The Bandit Information Bulletin reads: In recent years, bandits in the provinces of Sichuan, Kang, Yunnan and Guizhou have successively launched large-scale armed riots in various places. Some security regiments, habitual bandits, and reactionary associations left behind by the Kuomintang army have colluded with the reactionary feudal forces in the countryside. Taking advantage of the fact that the political power in various places in our country has just been established, or some local political powers have not yet been established, and the masses have not fully mobilized, they use the current famine in various places to deceive and incite the masses, and put forward slogans such as "anti-grain collection, no grain collection" , also openly shouted, "wait patiently for half a year, wait for the right time to counterattack", "drive away the Communists, and not pay food for three years", and wantonly collected stragglers and hooligans from the Kuomintang army, organized bandit armed forces with various names, and launched armed riots in various places , attacked our army and local governments at all levels, killed our local cadres, staff, and food requisitioners, robbed grain depots, burned prisons, and established mainland guerrilla zones in an attempt to achieve the goal of long-term confrontation with me. The arrogance is very arrogant.

In these areas where bandit riots occurred, almost or all of the government at the county, district, and township levels in our country has been destroyed. Local work was paralyzed for a time, making food supply difficult and prices soaring.

At the same time, some Kuomintang uprising troops mutinied one after another under the plan of Bandits. The 27st Division of the 61th Army of the former Kuomintang Li Zhen Corps and the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd Divisions of the [-]th Army mutinied.

On February 179th, Zhu Xiangli, Director of the Political Department of the [-]th Division of the [-]th Army, was ordered to go to Beijing to serve as the ambassador of New China to a certain country. Hands of the first senior commander of the People's Liberation Army).

This bandit information report is from the Southwest Military Region, signed by the commander: Liu Bocheng, political commissar: Deng Xiaoping.

Banditry in the Southwest is serious, and Xinjiang is not optimistic. When Xinjiang was about to be liberated, the American consul Mark Nan (transliteration) who lived in Xinjiang Dihua suddenly disappeared. Where did this guy go?

It turned out that he took advantage of the favorable conditions that the reactionary gangsters had not yet been wiped out in the early days of Xin Jiang's peaceful liberation.From Dihua Qian to the Zhenxi area in the eastern part of Xin Jiang, several bandit leaders were gathered along the way and instructed them to rebel against the new min zhuzheng fu.

Ma Kenan instructed all the bandit leaders that the Chinese People's Liberation Army will not stay in Xinjiang for long.At present, they should accumulate strength, expand their armed forces, and be ready at all times for the outbreak of World War III and the return of the Kuomintang government in Taiwan.

Among the major gangsters valued by Ma Kenan, apart from the one we introduced earlier, Yao Lebo from Hami.There is also a habitual bandit named Usman.

Wu Siman: 52 years old, from Fuyun County, Xinjiang. He was a shepherd boy when he was a child.This wild child who grew up eating a lot of food became a bandit when he was ruthless and was appreciated by the then leader of the bandit, Khan Nuo Haji, and his reputation among bandits gradually increased.

After September 1939, Usman participated in the Kazakh riots in Fuyun, Qinghe and Fuhai counties three times.Known all over Xinjiang for his bravery in battle, he was later recruited by the Kuomintang government to become a commissioner of the Ashan District Administrative Office, and he called himself the king of Kazakhstan.

After the peaceful liberation of Xin Jiang.Wang Zhen, the commander of the First Corps of the People's Liberation Army, came to Xin Jiang with the large troops. According to the ethnic policy of the superior, Commander Wang sent the People's Liberation Army representative Amaiti and his party to find Usman, and handed him a letter and gifts, hoping that he would surrender to the new zheng fu.

Wu Siman accepted the gifts and letterhead, but he didn't mention anything about the surrender. He just asked his subordinates to kill cattle and sheep, and treated the representatives of the People's Liberation Army with hospitality. Amaiti knew that this guy had concerns, so he enlightened him:

"General Wang Zhen asked me to tell you that Xin Jiang has been peacefully liberated. As long as you don't hate the Han compatriots and stop provoking wars, the PLA can forgive the mistakes you made before, and you can still go to Ashan or When Di Hua participated in the work of Zheng Fu, he absolutely ignored the previous suspicions. General Wang Zhen always kept his promises, and what he said definitely meant what he said. I can guarantee this with my life, please think twice."

"Maguo, Maguo (yes)," Wu Si agreed with all his mouth, but he was thinking about other things in his head, because, just before that, he had been appointed as the commander-in-chief of appeasement by Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan. , together with Yao Lebas (appointed as Chairman of Xin Jiang Province by Taiwan's Chairman Chiang), is responsible for the riots in the entire Xin Jiang.

** Commander-in-Chief, this title is quite attractive to him, a wild child who grew up on horseback, and he ignored the words of the PLA representative.

At the beginning of 1950, Chiang Kai-shek, who was far away in Taiwan, gave a picture, which brought Usman and Yao Lebas to the dead end of confronting the Chinese People's Liberation Army. <Before and after the festival, undercurrents surged, and some absurd rumors circulated in Xinjiang society, saying that the Soviet Union proposed not to use nuclear weapons at the United Nations meeting, the three countries of the Pineapple Land and the Sea have been occupied by the United States, and World War III is about to begin A war is about to break out, and once the Third World War breaks out, China can be retaken by the Communist Party under the command of Generalissimo Chiang within fourteen hours.

With the support of these messy rumors and fantasies, some people with ulterior motives began to move around again. They thought that the time had come, and as long as the Kuomintang succeeded in counterattacking the mainland, their good days would come again.

Affected by this, Li Yong and the soldiers of the du li brigade also felt the crisis. Li Yong and Wang Chengde ordered the troops to prepare for battle with all their strength, and they could not relax for a second.

The string that has not fought for more than two months has tightened again, but at this time there is still a problem that troubles Li Yong and his soldiers. In order to do a good job in grassroots mass work, according to the instructions of the superiors, the troops must Scattered, and scattered will definitely affect the combat effectiveness of the troops. How to complete the tasks assigned by the superior without affecting the combat effectiveness of the troops, this poses a big problem for the commanders of the du li brigade.

In the end, it was Li Yong who proposed that the decisions of superiors should be implemented flexibly according to the actual situation. The du li brigade is a whole, and fists clenched together are more lethal. Therefore, the troops cannot be dispersed.

The du li brigade has ten battalions, five infantry battalions and one reconnaissance battalion are scattered to perform higher-level tasks, and the brigade headquarters has a tank battalion, a howitzer battalion, a machine gun battalion, a supply battalion, and several direct subordinate companies. In order to be able to quickly support at any time if there is a situation.

The troops were scattered like goddesses, and within a few days, only four battalions and the brigade headquarters were left in the du li brigade of ten battalions. The personnel were reduced by half, and Li Yong felt that his heart was empty. Jin, I always feel that something is missing. Listening to Wang Huo and other veterans, this is because I am used to leading troops, and I have a kind of uneasy mentality.

When it comes to not being at ease, the point is really on point. To do mass work, it is inevitable to go to the villages and alleys, to the most grassroots communities. In a land full of dangers, dangers are everywhere.

The bandits and secret agents dare not fight against large troops of the People's Liberation Army, but they have no scruples about small teams. Li Yong knows this very well, so he ordered the soldiers in the scattered battalions: Be vigilant every time you take action Therefore, the scale of dispatched personnel should not be less than two platoons, and more ammunition and supplies should be brought in case of emergency.

The idea of ​​the brigade commander Li Yong is that each infantry platoon in the du li brigade has no less than 100 personnel. If two platoons act together, it is equivalent to connecting two ordinary troops together. It can be dealt with for a while in an unexpected situation, and the brigade headquarters can also provide quick support. Although the banditry in the Xin Jiang area is relatively rampant, it is impossible to eat up the two platoons of the du li brigade at once. What is too reassuring is the communication problem.

After fighting with the Kuomintang army for several years, the du li brigade seized a large amount of weapons and equipment, but among these equipment, communication equipment is still very precious. In other words, there are no communication facilities in the Kuomintang army. Perfect, the People's Liberation Army, which started off by capturing, is even worse.

The du li brigade is considered to be a combat brigade with the best weapons and equipment in the entire field army, and its communication equipment is second to none. There are radio stations in the brigade, and walkie-talkies in the battalion and platoon. Yes, for this reason, brigade commander Li Yong emphasized that each infantry platoon must be equipped with a wireless walkie-talkie, and that each working group should not let the distance be too far, and try to be within the contactable range of the walkie-talkie. In this way, the situation can be communicated in time, and the two work teams can also support each other.

Some people say, is it too cautious to do this? We have wiped out millions of Kuomintang regular troops, so we are afraid of a few bandits and spies?What big waves can a few stinky fish turn up.

Li Yong was not in the mood to explain carefully, but just told everyone that our soldiers are all warriors who survived a hundred battles, and he didn't want to see them lose their lives because of a momentary negligence.

With the gradual development of the task force, large-scale operations such as clearing bandits and handing over guns were launched within the jurisdiction of the du li brigade. The specific method is that all those who have been bandits and spies must report to the new government in time Hand over the weapons and ammunition, and the government promises that they will not be held accountable, and those who are stubborn will be severely punished once they are found out.

As a result, another problem arose. At that time, the policy was to focus on political division and supplement it with armed strikes. Therefore, there are deviations in various regions and departments in the implementation of policies. In some places, even the heinous bandit spies were caught and then released, and they said that they should learn from Zhuge Liang and focus on attacking their hearts. v

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