer, Li Jia, the company commander of Jingwei, was unwilling: "Hey, I said San Niu, what are you talking about? What do you mean by learning from women? What's wrong with women? What's worse than you? No Tell me a reason why I can't finish with you today"

"Slip of the tongue, pure slip of the tongue, hehe" San Niu hurriedly explained, and the soldiers in the brigade roared with laughter

Li Yong knew that Ma Hemu had returned to the National Army early in the morning to do some business. It seemed that he had just come back, so there might be some good news for those who ran in like this yelling: "Of course we want to hear good news, hurry up."

"Hahahaha," Mahemut grinned for a while, then pretended to be mysterious and said, "I went back today, and I happened to meet someone in our military headquarters. Guess who this person is? "

Three sorry, you said that Mahemuti is so good at fooling people, and guess who is here, who is his love, if you don’t tell me, I will really beat you, under the gaze of Sanbiyaki, Mahemu He cleared his throat and said, "Hey, I'm sure you'll be surprised by my news. I didn't know until I went back today that the superior just sent a new political commissar to our national army. He was sent directly from the superior. According to this political commissar, our national army The number of the army will also be changed, you say, is it a big deal?"

Li Yong, Wang Chengde, Zhang Jinsong, Xiaocheng and others looked at each other. What Ma Hemuti said was really a big deal. The national army was going to change its name, and a new political commissar was sent over. The superior's action was not small.

In an instant, Li Yong thought of another problem. The strength of the Xinjiang National Army is not weak, and the level of the newly sent political commissar is not small, and it is impossible for the superior to transfer personnel from other field armies. Therefore, this new political commissar must be the original Almost everyone knows the senior commanders of the field army. Who could be here? ?

Wang Chengde also thought of this, and hurriedly asked: "When did the political commissar arrive? What's his name?"

Ma Hemu said excitedly: "Hey, report to the brigade commander, report to the political commissar, the political commissar of our army just arrived in the morning, I don't know his name, I only heard that his surname is Chen"

Political commissar surnamed Chen? ? ?Li Yong thought for a while and asked again: "Which unit did the new political commissar belong to before, and what position did he hold?"

Ma Hemu scratched his head, then suddenly patted his thigh and said: "I remembered that the new political commissar used to be the deputy commander of the army. The fault is the deputy commander of the Second Army."

After Mahemuti finished saying this sentence, everyone in the du li brigade department seemed to be petrified. Everyone looked at each other and stared at each other, not knowing what to do

The news is so shocking. The new political commissar is named Chen, and his original position was deputy army commander, or the second army. This, this, isn't this the deputy commander of our army, Chen!it was too sudden

Everyone looked at each other in amazement, Wang Chengde, an old soldier, also asked Li Yong in an uncertain tone: "Dayong, according to this, the superior sent our old chief here?? Is it true?"

Li Yong curled his lips: "According to what Ma Hemuti said, it might be true. To be the political commissar of the Xinjiang National Army must be a person with strong ability. Our old chief is very suitable in all aspects."

Mahemut was stunned by everyone's expressions. The news is that there are no shoes, but it is not surprising to this extent. However, this guy is also very smart. After thinking about it carefully, he probably understands. Yes, du li brigade is A unit under the Second Army, if it is really the deputy commander of the Second Army, isn't it their old chief?

"Hahaha, look at my head, I forgot that your du li brigade belongs to the second army, it seems that our new political commissar is your deputy army commander" Ma Hemut shouted happily

"What are you looking at, hurry up and see if the old chief is here" Li Yong rushed out after saying hello, and after he left, the others also rushed out as if waking up from a dream

In just a few minutes, a few jeeps rushed out from the base of the du li brigade. Li Yong and Wang Chengde, as well as Fang Xin, the chief of staff who had been busy all the time, Zhang Jinsong, the commander of the reconnaissance battalion, and Xiao Cheng, the company commander of the engineering company, repaired The company commander San Niu and so on, several veteran soldiers from the Du Li brigade headquarters are sitting on it, what are they doing?To visit the old chief and go to Ai, as for Li Jiangguo, the commander of the first battalion, and Wang Huhu, the commander of the fifth battalion, we can only talk about it after a while, let them control the troops at home first

"Hurry up, hurry up, let me tell you how you drive this car, like an old lady with little feet, like a soldier who has fought in war" Zhang Jinsong, the commander of the reconnaissance battalion, urged the driver of their car to die

The soldier who was driving retorted unconvinced at all: "Come on, Battalion Commander, my speed is not too slow. Didn't you see that the streets are full of people? What if there is an accident?"

The distance between the two troops stationed is not far, but there are more than ten kilometers in all directions. Several jeeps ran wildly with their buttocks bumped. Under the leadership of Mahemuti, they quickly arrived at the station of the national army. It's much easier to mention this guy as a guide, and the multi-day study can be regarded as a super super, otherwise it will be impossible to communicate with the security personnel in front of the military department

Under Mahemuti's explanation, a group of people rushed in in a hurry. As soon as they entered the large courtyard of the military headquarters, they saw a few soldiers in khaki military uniforms strolling outside the door, because the national army hadn't changed their clothes yet. Those in the khaki military uniform must be soldiers from the mainland. If you look closely, you can see that these soldiers walking around the door are familiar to everyone. They are all members of the Jingwei company of the Second Army of the People's Liberation Army, and they are also the guards of Deputy Commander Chen.

Seeing them, everyone understands, no need to ask, the matter is obvious, these boys are here, and it must be Deputy Commander Chen, that's right, Zhang Jinsong trots all the way over, he is very familiar with these security guards, when they arrive Grab one and ask, "Hey, Xiao Zhang, when did you arrive? Why didn't you notify us first?"

The soldier who was caught was also very pleasantly surprised and replied: "Hey, it's the decision of Zhang Battalion Commander Ai's superior, can I, a little security guard, know? I just arrived this morning."

Li Yong and Wang Chengde didn't get entangled with these Jingwei soldiers, they went directly to the entrance of the military gate and shouted a report. Commander Sken, behind him is the familiar old chief, Deputy Commander Chen.

Deputy Commander Chen smiled and said to Commander Lesken while walking, "I just said, these guys will definitely come over, look, isn't it here?"

Seeing Deputy Commander Chen come out, Li Yong, Wang Chengde, Zhang Jinsong and others immediately adjusted their military uniforms and hats, and then stood in a row in front of the door, saluted their old chief and shouted together: "Hello, chief!"

Li Yong, Wang Chengde and others greeted their old commander from the bottom of their hearts. Deputy Commander Chen was the old brigade commander of the former second column and fourth brigade. He watched the du li brigade grow and grow day by day with his own eyes. It cannot do without a few key figures, one of whom is the old brigade commander of the Fourth Brigade, the current Deputy Commander Chen

Deputy Commander Chen looked at Li Yong, Wang Chengde and others one by one, then turned around and said to Lesken: "Comrade Commander, are you interested in coming with me to the du li brigade to see how busy these guys are now?" What, if they only eat and don't work, I will approve it."

"Okay, let's do it" Commander Lesken agreed and took the car with Deputy Commander Chen to take Li Yong and Wang Chengde to the du li brigade station. In the words of Deputy Commander Chen: "Hmph, these boys are not Fuel-efficient lamps, if I don’t go there, you might just come over a few times a day, why not, I’ll just go over and see you, and save trouble.”

It's a good time, I was going to visit the chief, but I didn't expect to bring the old chief back. It's good to take it back, otherwise Li Jiangguo and Ma Changsheng will have to go to the house after they know the news. It won't be long. Deputy Commander Chen and Commander Lesken arrived at the base of the du li brigade

What's amazing, from the moment they arrived at the gate, the entire du li brigade was like boiling. Who doesn't know their old chiefs, especially those old soldiers, who are familiar can't be more familiar. , some called the deputy commander, and some directly called the old brigade commander, gathered around and scrambled to salute Deputy Commander Chen, the scene was a mess

Deputy Commander Chen looked at this, touched that, he was in a good mood, his eyes were full of joy, these guys are all his precious soldiers, they are all good-looking, everyone likes them (to be continued, you are welcome to vote recommended monthly ticket,

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